[139] Ants with a lot of money 1 "Why do not you look at my grandfather?"

"Vibrator Vice President?"


"Well, is there anything special? It's just chaebol 2, huh? "

"Just that much?"

"The chaebol second generation is there. It seems to be special since I was alive like a noble from childhood, but it is not different from ordinary person when it sees. Just…

Oh Se-hyun blinked and remembered.

"The attitude is a little different. Pretending to be discreet and humble. That looks special. "

"Is not it too crude?"

"An accurate assessment. I'm not pretending to be a regular person. A little smarter, just like everyone else. Vibrator vice president is a smart little guy. But it 's special because it' s dressed as chaebol 2. I am a normal person too. "

Miracle's return on investment is at the top, and a lot of people are gathering money.

There are many customers who enter the chaebol, and they also have a task force for them. He compared his father with his grandfather.

"You are the only one who is special. Oh, your father is special too. It is the opposite standard. "

My special thing is that I wear clothes called chaebol III.

I am an ordinary ordinary person who knows a little bit about the future. Oh, it is a little bit special to get rid of this harshly.

"Is not it hard to get in touch with your father? He would not be joking about his search? "

"I'm four years older than me, John. I do not change my attitude when I ask you to speak a few times. It was fresh. They are all looking down. "

Unless you are your younger brother, you do not get comfortable stories. It's all official story. It means there is no navigation … It is a little surprising.

"Yes, he said he was a competitor."


"Did you say that vice president Jin-ki is going to shoot you? But this man seemed to draw you to his side. Is the difference between the eldest son and the eldest son? "

"Personality difference. Let's have a little more. "

At this time, a manager picked up the report and knocked on the office door. The report was a share price on New Data Technologies.

The share price of New Data Technology, which was listed as 1,480 won, has risen steadily. It seemed as if it would go up to ten thousand times ten thousand ten thousand when it crossed ten thousand won in an instant, but it did not get out of the fence.

Securities investors had a reputation for success this week, and it was predicted that they would settle at the 6,000 won level as soon as the listing was completed.

"Now, when the stocks sell out, they will get back to operation again. Oman is going to go up and down again and again, people who have lost money every time the stock price climbs the ground, regrets buying again, and if it falls off, it will sell off and will continue to lose.

It is characteristic of ant investors. If you go up and sell it, you do not buy it.

Experts like Oh Se-hyun repeat buying and selling in the opposite pattern of ant investors, while remaining profitable in the meantime.

But none of these experts predicted that stock prices would soar to over 50,000 won.

I waited for my aunt to be thirsty to appear.

If Sangyang Electronics invests as President Lee Sang Soo said, he will definitely get the information in advance. It is not the person who will stay quietly listening to such advanced information.

There is a shortage of funds, and I can not miss the opportunity to make money without a loss.

Is not Sun Yat-sen's investment yet determined?

Pretty sure?


"Did you decide?"

"It will not. Will you invest up to 20 billion won, and will vice president go up the payment? Last year, I only made an active venture investment order, and from then on, the staff goes on. You would have paid the entire investment. "

Jin Seoyun was enthusiastic about the information provided by the managing director.

"But Im Sangmu, Sunyang Electronics was investing only in-house venture team? How do you invest in external companies? "

"I do not know the details in detail. Only a very small number of people who know this information now are not surprised to pick up stocks by nickname. "

Lim was constantly rolling eyeballs.

There are two reasons why he reported this to Seo Yun.

One is to see through Sun Seoyun that Sunyang Electronics' investment is certain, and to show off his intelligence and ability to find this information first if the investment actually happens.

"Did you find the date of the investment announcement?"

"That's … "


Jin Seoyun is trying to keep his eyeballs steady as he keeps eyeballs.

"We do not set a date, but announce it in line with the stock price. When I took a picture of Lee … "

"I won? How much is it now? "

"I come and go from ten thousand won. Some people already have their hands off … "

"Lim, the manager!"


In a harsh voice, Lim was unaware of the situation.

"I must know for sure to know! what is this? Is not that what you have to pay for the insufficient company funds? If it goes wrong, it will only be bigger. Can you believe me if you make such a stupid thing? "

"Sin, I'm sorry. boss."

"Two days. Please understand exactly. If I only seem to be in a hurry, I will think of myself again. Keep in mind. The executive is only a one-year temporary job. "

Im resigned, bowing his head as if to hide his red face.

Jin Seoyun focused on two numbers and rolled his head.

When the stock price reaches the one million won, Sunyang Electronics invests. This means that stock prices will go up to KRW20,000 unconditionally. Moreover, if Sun Yat-sen's investment is known, the share price will also skyrocket. At least twice. That means that up to 40,000 yen is not a problem.

"Yes you are … … "

If you miss this opportunity, go to bar. But when you think about tight funds, you have to be cautious and careful.

She picked up her handbag and pressed the intercom.

"Wait for the car. I'm going to Yeouido. "

* * * My aunt who came to the office excluded from the greetings and exclaimed the name of the company. It's urgent.

"New Data Technology. You said the company is hot these days? "

Oh Se-hyeon sees a beautiful smiling seoyun, even if there is no hoochyeo.

"Oh, you did not know? Then you are disappointed? "

"President Jin. There have always been hot events. That company is one of them. It's nothing special. "

"This case is special, but the information is late."

My aunt waited for O Sehyun and me alternately.

We have to release something to show that she is freeing what she has.

But Oh Se-hyun shook his head with a firm expression.

"Mr. Chin, please do not be fooled by Chirashi. If you believe it, it will be big. "

"Oh representative. I'm not. From other places … "

"Do not even think about investing in stocks, no matter how accurate the information is. Is your stock taken as collateral and is not your company's stock as well? You can not really turn back if you touch the company money. Just focus on management. This is not to say as a creditor, but as an investment expert and a close person. "

I do not want to thank you. The more people are drying up, the more convinced of their thoughts is not the characteristics of the chaebol generations?

No wonder, my aunt was hot and his voice went up.

"Oh representative. Are not you mistaken now? Oh is the creditor. It is not a shareholder. And it's not illegal to use company funds for a while, right? "

"What if there is a loss? It's not a situation that can be overcome, is it? "

"That's why you came to check it out. I'm not going to make you crazy like this! "

Looking at her uncle's aunt, Oh shed a sigh.

"Now, why not exchange your opinions with each other? If you check the facts, your aunt will be able to think differently … "

Looking at the eyes of Oh Se-hyun, the color of his face turned to his aunt's face.

how was it? Oh dear sir. Do not you think it's a good idea? I'll let you know first. Sunyang Electronics will invest 20 billion dollars soon. Stock prices will rise again. I know this, but is not it? "

"President Jin. We already know that. But investors can not believe it until the cash is stuck in the account. Even if I sign the investment contract, what's going to be messed up is that it's common on this floor. "

Oh sehyun talked like a novice who does not know how to talk, but my aunt winked.

"Oh, I am very frustrated. I have signed a contract of investment and have canceled many. I know the basics that much. So I'm confident. 20 billion, I invest. If you have 20 billion mobile phone design service fee, what will you hesitate?

I came here to listen to the answers I already wanted. And we have to give her the answer she wants. That's exactly what I want.

"Unusually, when the stock price is one million won, it announces the investment of Sunyang Electronics. Does not that mean that it goes up to at least ten thousand won? And if the investment announcement is made, it will double. Is my word wrong? "

"I just want to buy it in a circle and sell it for 40,000 yen, right?"

He still looked grumpy at his aunt, who chose only words he did not like.

That's it!

"Then why do not you let me know?"

"Resolved the anxiety of … ? That's why. "

Oh sehyun said with a short breath.

"President Jin. Have you ever invested in stocks so far? "

Sure do. If you look at me as an amateur ant investor, you make a big mistake. "

"It is not. By the way, have you invested enough money in the past? The investment failure is so big that it will drive a big blow. "

My aunt laughed and nodded his head.

"I do not know what you mean. Do not gamble at the edge of the cliff, you lose your life, not money. Is not that right? "

When I look at the stock charts with desperate feelings, I lose money or lost reason. Not to mention, if you lose money, you can not leave the gambling board until you lose all of the money.

"Because you know, I will not say twice. When it is 40,000 won, sell it all. That's all I'm saying. "

Oh Se-hyun spat out as if it was annoying to say.

"It's 40,000 won, right? It has been a long time disagreement. I thought about that. Ho Ho."

"Yeah. Glad to hear that, but keep in mind. There is a great operational force here. I do not know when it will collapse because stock prices rise further. Is not it your four, even if it is four thousand won? Do not be greedy anymore. "

"I thought to that extent. Stop nagging. "

My aunt finally heard what I wanted. I have confirmed that my judgment is right for a specialist like Oh Se-hyun, so I will collect all of my affiliate's money and buy New Data Technology shares.

And once you get four times the profits, you will get excited, and Oh Se-hyun's bill must be forgotten.

I would hesitate to wait for all that money to come again, but if I look at the dancing stock again, I will never win the burning greed.

So I will run to the dead end I want.

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