The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Chapter 387: Pass the ball to him!

Ferguson buried his head and walked into the player aisle, and Queros murmured behind him.

"Today's luck is a bit bad, and both teams are in pain."

Ferguson remained silent, but he was very annoyed.

Fuck luck, losing the ball is not bad luck, but we are not performing well enough. If we are good enough, we should be ahead of Arsenal now, not behind.

"Open your eyes,"

"Manchester United can never lose, nor can it be tied."

"Look," Ferguson wrote Chelsea on the tactical board, and then a 7-word.

He knocked **** the tactical board.

"If you want to go on vacation in the second half of the season, then you give up."

"No matter what method we use, we must score, score, score!"

"We didn't play aggressively enough and fast enough. We can't let the guy Fabregas jump again, don't let him take the ball easily, let alone pass him comfortably."

"Don't let Reyes guy rush."

"You, look at Henry, don't be afraid of fouls, God will not always give such a chance twice." He pointed to Vidic. As for such two chances, it was natural to say that he had just kicked the free kick.

"Damn, you, you, rush up in the second half. Manchester United not only needs you to focus on defense, but also needs you to smash Arsenal's goal!" He pointed to Fletcher and Park Zhixing again.

"You, go out and warm up now." He also sent Smith at the same time. Once Scholes is not good, he will consider going to Smith.

Ferguson made a lot of decorations in the dressing room. Wenger seemed very satisfied with Arsenal. There was no movement in the second half. It was still 451, and there was no movement of substitution. He wanted to change with the same.

As a result, at the opening of Manchester United, Ferguson resolutely replaced Scholes with Smith, no matter how much experience Scholes played in the last game, but this game is not good, so he firmly let Smith comes on.

As for Giggs, still sitting on the bench, this game does not seem to belong to the veterans.

As soon as he came up, Smith was indeed the title of Manchester United's first general, and even Dong Fangzhuo, who was in the frontcourt, would stare at him.

Smith shoveled Fabregas on the right and immediately got a topaz card!

"Hah, this is Smith, this is Manchester United!" Reinkel exclaimed.

"Will there be a red card?"

"As soon as Smith comes up, the smell of gunpowder becomes stronger."

Wenger immediately frowned off the court, knowing that Ferguson's team was about to start rhythm again. Every time you play with Manchester United, the game will eventually evolve into this. This is what he is most worried about. Manchester United is always a little dirty when he can't kick them!

The one who started it must be Ferguson...

Fabregas rolled on the turf several times before getting up, but his eyes were clearly flustered.

After a year of training in the Premier League, he still can't accept such a rough foul. For his part, the Premier League is English rough...

In the 47th minute, while Arsenal players had not yet adapted to the changes in Manchester United's style of play, Dong Fangzhuo quickly ran away from Koloture and pulled to the left to meet Park Zhixing's direct pass. Rooney promptly inserted into the middle and formed with him. Crossing the transposition, and Gilberto who came over for defense was too slow, Dong Fangzhuo turned and passed the left rib diagonally, and the lightning-fast Rooney volleyed his right foot 20 meters in front of the door!

Lehman seals it out!

Fans screamed twice in a row!

Ronaldo, who is keeping up on the right side, shot right foot 9 meters in front of the door!

Above the beam!



"It's incredible, it's more difficult to score than to score!"

All Manchester United people clung to their heads, Luo was able to fly this opportunity.

However, Manchester United continued to strengthen its aggressiveness in the midfield and did not allow Arsenal to counterattack.

In the 49th minute,

Fletcher put the ball into the penalty area on the right, Rooney header did not have top power, Lehman saw the ball missed the left goal post, and then Lehman picked up the ball, deliberately full of rhythm, and signaled his teammates to calm down , Don't worry.

However, after the ball was kicked out, Manchester United's trident flew like a wolf. Lauren did not dare to neglect and quickly kicked up with big feet. As a result, the ball fell into the feet of Manchester United players.

Smith drove the ball up like a bulldozer, but in the end it was given to Park Ji-sung, but Gilberto decisively cut the ball and shoveled it away. Richardson, who was behind him, immediately turned the ball to the right. Neville on the right also came up.

Offensive, every Manchester United player remembers Ferguson's words, leaving Manchester United not much time!

Neville made a long pass on the right, Ronaldo got the ball, the side easily broke through Sigan, and then passed the arc to pass. Smith then volleyed the left foot with his left foot.


This is an old problem with Manchester United and is always good at wasting opportunities.

Arsenal finally got the chance to fight back. Henry took the ball and ran for a long distance, pulling Vidic, Pike and Smith all the way to the left of the penalty area. Although there was only one person, the ball was stable at the foot of the emperor. , Has not lost the ball, he can become magic under his feet, and eventually Vidic pulled Henry, gave Arsenal a free kick.

The attention of the Manchester United player mentioned the highest alert, but the position was not very good. When Henry took a free kick on the left side, he did not directly shoot, but chose to pass. Sigan nodded the ball before the ferry, and the ball flew to the back door. Column, Richardson missed!

Gilberto unloaded the ball from the back post and turned and shot 8 meters in front of the goal!

Pique's big back flashed out and he blocked Gilberto's shot.

After quickly climbing from the turf, he quickly made a long pass! Tu Lei missed the ball, Dong Fangzhuo ambushing behind him got the ball, but he did not greedy, because there was Campbell behind him.

Swipe right with your right foot.

It's empty there!

However, Ronaldo sprinted on the right.


It's like a 100-meter general on the track and field.

"God, Ronaldo is too fast."

"No, there is Rooney."

"Rooney is second only to Ronaldo."

At that moment, both Reinkel and live fans were shocked by this scene.

In addition to Ronaldo and there are Smith and Park Zhixing.

Manchester United's counterattack actually surpassed Arsenal comprehensively.

Fabregas chased behind Ronaldo, Reyes desperately behind Rooney.

However, Manchester United players are faster!


Arsenal is actually one less...



"Pass the ball to him!"

Ferguson was very anxious on the sidelines, Ronaldo finally passed the ball to Smith, Smith knocked it to Park Ji-sung, and Park Zhixing finally gave it to Dong Fangzhuo.



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