The next morning, after Jack read a stack of files, he called Aubrey and Jiejie to his office and arranged for the two of them to visit Kerry McMay's sister.

Although they didn't quite understand why they wanted to distract their attention on an old case at this time, the two of them still followed the order. In fact, not only were they puzzled by this, but even Jack himself didn't know what to do from the file. See what the problem is.

The motive for the crime, the DNA evidence found in the deceased's body, the surveillance video of the murderer appearing near the deceased's workplace, and the witness's confession formed a perfect closed loop.

Except for the fact that Kerry McMay never admitted that he was the murderer, everything from the arrest procedure to the court trial seemed to be impeccable.

If I had to give a reason, it would be that when Jack saw the tape of Jubal's interrogation of Kerry McMay, something felt wrong.

Of course, this kind of irregularity does not mean that Jubal acted illegally during the interrogation process. In fact, there is no need to go to war in this kind of case.

Even Jack and Danny don't use an interrogation room whose surveillance can never be repaired very often. It's not an urgent case or a heinous bastard, and it's not worth the risk of being investigated by the Department of Justice.

This feeling of something wrong was actually vague when Jack saw Kerry McMay's photo when he got the file, but it became clearer after seeing the video.

Is it really necessary for a handsome guy who looks like Brad Pitt to use violent means to force and eventually kill an ordinary coffee shop waitress?

Of course, there are not all perverts with handsome looks, and there are also some good-looking serial killers in the United States, who have even attracted many hopelessly handsome and fanatical fans.

Another example is Dick Reed, who died under Frank Regan's gun. In terms of appearance alone, there was no need for him to be a serial rapist, but it turned out that this guy was a pervert.

Therefore, appearance alone could not explain anything. Aubrey and Jiejie, who then returned to the headquarters, also gave the results of their investigation.

"Kerry McMay's sister admitted that she had perjured herself at the time and that the alibi was false." Aubrey said bluntly.

Jie Jie added, “I also called and checked with several of his friends, and their opinions were almost unanimous. Before becoming addicted to drugs, Kerry McMay was a pretty good person, generous and caring.

But then everything changed, asshole was the word they used most, followed by aggressive. "


It was evening, and Jack was packing up to get off work. There was not much progress in the new case today. Although a lot of people were assigned, the time span when the three bodies were sunk to the bottom of the lake was nearly 3 months. Surveillance videos of various entrances to Central Park. There is so much data that it cannot be analyzed in a short time.

In addition to the fact that Jack himself spent most of the day on the matter that Jubal requested, they have only managed to complete most of the background investigation work so far.

There are no major problems with the three victims. Except for their slightly outstanding appearance, just from the perspective of their life trajectories, they are all normal people. They work and live normally, have no bad habits, and their private lives are also very clean. They are not the high-risk people who are involved in sex. crowd.

The only one who has made progress so far is Isobel. She got rid of the administrator of the website. Although the other party was very reluctant, he still handed over the list of all IP addresses that logged into the website.

These materials have just been handed over to the IT department. The otakus are probably all working overtime tonight. Just as Jack was passing by the corridor and wondering which girl he should coax to come to the dormitory to accompany him at night, he inadvertently glanced around and saw someone hiding alone in a dormitory. Jubal in the small conference room.

"OK, now let's review what you did the night you killed Casey."

"It's completely unnecessary because I didn't kill her. I've never killed anyone. Why don't you believe me!"

"Kerry, blind confrontation will only increase your sentence when you go to court. Explain the whole story clearly. Maybe I can intercede for you in front of the judge. We have it."

This conversation was very familiar to Jack. It was the video of Jubal's interrogation of Kerry McMay that he had watched several times this morning.

He knocked lightly on the door of the small conference room to attract Jubal's attention. Jack walked in and closed the door at the same time, "What? Aubrey and Jiejie's investigation still failed to convince you and dispel your heart. Do you have any concerns?”

Jubal's face was a little ugly, and he seemed to be looking back at the past. "Well, I always felt that maybe, there might be something. Something that I ignored at the beginning."

He turned the laptop screen to Jack, pointed at the paused image and said, "Did you see that coffee cup on the table? It's full of vodka."

"Wow." Jack said with a hint of "admiration" on his face, "If I hadn't pointed this out specifically, I wouldn't have even seen anything unclear in your speech."

Jubal didn't care about this little irony and continued on his own.

“That night, after the case was finalized, I went to the bar and got myself drunk, not to celebrate, but just to numb myself with alcohol, because my life was a mess at that time.

My wife and I separated, our two kids hated me as a drunk dad, I slept with my partner, and we ended up breaking up. "

"Huh?" Jack tried not to show too much surprise. Yesterday, this guy only said that he cheated on his wife after they separated. He didn't expect the specific details to be so exciting.

"Yeah, yeah, I was an asshole, and now it's like it's happening all over again, and I contacted her yesterday and told her there might be something fishy about the Kerry McMay case.

But she is about to be promoted. If there is really a problem with this case, it will probably cause her to lose her job. I know it is time to let it go, but I still...

Jack raised his hand to stop his next words. The woman Jubal mentioned was obviously his partner who had a relationship with him in the past, but that was not the point.

"These are two different things. In my opinion, instead of wasting your time here looking back at your unbearable past with self-pity, you should focus your energy on the new case together with us.

We are facing a serial killer, and new bodies may appear at any time. Regardless of whether Kerry McMay is innocent or not, when we catch the murderer, everything will naturally come to light. "

Jubal's expression froze, "What you said makes sense, I'm just..."

Jack looked at the time and saw that it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. He simply suggested, "Why don't we go have something to eat together? This is not a suitable place for chatting."

An hour later, in a private room of a hotel in Chinatown, there were three simple dishes and one soup: squirrel mandarin fish, shrimp tendons, garlic water spinach and a fish head soup. Jubal devoured two bowls of rice before leaning back in his chair. The superior let out a long sigh of relief.

"If you hadn't reminded me, I would have even forgotten that I didn't eat much today."

Jack just ate a sandwich to fill his stomach in the evening. He originally planned to go back to make a late-night snack and trick Hannah or Jiejie into following him back to the dormitory. Now the plan fell through, so he just settled down and waited to hear the story.

"So, what happened later that made you determined to change everything and get back on your feet, just because your partner broke up with you?

At that time, you and your ex-wife had separated and eventually divorced. It seems that there is no need to be too harsh in terms of morality. Of course, the regulations of the bureau are indeed a problem, but obviously it is not difficult to circumvent this, so..."

Jubal's expression was a little tangled, even a little embarrassed, "That was just one of them. Although my wife and I had been separated for a while at that time, we had not officially talked about divorce. After everything happened, my wife My partner made it clear to me that she couldn't be a third party, so we broke up.

At the same time, another thing happened, that is, the night I mentioned, the night the case ended, I drank myself to death. The next morning, I woke up in the driveway behind my car, completely thinking What happened before I got up? "

As he spoke, Jubal fell into memories, his eyes flashing, "Then I discovered that there was a huge dent in the front of my car, and there were a lot of blood stains."

Jack's eyelids twitched and he couldn't help but straighten up. The sequel of this story was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"No, no, no, it's not what you think." Jubal quickly explained, "I reported all these things afterwards, all the things about the collision and escape.

Afterwards, the ERT team collected evidence and found that it was not human blood. They did not tell me what animal it was, but they just confirmed that it was not human blood. "

"Fortunately not." He paused, still looking frightened, and at the same time, Jack breathed a sigh of relief, "Anyway, I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting later, and after that, I confessed to my wife what happened before, and That thing about my partner.

Then came labor pains, a painful divorce, painful sobriety, and a three-month layoff from work, but thankfully it was all over.

I quit drinking, and although I got divorced, I still have a good relationship with my ex-wife and children, and my job is back on track, but..."

"But the scars are still there." Jack continued, "This case reminds you of the Kerry McMahe case, and it opens up those scars.

You think you're back on the road, but you inevitably worry that those scars haven't completely healed and there's still something left inside.

Instinct tells you that you should re-open the wound, clean it, and bandage it, but you are worried that what you will see after the incision is a hopeless sore. "

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