Woohoo, I couldn't laugh anymore when I said this. I can already foresee my future as being fourth on the monthly vote list at 24:00 today.

Can you please save me and help me find a future where I can be in the top three of the monthly vote list? Woohoo! I cried so loudly

I don’t want to be a funny guy anymore woo woo woo


Volume 4: Endless Purgatory: 191 Dekan’s Kindred (Three in One) (Updated 22/62)

Derkan grabbed the arm of the city gate knight, and then looked at Knight Commander Gavin.

"Mr. Knight Commander, can you lend me this guy?"

"no problem."

Knight Commander Gavin agreed simply.

As long as it doesn't cause trouble for him, he will agree to it.

Now he just wants to quickly settle down the Dekan people and then stay away from them.

A small incident occurred when passing through the city gate, which had already brought a strong ominous omen to Knight Commander Gavin.

So Derkan took the city gate knight who bought a pirated version of [Captain Derkan] to the corner and promised the city gate knight that he would not tell the knight captain about it.

The City Gate Knight soon truthfully explained the circumstances surrounding his purchase of this card.

After he lost [Captain Derkan] a few days ago, he was struggling with how to remedy this dereliction of duty.

[Captain Delkan] In addition to the official sales channel, which is given priority to the officials of the Landir Kingdom, there are also some private circulation channels.

However, there are private channels that speculate on prices.

[Captain Derkan] bought on the black market will be much more expensive than the original normal selling price.

However, the city gate knight did not want to be punished for losing important security tools, so after comprehensive consideration, he decided to go to the black market.

Maybe paying a high price to buy a [Captain Derkan] is more cost-effective than compensation plus punishment.

As a result, the knight met a thin middle-aged man in a corner and asked him if he wanted to buy [Captain Delkan], which was only a little more expensive than the official price.

So after testing the attributes of this card, the City Gate Knight happily bought it.

Dekan's eyes twitched when he heard this.

This crappy pirated thing actually dares to sell for more than the genuine product!

Where is Wang Fa!

"Then why don't you buy a few more and resell them?"

"I'm a knight! The profiteers who resell cards and speculate on prices have no children!"

"I couldn't agree more with that."

Durkan nodded.

"But I did ask him if he had more. After all, the price was very exciting, but he told me this was the one."

The gate knight added.

Dekan: "..."

You are also a potential traitor.

Dekan shook his head helplessly, he already roughly understood the situation.

This city gate knight is just a pure taker.

The guy who made the counterfeit card was probably the one who used [Bandit Goblin] to steal the original [Captain Delkan] from the knight before.

Then he cracked the genuine [Captain Delkan] and successfully developed the pirated version of [Captain Delkan].

As a result, he sold the pirated card to this unfair knight.

Listening to this series of almost costless and profitable routines, Dekan always felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

Isn't this similar to the money-making routine after the cooperation between Dekan and Morion? !

It's just a youth version of the money-grabbing circuit, and it's not fun enough.


Since the time between the theft of the Knight's genuine [Captain Delkan] and his purchase of cards on the black market was not long ago, the pirate card maker should have only made a crooked mouth [Captain Delkan] at that time.

But Derkan knows very well that once this technology is mastered, making more [Captain Derkan] can only be said to be a matter of familiarity.

After all, it's just a first-level blue quality card.

Presumably the pirate card makers have successfully made several of them now!

You must stop and catch that guy quickly!

Otherwise, the smiling world you envision will be tainted by a crooked smile!

Moreover, Crooked Mouth [Captain Derkan] poses too great a threat to Derkan himself and his companions.

This card must not be allowed to circulate on the market!

Durkan quickly spared the gate knight.

Then he walked into the city and returned to his friends.

At this time, their team had already boarded the carriage prepared for them by Knight Commander Gavin and was waiting for Dekan.

Knight Commander Gavin told them that he would take them to a single-family mansion near the center of the royal capital later.

The surrounding protective facilities are complete, and there are no other residents or valuable public facilities, allowing them to enjoy their trip to the Landir Kingdom with peace of mind.

It was a residence granted to them by His Majesty the King.

"How about, can we find the pirated card maker?"

Croix asked.

"Okay, it shouldn't be hard to find."

Dekan looked a little gloomy.

This was the first time he met someone who could create a card that made him feel like hell.

He needs to understand what this is.

"Mr. Gavin, where is the black market?"

Dekan leaned out of the car window and looked at Knight Commander Gavin who was riding a horse to protect them outside and asked.

"The black market...the black market is not far from the outskirts of the city, but it is quite far from the central area of ​​the royal capital where you want to live."

Gavin felt a little uncomfortable, but controlled his expression and answered calmly.

"Mr. Gavin, could you please wait for us for a moment?"

"no problem."

So the Beautiful Mind team sat on the carriage and started the seminar.

After a short exchange.

"Let's do this. Croix and I will go to the black market. You two girls and Teacher Cat can go to the Royal Capital Center to have some fun today."

Durkan considered the grouping.

First of all, there is no need for a group of people to all go to the black market.

After all, one or two people are best for fishing law enforcement.

If Dekan takes Cornelia with him.

Then there may be some awkwardness between Croix and Mie, because they are not very familiar with each other.

Mie and Cornelia basically sat together on the way to the Landil Kingdom.

When they found the town to rest in the evening, Mie and Cornelia the cat teacher also stayed in one room of the hotel, and Dekan and Croix stayed in another room.

After two weeks of traveling and being roommates, Mie, who has a cheerful personality, has become very familiar with Cornelia.

Judging from their closeness, Durkan was convinced that Mie had become Cornelia's second same-sex best friend after Flora.

in addition.

Let’s be honest, to the gray areas on the outskirts of town.

Dekan still feels that it is more fun to play with boys.

"no problem."

Everyone nodded.

Compared to exploring the black market, Cat Teacher Keneliamie seems to want to go to the center of the royal capital to enjoy a leisurely afternoon of vacation and sightseeing.

"By the way, Mie, I have to ask you to help us two disguise ourselves a little bit."

Durkan said to Mie.

He had seen Mie master the skills of various excellent scouts, but she would never consider challenging the Shadow World.

Derkan and Croix became famous due to their first battle in Tristin City.

There are likely to be intelligence dealers on the black market who have information about their appearance.

There will be some trouble if you are recognized.

Also, they can't guarantee that they won't cause trouble in the black market today.

If you are chased by then, you will be in trouble.

It's still convenient to have a disguised identity.

"No problem, but you two just don't lead anyone to our residence then."

Mie seemed to have decided that the two good friends would not spend the afternoon peacefully.

She took out the tool bag from the suitcase, took out a leather mask made of special materials and a quick-acting hair dye, and it didn't take long to complete the transformation for the two of them with skillful techniques.

Now it is impossible to tell that the two of them are Durkan and Croix.

In addition, at Derkan's additional request, Mie tried his best to disguise Derkan as Morion.

"Yeah, more like it."

Dekan looked in the mirror and imitated the smiling expression that he remembered Morion always showing.

It's a pity that this kind of temporary disguise can't last long, otherwise he will often use Morion's identity to cause trouble in the future.

But no matter what, Dekan always felt that something was missing.

"Yes, less, less charm."

Kenelia also observed Dekan carefully and made a comment.

"Hey, what's going on..."

When he put down the mirror, Dekan happened to see many vendors selling trinkets outside the window.

So Dekan jumped off the carriage, bought a one-sided hanging chain for his eyes and put it on his face, and also bought a black top hat to put on his head.

"How's it going? Do you feel like Morion now?"

"This charm comes out instantly! You are Morion!"

Croix gave a thumbs up in agreement.

So the Beautiful Mind Team was temporarily divided into a boy group and a girl group and started their own activities.

The outskirts of the underground black market.

Durkan and Croix were strolling about, with Durkan temporarily putting away his monocle and top hat in order to keep a low profile.

They looked at various shops and vendors, and then bought some cheap low-end materials from time to time.

It didn't take long for them to notice a thin, middle-aged man watching around.

His physical features are similar to those described by the Gate Knight.

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