There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 178 The First Tribulation

Since he couldn't find the door, Chen Banxian roughly opened the entrance to the basement. Below were the panicked extraordinary women and children.

The moment he saw them, Chen Banxian was in a trance, and the scene of catching wind and shadows unfolded before his eyes again.

There were corpses all over the ground and countless sorrows.

A mere dozen or twenty people actually caused chaos in District 14. They were not guilty, but they were labeled as guilty.

It's okay, it's okay.

Chen Banxian comforted them, took them out of the basement, and waited for the security team to arrive.

Soon, Die Yunfei sent someone to arrive. He is a genius with a strong momentum and has practiced both the basic cultivation methods of Zangcang Realm and Baihu City.

Now let's appease those awakened extraordinary beings, contact the newspaper office, and report this matter.

Chen Banxian asked them to protect the safety of these people, and it was best to find a way to move to the core area or the inner city.

Wait until the Ezhao sect is defeated before returning to normal life.

Die Yunfei was very active in completing all of Chen Banxian's tasks. He trusted Chen Banxian from the bottom of his heart.

Thank you, thank you big brother.

The family members burst into tears of gratitude. When they woke up, they thought good times were coming, but they were suddenly kidnapped again, feeling that the good times were over.

As soon as I thought about it, someone came to my rescue again, and it seemed like the good times were about to begin again.

This back and forth, the ups and downs made them burst into tears. If the security team hadn't forcibly pulled him away, they would have invited Chen Banxian to dinner, and those with children even wanted to be their godfather.

Chen Banxian couldn't bear this.

They are all very good people. He sighed and pulled out the sword spirit.

Holy shit, shit, shit! You kid, you can do this, teach me how to do it, teach me quickly!

The sword spirit exclaimed that it was incredible, the divination rules from another world were so incredible!

He has also read a lot of books, especially plum blossoms that are easy to count, and has carefully investigated them, but the scope is too large, and he is always unable to be sure.

Great God Fuxi is truly a god!

He expressed such emotion, and incidentally praised the greatness of the sages Chen Tuo, Shao Yong, and great men such as King Wen of Zhou and Confucius.

Chen Banxian calmly sheathed his sword, and the passers-by were amazed and it was a happy ending.

Chen Banxian turned around and left. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he didn't know when someone in front blocked his way.

The guards were still investigating the details and had already sealed off the place. No one could see the person who suddenly appeared.

Ezhao Cult?

Chen Banxian took action without any hesitation!


His fingers passed over this person. He had no entity and was an illusory existence.

Without any strength, I wouldn't dare come to see you. The man chuckled:

Liao Yu and the others are terrified of you. I'm very curious and came here to see who Chen Banxian is and how evil he is.

The mysterious man shook his head regretfully: It's a pity, you are not as amazing as I imagined, you are just an ordinary person.

The figure of the mysterious man is like a shadow in the wind, flickering with the changes of light and shadow, like a video frame dropping.

It's not easy to work with a fake body. Chen Banxian frowned. This person's real body was not here. He was talking and communicating with him through means such as projection and mirage.

Are all of you taught by Ezhao so cowardly?

He frowned: Do you dare to see me in person, so that everyone can have a real encounter?

You want to play fast with me? How could the mysterious man fall for this trick? He made a sinister threat:

Chen Banxian, you can stop our plan once, but can you stop it the second time?

He spoke bluntly: Thank you for the alien technology you brought. We have successfully produced a batch of nuclear weapons through psychic technology and controllable nuclear fusion technology. Don't you know how to calculate it? In ten days, we will detonate it in the outer city, and then Put the blame on the ninth false god.

Good guy, this is a completely villainous method.

Chen Banxian sneered and didn't answer. He was pondering for clues, hoping to find the opponent's identity.

Controlled fusion bomb? Isn’t this also a nuclear weapon? Just where did they find the materials? Is it possible to dismantle the nuclear bomb directly?

And the information revealed in this sentence is incredible if you think about it carefully.

The technology and people of the Wandering Planet are currently not made public, and its technology is handed over to the Baihu City Science and Technology Institute, which is a secret organization.

Everything that can be contacted is the core of Baihu City. The relationship network of Ezhao Sect is huge, and its penetration into the top management is not shallow.

But, now that you have taken action, the loophole is considered to be there.

Chen Banxian sneered: Do you think you won? Let's see.

He opened the space in front of the mysterious man and turned half of his face: Since you are my enemy, you must be prepared for the day when bad luck strikes.

Chen Banxian said the word E Zhao in reverse, and the mysterious man couldn't help but shudder even if he was a shadow. The last glance in his eyes made him involuntarily afraid.

Compared with his threats, Chen Banxian's threats were more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

I admit, you do have a hint of evil in you.

Watching the passage close, the mysterious man slowly disappeared.

He woke up from under a statue of Ezhao, next to Liao Yu and others.

Why are you back? Didn't you let me modify my memory through your ability?

Liao Yu frowned and asked, what happened to Mori Xiaocheng today? Ability activation error?

I bumped into him.

Mori Takasei's tone was as calm as possible: The relatives of the extraordinary beings who were awakened by the Ninth God were discovered by him and have all been rescued.

This is impossible!

Liao Yu stood up immediately: We didn't leak any news. I personally brainwashed all the executives. There is no way there can be any mistakes.

Tukalul, who was playing with the eight-sided prism in his hand, tapped the table gently:

Quiet, Deacon Liao, you should know that that person also has a nickname. He is known as Xiao Gua Xian. He knows things like a god and is good at divination.

He frowned: It's just that he really played chess pieces with us in a way that we can't understand. It's so evil.

Ever since this man appeared, the Ezhao Sect's plans have undergone tremendous changes and encountered unprecedented setbacks.

Previously, they relied on their ability and the leader to quickly establish a foothold in Baihu City and spread their branches without any obstacles.

However, since the appearance of Chen Banxian, the rapid rise of the Ninth God has dealt a huge blow to the Ezhao belief they secretly spread.

In the battle of faith, the True God Ezhao is already angry.

Another deacon spoke: We cannot bear the wrath of the true God yet.

Corpse digger, don't take the True God too seriously. If it hadn't been for the first calamity, I might not have sacrificed my life for him.

Tukarul is not interested in this person, he is just a toy to be stabbed in the grave.

You'd better not ask for me one day. The corpse digger smiled sinisterly:

The nuclear fusion bomb is already being made. Many people will die by then. Everyone should think about how to operate it.

Hehe, Chen Banxian, Chen Banxian, shot himself in the foot. I don’t know if this feels good or bad?

Chen Banxian didn't know about the meeting. He was still wandering around in District 14 at this time.

He had quickly locked onto the direction of the extraordinary family members before, and now he was trying to find the headquarters of the Ezhao Cult.

The Lei Feng Heng hexagram of Di Feng Sheng is too challenging to find the direction of illumination by just relying on one hexagram.

Besides, the Ezhao Sect is not in District 14, so there are so many in the Baihu City area?

This hexagram changes and the direct reading is East 5th District? Or is it Dakan Gua, East 6th District? Or North 4 District? District 5?

Until it got dark, he visited every area. It was true that the realm was not enough to accurately locate it, and he still had a long way to go.

Just when he was at a loss, Ninth finally brought good news.

I got a list of all the technologies that come into contact with people on wandering planets, come here quickly.

Chen Banxian arrived quickly, and Jiujiu was scrolling something with a notebook.

Is the Internet available? Chen Banxian asked subconsciously.

No, this is a wireless LAN built within Baihu City. It is currently only used by a small number of people. I only used it temporarily because of my sister.

The ninth tablet was unfolded, and a detailed information appeared on it.

Ding Ruihuai, dean of the Academy of Science and Technology, the first researcher of psychic technology, and the former dean of Baihu City Research...

Wang Jinzhong, Vice President of the Academy of Science and Technology, leads research on energy science and technology...

Wang Jinzhong, the deputy dean, leads the development of weapons, has a professional team, and is also an extraordinary person...

Wu Changxu, honorary vice president, a brain awakener, with computing power comparable to a computer, and photographic memory, is the main person in charge of this negotiation on Wandering Planet Technology...

A lot of information, a lot of names all lined up, and pictures, enough to identify them at a glance.

These people are restoring the past technology of mankind and taking a step further in the basics. They can be called the pioneers of civilization.

Chen Banxian remembered each person one by one. There were hundreds of high-level core technical personnel, not to mention the users of the technology. The number was extremely huge.

It's not scary if there are many people. I'm just worried that some people are not recorded in it.

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes and recalled someone in his mind.

Wen Zaidao!

The district chief of North 14th District, Die Yunfei, also communicated with the core of Baihu City through him, and personally handed over the matter of the wandering planet.

However, there is no him on this tablet.

Thinking back to his memory that was modified and then restored last time, if Wen Zaidao hadn't appeared, how could he still remember this person?

The Ezhao Sect's infiltration into the North 14th District was terrible, and the most important leader turned out to be the enemy.

If he said it, it would cause huge panic. Maybe Wen Zaidao was still snickering in the room when he built a high platform to ask for divination.

This is not darkness under the lamp, Wen Zaidao is the lamp, who would doubt the light?

You go on hiding and be sure not to be found by them.

Chen Banxian warned that he planned to meet with the district chief of District 14 in person.

In the core area, he said goodbye to the ninth residence. He went straight to the central area and named them by name: I want to see the district chief.

Sorry, the district leader is busy now, you need to make an appointment.

The extraordinary guards did not drive Chen Banxian away. Those who came to the core area were all distinguished green card holders. They invited Chen Banxian into a private room with sauna, massage and other benefits.

Someone politely saluted and asked Chen Banxian to wait and play here for three days. After three days, the district chief would have time to receive him.

The day lilies have been cold for three days. He said with a bad expression, Tell me where the district chief is and I will go find him myself.

This is against the rules. The district chief is having a meeting. It is an important meeting, about the development of our 14th district...

Where are people?

The receptionist's expression changed, and the person who was in front of him just now disappeared in a daze.

Open Eyes Blind

Now that he had used this ability that he had not used for a long time, he wanted to see what kind of meeting the so-called district chief was holding.

The altar where he asked the sky in the central office building has been restored by the earth-type transcendent. A large piece of new mud is left in the open space, and workers are laying lawn to restore the damage.

Walking into the office area, there was a faint sound inside and he opened the door. It was indeed a meeting.

Not only Wen Zaidao but also Die Yunfei was there, and he even saw an acquaintance Su Yun.

No one noticed his arrival.

Why did the door open?

An old man in military uniform stood up and slowly closed the door. He used to be in charge of the army, but unfortunately now he can only serve as a foil.

He was so close that he didn't notice Chen Banxian.

Instead, Su Yun and Die Yunfei both looked this way and withdrew their doubtful gazes.

Okay, let's continue to discuss psychic technology and the maintenance and construction of LAN base stations. Central City has successfully implemented it. Next, we only need to imitate it, and the network in the entire 14th District will be restored soon!

There was a large box on their conference table, made of metal and faintly glowing with blue light.

Dense psychic energy!

This familiar appearance in science fiction movies makes people look at them frequently, quantum computers!

A future technology product appears in front of everyone. Its computing power is extremely terrifying, and it is also a necessary facility for controllable nuclear fusion.

The quantum computer is held by a survivor who dresses in a different style. It is not difficult to tell that he is an alien.

Aliens who look exactly like humans.

In a meeting, many issues were discussed, but ordinary people drank a lot of water and took several breaks during the meeting.

He is indeed meticulous and dedicated, and it is difficult to find fault with him.

At night, Wen Zaidao went home and had a good time with his wife. He got up in the middle of the night to modify files on his laptop, and didn't close the computer until early in the morning.

District Chief Wen, to be honest, I don't understand why you want to join the Ezhao Cult.

Finally, Chen Banxian's voice sounded in the bedroom, very softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing his wife.

Wen Zaidao's eyes that had just been closed suddenly opened!

He stood up and put on his shoes, and straightened his wife's quilt in a low tone:

Go out and talk.

The bedroom door was closed, Wen Zaidao was wearing pajamas, and the air conditioner was on, so there was no need to worry about the rising temperature outside.

Would you like tea?

Wen Zaidao poured tea for Chen Banxian and took a sip first. As the bitter aroma of tea filled the air, he suddenly sighed.

I didn't expect that I would be discovered so soon. I had already anticipated this day. It came so fast.

Wen Zaidao did not deny or defend, he admitted it openly.


Chen Banxian inspected Wen Zai Dao, and he was unaware of it. There was no way he could just pretend.

Chen Banxian felt very sorry for such people to join the Ezhao Cult.

When asked why, Wen Zaidao just shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He then asked: Is it you who revealed my news, the news about Wandering Planet Technology, to the Ezhao Sect?

It's me. Wen Zaidao still admitted: I have to say, without you, we might have succeeded.

Succeeded? Chen Banxian frowned: What succeeded?

How to deal with the first calamity.

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