The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3612: Do you want to know


Luo Ziling didn't expect Lin Lan to say this, and didn't know how to answer.

Lin Lan didn't say much, and left first because she had something to do. When leaving, she also solemnly instructed Shi Yidan and Zhu Yijun, who followed Luo Ziling, to be vigilant and not to be negligent.

After separating from Lin Lan, Luo Ziling went to the campus of Yan University.

After going to Qiantang for so long, he only remotely controlled the teaching in the laboratory and the school.

Dong Xiaowan complained about this and complained on WeChat from time to time.

After Luo Ziling arrived at the school, he immediately went to the laboratory to inspect. He told the others that after returning to Yanjing, he would go to the laboratory every day, and then told Dong Xiaowan that he would come to take at least one class every day.

This morning, if there are no accidents, he will stay at school all the time. In addition to giving a class for the students, he will also attend the class.

On the clinical medicine side, all of them are taking professional courses, and Luo Ziling feels that he has to show his face frequently and take the exam actively, otherwise it is too unreasonable. However, he still believes that the things in the textbook are not very important, and the most important thing is the internship in the hospital.

He has decided that he will do an internship earlier than other students, contact the hospital by himself, and become familiar with the various clinical subjects of modern medicine as soon as possible.

He has been in the clinic for many years, and he will certainly not encounter any problems when participating in the internship. No matter what the situation, he can easily deal with it.

What Luo Ziling wants to learn is actually the surgery of the surgical system.

For traditional medicine, research on surgery has always been a weakness, which Luo Ziling admits.

Although many of the current treatments are over-treatment, most operations are still necessary.

In orthopedics and surgery, many other methods of treatment cannot be replaced.

Luo Ziling believes that this is also the key point advocated by Luo Liansheng to integrate Chinese and Western.

Familiar with traditional medicine and modern medicine, when receiving patients, you can have more choices.

Luo Ziling didn't show up for a long time. There was another big news last night. As soon as he appeared in class, everyone suddenly cried out.

Beforehand, Dong Xiaowan, who was responsible for the specific management of the students, did not announce that Luo Ziling was coming to class today. In fact, she did not know.

Therefore, the students do not know who will be the next "Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine".

Unexpectedly, it was Luo Ziling.

As a result, many people took photos and sent them to Moments for the first time. After seeing these Moments, other students immediately came to join in the fun.

Fortunately, security guards guarded the door and prevented those students who came after the class bell from entering the classroom, so as not to disrupt the classroom order.

The content of Luo Ziling's lecture was projected outside through the big screen. Many people who couldn't get into the classroom stood in front of the big screen and watched the whole class.

In the next class, Luo Ziling went to listen to the lecture given by the professor of "Surgery".

Although the attendance rate of medical students in class is very high, the number of students attending the "Surgery" today has greatly increased. The entire lecture theatre is full, and many people are standing in the aisle listening. This shocked the teacher of "Surgery This" who came to the class.

The little old man is very excited. He has been in class for so many years, and the classroom is full like today. It is rare to encounter countless cases of observing students.

In this class, the little old man who gave the lecture was full of energy and tried to make the lecture wonderful. He even took out some of the mistakes he made during the operation in the hospital when he was young, and some embarrassment that he didn't want to tell people, the purpose is to attract people. In the end, the little old man figured out that so many people came to listen to his class, not because his class was wonderful, but because Luo Ziling was here today.

Luo Ziling's own lectures attracted countless fans to attend, and the most classrooms could not be crowded. The problem could only be solved by large-screen projection. Wherever he appeared, many people followed him wherever he went, which almost led to chaos, which was a bit expansion.

However, whether it is the little old man or other teachers, they all hope that Luo Ziling can come and listen to their lessons, so that they will become popular.

The best indicator for evaluating the level of a teacher's lecture is definitely the number of students in the class. If there are many students who take the initiative to listen to the class, it means that the teacher's lecture level is very good.

Luo Ziling uses the bright effect to attract students to attend the class. Although it cannot truly reflect their teaching level, it can at least give people a similar illusion. Therefore, the little old man took the initiative to send an invitation to Luo Ziling after the class, hoping that he would come to attend the class every time. thank.

Luo Ziling also agreed and promised to come over and listen to the class as much as possible.

Later, Luo Ziling went to the laboratory again, and after personally interrogating some experimental summaries, he discussed the research summary and the paper with Dong Xiaowan and Wang Feiyang.

Most of these things are in charge of Dong Xiaowan. Because Wang Feiyang is a non-professional person, he doesn't know much about these things, so he can only be Dong Xiaowan's assistant.

Dong Xiaowan's ability is still very outstanding. Luo Ziling has given her so many things, and she is responsible for teaching matters and student management. She actually takes care of it very orderly, which makes Luo Ziling very satisfied.

Dong Xiaowan has already written the outlines of the two papers, and the specific content must wait for Luo Ziling to correct it before adding it, or let Luo Ziling add it himself.

"The little girl is still very capable, not bad, not bad," Luo Ziling patted her head with satisfaction after communicating with Dong Xiaowan, "There will be heavy awards!"

"Oh, this is too ambiguous!" Luo Ziling is so affectionate to Dong Xiaowan, and Wang Feiyang is a little jealous, "still very capable, have you tried it?"

"This is our private Why do you care about so much?" Although Dong Xiaowan was a little bit irritated, she didn't let her mouth say anything, and immediately fought back, "Just take care of your own affairs, Luo Ziling and I We will deal with the personal relationship of our own, so don’t bother."

Wang Feiyang immediately sneered: "It looks like you have had a leg with him, right?"

"Would you like to record your quarrel and post it on Weibo?" Luo Ziling threatened with his mobile phone. "It is estimated that you will become popular soon. This is a good opportunity to increase your reputation. Hurry up and continue. The quarrel will be more intense. Some philosophical words are okay for a **** to scold the street."

Dong Xiaowan and Wang Feiyang shut up immediately, turning their faces away.

When Luo Ziling was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, Wang Feiyang ran over and caught him.

"After you left yesterday, I said something to my dad, do you want to hear it?" Wang Feiyang smiled, "You must have never thought of some things, they are very shocking."

"Just say what you want, don't want to say it, don't force it!" Luo Ziling was still a little bit angry.

(End of this chapter)

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