The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 758 Jubal, the prophet of uncertainty

Next, the pencil in Jubal's hand pointed at the analysts, "The three victims all came from almost the same area, from northern Manhattan to the junction of Connecticut, so that area is the murderer's hunting ground, but why were they chosen?

We need to find commonalities among them, so we need all the background information of these victims, including friends, relatives, husbands, and related criminal information. Jiejie, can you leave the compilation and analysis of this information to you?

I heard that you have completed the behavior analysis course at BAU. "

Jiejie nodded and said it was no problem. This was actually similar to her previous job of screening case information at the BAU.

"OK, Jack, now can you tell me your opinion from a psychologist's perspective? What kind of opponent are we going to deal with? Do you have any preliminary analysis?"

After Jubal finished arranging the work, he walked to Jack and asked in a low voice.

I don't know if it was BAU's performance this time that made him interested in hunting down serial killers through behavioral analysis. As soon as Jack walked in, he heard him rambling on about the definition of serial killers.

"There's a small detail that might be helpful." Jack turned on his phone and showed Jubal the detailed photos of the three corpses he had just taken at the scene.

"You just said that the three victims were all married, right?"

Jubal frowned as he looked at the horrific photos of the three corpses, "Yes, that's right. What do you want to say?"

Isobel, who was following him, also saw these live photos. In addition to her ugly face and the anger in her eyes, this was due to the empathy of a woman.

Jack swiped the phone screen, paused briefly on several close-up photos of the hands of the three corpses, and zoomed in on the details, "I didn't find wedding rings on their fingers."

"There isn't one?" Jubal was a little surprised. He took his phone and looked through it carefully.

"So there is a possibility that the murderer used the ring as a trophy." Jack began to analyze it purely from the perspective of a perverted killer. Generally speaking, guys who want to rob sex and money by the way will not take so much trouble to dispose of the body, at least not a little bit. No clothes were left behind.

"So what does this mean?" Isobel on the side was a little curious. She was also an ASAC (Assistant Administrator), but she didn't look as domineering as Joyner.

After all, the previous attempted terrorist attack had spread a lot within various federal law enforcement agencies, and all kinds of gossips were flying inside the FBI. In addition to the BAU action team, the New York Office Operations Center, which played an important supporting role, also became famous.

That is to say, Jack and the others will soon go out to form an independent action team. If an ordinary person is transferred here, they will feel a little uneasy and worry that they will not be able to control the situation.

"On the surface, the ring represents love and a symbol of marriage. From another perspective, it is also an oath of attachment and ownership."

Jack remembered the first case after the BAU team was formally established, the perverted killer who specialized in hunting couples. His hobby was collecting the underwear of female victims.

"So there are two possibilities. The murderer took the ring as his trophy and used it as a collection for aftertaste. The second possibility is, under what circumstances would a person take off the wedding ring on his own hand?"

"When you are having fun." Hannah, who had been listening nearby, responded quickly.

"Yes, no matter what the situation is, given that the three current victims are all beautiful married women under 30 years old, we can tentatively assume that the other party is a Cao thief. Uh, I mean the murderer may be obsessed with young and beautiful people. wife.

So how did he pinpoint these victims? I think we can first talk to the victim’s husband and ask if their wife has done anything strange recently, or if anyone has harassed their wife. "

After Jack finished speaking, he was about to reach out to get his phone back, but found that Jubal was staring at the photos on the phone in a daze.


"Ah, what?" Jubal woke up from a dream and quickly handed the phone back to Jack.

"Oh, okay, Aubrey is coming back from the scene. You can first go to the husband of the latest deceased, Beatrice Santos, to inquire about the situation. I will arrange for another detective to work with him to find the other two victims. Talk to the author’s husband.”

"Just arrange it for me. It just so happens that I can get acquainted with everyone." Isobel volunteered, and it was obvious that she kept her posture very low.

"OK, I'll send you Aubrey's phone number." Jubal didn't look right. He didn't know what he was thinking. Just when Jack and Hannah were about to leave, he called Jack alone.

"Did you notice the type of wire the murderer used to tie the victim and the way it was knotted? Is it a 14-gauge wire with a square knot?"

Jack raised his eyebrows in surprise, "That's right, don't tell me that you guessed it."

In AWG (American wire gauge) American wire gauge, the larger the wire number, the smaller the wire diameter. No. 14 means that the wire diameter is 1.63 mm and the cross-sectional area is 2.075 square mm. According to the principle of rounding, it is expressed directly in spoken language. That's two square meters of wire.

The square knot is commonly known as a dead knot. People who are clumsy when tying shoelaces often fail to tie the bow, and they will accidentally tie it into a dead knot.

Jubal looked uneasy, "I need to check some things, and I may have to make a few phone calls. You go ahead and do it. I will explain this to you later."

"Okay, contact me if you have any questions." Jack felt that this guy was a little distracted. It seemed that he hadn't seen him show such an expression for a long time since he secretly helped him solve the problem of his eldest daughter's illness last time.

But now was obviously not the time to get to the bottom of it. Now that he said that, Jack stopped questioning and turned around to catch up with Hannah and leave.

There is a small town called Stanford about 60 kilometers northeast of New York City. Of course, Stanford has nothing to do with the famous university in California on the west coast of the United States.

Stamford City belongs to the state of Connecticut in terms of administrative planning, but in fact it should be regarded as a satellite city around New York. After all, it is too close to each other.

It took Jack and Hannah an hour to leave New York City, and then it took less than 40 minutes to find the address of one of the victims, Beatrice Santos.

Beatrice Santos's husband is a brown-skinned Latino. It can be seen that the family's financial situation is not bad, and the house is well-kept.

Most New Yorkers of average means choose to rent in the city, while the truly wealthy choose to buy houses in the suburbs or small towns around New York. As a result, housing prices in areas around New York remain high, especially when such rich people gather together. area.

Information showed that Beatrice Santos’ husband was a well-paid senior IT engineer. After receiving Jack’s call, he had been waiting at home early.

Apparently the husband had learned in advance from the local police station that his missing wife's body had been found, and was currently in the second stage of grief - anger.

American psychologist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross proposed the "Five Stages of Grief" in her book "On Death and Dying".

These are denial/isolation, anger, self-reflection, frustration/depression, and ultimately acceptance.

This husband is obviously in the second stage - anger. When the pain slowly emerges, people will naturally project their grief out, feel angry at themselves or others, and think that someone needs to be responsible for the death of their loved ones.

"It drove me crazy, why was Beatrice found in the lake in Central Park, why was she in town, why was she there!"

Looking at the man circling around in front of him, even though he knew that he would be angered if he continued to speak, Jack still had to say what he meant.

"Everything is still under investigation. Mr. Santos, we need you to tell us again in detail what happened the night your wife disappeared."

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