Hearing Shang Chongyun’s words, the following guests’ reactions were quite enthusiastic. The concept of the fire of life technology is not unfamiliar to everyone. After all, immortality is something that almost everyone wants to achieve, and there are many. People have imagined using science and technology to crack human DNA codes to achieve this goal, but limited by technical conditions, almost no one has succeeded in the past.

However, in people’s subconsciousness, with the development of human science and technology, sooner or later such technology will be realized. In many sci-fi works, extending life and transforming the human body are an important part of human future technology, so someone really creates When this kind of technology came out, no one would think it was too illusory, at most they would think why this kind of technology appeared so soon, and why a Chinese company created this technology.

However, due to the reputation of the Suiren Group, it is unlikely to spread rumors on this level of technology. After all, sooner or later, it needs to be fact-tested, and the Fire of Life technology has already speculated on the concept long ago, so In the past, many people were paying attention to this information, so when this technology appeared, these people naturally thought that this is what happened. In addition, Shang Chongyun acted this way in front of everyone. So that everyone was amazed at the magic of this technology, and almost no one doubted his true or false.

Only one person has seen the whole process thoroughly. This person is Chu Ge. He not only saw the truth of the matter through the small map, but even fully witnessed the entire experiment process. There is no doubt that there is a direction under the instrument. When the screams sounded, the old experimenter was replaced by his son or grandson. He also noticed that there were many elite guards in the surrounding venue, two of which he had seen. The two agents he met at the M&A conference of Zhenyu Group and Suiren Group. At that time, he only knew that they were agents, but did not know their true identities. But now, the title behind their names reveals answer.

[Special Agent of the Supernatural Crime Investigation Division], is there such an organization in China? This reminded him of the Americans he met in the base copy. Those Americans seem to be an organization set up specifically to deal with supernatural events. It seems that every country is aware of supernatural events. Pay attention, but why do these people appear here? Moreover, all of them are dressed as security guards or waiters, always feeling that something will happen. In other words, it is not against me.

Chu Ge was taken aback by his guess, but soon he found out that he was passionate, because besides him, there were many other special characters on the scene. There were a few foreign countries wearing black suits that looked like bodyguards. People, but they are a few elite European agents. On the other side, there is an old white man with aristocratic temperament. He is an elder of what kind of society. There is also a young man sitting in the corner who looks like he is drinking tea. He is still pure Yang Fa. The five-level mage of the meeting.

I don’t know if I don’t observe it. I’m surprised when I observe it. There are so many elite monsters in this venue, and there are even two small bosses. It seems that this press conference really attracted a lot of people.

Chu Ge is ready to watch the big show. At this time, financing has begun. Although detailed terms generally require professional negotiations, these business elites naturally know the principle of starting first, so they have not When the press conference was over, Shang Chongyun had already surrounded a circle of people, who wanted to sign a letter of intent for investment.

With such a big piece of cake, whoever moves fast enough can get a piece of the pie. If it is too late, it will be too late.

"Everyone, everybody, please don’t worry, you must know that I have taken out a full 49% of the shares for financing. Everyone has the opportunity to invest. Of course you can sign a letter of intent, but to ensure that there is no People deliberately disrupt the situation, so if you want to sign an investment letter of intent but do not invest in the end, you will have to pay a liquidated damage. Please come to me after you think about it. Don’t be so anxious. In addition, in order to ensure that as many investors as possible Join in, the upper limit of each person's investment cannot exceed 100 million US dollars."

However, these large companies and consortia have not paid attention to the mere millions of liquidated damages. Besides, how can such a good business breach the contract?

In fact, in the eyes of many people, Shang Chongyun chose to raise funds because the technology is too powerful. If the Suiren Group wants to eat alone, the pressure they have to face is simply beyond their ability to bear, so this A financing is actually a compromise attitude of the Suiren Group. In this case, it is natural to not let go of the opportunity.

Soon, dozens of investment intents were signed. In less than half an hour, Suiren Group pre-sold more than 30% of its shares, involving several billion U.S. dollars.

Although it's just a letter of intent, not a real contract, it's amazing enough.

However, just as the scene was elated, Chu Ge noticed that a guy with a small boss logo on his head was walking through the crowd and slowly approaching Shang Chongyun, and this person turned out to be an undead unit.

Judging from his looks, he was only in his early thirties. His complexion was pale, he was quite handsome, and he had a noble and evil temperament, and he was no ordinary person.

Could it be a vampire again? Chu Ge thought about it alertly, but he soon noticed that this vampire turned out to be an npc with a green name, which meant that this person was not hostile to himself, and even had a friendly attitude, so Chu Ge did not let go. In my mind, I was just curious about what this vampire planned to do.

The vampire slowly squeezed past the crowd, and after approaching Shang Chongyun, suddenly grabbed him.

"The dinner is over, everyone," the man sneered, and lifted Shang Chongyun up, holding a pistol in his other hand.

The surrounding guards also reacted immediately, and they took out their weapons and aimed at this guy, but because the boss was hijacked, no one dared to shoot.

"Let go of chairman!"


"Damn it, call the police!"

It was chaotic now, until the kidnapper raised his hand with a shot, and with a bang, the scene finally calmed down.

"Things are getting more and more interesting. Are we going to take action?" Maltis asked Chu Ge, and Chu Ge shook his head. "Let's just watch the excitement."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chairman, I am not here to kill you. I am here just for something. As long as you give him to me, no one here will be harmed." The vampire said loudly.

The so-called thing, not to mention everyone present is very clear, it must refer to the fire of life.

"What are you kidding about, do you think I will hand the fire of life to you by holding a gun at me? Besides, how are you going to take it away?"

"There is no need for you to bother about this. There are only two choices now, accept my proposal, or die-I don't think you will give up your life so easily."

After hearing this, Shang Chongyun sighed helplessly, nodded at the shocked operators, and the operators immediately removed the canister containing the red liquid from the instrument. And handed it over.

The vampire shook his head and sneered, "Do you think I am those idiots? I don't want products, I want the core."

That Shang Chongyun looked helpless, "Our fire of life was created based on the characteristics of the mole. If you are talking about data, it may take a while to prepare for you."

The vampire shook his head, "Don’t pretend to be stupid with me, what mole, what data, do you think I don’t know how your fire of life comes from? Give me that heart, don’t play with me. Tricks, or else", the kidnapper raised his hand and hit Shang Chongyun's thigh, and Shang Chongyun screamed, and the blood drenched and bloodied his thigh.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I can give you that heart, but do you really understand what you are doing?" Shang Chongyun gritted his teeth.

The vampire smiled evilly, "Don't worry, I know better than you, but you, do you really know what you are doing?"

Na Shang Chongyun nodded at the operators again. After a while, a huge jar filled with nutrient solution was pushed in, but there was something like a heart immersed in this jar. It looks like a sarcoma-like object, but it is obviously still alive. It is moving at this time. The heart has several blood vessels connected to several ports around the jar. Every time it beats, a trace of red liquid is injected into the jar. Among the test tubes above, it is clearly the so-called fire of life.

It turns out that the real fire of life comes from this way, but what is going on with that huge heart, it looks so strange.

"It's the Heart of Titans", Chu Ge heard someone in the crowd scream in a low voice. This exclamation immediately aroused more curiosity and attention. What is the Heart of Titans? However, the person who exclaimed before did not speak again.

"How are you going to take it away, man, this jar weighs a few hundred catties, and the building is full of guards, and I think someone has already called the police. The police will come soon. I don't think you can escape. Fall, our heavenly police never negotiate with gangsters. Don’t expect that you can get a helicopter to fly away if you take me hostage."

"Helicopter? Haha, I don't need that kind of human technology. As for how I left, you will soon know that the man exploded the jar containing the Titan's Heart with just one shot, and smashed the size of a basketball. His heart was pulled out of the jar.

"Damn it, be careful, that's it."

"There is no need to make such a fuss. This heart is much tougher than you and I imagined~www.NovelMTL.com~ The vampire said while wrapping the heart directly in a net bag, and dragged Shang Chongyun towards the window. As he walked, two shots exploded the glass behind him, and the wind blew in from the window immediately.

"By the way, does anyone besides you know the secret of this heart?"

"Of course not, how can I tell others about this kind of thing?" Shang Chongyun said grimly.

"Very well, then I don't have to worry about someone leaking the secret", the mysterious man said, and shot Shang Chongyun in the head. Then before everyone could react, he jumped out of the window, and several guards rushed hurriedly. Out of the window, a pair of huge wings grew behind the man and flew away. Several guards ping-pong several times, but Mao didn't hit one.

"It's a vampire!" some of the guests present exclaimed.

Indeed, the abilities displayed by the evil man, especially the pair of wings, are very consistent with the legendary vampire.

"And it's still a high-level vampire." Someone could not help adding.

ps: One more today. Reading Net

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