The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

Chapter 785 Negotiations with different motives

Half an hour later, in the conference room of the command vehicle, Alice had found out the identity of the "biscuit man".

"White Cornell, who lived in Harrisville from 1998 to 2018, opened a small grocery store, and has been single since his divorce. I checked, and when Ronnie and his mother showed up there, he was In the second year of the divorce, everything happened. "

"Is he no longer living there?" Jubal asked.

Alice shook her head, "I only came back occasionally. After 18 years, he closed the grocery store and stayed in Florida most of the year to take care of his grandchildren.

He should have just returned to town in the past two days, and Ronnie was most likely going after him. "

"So Ronnie has always been looking for him, but he didn't find anyone at first. Instead, he met Lei Lin, which is why the following things happened. But now that White is back, Ronnie came looking for him again." Jie guessed.

"Confirm?" Aubrey scratched his head, picked up the phone and handed it to Alice.

"Hello?" The call was unexpectedly answered, but the voice that answered the phone was not old, and the tone was a little more glib.

"Is it Mr. Cornell?" Alice pretended not to know.

"Who are you? Sweetheart."

"I'm Sheila from Verizon Communications. Our company is now offering a free broadband upgrade to 300M download speeds per second for your community. I would like to take advantage of this offer."

Before Alice finished speaking, an old voice suddenly came from the other side of the phone, "Help"

The voice only had time to say half a word before it was replaced by a muffled groan, followed by the beep of the phone being hung up.

"It's him, let's go." Jack opened the car door and turned around and added, "Don't forget to take Lei Lin with you."


When the Most Wanted Team led the West Virginia SWAT team to White Cornell's residence, as expected, they saw a gray Honda Civic outside the house. Clay looked at the license plate with binoculars from a distance. , it is definitely the car that was hijacked last night.

Before Jack could speak, Aubrey already knew what he should do, "I will lead a team to guard the back alley. In addition, the houses across the street have been cleared. At least two snipers can be arranged there. I think I took a look at the SWAT drone’s view. The angles are good and concealed enough.”

"The other party may have two hostages, and the risk of breaking in directly is a bit high." Jubal frowned as he looked at the window with the curtains drawn.

"Why do you have to break in by force and let him show up on his own?" Jack murmured at the car following them. The driver of that car was Jie Jie, and Lei Lin was sitting in the back seat of the car. .

Jubal was still hesitant, "Isn't this too direct?"

"Do you think he will be handcuffed by us and put in jail?" Jack asked.

Jubal was speechless for a moment. He was involved in the entire case. He clearly saw Ronnie Lee Bishop's crazy behavior, but he still couldn't accept Jack's intention to kill him directly when he first came up.

This has little to do with his personal outlook, and is mainly due to his different style of handling cases.

"I think Jack is right. This guy has gone crazy. Today's ending cannot include the option of a peaceful solution, let alone risk the lives of the hostages and ourselves."

As he spoke, Clay began to skillfully inspect his beloved M110SASS sniper rifle. As a former soldier, he had always been asked to simply follow orders without asking why.

But being unable to ask doesn't mean he won't think about it. The reason why Clay was regarded as a thorn in Team B was because he had too many questions in his mind and was often regarded by the team members as challenging the authority of captain Jason.

After coming to the FBI, he was very satisfied with Jack as the de facto leader. Not only would he answer every question patiently, but he also had the same sense of justice as his former captain but also understood people's hearts better.

On the other side, Hannah also checked her G28E. The sweet girl never questioned her boyfriend's judgment. Even if one day she was pointed at by Jack with a gun, her first reaction would only be that there was an enemy behind her.

"OK, OK, but you have to write a report with me afterwards."

Jubal rubbed his eyebrows and saw Jack quickly draw a sketch on the notebook.

"Let Jiejie park the car here later to avoid affecting the shooting range to the greatest extent. Hannah and Clay will allocate the two sniper spots across the street. The only requirement is that they cannot be discovered by the other party. 120 yards to A distance of about 150 yards shouldn't be a problem for either of you."

After speaking, Jack pointed the pencil in his hand at Jubal, "Use your best negotiation skills and find a way to get Ronnie to show up in front of the window in the front hall, but you must pay attention to one thing, so that Ronnie can see Lei Lin. But Raylene must not be allowed to see Ronnie.”

"Why?" Jubal was a little confused, and even Clay and Hannah next to him cast doubtful glances.

"Because Raylene's role is the audience, if Ronnie felt that she was watching, he would probably shoot the hostage directly. His purpose was always to satisfy his own psychological needs, not anyone else or anything else."

Jack's explanation shocked Jubal. After a long silence, he nodded with difficulty, "I know what to do. Contact Ronnie."


The phone was connected, and Ronnie's greasy voice came from the other side, "Again? Are you trying to sell something this time? Why don't you just report yourself to the police or the FBI?"

"Mr. Bishop, I am FBI Special Agent in Charge Jubal Valentine. We have surrounded this house now. I want to discuss a way with you to get everyone out safely, including you."

While Jubal was speaking, Alice in the command car also connected the call to the team's communication channel, and everyone could hear the conversation between the two.

"If you want to say something, just keep saying it. I'm listening, FBI. You finally found me, so just think of it as a reward." It was clear that there was no surprise in Ronnie's tone.

"First I want to know if everyone inside is safe, Emma, ​​White, and of course you."

Jubal started going through the process as usual, and always had to use clichés to ask the other party to put forward conditions, otherwise it would be really difficult to write a report later.

Ronnie sounded cooperative, "Of course, we're all fine, but if you guys wanted to come in, Emma and White might not be as fine as they are now."

"OK, I know this very well, and I promise you that we will not do anything that will anger them. I also hope that you will not hurt them, so as not to hurt both sides in the end. I promise to work hard to ensure your safety." Jubal tried to release bona fide.

"It doesn't matter, haha, I've never been truly protected by anyone in my life, are you right? Dear White?" After a burst of crazy laughter, there was a burst of punches and kicks and an old man's cry of pain.

"Do you remember that kid sitting on the roadside? Do you know how he felt when he looked at the home he had just been kicked out of? You don't know, you damn bastard!"

"Hey, stop, we just agreed, you can't do anything to them anymore."

Although Jubal shouted to stop it, it obviously had no effect until he saw Jack, who was listening to their conversation with headphones on the side, making a silent mouth-sync to himself - "Mom".

Jubal suddenly understood and said quickly, "Hey, Ronnie, I know why you think so. I have met your mother. You have never felt safe when you were around her, right?"

"Shut up!" The beating sound on the other side of the phone stopped as expected, and then came Ronnie's angry and slightly frightened voice, "Listen, FBI, I don't want to hear you mention her."

Jubal secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, finally not letting the situation get out of control, "Then let's talk about another person, the only person in the world who can make you feel safe, Lei Lin, am I right?"

"Where is Lei Lin? Have you arrested her?" The voice on the other side of the phone suddenly became louder.

Jack felt reassured after hearing Ronnie's reaction. He looked up to the other side of the street. Hannah and Clay were already in place. The next step was to see how good Jubal was in deception.

"I thought I made a mistake. Do you really care about her, Ronnie? You sent her out as a bait before so that you could take Emma away."

"Shut up, where is she!" Ronnie yelled on the phone.

"So you love her?" Jubal said, imitating Ronny's glib tone before, "You didn't realize this before, did you? It wasn't until you were separated that you realized that life without her was painful, without her by your side From the looks of it, you can’t do anything well, you two are truly a perfect match.”

Ronnie's voice suddenly turned cold, "Listen, FBI, where is she? Tell me, or I will shoot these two people."

The sound of the revolver's hammer being pressed and the girl's terrified scream, "No!" were clearly heard on the phone.

This time Jubal was reassured because he knew very well that the fish had taken the bait. "How about we make a deal? If I bring Lei Lin to you, what can you provide?"

"She's with you?" Ronnie was very surprised. "Okay, as long as you can return her to me, I will give you the cookie man. How about this deal?"

"It's a deal. I'll have Lei Lin brought to the front of the house. You can go to the floor-to-ceiling window in the front hall to confirm first, and then we'll discuss how to exchange the hostages. This should be enough to show my sincerity."

The two briefly discussed it for a few more words. After hanging up the phone, Jubal, who was smiling just a second ago, suddenly turned dark.

"Jack, you are right, that lunatic just wants to beat White to death in front of Lei Lin, otherwise he will offer to trade Emma, ​​because White is his real target all along."

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