Will it be extremely cold?

The climate of the last days is cloudy and sunny, and there are various uncertainties. Fu Erdie came out without a thermometer, so she could only judge by body sensation that the outside temperature should be ten or twenty degrees.

You must know that city C is only ten degrees in winter, and in the south, unless the mountainous area, most of the temperature will be higher, and with the high temperature of the previous two years as a pavement, the temperature will only be higher and not lower.

After reading many novels about the abnormal temperature drop in the apocalypse, Fu Erdie was a little worried that everyone would be frozen while sleeping.

Just in case, instead of giving the duty of the vigil entirely to Zucchini, everyone took turns vigil.

The temperature was getting lower and lower. When it was Sang Wenhao's turn to watch the night in the second half of the night, the temperature was already about 10 degrees, which was exactly the winter temperature in City C.

Everyone is an ability user, and there is no situation where they are directly frozen. When they feel cold, they have already woken up.

Can't sleep. They went out each with a jacket and a few thin quilts.

But this is obviously not enough insurance, you need to find some warm clothes.

Fu Erdie was a little worried about everyone's protection against the cold in the community, but considering that there was a house in the community, it shouldn't be a problem.

A group of people got on a box car and reluctantly followed the map to find houses and shops that might have warm items around.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the sky lit up with gray, and in a blink of an eye, it was the time that Fu Erdie and everyone in the community agreed to send a telegram.

Most of Cen Xiyang's space was filled with water, and a small part was dedicated to various sundries.

The telegraph and the battery are both delicate objects, and they are very careful in storage, especially when the electricity is used only when the telegraph is used.

The moment the power was connected at 8:00, Fu Erdie received a call from Senyu Community. It was obvious that they had been squatting and guarding, so that Fu Erdie could get a prompt as soon as she went online.

Fu Erdie replied "Yes", and immediately explained the situation and asked Fu Erdie if she wanted to go back.

It turned out that in the southern part, the cooling rate that they could feel was relatively small. City C and City D were almost overwhelmed by the cold wave coming from the northwest. Yesterday, it dropped from more than 20 degrees to zero in one day. A layer of broken ice formed directly on the surface of the water tank on the roof of some floors, which was expanded after being discovered by the house. After checking the height of the field, the water temperature was slightly warmed up and used normally.

The cold air came from the northwest. Yesterday, it cooled cities c and d during the day, and it was Fuerdie's turn at night.

People who are now stationed in Building No. 7 in Jian City also responded to the problem of cooling.

The resident is an ordinary person, and without the protection of a house, he is no better than a supernatural person. It was Luluo and Succulent who discovered the problem in time, separated the leaves and wrapped her in layers to wear them as clothes, so she didn't freeze. The community also has to send superhumans to deliver clothes and quilts, so that it is not a problem for her to live there.

But the temperature continues to drop...

Fu Erdie thought about it, and switched to the secret channel with City D to ask about City D.

Building No. 7 in Bisenyu Community and Jian City in City D is much worse. There are too many ordinary people there, and it takes a lot of bedding and clothes to keep warm.

However, before the end of the world, the clothes and quilts that were not needed were all wet, moldy, and insects. Even if some people took out the quilts and dried them many times in the sun, but when the sun was out, the high temperature and humidity would make the clothes and bedding renew. mildew.

This is still the material that the few people who originally or first came to the base in D city and owned a house to find out from the house. Most of the 20,000 to 30,000 people who received the base from the back slept in Datongpu. In the harsh environment, only a few tattered small items were left. The most precious thing was for them to eat every day. Mutant crops. Now that the temperature has cooled, everyone is dumbfounded and can only count on the base to come up with some method to help them.

The base found out the quilts and cotton-padded coats that had been moldy but had not been thrown away, and distributed them so that they could barely keep out the cold. But despite this, there are still many people who have colds and fevers, and even a few people with poor physical fitness.

D city base cheered up and tried various ways to mobilize human and material resources to respond to emergencies. Fortunately, it was cool during the day on their side, and everyone had time to react, so that most of them didn't catch a cold all of a sudden.

It's just that the clothes and quilts of these moldy insects can't be used all the time, otherwise, it is also a chronic poison for ordinary people with poor constitution.

Fu Erdie looked at the long telegram message and was glad that she had left her house in the community base camp.

However, this level of cooling is also a continuous consumption for the house.

It can maintain the temperature and humidity in its own area, making people live comfortably. However, maintaining only one room and controlling the temperature of only about 10 degrees is different from maintaining a community and controlling more temperatures.

Although the house is of the fifth tier and its strength is very strong, Fu Erdie knows that if no one lives in its area, it does not need to maintain the temperature and humidity at all. After all, it makes no difference whether the temperature is plus 100 degrees or minus 100 degrees. . It is simply because someone is inside, so in order to protect everyone, it has to maintain its own state.

In the community, aunt Cao Rui conveyed Professor Zhao's meaning in time: [The power generation of the community allows the residents to turn on the air conditioner for five hours and the oven for ten hours a day, helping the house save power. 】

In other words, even if the house doesn't care about everyone, everyone can spend the fire because of the previous infrastructure achievements?

Fu Erdie breathed a sigh of relief.

The people at the base in D city quickly said that if the butterfly garden has spare capacity, they hope to cooperate in drying some quilts.

They go outside to find cold-proof materials, and then put them in the butterfly garden for processing, whether it is to rub the stove to remove moisture and mold, or ask the house to help, as long as the things can be used. Supplies can be divided into five or five with the butterfly garden.

Fu Erdie asked City D to discuss with the parents who are currently in charge of the Butterfly Garden and the house that will contribute a lot. If the house is able to help, he can help as much as he can. As for the cold-proof materials, the Butterfly Garden intends to take some energy. You can use it, you don't need to divide so many materials.

Fu Erdie herself...

It was indeed difficult for them to find usable cotton-padded cotton-padded down jackets. But this is not a big problem. After all, as high-level ability users, they have a strong physique, and it is not a problem if they are a little cold or have poor clothes. The zucchini will also help them properly remove the dirt, mildew and insects on the cold protection materials, so that they can use them as comfortably as possible.

In June, Fu Erdie and his party continued to walk slowly towards Qingshi.

The cold wave finally hit the entire southeast, and the temperature stopped after several drops, and then continued to drop to 0 degrees.

Ice floes formed on the surface of the flood waters that had ravaged the vast land for a long time.

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