[197] Never Forget. 1 On August 23, when the hot summer collapsed, the IMF management system was terminated as the government fully repaid the IMF bailout $ 19.5 billion.

The government has once again relieved the suffering and hardship of the people and has not forgotten the government's celebration.

But the crisis is over, but Korea has crossed a river that can not go back.

The concept of a lifetime job disappeared and life changed to the weight of money.

Money became the best value, and consumption turned into a means of showing wealth, not life. Rather than the word luxury, the word luxury comes naturally.

Labor restructuring has sharply shrunk due to job insecurity, irregular work, and income inequality.

As the inequality of wealth increased, the phenomenon of the rich and the poor began.

On the other hand, large-scale liquid capital was formed, while domestic demand was sluggish due to the contraction of consumption of the poor. After the IT boom collapsed, large-scale floating capital, which spans hundreds of trillion won, moved from the stock market to real estate, calling for nationwide real estate speculation.

Of course, the current real estate storm is a global phenomenon.

The ultra-low interest rate policy from the United States has supplied excess liquidity to the market, which is one of the factors that led to liquidity flowing into the real estate market.

But whatever the cause, the result is disastrous.

Now that we have a generation that has to give up even having a house.

In fact, I was not interested in the program to overcome the IMF. Nothing else was visible because of what would happen exactly 19 days later.

The stock charts and status sheets of the US, Japan, and Korea that filled up the monitors all seemed obsolete, and there was endless hesitation and confusion.

One reason I hesitate to hold my keyboard and mouse is because of my hand.

Is it legitimate to take advantage of the opportunities given by others' tragedies?

It is the tragedy of others who can not stop and can not stop anyway. Someone … . No, dozens of millions of humans who are immersed in the world of investment will make money because of this tragedy, and more and more people will lose money.

I am also in this world.

You must stand on either side. But is not it possible to stand on the loss side? Is not losing money by walking on the losing side deliberately?

I have already decided which side I should be, but I wanted to avoid the unscrupulous thing of making money by using the tragedy of others.

In the end, it is a question of how much money to make.

I did not want to go to the level where I pointed to myself.

Fuck, when you do this, it's my grandfather's style that keeps your eyes closed … It was too far to follow.

I took all my heart and stared at the monitor.

After confirming the exercise price of the put option, I pressed the number of the keyboard.

If you take a huge amount of money, only the multiplier of the gambling board is disturbed. Nobody picks the right amount to pay attention to and places the order.

How will this number change?

In the past, I was not interested in stocks.

So even the September 12, 2001 share price is unknown. I know that there is a big slump. It is just common sense common sense. Ten times? Twenty times? How many times will it be?

I shook my head. Thinking about the money I already have … .

After resetting the computer, I logged in with foreign investment mode.

After selecting Japan, I entered a higher number than before.

I reset it again.

The US stock market, financial products and derivatives shine and welcomed me, but the hesitation grew even bigger.

I just put the computer on.

Let's defend this place. This is enough.

* * * Tuesday, September 11th.

The tragedy arose when SES and myth in turn stepped into the top of popular songs.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, it was time for the salaried men to drink shochu with their pork belly, to chew the dried squid and to brew beer.

American flight 11 took off 92 people on the same morning at 7:59 am, as usual.

Just 15 minutes later, the Boston Control Station tried to contact American Airlines 11 (AA11), but the AA11 did not respond for more than 10 minutes.

After a while, the controller said, "We have abducted airplanes. If you stay still, you will be safe. I'm going back to the airport. "Listen to the communication.

And the AA11 aircraft disappeared from New York's radar.

At 8:13 am, the Logan International Airport East Control Tower authorized the departure of United Airlines flight 175. And thirty minutes later, the kidnappers stabbed and killed the captain and the captain.

At 8:46 am on a busy New Yorker 's rush to work, one plane suddenly crashed into a building north of the World Trade Center.

11 American Airlines disappeared from the radar.

At 9:03 am, the burning of the north building is relayed almost live to the world through broadcasts, with hundreds of people's eyes and broadcast cameras all pointing towards the building, United Airlines 175 is flying at a speed of 872 kilometers per hour The trade center hit the south building.

* * * I kept my office all day. After everyone had left, I sat idly with my TV on.

Eventually, history went smoothly, and at about 10 pm, all broadcasters began to send emergency news.

I watched the breaking news.

But these feelings did not last long.

It is because the people who relaxed watching TV at home and those who had a drink at Yoido 's pub all came to the company.

They all pressed the computer switch and started to check the monitor. Of course, I did not miss CNN breaking news.

At this time, Miracle's manager and above all must have gone to work.

I pressed the intercom.

"Team leader and more into the meeting room."

I slowly got up and went to the conference room.

There was a lot of people rushing to drink.

"I think everyone has confirmed the breaking news. So I guess I ran into the company this time. "

The people who had already gathered looked at me with a grim look at me that I had gathered in the meeting room at the moment when I was short of a moment.

"Indicate one of the most important rules. If someone breaks my instructions, I will fire them. Please keep in mind. "

At that time, the door of the conference room opened wide and Oh Se-hyun ran in.

“Hey! Have you seen the news? "

Oh Se-hyun, who was shouting, rushed quickly. The silence of the meeting room replaces the answer.

"Oh dear sir. Do you have anything to say? "

It is a person who will be very polite and clueless to notice what my tone means.

No. Continue the story. "

"Yeah. then."

He looked around again and said.

"My instructions are very simple. Even if the stock market opens tomorrow morning, please act as usual. In other words, you should not think about this a while ago. There is no sale order. "

Ugh! Siljangnim that… ! "

Certainly not. Stock market crashes are obvious. We have to sell out as much as we can. "

As expected, the reaction was severe.

Those whose incentives are determined by their performance. I think that my decision today is unfair because I have incentives several times higher than the annual salary in the contract.

"Everyone is quiet! From now on, he who cuts off the words of Jindo Jun will cut it off! Listen to the end and follow the instructions of the chief unconditionally! "

Oh Se – Hyun blinked and shouted, and the meeting room was full of cold energy.

I ran into one eye when I met him.

"If you want to sell, please do as you wish. But you should not sell it out arbitrarily. In particular, we must hold stocks of our capital. "

The hard-core staff seemed to bow their heads and sullen their complaints.

"Especially in the case of blue chips, keep buying before the end of the chapter. Obviously I will take a lower limit, so I should not hesitate. "

No more saying that it repeats the same words and becomes a nagging.

"I know what you're worried about. But before the next few days, the stock market returns to its original state. We do not need to hustle ourselves until we are shaky. That is all.

All of a sudden the horse ran to my place. New breaking news should be confirmed. They will not be available until tomorrow.

In the meeting room where everyone got out, there was only me and Oh Se-hyun.

"Are not you crazy?"

"It's very normal."

"Then it is."

Oh Se-hyun turned his body to yawning long.

"I'm in trouble. I go to work. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Is it the end? Do you have anything else to say? "

"You would have judged well. I have a lot to call America. I have to be upset and sorry. Yes, you can call Rachel. I have a lot of acquaintances at the World Trade Center. "

"Yeah. I will do it after a few days. Can you hear me now? "

"Yes. Anyway, I suffered. "

Oh Se-hyun sat for a moment in a vacant boardroom where he disappeared.

I stood up again.

It is not time to be in appreciation. It's not over yet.

I went out to Yeouido and went to Sunyang Securities.

* * * When I explained the same instructions to Miracle, Sunyang Securities CEO and Jang Do-hyung started to look at me with a foolish look.

"All responsibility is lost. Please follow me. "

Siljangnim You've seen the news, but this is terrorism. Can America be the only one? There will be war. "



"Where are you going to fight?"

"It's … Is not it a terrorist group? "

"What is the probability that the United States will be defeated if we fight a war with a terrorist group?"

Zhang did not answer.

"It is so shocking that a big ripple can not be avoided. But try calmly. There is no simultaneous terrorism across the United States. I will not let it be the US government. Rather, when the terrorist attacks begin, the stock price will recover soon. "

Siljangnim Can we make a decision after we check the US stock market? "

The president of Sunyang Securities, who had just listened, quietly opened his mouth.

"For the time being. At least four or five days will not open, so we have to decide. "

"Closed… ? "

"Wall Street is a pillar of the American economy. It's right to avoid the storm. "

"Hmm… . Zhang Zhang. "

"Yeah. boss."

"Let me follow your opinion. As far as investment is concerned, are not you a few steps above me? "

The president is as seasoned as he is.

I have made a very short comment, but I am sure that I am going to have a grudge.

I had a huge shock wave and I stopped it.

How happy is it that I am responsible for everything, the owner's family and the major shareholder, at a time when things are likely to be wrong.

* * * I came back to Yeouido and sipped all night and kept checking CNN breaking news. Not only me. Last night, not only Yeouido but also the lights of large buildings were not turned off.

It is a situation that no one knows how this situation is going to happen. Everybody keeps office and prepares for new situation.

I waited for the stock market to end with irritation all day.

By the time of the 12th shutdown, the global stock market was a perfect day for a crash.

The staff gathered together with a long sigh and ran to the sauna.

We need a short break for a long battle that will not be finished any time in the future.

I have confirmed from the results of the covert work I had done alone a few days before confirming the closing of the stock market today. My fingers turned white when I put the result of today's put option on my monitor with my fingertips. A comma between a number and a number.

My head was dizzy.

How does this happen!

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