The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 248 Terrible Combat Power 1


Looking at the broken corpses on the ground, the fat man Li Fugui swallowed hard, feeling horrified.

"elder brother."

"This is too..."

The words never came out.


Chewing peanuts, Chu Feng said coldly: "This is war!"



The scene suddenly froze on Bai Huahua's brain. The nauseated two women covered their mouths and ran quickly to the bathroom...

"elder brother."

"Is there really no need to intervene?"

Finding that the First Regiment of Stars had arrived at the entrance, Li Fugui said worriedly: "There are nearly 20,000 police stationed at the gate. Although most of them are equipped with pistols, there are also some armed police equipped with heavy weapons."

"This power cannot be underestimated!"

"The military has not intervened for this reason."

"Heavy weapons such as missiles cannot be used in residential areas. If the army wants to break through the gate, it will cause countless casualties."


Chu Feng nodded and said casually: "What kind of heavy weapons are there?"


"Rocket Pass."

“No shortage of everything!”

Li Fugui counted the family treasures with his fingers, then frowned and said: "According to the reports from the spies we installed, the Li family seems to have purchased secret weapons from Qindu."

"elder brother!"

"You have to be careful!"


Chu Feng shook his head and said: "Tiangong, have the Star Guards found any secret weapons?"

【gentlemen. 】

[It was found that the most lethal weapon to us at the gate is the land-based L-11 cannon, which can pose a certain threat to our mechas. 】


"L-11 cannon?"

The little fat man jumped up from the sofa in shock, "How dare they? How dare they? How dare they install a machine gun at the gate!"

"That's Dragon Kingdom's latest carrier-based cannon!"

"elder brother."

"Tanks must come out!"

"Only the Type 99 tank can block the machine gun. Everything else is like a rag sack under the muzzle of the machine gun!"


"sit down!"

Chu Feng said: "We Xingchen have our own ways to deal with it, just watch the show!"

"Are you talking about the mecha?"

Not getting a response from Chu Feng, Li Fugui sat down in confusion and stared at the big screen with an uneasy expression.

Mecha, can that work?

He knew the firepower configuration of the Star Mecha was very powerful!

But he had doubts about its defensive capabilities.


At the gate.

"Who are you?"

"For what?"

The guard at the door stared at the soldier in front of him with a wary expression and asked doubtfully.

"Ordered to conduct covert military operations."

The soldier said indifferently: "This is the order authorized by Director Li!"

The guard took the tablet with a puzzled look on his face and looked at the electronic document. It had a steel seal and Director Li Gang's personal signature. It didn't look like it was fake.

Doubtfully said:

"What are you doing?"

"Secret military operation!" The soldier said with a serious face: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Have you forgotten the military confidentiality regulations?"

"Yes, sir!"

The guard was shocked, something like this had never happened before.

But he still said cautiously:

"Then wait a moment."

"I need to report and verify your access code."

"hurry up!"

The soldier urged with a calm expression.

It’s all true anyway!

You can check it however you want.



The lifting rod slowly rose.

at the same time.

The guard came out of the guard hall and said with a smile on his face: "Sorry, sorry!"

"It's wasting your time."

The soldier didn't say anything. Instead, he started the armored vehicle and drove towards the gate.

Looking at the armored vehicles passing by, Xiao Li who was standing guard couldn't help but said: "Brother Hua, who is this? There are so many military vehicles!"

"How did I know!" the guard said angrily.

After thinking for a while, he continued:

"Do you remember that night a month ago?"

"That time!"

"You mean this is also a weapons transporter. The cannon from last time..."

"shut up!"

The guard quickly interrupted: "You are not allowed to talk about... Fan Jungui! You know that!"


"Isn't this just what I'm talking to you about?"

Looking at the endless motorcade, Xiao Li murmured: "But there are too many people coming this time. Do we need so many cars to escort us?"

"Why do you care so much!"

"Let's just stand on our guard and don't ask any more questions!"

The guard said seasonedly: "If you ask too many questions, something will happen."

at last.

Still couldn't help but muttered.

"Such a large number of vehicles only shows that the weapons transported this time are very important and need to be closely protected!"

"elder brother."

"It got over so easily?"

Li Fugui's face was full of disbelief, and he bared his teeth and said:

"They let it go just like that? They didn't even check it? It's too... too..."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes.

It seems easy, but there are a lot of steps involved.

The reason why it was so easy was because when Chu Feng decided to launch an attack, Zhi Nao Tiangong had already hacked into the supercomputer at Feihe Base and secretly took over all networks and communications.


There is a series of real pass orders.

If it were anyone else, don’t even think about it!

The police system alone is not something that ordinary hackers can break into in a short time.


It is even more important to ensure that the entire network can be secretly taken over without alerting the Feihe Network Department. Even if a super hacker comes, it will be difficult to take over.

Inside the armored command vehicle.


After passing through the gate without any danger, Zhou Zilong immediately ordered:

"Captain Wang."

"The mission of your mecha team is to raid the cannon position. You must take over all the cannons as soon as possible, or at least destroy them!"

"rest assured!"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

Wang Shengwu nodded, "Are there any other tasks?"


If the mecha team is only used to attack the cannon, it will be overqualified.

Zhou Zilong said unceremoniously:

"Two more tasks!"

"After removing the threat from the machine guns, I need your mecha team to split up."

"First, leave two mechas to help us control the field."

"Mainly to deal with heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, etc., as well as possible difficulties encountered."

"Second, the other three planes all went straight down to the 33rd floor to control the key passage and clear a safe passage for us."

"Once we open fire here, there is no guarantee that the 33rd floor will not be alarmed. There are thousands of policemen from the Li family there. We must not let them blow up the entrance."


Wang Shengwu said into the headset: "Make sure to complete the task!"

"The other brigades will act according to the pre-plan!"




The three team captains said one after another.

"elder brother."

Staring at the shining silver mecha, Li Fugui asked doubtfully: "Don't you have 10 Xingchens? Why did you only dispatch 5?"

"There's no need to guard this nest!" Chu Feng said angrily.

"Everyone who came this time was dispatched!"

"We only have two guards left here."


"Everyone has been sent out?"

"No one left?"

Li Fugui said in surprise: "How about your safety?"



"This time I am completely thankless, and all I have to do is serve the people of Feihe."

Chu Feng had a look of compassion on his face.

Chief Li has committed this favor.

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