There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Vol 2 Chapter 1226: Encountered old classmates

With a group of people walking around behind him, Zhou Jiao knew that if she continued this way, she still had another task that she couldn't complete.

In other words, she also very much supports the old leaders who say that they must severely punish violations of rules and disciplines, sounding a wake-up call to the world. But time, I'm really worried about it.

After this day's rest, Zhou Jiao found an excuse to get out. With the experience of collecting materials frequently in the past, this little thing really couldn't trouble her.

After disguising herself, she didn't go to remote places, the key was fear of death, and she didn't go to any people to talk about the people's sentiments, which was the job of a big leader.

Randomly found a small restaurant.

Although the southern bowl can't be the same as the northeast, it is a big and thick bowl, but noodles or meals are the best for her appetite.

For a bowl of shredded pork noodle soup, it cost her two to two food coupons and fifty cents, which was a bit expensive. After listening to it, either the owner has an overseas relative who made a fortune, or the wife of the Xi family stole someone.

Zhou Jiao was eating the noodles with relish and listening to the gossip. If it weren't for everyone's whispering, she, a stranger, would have to move forward and listen carefully.

Actually, you really have to be serious about finding out what corrupt behaviors are, even if the people with the intentions hide them tightly, there are still clues exposed.

For example, the salary of a public official is only a month, but your child rides a motorcycle and goes out to be too smart. Do you really think it is her May Day?

——Does your son have a real family background if he can transform the generator?

Secretly memorizing a few names, Zhou Jiao went to the commissary a few times, taking advantage of the opportunity to buy things, chatting with people in dialect.

For this kind of action, she left alone every other day, waiting for the completion of the inspection mission on the surface, basically knowing it.

In the special zone, the first choice is undoubtedly the first one is more convenient transportation, especially with other countries. As the country's gates are opened, a lot of smuggling has occurred.

This is really nothing strange. In that situation, she hadn't seen anything like this before, but it's not more convenient now.

The right and wrong here are very involved. The more serious thing is that the entire family has invested in it, and even some local leaders have mixed in.

The items involved are not just electrical appliances and daily necessities, such as worn-out clothes that have not been disinfected abroad, and there have been several severe conflicts with border guards.

After finishing the trip to Kyushu Port, a few days later, she led the team to a small fishing village known to the world.

The 20,000 infrastructural engineering troops who have just been collectively transferred have camped in the wilderness. In the simple bamboo shed, he endured mosquito bites at night and went to work on the construction site during the day.

These pioneers overcame difficulties that ordinary people could not imagine, and built high-rise buildings on this piece of land, creating the "special zone speed" of building one building in three days.

There are many buildings erected nearby, as well as roads, factories in the industrial zone, and freight wharfs that open directly to Hong Kong City.

Let this fishing village be built into a small modern industrial city that is beginning to take shape in a relatively short period of time. It has been upgraded to a new city in a vice-provincial city.

Compared with Kyushu Port, in just two years, it has had its inherent "Shekou Model". Its development is even more rapid. It is adjacent to the Hong Kong City, and its prosperity is close to that of inland cities.

Here, she unexpectedly met an acquaintance, Song Lin, an investor from Hong Kong City.

After more than 20 years, the old classmate encountered the joint by chance.

A baritone said, "Hello, madam, are you Ms. Zhou Jiao?"

Zhou Jiao was shocked, if she weren't in the downtown area, she would almost point Mu Cang! Fortunately, she quickly realized that she was shopping instead of performing tasks.

"I'm Song Lin, that Song Lin sitting behind Xiaowu, Shen Shilin at the same table, and Song Lin who dropped out later, do you remember?"

If Song Lin hadn't explained it like this, Zhou Jiao would really not recognize that the successful middle-aged man with a big belly in front of him was him who had become a thin bamboo pole.

She suddenly said with joy, "Old classmate, are you developed?"

"I recognize it." Song Lin let out a burst of joyful laughter, "I can't compare to your couple, I just have a bowl of rice. I said I won't recognize the wrong person. You are still the same as before, and you haven't changed for decades. Talented woman , Give me a cup of tea in the teahouse."


Zhou Jiao knew that he had already learned his identity. If he remembered correctly, this guy would still owe her a man a big favor, but he didn't contact her for some reason.

So I didn't talk nonsense, and followed him into the front teahouse.

Song Lin didn't ask for a box either. He deliberately led her into a corner seat in the hall, and a young man who accompanied him automatically stopped him.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Jiao's eyes flashed and she looked at Song Lin with a smile.

"Xiao Wu didn't come this time, right? I haven't thanked him face to face for saving his life."

As soon as he spoke, he revealed the kindness of the past. Zhou Jiao shook her head with a smile, "I don't know the friendship between your men. He is now trapped in Forty-Nine City. If you have something to say later in the classmate meeting."

Song Lin widened his eyes in surprise, "Do our old classmates still have parties?"

"Of course, now the whole class is missing you, all are all." As for the female student who broke the shoes back then, she was faceless.

"It's great. I have been out for so many years. I dreamed of that When the situation relaxed last year, I couldn't take care of anything else. I would come back first.

I went to our school once, and it was hard to find someone to find out what the old classmates are doing now, but I heard those new college students mention your deeds. "

After Song Lin finished speaking, he sighed, "Fortunately, I wanted to come out and take a stroll today, otherwise I would miss you too."

"Why don't you contact us? Everything is over now." Zhou Jiao changed the subject, "How many kids are you now? Are you living in Hong Kong?"

"Yes, there are four children, three girls and one son. Now they are all in high school."

Talking about their children, Zhou Jiaoyuan wanted to ask the other party about Zhang's family in Hong Kong in his spare time, but he was scrupulous or put aside.

After a few turns, the news she got was similar to the list of foreign companies stationed in her. The Zhang family in Gangcheng didn't even exist, or didn't even want to enter the mainland market.

It is her family's Queen of Lawyer Xue's well-known leverage. It is said that the past two years have played well abroad. In Song Lin's words, that was the top figure.

She can only hope that the Song family is still only a petty bourgeoisie, and can't reach a family like the Zhang family, otherwise her man would be disappointed.

When the old classmates got together, they didn't talk about the difference between men and women, and there were not many topics. After chatting with him, they would bid farewell and leave. Zhou Jiao came to the riverside and looked at the far side.

The distance is already close to Chichi, and she is really destined to see the young man "old man" in the future, she doesn't know how to face it.

I can’t recognize each other when I meet. Maybe Zhang Guoqing is even more timid about his homecoming and dare not ask the people coming. Otherwise, why didn’t he mention it before he left?

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