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The sun in the east seems to be the dividing point between the deep blue sea and the light blue sky. Under the sunlight, two completely disproportionate armies face each other.

On one side, there are ten or two 2-man squares, plus an Undead Army Legion of 10000.

There are only 2 10000 5000 people on one side, and even less than 10000 Chinese troops.

Looking at the formation opposite, one’s heart is like fire, and the other’s heart is like ice.

Suye saw that most of the Persian on the opposite side were smiling, even those ragged casual light infantry who couldn’t even hold lance, still carrying the arrogance of the big powers.

Those mage behind the warrior laughed more happily, which is destined to be a one-sided killing like the battle of Ubeya.

Suye looked towards Greece Allied forces.

In addition to the extremely indifferent expression of warrior expression, most warrior eyes are tense, palms are sweating, and loosely lance is continuously loosened to wipe the palms of the body.

There are also a few warrior faces with despair, pale and trembling.

An old voice sounded from the rear.

“I, Miltiades, stand here for Greece, and I will definitely be here to witness a miracle.”

Suye looked back and looked at the old man standing on the city wall.

Old man hair grey-white, unlike Greek, which has a lot of curly hair, he has a short head, and his hard white hair stands like a silver needle.

At first glance, he was an ordinary old man with a round nose, but his figure was too tall. He stood there like a giant bear, and his body was so tall that he even humped slightly.

A slight hunchback not only did not affect his imposing manner, but made him look like an ominous beast ready to pounce at any time.

In his eyes, it seemed that there was a pair of Frost Cold Divine Sword, and the sharp blade in his eyes straightened people’s eyes.

“Last year, I knew they would land in the marathon! I personally contacted and negotiated with the City-States. Eventually, the City-States agreed to send troops to fight against Persia. And today, as I said last year, my Miltiades will be put on The glory of the past and the life of the future, command this battle. The reinforcements around Greece are arriving continuously. We only need to support one day, only one day, we will need the first batch of reinforcements to arrive, after 2nd day, there will be More reinforcements appear.”

“Behind us, not only the marathon fortress, but also the vast Greek farmland, and the village and farmers of each and everyone, and our City-State, the family in the City-State. I am now tired of the old at home woman, she chattered all day and always criticized me. Sometimes I even suspected that I was blind before I married him! Do you have a wife, do you think so?”

Many veterans laughed.

“We dare not say this in front of 10000 people.”

“No, you can only think so in Greece!”

Those nervous soldiers laughed.

Miltiades’ voice once again spread throughout the army.

“Not only does that old woman bore me, my son is also a fool. He is obviously just a Golden Warrior that I can squeeze to death with one hand. It is obviously a family, and my grandson is taller than him, but he is still as stupid as he was then. I let him stay obediently and honestly in Athens, this idiot, not only secretly carrying me to the Marathon Fortress, not only leading the soldiers personally, but also standing among you and the Chinese army!”

The soldiers glanced around.

Only a few people recognize it.

Suye searched for a long time, but did not find Miltiades General’s son.

However, something seemed to be ignited in my heart.

“My stupid son said that when his third son was just born, when he left Athens, the child did not even open his eyes. He said, he came here, he stood in the army, he faced Persia with his chest, I want my child to live at least until the day when eyes opened to see the sunshine of Greece.”

Absolute silence.

“And I am very tired of the old woman at home. She is always nagging and always disgusting me, but when she sent me out, she didn’t nag. Just like when I first played after marriage, Just like every time I go out, she stands by the door and says to me, wait for me to go back. I don’t know how many times she said, and I forget how many times I heard, but, I will definitely hear her next time. Tell me, wait for me to go back! I will definitely hear it!”

“I can’t rush to the front, but I must be the last one to leave here! Me, Miltiades, watching each of you, watching each of your backs, I see, on each of your shoulders, like me, carrying the family, carrying a City-State, carrying Greece! I’ll watch you kill that son of a bitch, kill abject Persian, catch them like mice, like herded into Aegean Sea! Gods and We are together!”

“Gods are with us!”

“Gods are with us!”


Suye shouted together.

Invisible but powerful forces are stirred up in the army.

“Greek, never fear!”

Miltiades was yelled, and suddenly turned to throw a dark golden spear in the direction of the Persia camp.

Lance tears the sky, makes a harsh roar, ignites the air, and pulls the blazing fire into a glimmer of red light, like a falling meteor, falling towards the Persia camp.

After a short while, in the Persia camp, a spear of the same flame flew out of the ground, colliding with Miltiades’ lance.


The flame and divine power of the sky bloom like fireworks, which happens to be above the Persia army.

The Persia army was in a state of panic. Those flattery were screaming in horror, or lifted their front hooves to overturn Knight, or turned around, or fled.

After the Greek army, the horn is melodious.


Miltiades’s voice spread throughout the marathon plain, and even seemed to spread throughout Greece.



One after another Greek yelled forward.

Greece 3 Army, move forward.

The Persia army quickly suppressed the chaos and greeted the Greek coalition.

Suye is in the middle army and keeps moving forward.

The Captain of each 100-person brigade wears magic beards and continuously gives orders to nearby men. Ten or so teams follow the team under the command of the captain.

Every 1000 people converge into a regiment, and the magic beard of the regiment passes farther.

With 3 troops from the left, right, and each have a General, they continue to order to ensure that the army continues to advance.

At first, the 3rd Army is very dense, reminiscent of the Battle without the Magician period.

At that time, the World Square of Greece, each warrior, would be close to the comrades around him, and each of them would protect their left half with the shield on the left, and the right half of their teammates.

Therefore, the far right side of each row is always the best warrior in this row, because only their right body has no teammates’ shields.

However, times have changed.

After the City-State squares of various countries were regarded as live targets by Magician, the dense squares completely withdrew from the stage of history.

Suye saw while walking forward that the 3rd army was like ink falling in the water, slowly spreading out, and every 2 soldiers must keep a distance of at least 2 meters.

Even so, every squad, brigade or corps is still united by invisible forces.

Dense footsteps, rubbing armor sounds, successive superior commands, subtle gasps, under the urge of the horn, like a torrent, keep moving forward and forward.

Sparta warrior surrounded Suye in the middle, and everyone’s distance seemed to be measured.

In the morning breeze, the dark red cloak fluttered gently.

The two sides are getting closer and closer.

Suye felt her heartbeat begin to speed up, her breathing began to be heavy, and some parts of her body even tingled.

When more than a dozen 10000 troops are numbers, Suye feels nothing.

When dozens of 10000 troops came head-on, the body instinctively started alerting.

The number of your own is only one fifth of the other.

Suye even feels that the mana acceleration flow in Magic Tower, whether it is a body or a spirit, is fully prepared.

Try to take a deep breath and stay calm. Soon, the faint panic inside dissipated and replaced with excitement.

This is a feeling that cannot be experienced on arena.

In a team of 10000 people, greet ten enemies of 10000.

I became extremely small because I was only a part of a dozen or so.

However, he has become extremely huge, because, in this brief moment, the Greece 3 Army is one.

Suye looked at the front, right hand index finger and thumb lightly hit, asked himself a basic the Larkin question, what should I do at this time?

The brain turns instinctively.

What is the strength of the King’s Army, how will they attack, what means should they use to hold them down, how can they avoid being attacked by the King’s Army…

What about the Undead Army, what about those Magicians, what would those crossbowmen battle, what about those spearmen…

After simple considerations, Suye completely ignored the King’s Army and only focused on the Undead Army, Magician, Spearman and Crossbowman.

“Flying Battle Spear and crossbow arrows, it’s yours,” Suye said.

“Respect, General.” Commodus stepped forward, blocking Suye, keeping a one meter half distance from Suye.

Whether Suye speeds up or slows down, Commodus can change accordingly. Now even if Suye intentionally wants to catch up with Commodus, it is difficult.

Even if the two sides are so close.

“You moved slightly to the right, blocking my sight.” Suye said as she advanced.

Commodus immediately moved to the right, so Suye could see up ahead.

The two sides are getting closer and closer, and when they can see their counterparts clearly, their actions slow down.

The Magicians chanted Incantation, and the glory of magic flashed in the Archer teams on both sides.

One after another light wind blew through a large area, and the light bow of the light azure appeared on the magic bow of the Archer. The power of the long wind bow made the bow and arrow fly faster and farther, and the formidable power was stronger.

Then, a wide range of Wind Attribute magic skimmed through, and the power of the guiding arrow gave everyone a certain ability to guide the arrows, hitting the enemy more accurately.

Then, a clang of metal clashes rang through the battlefield, and all bows added additional metal glorious power, and each arrow became sharper.

The Golden Mages, majoring in battlefield magic spells, have doubled the lethality of every ordinary archer.

Suye was not idle, and applied Protection Magic to all the Sparta squadrons.

Every Sparta warrior can feel the powerful protective power, and his heart is full of gratitude.

After protecting Protection Magic for all, Suye also applied a rock shield to himself. Most of the rock shields of personal height were suspended in front of him and moved as they moved.

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