[303] No, what are you doing? 3 Death and birth, mourning and celebration, black mourning and pure white wedding dress.

Funerals and marriages are such contradictions, but they also have something in common.

There is a chance to see how many people have gathered and who have not even been in touch for a while.

The more cruel reality is that you can also see how your social position is.

At the funeral and wedding ceremony, the most people rushing and heading are not resident nor self-interested.

It is the most successful, powerful person in the place.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jindojun's wedding ceremony was held together by business and legal professions. This place has gathered power by rank.

He was a judge, of course, divided into three chiefs of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Constitutional Court chief, the Attorney General and a representative of a large law firm. The business world was a bit subtle.

The HW Group, which was founded solely by merger and acquisition, has never lagged behind its counterparts, Chu Tai-sik, Vice Chairman of Dae-Hyun Motor Group and Jin Young-ki of Sunyang.

When Lee Hak-jae emerged, most of the chiefs and businessmen bowed, and the junta chairman ran ahead and led him to the same table.

Vice President Jin Young-ki, who was away from home, made up his mind with a plausible excuse that he should be in the family seat.

"This chairman. But it's a strange rumor that is true? "

The President of Dae-hyun Chou Tae-sik spoke utterly like a whisper.

"What rumors?"

"Today's main character, Jindo Juni, says Miracle is the real owner."

"Who did? And the owner of the investor is not stalled. No matter how big an investor is, are not those investors who have paid for money?

"I did not even talk about it. It's a fund manager, not a fund manager. By the way, Most of Miracle's operating funds were just the money he earned. "

"I think Zuni will be a pretty big hand at Miracle. But as you said, would that be enough? Is not the first president Oh Se-hyun? There is a representative of the US headquarters. "

The chairman, holding his hand, pointed to a large, round table, which was far away.

"That foreign woman sitting there, Miracle representative? I know how much money I have to meet the president. "

There is also news that the meeting with big financial people will be continuous starting from the Blue House.

"You were invited to the Blue House luncheon tomorrow? I will. Forgot? During the last financial crisis, we sent $ 10 billion to Korea. Thanks to the bank of Korea was safe and did not keep the exchange rate? That should be the level of IMF governor. "

"Thanks to him, did you see this chair a lot of fun?"

The chief president touched this chair with his elbows.

"You said that the person who coordinated all that was Dojun?"

That’s true. I had a hard time to bridge in the middle. "

The chairman of the board of directors left the city and continued the conversation, but the secret of Jindojun was not that long.

A plausible rumor can easily be made so that anyone can easily imagine it. That is, a lot of false rumors are circulating.

But there are rumors that are hard to believe. It's hard to believe, it's not plausible, it's hard to imagine.

That is why someone does not make it with purpose. I do not think anyone would believe it.

The real master of Miracle, the owner of most of the investment, this means that his fortune is literally astronomical. It is hard to believe that one person is the owner of the money.

The more unbelievable the rumor is, the more likely it is to be true, the more information you have ever seen.

The people gathered at this wedding are those who are quicker to access and use the information than anyone else.

2 The fact that Jin Do-joon's identity was circulating in rumor meant that it was hard to hide.
'The next Cheong Wa Dae luncheon will go to Doojun. It will be hard to hide anymore. Well …. Is there no reason to hide it now? "

Looking at the president 's expression, he was staring at the CEO of Miracle America.

"Damn, the world has changed."

"Do not you always change?"

"No, it seems that the age of the guys who turn the factory together and make and sell things is over. It's like the age of the guys who are making money now. I have never eaten alone in the Blue House. "

"Oh, my brother. That's what I think it will be. "

"No! Look at America. Wall Street controls the economy. "

Draw two completely different situations and compare them. This leads to a company that represents Korea.

The material was sighing.

The one who always holds the money is holding the hilt. In Korea, the chaebol holds the money and always holds the hilt.

Dojuni also holds the sword of a knife which is very well done. Is Dojuni a chaebol? Or is he a punk guy?

Suddenly it was a question.

* * * "I know, it's hard."

After finishing the wedding ceremony, Seo Min-young settled in the bed in the hotel room.

I lay down beside her and dug in my arms. She touched her hair like that.

"Let's go to sleep."

"The flight time is …. Oh, you said it was a private machine? "

Really? We can not rest until we board, so we can rest and rest. "

She closed her eyes as if at ease, but a few minutes later she got up.

Let's go.

Already You can rest. "

"No, not at the airport." "Then where?"

"Gunsan. I have to say goodbye to my grandfather. "

I could not lie down, I got my upper body.

"I can go honeymoon and go bowing. It is not too late to see adults. "

"That's the word, but is it good for you? Do not you want to go? It 's the one who gets the most heart. How many times have you thought your grandfather was here today? "

"Are you laughing now? How do you know so well? "

"Stop laughing and packing. Let's go after it. If it is too late, I can start tomorrow. Can you use this room tonight? "

"I'll show you how useful the plane is. Look forward. "

Seo Min-young, who did not know the English language and opened his eyes in a circle, called the steps to manage all marriages and honeymoon trips.

"I am going to Gunsan to meet my grandfather now. And I have to move the plane to get out of Gunsan right away. Do you have an airport in Gunsan? "

"I'll confirm and let you know. You'll be driving to Gunsan? "

"Is that comfortable?"

"I will tell you as soon as you are ready. Please rest. "

When the step came out, she held up her thumb.

"Oh, now I realize that I am married to a real tycoon."

She sat on my back again and said she was blinking.

"A few days ago my parents told me something very interesting."


"Do not you know that famous Madam Tou was in Gangnam for me and you?"

What is it? What does that mean? "

"As soon as you went to college, your grandfather was looking for a man. I was voted top of the list. "


Seomin Young nodded his head vigorously.

"Huh. Nowadays, the middlemen do not let me see it. I naturally made the place and made it feel good, and then arranged the line. Madame Tou would have thought very easily because we were in the same school. "

"Oh, huh. It's a miscalculation. "

"right. I would not have known you did not come to school. "

Now I knew why she told me to go from Gunsan.

I want to show you that your grandfather was done as you intended.

At this time, the staff came carefully.

"We're done. However, it is difficult to use Gunsan Airport and you can use nearby Muan International Airport. Would that be OK with you?”

all right

We set off in secret to avoid reporters' eyes.

Why not? Feel?"

She smiled as she watched me grinning the monument.

"If it was going to happen anyway, I would marry you when my grandfather was alive."

"Regret is too late at the earliest. So I'll live without regret. "

"What the hell are you doing already? Is that a rip off? "

Yes, you should not regret it.

Let's go. We are here to come and greet you. "

Greeting Where?

"It's about my grandfather's brother. I came down from time to time to greet you, but you are not here today. I also sent a wedding invitation … My grandfather was also relieved to see me often. "

I grabbed her hand and headed to the house of my grandfather, who was like a little grandfather.

* * * "It is a very unpleasant thing. I put off my honeymoon and greet my grandfather! Your boy, I went well. "

He smiled and laughed.

For a while he handed me a good deal, and he looked at me and asked quietly.

"You said you kicked your motive? Put everything you have in your hand. "

It is far from the province, but the ear listening is much to Seoul.

"You have stepped down with the responsibility of mismanagement."

"On the surface, yes. You always said that you are the only one who follows your abilities as greedy, but you were not wrong. "

"Has Grandpa ever been wrong?"

"There was a lot, man."

The little grandfather laughed and said afterwards.

"Instead, it turned out to be wrong. You're right, you're all different than you. You have to do that much, and you'll win the ship. "

"I'll keep your words in mind." Little grandfather. "

Whether you like the title, you can not forget the smile.

"Yes, let's do it."

"Yeah. Please speak. "

"Let your grandfather graze slowly."

Now I know that I have that much strength. There is no grandmother, only a grandfather who has taken a half-ship, and no one can stop me if I say I will.

"When I get tired and the heel gets tough, I'll say. Then move to Seoul. "

"Yeah. Then I will have a little grandfather together. "

"You've learned to speak well. A clever bastard. haha."

He stood up with a smile.

"Come on. On the day of my marriage, the old man was holding on too long. "

"I'll see you again. Little grandfather. "

When Seo Min – young was politely bowed, he laughed again.

* * * "It's a god! Congratulations on your wedding. "

Oh Se-hyun who waited in Kota Kinabalu embraced me.

"Your brilliant ceiling also ends this way. It is now downhill. "

He whispered quietly into his ear and he led us to the resort.

If Seo Min – young had eyes and did not drive him out, he would have stayed on the first night of our honeymoon.

I just rested for a week without any reason.

It seemed to be the first time that I had completely erased my thoughts, my thoughts of work.

A week later, I came back.

I am on the battlefield, and my wife, Seo Min Young, is at work.

* * * On the first day of work, I greeted some people and sat down with the chairperson.

He threw dozens of business license letters in front of me.

"Is this all those straws and honey suckers?"

Really? Construction, heavy industry, machinery, and chemistry. "

It would not have been difficult to find out where the money was taken out in the name of the president who knew the circumstances inside the group better than anyone else.

"These are the companies that are related to these straws."

He handed me the list and looked at me.

I know why I wonder.

Sorry, but this time I can not give the president 's will.

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