Wang Yan was woken up by his mother Zhang Xia.

When I got up, I saw that it was only eight o'clock. I rubbed my face and got up to wash up.

I sat down at the table and started eating. The rice was yesterday's leftover dumplings.

Just when Wang Yan was about to move his chopsticks, Zhang Xia, who knew Wang Yan very well, looked at Wang Yan strangely: Huh?

Attracted by her words, Wang Yan stopped and looked at his mother strangely.

Zhang Xia looked at Wang Yan carefully: You haven't lost any weight either. Why do I feel that you are a little different?

This is not surprising. In the world of I'm Not the God of Medicine, Wang Yan, with his rich experience, accumulation of knowledge, growth of wealth and continuous improvement of status, in addition to being in charge of a company with tens of thousands of employees, as well as his own A high degree of self-confidence, naturally giving rise to momentum. We usually describe this thing as temperament.

Speaking of temperament, this thing is really mysterious. When we know the status and wealth of others, when we face them, we will feel more or less oppressed by them. And when we don't know this, this kind of person will give us a feeling of standing out from the crowd, and we will feel that this guy is not an ordinary person.

As for Wang Yan, this is the case.

Wang Yan's heart trembled when he heard this: She is her biological mother after all. It feels so accurate.

Explained: Oh, you are always dazzled. Are you looking at your mobile phone too much? Let me tell you, don't look at that stuff all the time. If it doesn't work, go get some glasses or something.

Hearing what Wang Yan said, Zhang Xia also had some doubts that she felt wrong. She stopped worrying about it and scolded Wang Yan with a smile: You little bastard, you are so brave. You still want to take care of your mother.

Wang Yan just giggled, didn't say anything, and continued to eat silently.

Then Zhang Xia started nagging about Wang Yan.

It's not that Zhang Xia wanted to cause trouble for Wang Yan on the first day of the new year. She didn't see him very often throughout the year. Now that she got the chance, she would give him some advice.

There is no other reason for nagging, it is Wang Yan's lifelong event.

Wang Yan is 28 this year, and many of his friends are married and have children, not to mention Zhang Xia's friends.

Zhang Xia was also eager to have a grandchild, and she made many arrangements for blind dates and so on, but she just didn't see the right person, which made Zhang Xia very worried.

In this regard, Wang Yan's father Wang Dong did a good job. Although he also wanted to have a grandson, he never talked much. Wang Yan guessed that the main reason was that Zhang Xia's fighting ability was relatively strong and he felt inferior to him.

Compared with mother's love, father's love is not very obvious, but it is particularly heavy.

Wang Yan also became sensible after graduation, and he and his father gradually started talking more. I believe that many people are like this. Only when you are truly mature can you understand your father's painstaking efforts.

As for why, Wang Yan and his friends have also discussed it. I felt it was because of the fight, there was no other special reason.

Nowadays, most parents born in the 80s and 90s still focus on preaching and pay attention to entertaining and educating. Therefore, many children have a good relationship with their parents, and they are mostly like friends.

Most of Wang Yan's father's generation were rough and uneducated people. The method of education was beating, which made Wang Yan a little afraid of his father. Now that I have grown up, I am sensible, I have learned to understand, and I don’t get beaten anymore. Wang Yan believes that this is also the beginning of his parents' aging.

Zhang Xia kept talking on the side. Wang Yan had rich experience in dealing with Zhang Xia and had practiced it since he was a child. Wang Yan's father has more experience in this regard. After all, they have been together for more than thirty years.

Wang Yan just responded with ums and ums, going in one ear and out the other. Seeing that Wang Yan only nodded and said nothing, Zhang Xia stopped talking after talking for a while.

Wang Yan also thought about marrying a wife and having children. The key is that this thing is hard to find, it's too difficult.

Not to mention anything else, Wang Yan's conditions were there. He was of average height, his income was average, and his family was an ordinary family. My parents are ordinary people, they do manual labor and their income is not high. Wang Yan didn't ask, but he estimated that he only had two to three hundred thousand in savings. The only thing that makes Wang Yan feel at ease is that although his parents have been engaged in physical labor all year round and have some minor ailments, they have never suffered from serious illnesses, which saves Wang Yan's worries.

For an ordinary person like Wang Yan, it is not unusually difficult to get married and have children. This thing is not something you can just tie.

Find someone who is average. Don’t mention your past experience or character. Usually the conditions she asks are unusual. Find someone who is extraordinary. Wang Yan is average and cannot be compared to others.

Another point is that with this trend in recent years, girls nowadays are quite energetic.

And Wang Yan didn't want to use up all the money his parents had worked hard to save all their lives just because they got married.

Wang Yan could only take one step at a time and touch it slowly.

After breakfast, I started going from house to house to pay New Year greetings to my aunts and uncles, and then I hung up the phone with some relatives who were far away.

The whole day was spent with Happy New Year.

Starting from the next day, Wang Yan started various gatherings.

All kinds of friends, ghosts and monsters, you play a table today, and I will set up a game tomorrow.

This is the saddest day of the year, with one meal and another. If you drink too much, you will fall asleep and drink when you wake up. There will be no time to be awake at all.

We work until the sixth day of the lunar month, when everyone has to go out to make a living, and that’s when it’s over. The New Year is also completely over.

With his parents' concern and reluctance, Wang Yan boarded the train to Luda.

Wang Yan lives in a rented community not far from where he works, with three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, shared by three people. He lived in a second bedroom facing south. The house is about ten square meters, which is big enough for sleeping, and I am not at home very often. The rent is 1,300 a month, mainly because the location of the store where he works is relatively prosperous, and he doesn't want to stay too far away and work late at night. If the general place is bigger than this, 1,000 will be about the same.

The other two roommates are both men, and I don’t know what they do. Wang Yan has only seen him a few times so far, and his schedule and rest are all very different. In such a fast-paced society, no one has the leisure to gossip with an unrelated person, especially with an old man. Not all shared apartments are love apartments.

Returning to the rental house, no one has lived there for a long time. Open the windows for ventilation and tidy up briefly.

Lying on the bed, thinking about future plans.

Wang Yan has never thought about changing jobs. Before the system, he still thought about changing. Now he likes his current job very much.

Besides, given Wang Yan's conditions, it was too difficult to find a job other than sales. His academic qualifications alone were basically nothing to do with him. Although Wang Yan is not what he used to be, he must still have a chance to perform. You are not even qualified to go for an interview, so what are you talking about?

In his current job as a real estate salesman, not to mention other things, just having a little freedom has saved him a lot of his career. As long as the performance is good, you can do whatever you like, you don't have to work, and you don't have a leader who is beeping all day long.

If there is no performance, let's not mention it. How could Wang Yan have no performance at his current level?

After thinking for a while, Wang Yan figured it out.

The first thing is to sell the house, make money, pay off the tens of thousands owed first, and then talk about other things.

To make money, the first thing is to change a city and a company.

As for why I changed companies, it’s because now is the Internet era, and selling houses has also started using the Internet.

The one company that dominates the Internet market for selling houses shares house listings and allows franchises. Wang Yan worked for one of the leading companies before. The main reason was that Wang Yan's skills were low before, but this company has a large platform, a good reputation, and people are more recognized. Now, although these things have a certain impact on Wang Yan, they are not the most important thing.

So Wang Yan plans to find a company that also offers high commissions. In terms of Wang Yan's current level, he may not be able to compete with various sales champions and various Top Sells, and that would leave behind old-nosed salespeople. If the performance is good, the difference here will not only be 30,000 or 20,000.

When he went to work the next day, Wang Yan told his manager that he wanted to leave his job. The manager made a token effort to persuade him to stay and immediately approved it. Wang Yan’s performance didn’t improve for a month or two, and he only sold a house in two or three months. , that’s all it takes.

I visited the headquarters office the next day and completed the procedure very smoothly.

I packed my things that day, contacted the landlord to check out, and bought a ticket to Beijing the next afternoon.

As for why it is the capital, is there any need to think about it? House prices are high. Along with high housing prices, of course, the customers who buy them also have high incomes. We don't care about his quality. High income does not necessarily mean high quality, but generally it is not too bad. These are the resources Wang Yan needs.

Apart from anything else, as Wang Yan sells more and more, he gets to know more and more people, and most of these people are elites from all walks of life. If they are not elites and want to buy a house in the capital at a certain age, then his Family members are also Wang Yan’s targets.

As long as Wang Yan knows more people, and Wang Yan allows these people to recognize him, then Wang Yan's business will not only be as simple as real estate sales. Of course, not everyone can maintain it. If nothing happens afterwards, it may be a one-time deal. But Wang Yan is confident that he will definitely achieve that step.

I got together with some friends that night and said goodbye. Wang Yan flew directly to the capital the next day.

Wang Yan didn't tell his parents how old he was, and why he still let his parents worry about him. Wang Yan didn't even have to think about it. After telling his parents, they wouldn't be able to sleep well until they were sure that Wang Yan had truly settled down.

After arriving in Beijing, I was not in a hurry to rent an apartment. Wang Yan found a hotel and paid the room fee for three days.

Then there was a search for a suitable company, and two days later Wang Yan found a store in Xicheng. This is a store where a company has joined a house selling website. In other words, the manager of this store is the boss. The boss's surname is Zhao. He can make the decision on everything. In this case, there is a lot of room for maneuver.

After a long conversation with Boss Zhao, Wang Yan found that after several years of experience, this boss was not as good as Wang Yan in other comprehensive aspects, not only in terms of sales ability. Therefore, the boss had a good impression of Wang Yan and the conversation was very harmonious.

The final result of the negotiation was that Wang Yan would give the boss 5,000 yuan a month, and he would pay the full amount directly after taking the commission from the website. And Wang Yan doesn't have to clock in at work, so he can do whatever he likes. Five thousand yuan is okay. He had also inquired before at Luda University, and in this case it was two thousand yuan. After considering operating costs, housing prices and other factors, Wang Yan thinks five thousand yuan is relatively fair.

There were no problems on both sides, they both wrote it into the contract and went through the onboarding process directly.

After Wang Yan left, he found a place farther away and rented a single room for 3,000 a month, with one deposit and three payments. The surrounding environment is good, and the layout is the same as before, but this time the living room is directly separated by a room. The four of them lived in a shared apartment, and Wang Yan lived in the separate living room. On the top floor, facing the sun, the interior is particularly bright, making it comfortable to stay there.

Wang Yan took action the next day, focusing on attacking Xicheng. Whether it's a new house or a second-hand house, Wang Yan will go check out whichever house is more expensive. The benefit of being high in spirit is once again reflected. He can remember more properties faster and more.

During this period, we inquired about various home purchase policies, settlement policies, schooling policies, framed policies, etc. We also need to learn more about the pros and cons of various school districts, what are good and what are bad. Understand the customer groups of various real estate properties, what they do, etc.

Wang Yan is in a hurry because the cost of developing in another city is high. His credit card is almost maxed out, and if he doesn't make any money, he will have to test his friends. Wang Yan didn't want to do that, he didn't really mean it. It was fate that they could play together. He didn't want to test them casually.

It's not that they can't be borrowed, it's a joke if anyone doesn't have two true brothers. The main thing is that he can still survive if he doesn't get that much.

Wang Yan's life has completely stabilized. Every day he gets up early to run and exercise, look at houses for half a day, make harassing phone calls for half a day, exercise at night, read and study, and sleep.

When it comes to harassing phone calls, Wang Yan really hasn't found any other effective methods. Wang Yan also opened a network port, but it was full of fake houses, which frightened customers and had little effect. The only thing I can do is to keep making harassing phone calls, and chatting with someone I am interested in. that is it.

This thing is really fate-based at the beginning, and it will be in vain if you let the crown go. In addition to those with advanced hypnosis skills, maybe those who work in pyramid schemes can also do it? Otherwise, no one can let a person who doesn’t want to buy a house buy a house, especially under various national policy restrictions.

Wang Yan kept calling and making appointments to see the house.

His hard work paid off, and finally, after Wang Yan worked hard for more than 20 days, his fate came.

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