There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 784: Pulling the tiger skin to make a big flag

Chapter 784: Pulling the tiger skin as a banner

Gao Guilan looked at the entangled two people. She hummed Dongfanghong and leaned against the outer wall of the warehouse to play with her fingernails.

"Da da da."

The sound she made when her nails were pressed made the publicity captain and the two men upset, and they became increasingly unable to stay calm.

“Laoqu, let’s go back and report to the secretary. We can’t stay here forever.”

 After all, the propaganda captain was defeated by Gao Guilan's leisurely complacency. He didn't dare to gamble!

The secretary only asked them to search for corn and other things. It was the secretary's job to go back and respond to the situation of the noodles. It had nothing to do with either of them.

These two people have already figured out a way out. The tasks assigned by the secretary must be completed and no one can be offended.

“Don’t leave! The matter is not clear yet! Secretary Du asked you how to answer?”

As soon as the two of them left the warehouse, they were stopped by Gao Guilan with open arms. She smiled maliciously, and the smile was sinister and cold in the sun. It made the two of them feel cold. This **** is too quarrelsome and cannot be messed with. Come on, I can't afford to offend you.

“Gao Guilan, you are lazy at home during work hours!”

Secretary Du walked in from the outside. He was worried that his two men would search him personally.

Gao Guilan was given a slap in the face when he entered the door, and he glared at her and yelled at her.

“Secretary, why are you aging so fast in the past six months or so? You’re so worried. I don’t get work points even if I don’t work! Why are you so anxious?”

Gao Guilan raised the corners of her lips and looked at Secretary Du mockingly. He was so majestic, she didn't care! This sentence made Secretary Du's face turn green with anger, and he gritted his teeth at her.

Zheng Xinyue was on the side processing the rabbits. In the morning, her second brother helped to kill the rabbits. She had marinated them early and was about to bake them. These people wasted time otherwise they would be roasted now.

When Secretary Du saw Zheng Xinyue roasting rabbit, the corners of his mouth twitched and he felt very uncomfortable.

Zheng Dakui enjoys it more than himself, and there is always a lot of meat in the house.

“How was the search?” Secretary Du looked at his two men and asked seriously with a straight face.

“No new corn was found, but more than a dozen packages of dried noodles were found.”

The propaganda team leader reported truthfully. In fact, he didn't need to talk about noodles, but he was afraid that Secretary Du would go see it in person.

 “Let me take a look!”

Secretary Du said as he entered the warehouse. The situation was basically the same as what his subordinates said. There were more than a dozen hanging corns hanging on the wall. It looked like the sunken corns that had been harvested last year. When he opened the lid of the rice vat, there was only half a hanging corn inside. There's really nothing wrong with the noodles.

Only the dozen or so packs of dried noodles mattered. He glared at Gao Guilan and asked, "Everyone has enough to eat now. Where do you get the noodles from?"

Gao Guilan raised her chin arrogantly. She didn't mind repeating it a few times: "I have a good in-laws. My uncle sent them to me. Secretary Du, I heard that you also have a girl. If not, you can find an in-laws in the city! If you have a wife in the city, My uncle can eat fine grains."

Secretary Du looked at her heartbrokenly and suspected that Gao Guilan did it on purpose. He knew clearly that the two girls he was looking for were from the countryside, so they went back to their parents' home to enjoy the autumn breeze when the conditions were not good.

He also wanted to find a good partner for his daughter in the city, but his two daughters were not good-looking enough for the audience. The young men in the city didn't like them at all!

"You lie! Xinyue is good-looking, but she is divorced. Why don't I believe that the in-laws in the city will send noodles to your house? I think you stole the corn in exchange for it, right?"

Secretary Du asked Gao Guilan with a stern face. He had heard that Director Gu and the Zheng family were very close, but he didn't believe that such a big factory director would want a sick divorced woman?

 (End of this chapter)

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