I was wrong, baby, come out quickly...

One night, all night! All kinds of round stones pile up the entire waterfront, including rainstones, pebbles, marbles, even glass, ceramics...

There are red, yellow, white, blue, black and colorful flowers.

The dive that originally only reached the legs had already reached the top of Chen Banxian's head, but the water bottom was so clear that Chen Banxian was dazzled by the countless rocks.

He was miserable, wondering whether there was any treasure here, or whether all the round stones on the earth were here.

Come on boy!

The sword spirit encouraged him: If you dig a few more pieces, you might be able to find it!

Chen Banxian wiped his hands, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

You said the same thing five hours ago.

Is there any? The sword spirit changed his words: Come on, you bastard, I think there is a real treasure under this piece!

You said the same thing when the water was just above my head.

Chen Banxian raised his hand several times to smash the puddle, but finally held back.

The exotic treasure may not be smashed, and it may be broken by just touching it, and it is not a sturdy thing like the sword spirit.

I don't believe it anymore!

Chen Banxian became furious and used his hands and feet to take out one piece after another: Let's see who has more today, you or me!

The sun was three o'clock in the sky and the moon's shadow was slanting to the west. For a whole day and night, Chen Banxian had dug out a large lake and finally found a clue.

Under the stone, there was a white mist, and a steady stream of stones were rolling out of it.


Chen Banxian broke through the defense not because the treasure was hidden, but because a passage from the regular world appeared underground, blocking his way.

The rare treasure here is not a round stone at all!

He directly waved his hand, forcibly opened the space underground, swallowed all the stones, dug all the way down, and finally found his treasure at the bottom.

Or a round stone...

However, when Chen Banxian discovered this round stone, it transformed into a piece of waterweed, confusing the public at the bottom of the lake.

But Chen Banxian's eyes were so powerful that he immediately locked onto the aquatic plants. Just as he was about to approach, the aquatic plants turned into frightened fish and scurried around in the water!

Chen Banxian raised his hand, tore open the water flow on both sides of the lake, and intercepted this space: Run, you can run another one for me, grandpa!

Seeing that it couldn't run away, the fish changed again, and this time it disappeared.

Just under Chen Banxian's eyes, he disappeared into the water.


Chen Banxian cursed, can this thing turn into water? What kind of baby is it?

Force me to use a special move. He drew out the sword essence: Cute and handsome Master Jian, help me think of a way.

Do you know how to call me Master Jian now?

The sword spirit laughed: Boy, take out the statue that I told you was a good thing before.


Because of the people in the environment, Chen Banxian has always avoided the statues of gods, fearing that he would be contaminated by the unknown and become like Lin Tian.

At this time, he took out the idol, and the sword spirit ordered: Hold the idol high above your head and shout three times: The Water God is here, showing his true form!

This statue looks like a human, but it has a green face and fangs, is wearing armor, has black hands with claws extended, and its fangs are exposed. It is a living evil god!

Just staring at it makes people feel intimidated and afraid to look directly.

Can the idol still be used in this way?

Chen Banxian was doubtful, so he raised the statue high and shouted three times: The Water God is here, showing his true form!

After shouting, the statue seemed to spread a wave that swept across the water.

Suddenly, the water surged, and the water god's authority combed the pool, and even forced some valuable treasures hidden in the water out.

It was a piece of formless Qi that was constantly changing. At this time, it was watched and suppressed by the statue, and could no longer change into other shapes.

What's this?

Chen Banxian approached and tentatively stretched out his hand to touch.

The energy suddenly penetrated his body, and went all the way up, passing through his Dantian and Tanzhong points, and reaching Baihui above his head.

It is conscious and has a clear goal. In other words, it has been preparing for this move for a long time and is extremely familiar with it.

The irregular air flow wanted to drive away Chen Banxian's soul and occupy his body. Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the Dantian, the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi would surge like an angry sea. Just one wave would make the air flow dizzy and confused, and then another The waves hit it so badly that it flew out of the Dantian.

It still wanted to move, but the Flying Immortal's body emitted a bright light that was immeasurable and unsullied, causing its mind to melt away.

The air flow was so frightened that it scurried away, flying out of Chen Banxian's body in a hurry. This human thing is poisonous!

It wandered through the air, trying to transform and fly out of here, but it was fixed by the statue again. It passed out from here, and came back from the other end with the refraction of space.

Chen Banxian raised his hand and grabbed the thing: What is it? Can it speak human language?

How can Qi Liu speak human language? It refused to give up and still wanted to run, but it couldn't outrun Chen Banxian's Wuzhishan. Finally, it was held in his hand and stopped moving.

He put away the statue, and the air current was as slippery as a loach.

It struggled wildly, which made Chen Banxian unhappy: Why don't you eat it and digest it?

Digestion? The air flow inside this human body had barely melted before. If he was eaten again, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Boy, this is a treasure.

The sword spirit studied it, and he stared at it for a long time before recognizing it.

If I guess correctly, this should be an elf.

I don't study well, don't lie to me.

Chen Banxian held the thing between his fingers: It's an elf? Don't tarnish my childhood dream, okay?

In his memory, the elf should be a little lady with small transparent wings and pointed ears. They are very beautiful and leave little spots of light when they fly.

But if you tell him that the gray thing in your hand is an elf, he won't agree!

It's weird. The sword spirit said, having never seen the animation:

The heaven and earth produce all things, and when they are gathered together they become the essence. No matter how spiritual the essence is, it becomes the spirit of the essence, the elf.

What is the use?

Chen Banxian kneaded it casually and observed the air flow.

This thing is so spiritual. It can contaminate the objects that have been around for a long time with its own spirituality, enlightening the mind. It also has a very mysterious effect.

I'll just tell you that you may not understand. Let me give you an example.

The sword spirit thought for a moment: If you have a high status in this world, then this air flow is an innate god, who can be granted the priesthood and serve as a herdsman on behalf of heaven.

It's a pity that your world is too low-end. He doesn't have the ability to replace the herdsmen of heaven. He is just a spirit of heaven and earth. You can attach it to objects and channel them.

After channeling, it reaches the heaven above and the earth below. It is generally used to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth, or to carry luck. It has endless magical uses. Boy, you have found a treasure!

The sword spirit reminded: Once it is attached to an artifact, it can no longer be invisible and formless, so you have to think carefully about which artifact to attach to it.

The air flow twisted in his palm. Hearing these words, he struggled even harder, unwilling to accept his fate.

It's a pity that He can't escape. Chen Banxian felt something in his heart. He seemed to have something that needed to be channeled.

He picked up his fingers and forcibly divided the airflow into three.

Don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to take away your body, I'll be the first to do it. I'll take action against you later. Karma is the law of heaven and earth.

He took out the copper coin from his arms, and three sections of air flow merged into it, making a reluctant neighing sound.

The copper coins seemed a little brighter, no longer light and weighty in the hand, but with weight.

You actually put the tower in the copper coins?

The sword spirit's eyes widened: I thought you were going to throw Him into that big rock.

In his opinion, the material of that big stone is amazing. Once it is channeled, it will be like an arm and may even change its shape. It is the best choice.

That stone plaque?

Chen Banxian put away the coins: I'm not saying that this thing may not be qualified enough.

The plaque on the gate of Fengdu City is so precious that it is unimaginable.

Whether it is objects, energy, ghosts, monsters, gods, or even the power of heaven, the stone plaque can be smashed and beaten. It is a real artifact.

A small stream of spirit energy may not even make a splash when melted into it.

Chen Banxian opened space cracks one after another and returned to the shelter team. He had gained something from this journey, and he planned to divine good or bad luck for himself after calming down.

The first hexagram of the psychic copper coin, he was reluctant to give it to others.

It was still in the same car. Zheng Yue and the others were used to not seeing Chen Banxian often, so they nodded as a greeting.

It was already late today and it was not suitable for further divination, so he held the copper coins and waited for a response.

Sensing is something mysterious and mysterious. When spiritual awareness comes, you will know that you can do divination at this time.

It is not fixed, random, and not as controllable as the Demon Summoning Sutra Flying Immortal Body, but it is extremely charming.

The next day, he didn't feel anything, so he waited.

On the third day, Banjiao recovered. He put his two paws on the ground and started running. He could also fly. He hummed a song and cooked a meal of charcoal-grilled honey-glazed pork chops for a car of people. He immediately won everyone's love.

Its pupils were bright amber, with golden light at night. After turning into a dragon, it grew eyelashes. Every time it stared at Chen Banxian, its big eyes flickered, watery and full of spirituality.

But the barrel was still tightly held in his arms, preventing Chen Banxian from seeing what it was.

This morning, Chen Banxian approached quietly as usual, intending to see what was inside the barrel. Banjiao was extremely vigilant and woke up immediately.

It whined, its eyes full of dissatisfaction.

It's not yet time, don't worry.

So Chen Banxian said casually: You, you, I've been waiting for an opportunity to tell fortunes but it hasn't opened yet. You've been refusing to show me this wooden barrel. Are you afraid that it won't be until the barrel opens that I can tell my fortune?

After saying this, Chen Banxian was suddenly stunned.

As if a blessing came to his soul, and a word came true, he reacted.

It turns out this is the time.

Everything about destiny has already been tracked, and a certain day or scene in the future has been revealed from the very beginning.

When the sword spirit saw it, he said unnaturally: Why do I feel a little creepy?

This fortune-telling thing seemed quite mysterious to him.

During the period of following Chen Banxian, he saw everything with his eyes. Everything seemed to be a coincidence, but in fact, the foreshadowing that had been laid early on was too scary.

Who would have thought that a wooden barrel would reflect today's hexagram?

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