Chapter 779 I quit

"My consciousness is so low. Anyway, I will complete the task of our brigade, and the remaining food will have to be distributed to the villagers! Go to the village and see the smiles on the faces of men, women, old and young. Everyone is waiting to share the food so that they can have enough to eat. Woolen cloth!"

Zheng Dakui also had a volcanic temper. He was forced to explode by Secretary Du. He stood up and shouted loudly. His loud voice was like a firecracker exploding. Secretary Du was so shocked that he frowned.

"Zheng Dakui, I am just informing you, not negotiating with you. The five thousand kilograms of grain do not belong to your brigade in the first place. They should be handed over to the public. Therefore, you must hand over the amount you promised. If there is one grain less, I will withdraw it. Your job!"

Secretary Du slapped the table and took on the airs of a leader to suppress Zheng Dakui.

“It doesn’t matter, you can give this captain to whomever you want? I don’t want it anymore!”

Zheng Dakui's face was sullen, his eyes were blazing with anger, his temper was so fierce that even ten cows could not hold it back, so he gave up and let everyone steal food tonight, so as to save money on other brigades.

"What's your attitude? Stop, stop! I haven't finished speaking yet. Who told you to leave?"

 Secretary Du's voice was left behind him, and he strode home. He was unofficial and light-hearted. He could entertain his mother-in-law tomorrow with ease.

Secretary Du's face turned pale with anger. He knew that the request was too much, but what should he do? The other four brigades couldn't hand over the food, so how could the commune help them advance the payment?

In the evening, Zheng Dakui returned home and told the story about the commune. Gao Guilan slapped his hands loudly, and his loud voice was full of joy: "Great, it's great that you don't want to be the captain! From now on, when you become the captain, the family will be the boss." Your nose is broken, just wait, I’ll make you some delicious food, let’s celebrate.”

After her mother went out, Zheng Xinyue sat by the kang and looked at her father. After two months of getting along with her, she knew that her father would smoke a pack of cigarettes when he was happy and would smoke a pack of cigarettes when he was upset. At this moment, he picked up the pack and pot. , there frowning and pretending to be tobacco!

“Dad, are you willing to take the position of captain?”

Zheng Xinyue asked her father cautiously. Men all like to be officials. She felt that her father also liked the feeling of standing in front of a crowd and commanding and assigning tasks.

"Why don't you want to give up? If you do this job, you will be scolded, shoulder the responsibilities, and your family will also suffer. Why not worry about it? Now your three brothers and you all have jobs. Our family can earn some work points, and dad has done enough. I don’t want to be stuck in a dilemma anymore and be a rat in the bellows."

Zheng Dakui finally thought about it. Being the captain of the brigade has been very frustrating and uncomfortable. He has done enough, so why don’t he stop?

In the evening, Gao Guilan asked her second daughter-in-law to cook two delicious dishes for Zheng Dakui, fried potato slices with bacon and fried green onions with eggs. The cabbage in the backyard was growing well, so she washed some of the tender ones and served them to Zheng Dakui together with green onions and soybean paste.

“Dakui, I brought you the good wine Changfeng bought for you.”

Gao Guilan not only cooked the dishes, but also brought him wine happily, and gave orders to his second son:

 “Second brother, have a drink with your dad.”

 “Guilan, are you reluctant to part with it?”

Zheng Dakui stared at his wife, fearing that she was pretending to be happy. When the old uncle had a stroke and could not be the captain, the old aunt was very angry.

"What are you reluctant to give up? This boring job is boring. Are you reluctant to give up if you become the captain and I have to fight with you? Bear with it, those old ladies are not afraid of me anymore. It's okay now. I don't have to worry about the impact if you don't become the captain! I’ll scratch whoever messes with me!”

Gao Guilan made movements while talking, squinting his nose and staring, and grabbed hard in the air with his five-finger magic hook.

 (End of this chapter)

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