There is no conflict between being a group owner and being an ACG!Author: Yaoyue

Thanos: I, the overlord of the universe, collect all the Infinity Stones, and destroy the universe with a snap of my fingers!

  Boros: But you don't have an Infinity Stone right now.

  Thanos: …………

  Tuomu: Hahaha, Thanos, you sand sculpture!

  Alice: Uh... who wants to fight baby zombies?

  Rem: Take me one!

  Looking at the speeches of these sand sculpture netizens, Ling Yue said, what infinity gems to collect and what little zombies to fight!Come and try my game!Like... so what Dark Souls 3?Happy together!

The beginning of the first chapter

  Location: Global Village

  Time: August 2019, 8

  For the vast majority of people, this day is nothing more than an ordinary day, whether it is for the residents of the global village or our pig's foot transiting the moon.

  Name: Ling Yue

  Hobbies: ACG, web articles, food

  A college graduate who is not in the mainstream, after graduation, he wanted to inherit his father's ordinary food factory, have an ordinary girlfriend, have an ordinary wedding, have an ordinary child, and live an ordinary life.

  Who would have thought that before he took over the inheritance, Nima was carrying a deficit of several million...Father still said goodbye...turning the table.JPG

  This ..... pit is not so pit !!!! Ling Yue doubts in life..... ORZ

  Ling Yue, who wants to cry but has no tears, starts the computer, opens her favorite Xiaopo Station, and habitually smashes it." In this society where morality is declining, only this ou..cough.. Xiaopo Station can give me a little bit. Warm, let me take a breath and calm down first

  The Pure Land of Bliss starts!

  Infinite loop mode is on!

  Dynamic music, enticing, help me up, I can take another breath!!w(Д)w

  Just when Ling Yue was immersed in the source of all evil with her earphones, in the lower right corner of the 32-inch monitor desktop, a small icon in the shape of a horn flashed inexplicably, and people couldn't help but click to open it, but unfortunately Ling Yue was so excited that she didn't notice this small phenomenon at all. After all, Ling Yue didn't have the habit of opening chat software when she turned on the computer.

  Small speaker icon: cough, your courier has arrived, please check...X3

  Lingyue: "Huh? What the hell is a courier check!? This UP master is disrespectful, have you recorded all this, and it's not yet one time, how many couriers do you want to receive!! Bad review bad review! Change another one Change another one. Hey, this black.. This character is really exquisite! Praise and praise"

  Speaker small icon: cough, your plug-in is online, please confirm... X5

  Lingyue's face is dumbfounded than "Wow Kao! No, it's UP, it's fine if you don't do your job properly, and you still open the plug-in! It's still so open and upright! And this plug-in also jumps five times a minute. Expose him!" He took off the earphones, followed his heart, and entered a post bar, brewing for a few minutes, ready to start the circular spray mode.

  Small speaker icon: Cough, your warm delivery has arrived, no need to open the door to confirm. The red horn has been turned on for [-] times the speed!

  Ling Yue couldn't hear this voice prompt. All he heard was the sudden roar of the host computer, the aroma of barbecue, and the "small" icon of the horn flashing at 32 times the speed of red horns that suddenly occupied the entire [-]-inch monitor screen.

  This terrifying scene made Ling Yue sweat and tremble with fear. Are you scared out of your mind? It's so weird and wicked" I()*@#%!!! The mouse and keyboard are out of order, and the monitor can't be turned off. Off, the power off button is useless, I @^%#%! By the way, unplug the power!"

  Looking at the disconnected power cord in my hand, I was looking at the computer that exploded like cracked magma instead of shutting down due to power failure.

  Ling Yue lit a cigarette with a broken face and took a deep breath. "It's all an illusion. It must have been too much stress recently. It's good to wake up. That's right, that's it. How in the world can..."

  "Pfft. Boom——" The black hole that followed was destroying and devouring everything around it, including... Lingyue, who had not finished speaking. Then the black hole shrunk rapidly for no reason, until it disappeared, Only one small western-style building was left in ruins.

  At the moment of being swallowed by the black hole, Ling Yue was already so painful that she couldn't feel it, well... After all,

  The body has been crushed into nothingness, how can I still feel the pain. Now only the soul surrounded by inexplicable brilliance is left, traveling toward the unknown time and space.

  Of course, Lingyue doesn't understand all of this, she just faintly hears a few voices and becomes unconscious, um... the unconsciousness of the soul state, let's take it as it is XD



  "... Kai... times... Quan..."

  "Pump... volume... start..."

  "...starting heavy...ròu..."



  Parallel World Basketball. Ahem. Blue Star.

  This is an era of super peace. No hands can generate electricity, no mouth can breathe fire, and no goggles can be used to fire lasers.. Cough, is there something strange mixed in? Cross it out, and no strong person can The fist collapses, but the cultural industry is very scarce compared to the earth. This is a world that is extremely unfriendly to Lingyue.

  (Lingyue: I’m going to die without the drama, I’m going to die if I can’t breathe the Pure Land of Bliss, I’m going to die without a paper wife QWQ)

  Fusang Special Administrative Region, Tokyo, the night sky is dotted with stars, and the colorful neon lights in the city are interspersed with each other, forming a moving picture, but at this time, a bright light suddenly crossed the sky.

  "Wow, look, it's a meteor, make a wish now, maybe it will come true," said a girl who was chatting with her best friend on the balcony in surprise.

  "EMMMM, how old are you, you still believe this, it's better to work hard honestly! You are just too lazy!" A girlfriend covered her face helplessly

  "Yeah~~~ you care about me, I like it, I like it, or it's not a girlfriend, my girlfriend wants to say it on a united front!" A certain girl blushed and turned her head to the side

  "Yes, yes, make a wish, and if you don't make a wish, the meteor will fly away," a girlfriend said with a doting face

  "Eh, eh, look at the direction of the meteor, it feels like... eh??!!! Why did it suddenly disappear??" A certain girl's face is unscientific. Could it be that what I have learned is fake! !

  Just as the girl and her best friend were discussing, the "meteor" in the girl's zui has quietly appeared in a dim room of a family, and in the "meteor" that has passed away, it is EMMM.. The naked Ling Yue appears, At this time, the original owner of this room was lying on the desk with his eyes closed and his face full of pain. After the pain was extreme, it slowly turned into serenity, and the breath of life was slowly disappearing.At this moment, there was an inexplicable mechanical sound in the dark room.

  "Character Status: Reached the Zero Limit of Death"

  "Deprive the power of existence, extract the memory"

  "After the execution is completed, start to give the host the power of existence and start to integrate memory"

  "After the execution...cough, the sub-module is about to go offline"

  "Ahem, the super smart module is about to go offline"

  "Ahem, the main module is about to go offline"

  "The energy intake target is forced to..."

  The room returned to silence, and Ling Yue was unaware of everything, lying peacefully on the chuang, um... naked.

  "knock knock"

  "Oni-san, it's time for dinner... Knock knock... Did you hear that? Oni-san!? Oni-san!!" The girl's increasingly anxious voice sounded outside the door


  "Onissan what's wrong with you?! Ah? Ah!!!"

  The girl violently broke the door and ran to the desk in a panic to check the situation, but found that......


  "A Newcomer", "For Flowers", "For Collection"

Chapter [-] Cough, the main module is online

  One year later

  Hey, everyone, I'm Lingyue, I'm 17 years old now, I'm a sophomore in Kubi, my parents are dead, I have a sister and a house.

  I'm still alive, and I've transmigrated, and I've been wearing a person who was carved in the same mold as me.This is a surprise in the cup, if you do this and that in the appearance of other people, uh... it will be twisted and disgusting.

  Although the timing of the crossing is very inappropriate, it seems that the original body was naked and ready to enter the state of the sage, and at such an inappropriate time, the younger sister who broke into the door inappropriately...It is worth mentioning that in the fusion memory, the original body should be rushing for the manuscript, and then died suddenly due to unknown reasons, which is very strange!After racking his brains, he couldn't come up with a reason, and it can only be attributed to the accident caused by crossing? ?

  When I think about it now, it still feels like... I really want to die. Just delete the number and start over.The most important thing is that this sister is called Domabu.

  That's right, it was the buried earth that he was familiar with but unfamiliar with!

  A major traffic accident 5 years ago caused all her parents and elder brothers... Only Tu Jianbu, who was still young and had no relatives, Lingyue's parents, as good friends, took over to take care of her in every possible way. , but what... The next year, an air crash occurred during a business trip, and both of them passed away, leaving only a large sum of compensation.

  "Well, it's good to be alive, what's the face! What's the prudence! A few dollars a pound! Can you eat it! And it's still the same as when I was on Earth, still so handsome. So handsome! Ah~~ praise Sun!" That's how I consoled myself.

  Although in my memory this body was extremely weak due to overwork, I didn't feel any discomfort. Ling Yue, who couldn't figure it out, simply attributed it to the welfare of the transmigrators? ?

  After various information inquiries and chats with my sister, I learned that..

  This is a completely peaceful era. No hand can generate electricity, no mouth can breathe fire, and no strong person can collapse a mountain with one punch.Just 80 years ago, due to unknown reasons in the Dragon Kingdom, various high-tech weapons emerged in an endless stream.The reunification was completed in less than 4 months, and then the high-tech equipment that no current force could resist to complete the sweeping of the invaders and counterattack an island country.An island nation surrendered.

  Long Guo, on the other hand, entered the chessboard of World War II without a break, and with the momentum of destroying the dead, the countries could not find the north, and in one fell swoop, he established the status of the Blue Star hegemon.

  So far, we have entered a period of peaceful and high-speed development in which countries around the world are taking pictures and exhaling happily.However, due to some reasons, the development of the cultural industry is extremely slow.

  Oh, by the way, an island country submitted an application for incorporation to the Dragon Kingdom one month after submitting its surrender, and became a special administrative region of the Dragon Kingdom, the Fusang Special Administrative Region.. XD

  This makes Lingyue very happy, so that he can be a glorious porter to carry all kinds of ACG and famous online works on the earth.After all, he and Tujian Mai are both private schools, and the tuition is very expensive. In addition to this and that fee, the indemnity is almost the same now.

  This reverie lasted for less than 5 minutes, and Ling Yue was knocked down by ChiLuoluǒ's reality.

  What Super Wen Chao Gong, what ACG Empire, what Bai Fumei in the left hand, and the soil in the right hand.. The local tyrants 8848 mobile phones are all fake!

  Online novels are all lies!A web article has at least a million words, and it’s good to just remember a general plot.Not to mention anime and games~ These all require a variety of skills and a lot of resources.

  For these...he has none.

  Ling Yue's mouth came out of the white soul.This time-travel is a little different from what he thought!How can it be repaired!


  On a sunny morning, Ling Yue walked towards the private Toyonozaki Academy as always, the school he was currently studying at. After all, it was very close to home.

  "Mom Ji, what about the benefits of the transmigrators, the good transmigration

  The standard gold finger, fake, all fake! !This damn world is fake too! !My 20T life instructor and paper man wife! ! !fuck!This damn world doesn't even have a paper man's wife, this damn world is destroyed!Forget it, anyway, there is a little sister Xiaobu, hehe," Ling Yue complained softly as she walked.

  In the past year, he has tried countless methods, even the power supply socket on the head!Apart from the soaring electricity bill that month, he had nothing to do, except that he was a little sour from being charged.Well, the so-called traverser standard did not appear!

  Could it be a standard superpower?With that thought in mind, he started all kinds of death attempts.Well, it's still the same, apart from paying a huge electricity bill, Suan Shuang is still the same Suan Shuang, he is still the same him, he who has no extraordinary ability at all.

  Tsk, this doesn't look like it, is it a bit like a carry-on grandpa?But this PoShen body has become too familiar in this year, and I have checked the room N times, not to mention jewelry, there are even rings made of rubber! !Fake ~ oil ~

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