She couldn't even make a first-level red legendary card.

But Dekan had the idea to give it a try this time.

He wanted to see what level of cards he could make with all his strength.

Durkan first took his time cleaning his workbench.

His workbench is already covered with his material calculation and proportioning, production process design, and notes written in magic texts.

He had almost finished sorting it out when Cornelia came to visit.

Now, Dekan's card making workshop has replaced all equipment with the highest specifications provided by the Card Makers Association.

After clearing the workbench to make it spacious, Durkan opened the locker.

Although the cabinet is filled with various materials, there are several compartments on the top floor.

They are materials that Dekan has already prepared.

After removing them, Durkan worked with the material calmly and deftly, applying techniques he had honed over many years.

Not only is he highly talented and intelligent, but he has also worked many times as hard as others to hone his basic skills to perfection.

The [Captain Delkan] packed in boxes in his dormitory earlier is the best proof.

What Dekan wants to make this time is equipment cards.

To make this card, he had spent most of his savings so far just purchasing the materials.

The amount of materials is so exaggerated that even the wealthy princess Alice will definitely ask in amazement what exactly Dekan wants to make this time when she sees Dekan's preparations.

Since Dekan had the highest level of preferential treatment in the Card Creators Association branch of the Kingdom of Norton, President Lelan quickly acquired all the materials he needed for Dekan.

And gave Dekan a huge price discount.

That's why Dekan was able to collect these materials smoothly and quickly.

Most of them are level 4 epic demon materials.

and the highest quality consumables related to curse magic.

Although if you let an ordinary card maker handle these materials, you will probably be nervous and your hands will shake.

But while Dekan was concentrating on making cards, he had a calm mind.

No matter how precious the materials are, or how valuable the opportunities are, or how serious the consequences of card production failure are, he can completely ignore them.

Use your best to make magic cards wholeheartedly.

Unknowingly, dozens of minutes passed and Dekan had completed all the preparations.

"Talomati, are you ready?"

After confirming again that all preparation steps were completed, Dekan called the master's name in his heart.

"Yeah, no problem."

While Dekan was resting every day, the master craftsman had been trying to reversely analyze the [Truth Word Blood Contract] mark left on Dekan.

Although there is no way to reverse this spell and break it.

But the purpose of Dekan and Master Jiang is not to learn the mantra and blood contract, but to decipher some of the magic principles.

Dekan left all the work of analyzing this part to the master craftsman.

With the knowledge of a master craftsman, she has successfully translated the results of the analysis into demon script.

Dekan closed the door of the card-making workshop and activated the barrier Croix had arranged for him.

Then, Durkan walked to the workbench, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his pupils had completely turned into bright gold.

And a horn also appeared on his right forehead.

He unabashedly transforms into a true half-demon - Dekan Talomati.

At this time, Dekan's body was not completely under his own control, nor was it controlled by his master, Talomati.

Rather, they work together as one.

This is the second time that Dekan and the master craftsman have collaborated to create magic cards.

Previously, he had only collaborated with Master Craftsman during the production of [Three Corpses of Fury].

[Three Corpses Fury] was created by the spiritual spell mastered by Master Craftsman and modified by Dekan.

If Dekan wanted to learn the spells from the master craftsman first and then make the cards himself, it would take at least several months.

It would be more efficient to work directly with the craftsman.

But this time things are different.

Dekan wants to try to touch the field of [Red Legend], but he has almost no hope on his own.

So he once again requested to cooperate with the master and craftsmen to make it.

After entering this state, Dekan didn't hesitate much and began to mix the already ground dark attribute magic crystal powder and cursed specialized magic core liquid to mix the ink.

Even if Durkan doesn't measure, he can mix the perfect proportions.

Only if you are familiar with it.

Rather than drawing his own magic power to synchronize with the ink, the ink prepared by Dekan is more like actively catering to Dekan's magic power.

After mixing the magic ink, Dekan poured it into the magic pen, then unwrapped the magic sealing scroll, and encapsulated and engraved the prototype of the equipment he had previously made with high-end materials onto the whiteboard card.

Next comes the most critical step.

That is, the card maker rewrites and finalizes the enchantment structure.

It will activate the properties of the material and truly give the equipment card properties.

This process requires the card maker to concentrate all his energy on it.

With the movement of the magic pen in Dekan's hand, he and the master craftsman integrated their magic power into every magic circuit completely and evenly, burning the complex and intertwined magic runes on the card, as fine as ants twisting around.

Dekan burned quickly and skillfully, but due to the huge amount of burning, his progress seemed to be extremely slow.

Just concentrating on completing this step, he seemed to have lost the concept of time.

Even though the curtains were already reflecting the light of the rising morning sun, Dekan didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until dawn that Dekan finally completed the recording in a state of selflessness.

The unfinished magic card on the workbench spreads a dangerous orange arc outwards. It seems to be extremely unstable and may explode at any time.

Dekan entered the final stage without hesitation, debugging processing and packaging.

Connect the countless magic imprints at the same time to form a magic energy cycle, so that the magic cards can be recharged and used again after the magic power is depleted.

Although the card production was almost successful, it was only then that Dekan's real troubles became apparent.

It is necessary to ensure the correct operation of every magical structure when starting up, and not to conflict with other structures. If it fails, the card will directly collapse, or even cause it to explode!

Compared to encapsulating cards, Dekan now looks more like a life-threatening bomb disposal expert!

"Dekan, if you fail, the power of the explosion will far exceed what you calculated!"

The master warned in Dekan's mind.

She knew that during the production process Durkan had increased the complexity of the enchantments based on practical feasibility.

Although Dekan has a health-blocking helmet, if the barrier is blown up and the room collapses, Dekan may still be crushed to death.

"Master, believe me, I'm right!"


The master didn't say much, and fully assisted Dekan in completing his final step, which was almost a gamble on his life.

Probably because Dekan was too focused, he didn't notice the change in the card surface at all.

The change happened slowly, and Dekan didn't really notice it until it was completely changed.

That was when Dekan's eyes couldn't help but be illuminated by the bright light.

The moment I closed my eyelids, a sudden light appeared.

A bright flash of light illuminated the room for a moment, then gradually faded.

"I※, did Dekan's dormitory explode?"

"He was making cards! But what on earth did he do at home?!"

Downstairs, I saw the light erupting from the window of No. 404, the most famous dormitory of the Knights College dormitory. Many students passing by exclaimed.

Even the curtains couldn't block the dazzling light.

But even if you are making an epic card, you shouldn’t have such exaggerated special effects!

Some people can't help but wonder, could it be that a red legendary card that has not been heard of in this world for many years is about to be released? !

"No, what Dekan made is an epic card, and the light just now was still orange!"

"But it is definitely not an ordinary epic card. I have seen epic cards come out, but they are not so dazzling!"

More and more students gathered downstairs in the Knights College dormitory.

Many students who wanted to watch the excitement were attracted.

They were discussing what kind of new card Dekan had made.

In the dormitory, Dekan sat in front of the workbench and covered his eyes. He had just recovered from the dizziness.

At close range, he was almost blinded by the magic card he made.

He found that when preparing to make high-quality magic cards in the future, he would have to wear his welding mask [Red Mask].


Only now did Durkan breathe a sigh of relief.

If the card was not successfully made just now.

The resulting explosion would likely put him in danger.

He looked at the successfully produced card suspended in the air.

There is no doubt that this card is still epic and has not reached the level of [Red Legend].

"Hum, is it still too far to make a legendary card?"

Dekan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

In fact, Dekan already felt that this was his limit.

Because even if he is asked to make a first-level card, use his skills to the extreme, and carve out the most complex and dangerous structure, he can only do so.

"I lack this memory."

The master was silent for a while and then replied.

"But what's the difference...the materials? Or is it luck? But the materials have reached a perfect ratio. This time, even luck has to be stretched to the limit to complete it."

Dekan said somewhat helplessly.

Not only did he put all his effort into this production, he also had master craftsmen assist him.

Even if the two of them cooperated, they could not create a legend.

For a while, he couldn't find a way to improve.

"Don't be discouraged, we will definitely find the answer. After all, look at this card, it is not an ordinary epic."


Dekan took this brand new card in his hand.

Looking at this card with some relief.

No matter what, the masterpiece he constructed using his lifelong learning was finally successful.

in addition.

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