A team of ESU special police officers have been guarding outside a large warehouse in District 3. After asking for instructions many times but still not being allowed to take action, all the team members, including the captain, inevitably became a little impatient.

At this time, a problem arose. There was something wrong with the communication headset of the captain of this team. He heard Jack's series of retreat instructions on the channel. After that, the communication became intermittent, but no report about the IED was heard.

The captain thought that FBI-SWAT was just because there were explosives in the area they were responsible for, so they withdrew normally and prepared for the bomb disposal team to move in to clean up. He did not hear any subsequent reports about IEDs and infrared laser tripwires. After hesitating for a moment, Just order the players to score.

This ESU SWAT team was also unlucky. None of the other teams encountered the IED installed on the door. They were the only ones who encountered it. The door-breaking hammer in the hands of the team member responsible for breaking the door detonated the explosive just as he knocked on the warehouse door, and was instantly hit by the shock wave. Lifted out several meters.

Fortunately, the other team members strictly followed the standing habits developed during daily training and avoided standing against the wall against the window. Even more fortunately, the temporary IED device did not contain much explosives, and the warehouse itself was a very solid concrete structure.

Although other members of the team were also knocked to the ground by the shock wave, they were not seriously injured. When Jack and everyone arrived from the other side, the captain who did not know that he had made a mistake had already dragged his teammates away from the dangerous shot regardless of his own safety. across the border and are desperately calling for reinforcements.

"Call fire engines and ambulances to come to the scene immediately. An IED was found in Area 3 and one person fell!"

Seeing a raging fire in the warehouse, accompanied by the smell of dangerous chemicals, Jack immediately stepped forward to help ESU drag the injured team member away from the danger area. At the same time, the sirens of ambulances and fire engines rang in the distance. .

The NYPD had already deployed fire trucks and emergency vehicles in the outer area on standby, and arrived at the scene in less than three minutes.

This team member was lucky. The injuries looked horrific. Half of his body was bruised and bloody by sharp wooden thorns and fragments, but it was only a minor injury. The body armor and military helmet protected his head and torso well. .

As for the internal injuries caused by the shock wave, with Jack present, it was just a little bleeding from the fragile mucous membranes in the mouth and nose. After lying in the hospital for a few days, he was a good man again.

It seems necessary to strengthen cooperation between FBI-SWAT and the New York Police Department's ESU special police. Although the misunderstanding was caused by communication problems, there are obviously big problems with the cooperation between the two parties. This is what Jack thought on the way back to the Federal Building. .

The ESU, which is affiliated with the NYPD, is probably the busiest SWAT unit among local police departments in the United States. This can be seen from their name, ESU (Emergency Service Unit), which stands for Emergency Service Team.

So not only major criminal cases and anti-terrorism missions, they also provide rescue and emergency medical services. ESUs can often be seen at the scenes of major car accidents or building collapses.

There are only two large-scale SWAT units in the entire greater New York area. With the current relationship between the FBI and NYPD, it is obvious that FBI-SWAT and ESU will not have much cooperation in the future.

Of course, this is an issue that Frank Regan and Dana Moger, the two bosses of both parties, need to consider, such as sending instructors to each other, increasing the number of cooperative exercises, and even unifying the communications between the two parties, establishing a single chain of command, etc. Extremely complex procedures to go through.

In short, this small accident did not affect everyone's joy. The fire trucks that rushed to the scene quickly controlled the fire and saved the warehouse where Jack and the others found a large amount of poison. Demolition experts from the bomb disposal team are currently cleaning up the explosion inside. things.

It was late at night when we returned to the Federal Building. Jack and Hannah saw Jim Aubrey, who looked a little anxious, at the elevator entrance. He breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing the two of them.

"Is everyone okay? I heard there was an explosion at the scene."

Hannah nodded and smiled, "It's okay. An ESU SWAT officer was injured, but the doctor said it's not life-threatening."

"Thank God." Aubrey pointed behind him, "Jubal and Chief Moger are interrogating Vargas. Do you want to listen? That guy is shorter than I thought, like a 'Penguin' , but he seemed very calm.”

Jack was very pleased with his previous nervous attitude. It seemed that he had begun to regard himself as a member of this small team.

"Let others take over the affairs here. There are still a lot of reports waiting for us tomorrow. Are there any delicious restaurants nearby that you can recommend? I just want to have a delicious late-night snack and then go back and have a good sleep. ”

Aubrey looked lean, but he was actually a foodie. When he heard Jack's suggestion, his eyes suddenly lit up, "If you don't mind taking a detour, I know there is a good BBQ in Flushing."

Jack turned and left, "Then let's get two more bottles of beer. We have seized a total of nearly 3 tons of cocaine. It's worth celebrating. I'll pay for it tonight."

"Wow." Aubrey grinned. "Maybe we'll have a chance to stand behind the lady at the press conference tomorrow."

"Forget it then, your file will be sealed soon, just be the hero behind the scenes." Jack said with a smirk on his face.

"Well, safety is indeed more important, and I don't want a perverted killer to come to my door in the middle of the night." Aubrey shrugged. As an elite from Wall Street, he has a lot of money. Joining the FBI is more about pursuing self-worth. , not keen on fame and fortune.

Although the contact time was not too long, Aubrey also asked Jack about some of his experiences in the BAU out of curiosity, and had no objection to him extending some strange rules to the future wanted criminal team.

This is also one of the reasons why Jack chose him. Such teammates are obviously more reassuring and don't have to worry about too many troubles in the future.

Early the next morning, while Hannah was still lying in bed, Jack had already made breakfast early and headed to the Federal Building first. Last night, Hannah had used the old COS version of Wonder Woman in exchange for his help writing a report today.

The setting of the 1976 version of Wonder Woman played by Linda Carter is different from that of later ones. Princess Diana, who loses her power belt, will become just like an ordinary person. Jack is very much looking forward to defeating PLAY tonight.

Then, just when Jack had brewed a pot of steaming coffee, turned on the computer and was about to start working hard, his phone vibrated.

When he and Hannah were saying goodbye to Clay Spencer's new home last night, the other party mentioned that he wanted to visit the FBI's New York office. As a result, he was called by Jubal to go to the crime scene, and then there was a raid. There was another unexpected explosion, and this incident was completely forgotten.

Now Clay and Stella, who drove him here, were parking in the underground parking lot. They called in advance. Jack slapped his forehead and quickly got up and went downstairs.

Naturally, not just anyone can enter the Federal Building. The security check process is still second, and it is also necessary to register your identity and receive a visitor's pass. If you are visiting, you must contact the front desk first.

Jack didn't bother to wait for the receptionist downstairs to call him, and directly asked Aubrey, who had just walked into the office and was yawning, to go downstairs with him.

In the future, everyone will be teammates, so it is appropriate to get to know each other in advance. Jack took Aubrey downstairs in the elevator and gave him a brief introduction to Clay.

Aubrey also looked very interested when he heard that the other party was from SEAL Team B. In fact, he was more interested in why Jack knew such a T1-level special forces member.

By the time the two arrived at the lobby on the first floor, Clay, who was still on crutches, and Stella, who had a big belly, had passed the security gate and were standing at the front desk, registering their identities.

Different from the unshaven and military-like image he had when he was a SEAL, today Clay Spencer is dressed like a newcomer coming for an interview.

Not only was his face clean and tidy, he was wearing a very formal suit, and he even had a simple hairstyle that was shiny and shiny. At first glance, it was done by Stella.

"Why do I think the soldier in front of me is more like a financial elite from Wall Street than you?" Jack and Aubrey joked, and then enthusiastically welcomed Clay with open arms, and gave Stella a kiss.

After a brief introduction to both parties, Jack greeted the front desk lady familiarly and asked for two visitor passes. He turned around and was about to take them upstairs, but was surprised to find two armed guards standing next to the front desk. Looking behind them, they all pulled out their guns in unison the next moment.

At the same time, a familiar female voice sounded behind everyone, and it was full of panic.


"Get down! Now!"

"Who can save me!"

"Hands up!"

For a moment, screams and exclamations broke out in the huge hall, and several armed guards quickly came from around, pointing their guns at a panicked white woman.

"Alice?" Jack was shocked when he saw the beautiful technician at the combat center, single mother Alice Taylor, raising her hands in the air and looking at them at a loss.

The reason why the guards in the hall were so nervous was because she was wearing a large metal collar around her neck. There was also a bright red timer on the collar, and two packages of red C4 were fixed on her chest and back. Dynamite.

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