The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 75 The five girls in the elevator relax

Night, Ode to Joy, 2202.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Qiu Yingying ran to the door with her clothes in hand: Sister Fan, you are back. Let's see which of these two sets of clothes looks better on me.

Fan Shengmei closed the door and turned around and said, What's wrong? Why are you dressed so beautifully?

Qiu Yingying said happily: Tomorrow, the handsome guy Bai, the manager of our company's finance department, will also have class with me, so I want to dress beautifully to attract him.

Fan Shengmei shook her head helplessly and pointed at a set of clothes: This set, I think this set will be fine. After that, she walked back to the room.

Okay, thank you Sister Fan. I heard Sister Fan right. Qiu Yingying thanked her and turned around to go back to the room. At this time, the notification sound on her mobile phone rang. Qiu Yingying quickly took out her phone and took a look at it, then she called out: Sister Fan, Guan Guan, what Brother Wang said is really accurate. Supervisor Bai sent me a message. He said he would pick me up tomorrow and ask me. Where is the address?

Guan Ju'er came out: Then do you still remember what Brother Wang told you?

Fan Shengmei stopped and looked at Qiu Yingying.

Brother Wang said... Qiu Yingying scratched her head and thought for a while and said: He said that if Supervisor Bai sends me a message, let me not tell Supervisor Bai about this matter and pretend that it never happened. He also said... Oh, he also said that he should pay attention to distance.

Then what else are you happy about, Yingying?

Qiu Yingying was stunned for a moment and looked at Guan Ju'er with confused eyes. She didn't understand these things very well.

Fan Shengmei sighed, shook her head and said: Little earthworm, didn't you pack some delicious food today? Let's take it out for the three of us to have some supper. I'm starving to death after just drinking tonight. Wait for me to clean up, let's The three of them were eating and talking.

Okay, Sister Fan, Guan Guan, let me tell you, it tastes really good. After agreeing, Qiu Yingying put the clothes back in the room, went to the refrigerator, took out the things she had packed during the day, and put them on the table.

Guan Guan, try it quickly.

Well, it's delicious. Guan Ju'er on the side took a bite: By the way, how does the feast you gave me today taste?

Qiu Yingying took a hard bite of the food and said with memories on her face: Oh, it's so delicious. It would be a big loss if you didn't go. It's a pity that I just ate too much of this and couldn't enjoy it to the fullest.

After coming back to her senses, Qiu Yingying changed the topic and said: Guan Guan, why do you think Brother Wang said that?

Of course Brother Wang thinks Supervisor Bai's purpose is impure.

But Brother Wang has never met Supervisor Bai and just heard some words from me. How can he make casual conclusions?

Regarding Qiu Yingying's stubbornness, Guan Ju'er said helplessly: Yingying, I don't have any experience. Let Sister Fan talk to you after she finishes cleaning up.

Nodding, the two of them ate in silence.

After a while, Fan Shengmei changed her clothes, opened the door and came over to sit down. Qiu Yingying said anxiously: Sister Fan, Sister Fan, please tell me what's going on.

He picked up the thing casually and took a bite. Well, it tasted pretty good. Fan Shengmei said, Little earthworm, tell me about your contact with that supervisor Bai, and what you said to your brother Wang today.

Qiu Yingying talked about what happened with Supervisor Bai, and then told her what happened with Wang Yan today, from starting in the morning to having dinner in the evening, in detail.

After hearing this, Fan Shengmei smiled and said: What a simple thing. Your brother Wang is a man. It looks like he is not young anymore. He himself said, 'Based on his experience', he has experienced a lot. . Just like what I told you two yesterday, just the little tricks and little thoughts of Director Bai are not enough in front of him. As he said that, he gave Guan Ju'er a look, as if to say 'I didn't lie to you, he is not a good person'.

Guan Juer looked at her and said nothing.

After taking a bite, she said to Qiu Yingying who was looking at her with big eyes: Little earthworm, your brother Wang is right. He is really doing it for your own good. Just listen to him.

Qiu Yingying listened, but still didn't quite understand: But, Sister Fan, why is this?

Looking at Qiu Yingying angrily, Fan Shengmei said bluntly: What your brother Wang means is that he just wants to sleep with you, and after sleeping with you, he won't care about you.

Nonsense, impossible. Director Bai is not that kind of person.

Guan Ju'er couldn't listen anymore and said earnestly: Yes, Yingying, what you said is also a possibility. So didn't Brother Wang tell you not to tell Supervisor Bai about this matter? Treat it as if it didn't happen. I’m asking you to keep your distance.”

What Brother Wang means is that you should be careful and don't be deceived by Supervisor Bai's sweet words. I want you not to be so foolish as to hand yourself over to Supervisor Bai. You should stay in contact with him for a while and take a look before talking. Do you understand?

Qiu Yingying had an expression on her face that said, I've understood it a long time ago. She said tangledly: But I still don't believe that Director Bai is that kind of person.

Little earthworms, my sister will teach you a lesson. Fan Shengmei sighed: If you are sincere, the invitation text message should be sent out at the appropriate time in advance...

Just like in the play, Fan Shengmei talked about the normal invitation routine, and then passed on her experience over the years, analyzing the problems that Qiu Yingying and Director Bai would face even if they were together, and the possible final results. .

So, little earthworm, you first have some distanced contact. If Manager Bai confesses to you in a sweet way, don't get involved in it as soon as you get excited. Remember?

Yes, Yingying, what Brother Wang and Sister Fan said makes sense. I also think you shouldn't be too blind.

Qiu Yingying pouted and said, Okay, I understand, don't worry. Anyone who finds someone they like will not be happy if they are collectively rejected by three people. But after all, she understood the truth and knew that they were all for her own good, so she reluctantly accepted it.

Seeing her look like this, Fan Shengmei changed the subject: Hey, little earthworm, I just heard you said that you drove out in the morning? What kind of car?

Yeah, it's just four circles, it seems to be called Ao... Qiu Yingying was diverted, thinking about the brand of the car.

Guan Ju'er answered: Is it Audi?

Yes, yes, that's what it's called.

Really? What is it...

After the three of them discussed Wang Yan for a while, they yawned, rubbed their mouths, washed up and went to sleep.


The next day, Wang Yan returned from going out and just parked his car when he saw Andy's red 911 parked next to him.

Andy parked the car, saw Wang Yan on the side, and nodded. Although she had never had any contact with him, this man left a deep impression on her. He was very skilled and had a clear approach to interpersonal relationships. Meeting him twice early in the morning also shows that he is a self-disciplined and regular person.

If I remember correctly, this is the fourth time we have met. Wang Yan stretched out his hand to Andy who got off the car: Hello, Wang Yan.

Andy nodded, did not shake hands with Wang Yan, said Andy, turned around and left.

Putting down his hands indifferently, Wang Yan followed him into the elevator.

As the elevator rose, a voice came over: ...This woman is most likely a mistress. She dares to call the police.

When the elevator door opened, Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying looked behind Qu Xiaoxiao. Andy and Wang Yanzheng in the elevator were looking at them indifferently.

Noticing their movements, Qu Xiaoxiao looked back, was stunned for a moment, glanced sideways at the two of them, and then walked into the elevator with her head held high.

The three girls from 2202 also walked in. Qiu Yingying happily ran to Wang Yan: Brother Wang, you...

Stop pretending, you just heard me talking about you, right? Qu Xiaoxiao said to Andy. As for Wang Yan at the back, she was in no mood right now and it wasn't his turn yet.

Andy ignored her, and Qu Xiaoxiao talked to herself, making sarcastic remarks.

The other three women didn't speak, and Wang Yan didn't say anything either. Because he remembered this scene, there will be problems with the elevator soon. I don’t know if there will be more accidents if he weighs 200 pounds more.

Before Wang Yan could finish his thoughts, the elevator suddenly trembled and then stopped tremblingly, accompanied by a woman's loud scream.

What kind of broken elevator is this? Qu Xiaoxiao said.

Wang Yan ignored them, walked over and pressed the call button to contact the property management, explained the situation here, then pressed all the buttons on all floors, turned to the other five women and said, Okay, everyone, please be gentle. Some, stand aside and don’t cause the elevator to slide down a second time.”

Qu Xiaoxiao said sarcastically: It's really unlucky to meet certain people...

Andy leaned against the wall of the elevator, relaxing his mood, and had no time to talk to her. Wang Yan was not used to this problem of hers.

Haha, you are indeed unlucky. Did you ask the boy from the day before yesterday to check?

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yan with an expression like I'll check it out and see what you can do.

Then you just said what Tan Zongming is, and you know what his strength is. According to your idea, Andy is really a mistress, so do you know if she can blow the pillow? That's what your family does. Can this thing withstand the tossing? Why don't you use your brain?

Not to mention whether Andy still insists that she is a mistress based on the found car in Tan Zongming's name? Is this what your father taught you?

No matter how stupid Qu Xiaoxiao was, she could tell that Wang Yan was scolding her for being brainless and uneducated. She opened her mouth to scold him, but thinking of the current environment, she snorted and said nothing.

Wang Yan turned to Andy and said, Andy, her father's name is Qu Yongquan.

Andy nodded to show that he knew, and glanced at Qu Xiaoxiao without saying anything.

Then Qu Xiaoxiao looked at the incredible eyes of the three girls in 2202 and said miserably to Andy who was leaning there: I'm sorry, Andy. I'm just guessing, don't mind, it's my fault, forgive me. Am I okay...

Andy was feeling uncomfortable. He waved his hand and said calmly: It's okay.

How could Qu Xiaoxiao believe this answer? Two days ago, she promised to the police comrades that she would stop causing trouble by changing the story, but the result was still the same as farting. He hurriedly continued to harass and stalk me, with tears in his eyes to show his regret.

Andy couldn't stand the intensity and said helplessly: It's really okay.

Qu Xiaoxiao gave it up when she felt good, and said sweetly: Andy, thank you so much, I love you... She turned to Wang Yan and snorted coldly, hugged her arms and stood aside and stopped talking, thinking in her heart A plan to take revenge on Wang Yan.

At this time, Guan Juer said quickly from the side: I just bought some food, how about we eat some.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Qiu Yingying said, I think it's okay, I'll starve to death too soon.

Brother Wang, here you go. Guan Ju'er handed over a box of yogurt and a bag of snacks. Seeing Wang Yan taking it unceremoniously, he smiled at him and continued: Didn't you just eat with Manager Bai? It’s time for dinner, why are you still hungry?”

Qiu Yingying said hehely: While eating, I was just looking at Manager Bai and didn't eat anything. Oh, by the way, Brother Wang.

Seeing Wang Yan looking at her while sucking yogurt, Qiu Yingying said cheerfully: You are so right. Manager Bai really sent me a message yesterday.

After tearing open the packaging bag of the snacks, Wang Yan said, Did you pay attention to what I told you?

Yeah. Qiu Yingying muttered while eating: You are doing it for my own good, I know, don't worry, Brother Wang.

Qu Xiaoxiao listened to their conversation, the corners of her mouth raised in disdain. Knowing that he was no match for Wang Yan, he finally held back what he wanted to say.

That's good, please pay more attention. Wang Yan nodded and said to Andy, How are you?

Huh? Not bad. Andy, who had been observing Wang Yan, didn't expect Wang Yan to suddenly ask her.

Guan Juer took out a box of yogurt and handed it to her. Andy waved: Thank you, I only drink water.

Fan Shengmei didn't say a word from beginning to end, just watching silently. Although Wang Yan didn't show it, for so many years, which man could be calm and composed in front of her without even looking at her?

So Fan Shengmei felt that the man named Wang didn't want to see her. Yesterday, she was almost the same as Qiu Yingying. She was a local who owned a house, a car, and a job. She didn't dare to go up and ridicule Wang Yan in person like Qu Xiaoxiao. She was aware of Wang Yan's strength. Even if it wasn't that high, if an ordinary man went crazy and tried to beat her, she wouldn't be able to do it. So where could she reason?

After hearing what Andy said, Noble took out a bottle of water and handed it over: I just bought it.

Andy waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need it. Qu Xiaoxiao happened to be thirsty: Sister Andy, if you don't drink, I will drink.

Seeing that Andy didn't express anything, Qu Xiaoxiao took the water from Fan Shengmei's hand. As for the conflict between her and Fan Shengmei? Is that a thing? What can she, Fan Shengmei, do?

Fan Shengmei was lamenting how shameless Qu Xiaoxiao called Andy, and then her hands were empty, and the water was taken by Qu Xiaoxiao.

Rolling her eyes, Fan Shengmei said nothing.

Ignoring them, Wang Yan continued to joke with Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying.

This time, with Wang Yan guiding her, Qiu Yingying didn't jump out of the elevator like crazy, and the atmosphere inside wasn't depressing either.

After waiting for a long time, property management personnel and maintenance personnel came over and rescued everyone without any danger. Of course, Wang Yan was the last one to go out.

Ignoring Fan Shengmei and Qu Xiaoxiao's anger with the property management, Wang Yan walked to the firemen with his hands behind his back and saw Andy walking very slowly while holding on to the wall.

Wang Yan stepped forward very directly and supported one of her arms: Are you saying you're fine? Your legs are weak.

Andy subconsciously wanted to push Wang Yan away, but she couldn't use the strength. When she regained consciousness, she adapted and was not as disgusted as she imagined: Thank you. When their eyes met, Andy's eyes gradually moved down. .

Letting go of his hand, Wang Yan explained: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little anxious. Just at this time, four other women walked in. Wang Yan said hello and went up first. He was here with them. Even a woman can't let go.

With a few women left, the atmosphere was much better. Even if Qu Xiaoxiao is annoying people, she has overcome the trouble at least. After the disaster, everyone laughs like in the original drama, and the relationship has been somewhat eased.


The next day, the working day.

Andy got up for more than an hour early today due to work. When she came out, she saw Wang Yan, who was running very fast in the park, running towards her direction.

Wang Yan nodded to her and continued running without stopping his pace. Seeing the speed, Andy chased after him for a while, but ended up chasing him further and further away. He gave up the meaningless secret comparison and ran slowly at his own pace.

After being tricked countless times by Wang Yan, Andy ran to a place with few people and saw Wang Yan moving around there. She had seen Wang Yan's skills and saw that he practiced traditional martial arts. She was curious for no reason and simply watched from the side.

Wang Yan had noticed Andy a long time ago, put down his posture, and said to Andy who was standing aside: Interested?

Nodding, Andy said calmly: It's okay.

Regarding her enthusiasm, Wang Yan felt that Andy's character was fake and not very realistic. Of course, this world has appeared reasonably, so he won't say much.

Are you still running?

Andy looked at the Paoyipao smart watch on his wrist and said, The time is almost up, let's not run away.

Let's go, I'll treat you to breakfast. After saying that, Wang Yan left without giving her a chance to refuse.

Unable to say the rejection, Andy shook his head and followed Wang Yan in front. After yesterday's experience, she was not against Wang Yan.

The two came to a breakfast shop outside the community. Andy looked at the environment and frowned. She had not eaten the breakfast at the door since she returned home.

As for the breakfast shop, there are so many people coming and going, so it must not be cleaned up in time, so it will inevitably be a bit messy. Wang Yan found a clean table and gestured to Andy: Sit down, what do you want to eat?

Huh? Whatever. Andy, who was doing some mental construction, said.

In fact, her childhood environment was much worse than this, but after she stood up, she instinctively resisted these things, because it reminded her of the not-so-good past and her long-lost brother.

After nodding, Wang Yan shouted at the top of his lungs: Brother Zhang, two bowls of soy milk, two pounds of fried dough sticks. Here's another side dish.

The boss who was packing people at the door turned around and shouted to Wang Yan: Okay, sit down first, get up soon.

Not used to it? Brother Zhang's craftsmanship is really good. You will know after you try it.

How do you know I came back from abroad?

It happened that Brother Zhang's wife brought everything up at this time. After Wang Yan thanked her, he turned back to Andy and said, Eat quickly.

After saying that, Wang Yan started eating heavily, regardless of Andy.

After many years, she had forgotten what these things tasted like. Following Wang Yan's example, he took a fried dough stick, dipped it in soy milk, put it in his mouth and took a bite. After feeling it carefully for a while, Andy nodded: It does taste good.

Then eat more so that you have the strength to work.

Maybe it was freshness, or maybe it was the energy consumed by Andy's super memory. In the end, she ate two large fried dough sticks, which were almost half a catty, and Wang Yan ate the rest.

Wang Yan and Andy slowly walked back to Ode to Joy with their hands behind their backs. The two of them didn't say much. The two of them are not very familiar with each other yet, and Andy is as straightforward as he is, so she should understand this point. Wang Yan didn't even think about licking her. Now that he, Wang, had passed that stage and his rank had improved, he could just guide her silently, so he didn't tell them it was useless.

On the 22nd floor, Andy said goodbye to Wang Yan and returned home with a smile. She felt that this feeling of safety was good.

Thanks to my brother (Half Point Fusu) for the 500-coin reward.

Thanks to brother (enthusiast Meilan) for the 500-coin support.

Thanks to Brother (one claw covering the sky) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the four big brothers (Langyuhuitou) (Xiaoweixuan) (yyfwxm) (Long) for their continued support.

And (there are no books in the world) (the cute old village chief) (recent i) (half a degree cooler) (kgkhkj) (sea lion) (Yao Lilin) ​​(blank paper for graffiti) (the emperor of the Zhou family) and other nine big brothers’ monthly support .

I would like to thank the good brothers who recommended me every day for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who spoke and those who did not speak but only read for their support.

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