Fan Shengmei might have really thought about being with Wang Baichuan before, but after knowing the truth that the car was rented, she would never have such thoughts. Regardless of what kind of jerk she is, she just looks down on him, Wang Baichuan. She looks down on him from the bottom of her heart. It is a kind of superiority from the heart.

Fan Shengmei felt somewhat embarrassed after being fucked by a man like Wang Baichuan who she had never seen before. I can look down on you, how can you look down on me?

How can a pheasant match a phoenix? How could a toad want to eat a swan?

To Fan Shengmei, Wang Baichuan was like a pheasant or a toad.

To be honest, Fan Shengmei would have to reflect for a moment on what she, the phoenix and the swan, did not do well, giving Wang Baichuan such confidence.

However, these are not relevant, and it is estimated that Wang Baichuan will not appear in her life again. In this huge magical city filled with neon lights, in this intoxicating ten-mile foreign market filled with feasting and feasting, how many people could recognize her? He comforted himself and calmed down the good mood that was disrupted by Wang Baichuan. Fan Shengmei was that coquettish urban beauty again.

The girl's sensitivity made Qiu Yingying discover something was wrong with Fan Shengmei. After asking a question but being cleverly avoided by Fan Shengmei, Qiu Yingying mentioned it to Guan Ju'er for a while and ignored those trivial matters. She didn't have that spare time.

After hearing what Qiu Yingying said, the delicate Guan Ju'er, in the midst of his passionate love with Zhao Qiping, took the time to pay attention. She also discovered something was wrong with Fan Shengmei, but she didn't say much. Instead, she told Andy while taking the bus to work.

Sister Andy, Yingying told me two days ago that something was wrong with Sister Fan. I observed it, and it was true. She and classmate Wang seem to be having a conflict, and I haven't seen them in contact recently.

Okay, I understand. I'll pay attention later. After hearing this, Andy, who understood the cause and effect and what kind of player Fan Shengmei was, immediately understood what was going on.

To be honest, her feelings towards Fan Shengmei are quite contradictory. Because in her interactions, although Fan Shengmei was a bit tactful, she would actively help them if they had anything to do. Just like the scandal, and Fan Shengmei from the mouths of Qiu Yingying and Guan Ju'er. But after knowing her other side, Andy couldn't say he was bored. He had some little thoughts in his heart, which also made it difficult for her to get close to Fan Shengmei.

Without saying more about Fan Shengmei, Andy said, How was it with Dr. Zhao? I heard Xiao Qiu said that you came back very late the day before yesterday?

Guan Ju'er's face turned red instantly: Yingying is such a big mouth, really, I can't spare her.

Xiao Qiu cares about you, too. I see that you are not in good condition when you come back. I thought you were bullied and asked Wang Yan to help you get revenge.

Andy helped Qiu Yingying to get rid of her. She didn't expect that Guan Ju'er, looking at the gentle lady, and Dr. Zhao would develop to this point in about a month. However, when I thought about myself and Wang Yan, I stopped thinking about it. The relationship was already in place. It was normal to express love in this way. Besides, I can rest assured that Zhao Qiping, although sometimes it is inevitable that he will be a little out of touch, is also to relieve the pressure at work, and people are absolutely responsible.

Seeing Guan Ju'er's face turned red, embarrassed and angry, Andy smiled and said: Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. Let's get together sometime, um... just eat at home, Dr. Zhao has been talking about it for a long time , I have always said that I want to try Boss Wang’s craftsmanship.”

Would it be too much trouble for Brother Wang?

It's okay. You don't know. When Xiao Qiu said it, he was very happy. He even called Dr. Zhao and said what he said...

Oh, Sister Andy, stop talking. Brother Wang is good to me, I know...

Shrugging his shoulders and no longer teasing Guan Juer, Andy concentrated on driving.

Not long after, when they got downstairs of the company, Guan Juer got out of the car and thought for a while, then knocked on the car door. When the window was lowered, Guan Juer leaned over and said, Sister Andy, I don't know whether I should say this or not. , but Sister Fan seems to particularly like to go to places where wealth and wealth gather, and she is very happy every time she comes back.

Andy shook his head and smiled: Okay, I understand, bye. Seeing Guan Ju'er walking into the office building, Andy started the car and merged into the traffic flow again.

At noon, a restaurant near Andy's company.

Looking at the absent-minded Andy opposite him, Wang Yan, who was called over, shook his head in silence. Even thinking about his feet, he knew that it was either because of Fan Shengmei or Qu Xiaoxiao. Andy has learned bad things and is not direct anymore. You can tell me if there is something wrong with you, but you have to let me ask you this whole story.

After picking up a piece of food with chopsticks, Wang Yan said calmly: If you have something to say, please eat quickly.

It's not because of Miss Fan. I didn't tell you last time... After hearing this, Andy told the cause and effect again and said, I don't know whether I should help her or not. What do you think?

Is it because you took her to the reception, but you think you pushed her and made her sink deeper? Seeing Andy nodding, Wang Yan continued: When you were struggling, weren't you already shaken? Fan Shengmei , she is an adult with her own thoughts, and she can be responsible for every choice she makes.

Hearing this, Andy took a bite of the food and ate it silently. After a while, she said to Wang Yan: There happens to be a cocktail party tonight, will you go? She decided to take Fan Shengmei to the cocktail party as a reward for a neighbor and friend who had helped her.

Wang Yan was not surprised by Andy's choice. She would not find the kind of superior charity deep in her heart.

Wang Yan shook his head: I won't go, it's not interesting. That kind of reception is called charity. In essence, it is no different from the small circle played by Qu Xiaoxiao and the others. They are all for broadening personal connections and sharing resources privately afterwards. , exchange of interests to achieve a win-win situation and so on. And he was just a nobody in the Shanghai business district, with nothing he could do. Those who are better than him look down on him, and he has no use for others who are not as good as him, so why bother to join in the fun.

Andy nodded and turned to talk to Wang Yan about other things.

After dinner, Andy, who returned to the company, called Fan Shengmei and invited Fan Shengmei to accompany her to a cocktail party in the evening.

What's wrong with Fan Shengmei is not because of Wang Baichuan, but because in the past few days, there are no men around her that she couldn't drive away in the past, so she has some doubts about whether she is still beautiful. I worry about the uncertain future of myself who is already thirty and so beautiful.

I received a call from Andy, and I heard that I was going to attend a cocktail party for celebrities. Not to mention happily jumping high, that's pretty much it. After work, she chatted and laughed with Andy who came to pick her up, and went home happily. Anyway, no matter how Andy looked, he didn't see anything wrong with what she said about Ju Er, and he felt a little overflowing with sympathy in his heart, feeling that Wang Baichuan was not worth it.

Just like in the play, Fan Shengmei spent a long time carefully dressing up in a bright red half-length hip-covering dress. The slim curves outlined by her make people want to peek at the seductive body hidden under the red dress. , how can such a slut be so arrogant?

Looking at Fan Shengmei like this, Andy smiled appropriately and politely. Without saying much, he drove downstairs and took her to a luxurious hotel.

Fan Shengmei had never been to such a high-end place before. She took out her mobile phone and took photos, planning to go back and show off to her sisters and colleagues.

This scene was witnessed by Qu Xiaoxiao's brother, Qu Lianjie, who was not far away.

Dressed in bright red and taking careful photos, an experienced player like Qu Lianjie knows it all too well. It's no exaggeration to say that he knows how to handle it. And he just wanted to take a peek at the alluring body hidden under the red clothes.

Needless to say, the two of them started chatting and laughing...

Andy found a corner to stay by herself. She didn't think it was interesting. If it weren't for Fan Shengmei this time, she wouldn't have brought him anything.

After a long time, Tan Zongming came over: Andy, did you come by yourself? Wang Yan didn't accompany you?

He doesn't think it's interesting. I brought my neighbor here to change her mood. As he said that, he glanced at Fan Shengmei, who was joking with Qu Lianjie over there.

Following Andy's line of sight, Tan Zongming could tell at a glance what kind of thing it was without saying anything.

Before Tan Zongming could say anything, Andy, who was looking around, noticed Bao Yifan in a coat and said, Who is that man?

That one? Tan Zongming pointed at it, and when Andy nodded, he continued: The little Mr. Bao of the Bao Group is the one you said you wouldn't take with you before. What? Do you have any ideas for cooperation?

No, I just think he's exaggerated.

Bao Yifan, who was chatting and laughing with others over there, noticed what was going on here and came over to greet him in his booming voice: Hey, Mr. Tan, why can't I find you? It's so peaceful here.

Noticing Tan Zongming's appraising eyes, Bao Yifan explained: I have a bit of a cold, sorry. He glanced at the person next to him and asked him to take off the coat he was wearing.

Haha, let me tell you, Mr. Bao, your health is more important.

Hey, it doesn't matter. Thank you Mr. Tan for your concern. Bao Yifan waved his hand, glanced at Andy next to him, and said, This is...

Oh, let me introduce you. Tan Zongming suddenly realized it, told Andy, and continued: This is Bao Yifan, the little boss of the Bao Group. This is the CFO of our group, Andy.

Andy? I always heard Mr. Tan mention it... After Bao Yifan finished holding Andy in his arms, he took out his business card: Nice to meet you, Miss Andy, this is my business card.

Andy replied politely, took the business card and said hello to Tan Zongming, turned around and called Fan Shengmei, who was chatting happily over there, and left.


Seeing Bao Yifan looking at Andy's back meaningfully, Tan Zongming explained: Don't mind it, Andy has just returned from abroad not long ago, and she doesn't quite understand the domestic customs, and this is her first time. Attend this drinking party.”

How could it be? After hearing so many lies, they become the truth. Occasionally, someone tells a few truths, which I find quite cordial. To be honest, Mr. Tan, I like her personality.

Tan Zongming said calmly: Mr. Bao, I have to remind you.

Appreciate further details.

She has a boyfriend and will be getting married soon. I hope you can pay attention to this.

Shrugging, Bao Yifan laughed: Mr. Tan is joking, I'm only interested in business matters, and Miss Andy seems to have some prejudice against me.

I hope so. Sorry.

Okay. Looking at Tan Zongming's figure, Bao Yifan raised his lips slightly...

Andy and Fan Shengmei walked out of the door laughing and joking, and got into the car driven out by the doorman outside. Andy lowered his head and fastened his seat belt and was about to leave. When he looked up, he saw a smiling man in front of the car, walking confidently. The package is also extraordinary.

Bao Yifan came over and knocked on the car window.

Andy glanced at Fan Shengmei, then reluctantly lowered the window and looked at Bao Yifan indifferently.

Bao Yifan thought he was elegant and handed over a business card and said: My other business card.

Andy took the business card and said nothing.

Seeing this, Bao Yifan bent down and kept parallel to Andy in the car: Would you like to go get a cup of coffee? It's still early to go home.

Sorry, I have a boyfriend. After saying that, Andy raised the window, started the car, and sped away.

Looking at the car driving away, Bao Yifan said to himself: Interesting...

In the car, Andy and Fan Shengmei were discussing Bao Yifan just now. Fan Shengmei spoke unabashedly about her yearning for that kind of man. Andy listened quietly and concentrated on driving.

As a result, Andy didn't drive very far when he noticed a car following him and thought it was the person who was having fun with Fan Shengmei.

Fan Shengmei also thought it was Qu Lianjie. She was happy with her own charm and smiled lightly on her face. Looking back, I was so happy that it turned out to be the diamond king.

Knowing that it was Bao Yifan, Andy was a little unhappy and stopped the car on the side of the road.

He got off the car and walked to Bao Yifan, who also got off the car behind him: I said, I have a boyfriend, please don't pester me anymore. If you want to cooperate, please contact my secretary, that's it, bye.

Without waiting for Bao Yifan to speak, he turned around, got in the car, and left.

Bao Yifan's smile still hung on his face and he said lightly: I like it even more...

He had wanted to cooperate with Shengxuan a long time ago, how could he not know about Andy's situation? Except for the matter of Tang Guoqiang and He Yunli, everything else is clear. When he saw Andy's information, he was determined to study it. Today, he thought about it even more. After all, what is not available is good, and it is much better than the vulgar powder that comes and goes away instantly.

Being in charge of a group enterprise with a scale of tens of billions brings Bao Yifan not only the money earned from business operations, but also the fate of tens of thousands of ordinary people controlled by such a large group, as well as the corresponding social influence. The infinite confidence it brought him. For him, except for a few women, there is nothing he cannot win. How stupid is it to have a boyfriend? I have known since I was a child that I cannot make enemies in my family, but I have to be qualified to be called an enemy. Who does that person named Wang count? Open a shabby Internet company, own some real estate, and have to queue up to pick up his shoes? Is he worthy?

Continuing on the road, Fan Shengmei comforted Andy with a wink.

In fact, she felt that Wang Laowu was much better than Wang Yan, but of course she just thought about it in her mind and didn't say it out loud. But the words behind the scenes also helped Wang Laowu to excuse himself for a while. After all, she felt that for such an awesome person, Andy also worked for others, so it might not be good if they turned against each other.

Andy said this to Fan Shengmei repeatedly and returned to Ode to Joy.

In the elevator, after asking Fan Shengmei not to let Wang Yan know about it, she put her mind back together and returned home with a smile on her face.

Wang Yan didn't notice this, after all, the direction of the plot had been messed up by him. He knew that Andy met Bao Yifan at a cocktail party, but there were so many damn cocktail parties and there was no specific time in the play. How could he know which cocktail party it was at.

If Andy doesn't say anything, that's all.


The next night.

In the underground parking lot, after parking the car, Wang Yan, Andy, Guan Ju'er, and Zhao Qiping were talking and laughing while taking things out of the trunk.

Yesterday Andy and Guan Ju'er said they would find time, and since they had nothing to do today, they just went together. It happened that it was all the way back, and Andy picked up Guan Ju'er. Wang Yan didn't let Zhao Qiping drive and took him along the way. After picking up a few bottles of wine at the bar, several people rushed to the vegetable market and bought a lot of ingredients according to their own preferences.

While everyone was carrying their things, a yellow Polo parked in the parking space next to it. Qu Xiaoxiao stepped on ten centimeter high heels on her short legs and walked down.

Seeing the people on the side, he looked around. When he passed by Zhao Qiping, his eyes clearly lit up: Hey, Andy, are you going to have a dinner?

Nodding, Andy said politely: Yes. Without mentioning the invitation, she felt that Qu Xiaoxiao should have this bit of prowess.

Who is this handsome guy? Why haven't I seen him before? As he spoke, Qu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhao Qiping, who was standing next to Guan Ju'er.

Seeing the look, Zhao Qiping knew that she was an acquaintance and did not need anyone to introduce her. He noticed that she looked at him and said, Hello, my name is Zhao Qiping, and I am Guan Ju'er's boyfriend.

Guan Juer held Zhao Qiping's arm while swearing his sovereignty, and raised his head to look at Qu Xiaoxiao.

Oh, Xiaoguan's boyfriend. My name is Qu Xiaoxiao, and I am their neighbor. Qu Xiaoxiao didn't care about Guan Ju'er's actions, looked at it carefully, and said with a smile: Well, the talented man and the beautiful woman are really good. It's a perfect match. Hey, the elevator is here, let's go up.

Several people walked into the elevator, and Qu Xiaoxiao said, Handsome Zhao, you look so talented. What do you do?

Zhao Qiping also realized that this woman was not welcome and said calmly: Doctor.

Really? I like doctors best, angels in white who save lives and heal the wounded. This job is great. Qu Xiaoxiao ignored Guan Ju'er's hostility and Andy's warning. She was confident that she could handle Guan Ju'er, and she already knew Andy after being in contact with him for a few days. She could settle her down with just a few words. Dr. Zhao, Handsome Zhao, which hospital do you work in? We are already acquaintances. If you have any questions, I can ask for help in time.

If there is a problem, any hospital will do. They are all professional doctors. Miss Qu, the elevator is here.

Okay, here's my business card. Looking at the elevator with regret, Qu Xiaoxiao took out his business card and said, I'll treat you and Xiaoguan to dinner when you have time, bye.

Watching the elevator door close, Zhao Qiping was puzzled: What's going on?

Guan Ju'er looked at Andy, and Andy looked at Wang Yan. Wang Yan, who had been silent all the time, shrugged and said, It's nothing, just a rich second generation, more um...selfish? She is probably attracted to you, Dr. Zhao is very charming. After saying this, the elevator door opened again, and Wang Yan walked out carrying his things.

Zhao Qiping pressed the elevator button to prevent the door from closing. He looked at Guan Ju'er and said, Don't talk nonsense. I am in love with Xiaoguan. I am in love with her. I am loyal and devoted to her.

Guan Ju'er was a little worried and put it down for the time being: Oh, it's so disgusting.

Zhao Qiping, who entered the house with a smile, put away his things, and sighed about the rich collection of books in the house and its own world, accompanied Guan Ju'er downstairs to take a look at her living environment. Guan Ju'er doesn't have Fan Shengmei's bad habits. He's just as good as what he has, and Zhao Qiping isn't that one-sided either. He's done with it once he's seen it.

He comes from a scholarly family, a family of intellectuals, and his conditions are not bad. The income is not low, and I own real estate in Shanghai, and I don't live with my parents.

He had mentioned moving to Guan Ju'er before, but Guan Ju'er refused. First, it is a little far away from work. First, I feel that these friends are all good, and I somewhat don’t want to separate. The most important thing is that although good things have happened, I still feel that it has developed too fast, which is a bit embarrassing.

After putting away the things, the two of them went back upstairs and worked with Andy on the ingredients. Chef Wang was responsible for swinging the spoons, and the atmosphere was harmonious and natural.

It's not surprising that Zhao Qiping took down Guan Ju'er and Wang Yan. The more well-behaved a girl is, the more reckless she is. Once you identify a person, you basically don’t care about that person. Besides, Zhao Qiping also had his moments. The two of them talked about speculation, and they were also able to please each other, so they just let nature take its course. And the times are different now. If you have sex with someone for half a year, you won’t let them touch you? Then the other party will only have one sentence: I can go to hell. Make a fool of yourself. After all, it’s rare to find a spare tire that you can lick to death, and enjoy the whole night with just one sentence.

Wang Yan was fast enough, frying and frying, and the big spoon flew up. It didn't take long to cook a table full of dishes. The plate is big, the dishes are few, and there are many styles.

Everyone is so familiar with each other, and the meal is so enjoyable. .


After seeing off the drunk Zhao Qiping, Wang Yan, Andy, and Guan Ju'er strolled back.

Guan Ju'er said angrily: Sister Andy, Brother Wang, look at Qu Xiaoxiao, what does she mean?

It's okay, Xiaoguan. Wang Yan said with his hands behind his back: Are you not confident in yourself? Or are you not confident in Dr. Zhao?

No, but Qu Xiaoxiao has a criminal record. I'm worried that if she makes such a fuss, it will affect us.

Andy thought for a moment and said, Xiaoguan, don't worry. I'll talk to Qu Xiaoxiao later and see what she means.

Wang Yan didn't say anything more. He listened to Andy comforting Guan Ju'er who had no sense of security. He was thinking about the phone call he had made twice while eating just now. Andy took one look and hung up.

They've been fighting each other all night long about this ridiculous thing. These two bitches are a bit ignorant.

Qu Xiaoxiao has been a little too idle recently, so she and Andy are trying to be careful, because he is looking for trouble for himself and has to open a bad company, so he doesn't have time to talk to her, so that's all. As a result, it's so swollen now? Are you even thinking about studying Zhao Qiping in front of him? Don't mention Bao Yifan, he is looking for death.

Wang Yan returned home and began to think about how to deal with the two.

Andy did not go upstairs. After sending the slightly drunk Guan Ju'er back to the room, he said hello to Fan Shengmei, who had just returned from a date, and then went out and knocked on the door of 2203.

Qu Xiaoxiao put on a facial mask and opened the door. When she saw Andy at the door, she said helplessly: Come in. She naturally knew why. What else could she do besides Dr. Zhao?

After walking in and finding a place to sit down, Andy frowned and said, Xiaoqu, what do you mean?

What do you mean? Andy, I don't understand what you are talking about.

Xiaoqu, don't pretend to be stupid. You have a criminal record, and I don't really believe you.

Oh, okay. Dr. Zhao is so handsome. You know, I can't resist handsomeness. I do have some ideas. Notice that Andy frowned more tightly, and Qu Xiaoxiao hurriedly He said: But is he Xiaoguan's boyfriend? They all live on the same floor. I'm too embarrassed to do anything.

Andy stared into Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes and said nothing. Qu Xiaoxiao responded to Andy with a clear conscience.

Okay, I believe you for now. You can rest, I'm leaving.

After a symbolic attempt to persuade him to stay, Qu Xiaoxiao sent Andy off and went to wash up while humming a tune proudly...

Back upstairs, I saw Wang Yan sitting there reading a book, and Andy sat next to him: I asked Xiaoqu just now, and she said she did have an idea, but was too embarrassed to start. What do you think?

If nothing goes wrong, Dr. Zhao's detailed information will be found out by her tomorrow. After all, a lot of the doctor's information is public. You can find it by checking online. She also has certain connections and resources. Maybe she already knows it now. She has found Dr. Zhao’s workplace. The day after tomorrow, she will go to the hospital to find Dr. Zhao and find a reason to make an appointment with him.”

It can't be a little song... Andy was also a little unsure.

Just wait and see. Wang Yan said calmly: Oh, by the way, I may have to go out for a few days. I have some things that need to be dealt with. It will take about a week.

Andy nodded and didn't say much. She was a wise woman. Since Wang Yan said 'something happened', it meant 'something happened'.

I won't be able to see you for a week. I'll try to make up for it in the next few days today. With that said, Wang Yan picked up Andy and walked to the bathroom...

Thanks to brother (boring prison bird) for the reward of 477 coins for continued support.

Thank you to the five elder brothers for their continued support, and to (Hongyan) (Dragon Fish) (Book Friends 20201113181417383) (Wandering Hero) ) (Fire of Destiny) (I am a mountain man) (Mr. Miste Chen) (Ten-Winged Falling Angel) (Feixinhan Yanmo) (Maple Leaf Book) (ffd12) (Ten-Step Incense Cart) (Emperor of the Zhou Family ) Thirteen big brothers support it with monthly votes.

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Thanks bro.

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