The defense has been broken, the defense has been broken!

The sword spirit can’t understand anymore, so destroy it!

The refining time of the longevity potion was neither long nor short, but Chen Banxian obviously couldn't stand such a waste of time, so he bid farewell to a few people and came to the previous town of Aide.

In Ed Town, due to the existence of the space gate, the number of outsiders is increasing. Chen Banxian's appearance is not unusual. There are countless people who are even more exaggerated than him.

But his appearance is still very eye-catching.

A well-behaved and meticulously combed blond man came to him with an elegant smile on his face.

Hello miss, may I please meet you?

No. Thank you. Chen Banxian remembered that boys should protect themselves when going out: I'm a handsome boy. Miss you.

Astonishment flashed across the noble's face.

By the time he came to his senses, Chen Banxian had disappeared on the road to the town.

What a pity... The blond nobleman was annoyed: Actually, he can do it too.

Due to the large migrant population, poor families in the town have also discovered business opportunities, and many people have labeled accommodation outside their homes.

In fact, just by simply decorating your room and squeezing it together with other family members, you can earn a certain amount of accommodation fees.

It also depends on who comes. Travelers and merchants generally charge less, while decent people like magicians or nobles charge more.

Anyway, to these big shots, there is no difference between a copper coin and a silver coin.

Chen Banxian moved into a simple small house in the town.

One copper coin per day is a pitifully low price. This family has three children. The eldest sister is 13 years old and is already preparing for a dowry. The middle one is a 10-year-old boy who helps with housework and farm work every day.

The youngest is only four years old. He runs around the house every day and is usually watched by his elder sister, who is worried about being abducted by human traffickers.

There is no male owner, only the female owner, who barely makes ends meet by working in a tailor shop in the town.

Compared with other people's price of at least ten copper coins a day, this family's price is really surprisingly low.

Chen Banxian did not find this place deliberately, but he suddenly wanted to live here on a whim, and did not plan to return to Baihu City immediately.

He buried the 20-meter-long lead box, which was full of security, into the ground to observe the people's livelihood in this world.

The noble lord is the greatest.

As long as you have money, you can become a noble by donating a certain amount.

And if you become a magician, you will also receive a title and become a noble.

Secondly, there are ordinary people, who are the grassroots of the empire, but they have human rights and are protected by the law.

The people who have the least human rights are slaves.

Some are people from other countries, some are defeated prisoners of war, and some are unregistered people who are not officially recorded.

Chen Banxian is someone who can be captured at will, and then sold as a slave.

Of course, some noble lords may be unhappy and turn you into a slave.

Slaves have no human rights.

Every day except for eating and sleeping, I work, plant and pick cotton.

Or, like the family of four where Chen Banxian lives, if their mother can no longer make money, they can only survive by selling their children or themselves as slaves.

Being a slave is better than starving to death.

The next day, the 13-year-old girl brought a bowl of porridge that was crystal clear. You could see very few rice grains.

But Chen Banxian understood that this was their staple food. Next to the porridge given to him, there was a dry biscuit that was too thick to swallow.

Chen Banxian shook his head. He remembered that he only paid for accommodation, but not for meals.

I leave this for you, no money required.

The girl smiled softly, her sallow and thin cheeks were sunken, but her exposed teeth were exceptionally white and beautiful.

I see that you haven't gone out or eaten since you came to our house. If you continue like this, you will starve to death.

She was very kind, and Chen Banxian could hear her own hungry stomach growling.


He drank the porridge without chewing it. The starchy plants in it had not even completely shed their chaff.

After finishing the drink, he smiled: I don't eat your food for free. To be honest, I am a fortune teller. Do you have any questions you want to know?

Fortune teller?

The girl vaguely remembered that there were fortune tellers in the stories her mother once told. It was said that races like goblins or elves could know how to divine fortune.

Are you really a fortune teller? The girl's eyes were innocent. Maybe it was a girl, or maybe it was the custom of this world. She was unmarried and rarely went out.

Not yet infected with cunning like her brother.

Yes, the goods are genuine. She had no doubts about what Chen Banxian said. She never thought that she would have such good luck.

She couldn't wait to ask: Can you help me divine where my father is? When I was only the age of my little sister, my father disappeared.

Little sister? Chen Banxian was in a daze. She was 13 years old and her younger sister was only 4 years old, which meant that her father had disappeared for nine years.

And her little sister is only four years old...

Seeing Chen Banxian's doubts, the girl's cheeks turned red: We picked the little girl up. Mom thinks no one wants her, so she is very pitiful.

Perhaps it was because of her mother's kindness that they met her.


Chen Banxian took her hand and sat down beside the bed: Come on, what's your name?

This house is so poor that the only place to sit is by the bed.

The girl's cheeks immediately turned red, reaching the roots of her ears. can't touch me. I'm not married yet. Only my future husband can hold my hand.

Who made these rules? Chen Banxian let go of her: Sorry, there is no such etiquette in my hometown.

The girl couldn't understand it, but since this person was a fortune teller and so good-looking, he might have the blood of an elf or goblin.

She waited a moment before saying her name: My name is Egwe, Egwe Long.

Lang is her father.

Chen Banxian made predictions on the bed and named the girl's name.

Because the name of the alien comes first and the surname comes last, it needs to be reversed.

Lang is the upper hexagram, there are ten paintings in total, and the hexagram Dui is taken.

Aigwei is the lower hexagram, with a total of thirty-one paintings, taking the Gen hexagram.

At the end of the hour, the number is eight, and the total number of strokes added to the name is forty-nine strokes. The line is divided by six, leaving one stroke and one line moving.

Zeshanxianzhizetianyu hexagram.

Chen Banxian's expression was calm, but his mood dropped slightly when he saw this hexagram.

When asking about going out to find someone, it would be auspicious to use the living body. Unfortunately, the body hexagram represents the broken gold, which is rejected by Genmen. He also saw the knife when drying gold, so... he is deceased.

He is so blessed that his soul is not too short, but not too far away. When he exchanges gold outside the door, it becomes two, and when he sees dry gold, it becomes inside.

He didn't tell the answer, and walked out with the girl's expectant eyes.

Is this divination? Have you divined where my father is?

The girl followed him, her steps slightly frivolous. Walking west from her house was a wilderness.

There are ravines and ravines here, and there are crops. Walking further, two miles away, there is a depression.

The girl was a little shy: My mother told me not to come to this place. It's a mass grave, and there are innocent souls seeking their lives in it.


Chen Banxian smiled and looked at the pit.

There are many bones in the pit. It is said to be a mass grave but it is actually a place where corpses are abandoned.

No wonder there is Qianjin in Chang Gua, Qian is the bone and the corpse.

Among the pile of bones, how easy is it to find her father?

Go back. Chen Banxian turned around and rubbed Aigwei's head.

You haven't said anything yet, where is my father? Ai Gewei asked doubtfully, and Chen Banxian just smiled.

Your father, I didn't predict it, maybe it's too far away.

That's it...

Aigwei's eyes dropped. Unfortunately, she still did not doubt whether Chen Banxian was a real fortune teller.

Suddenly, she thought of something: Can I learn divination from you?

If she learns divination, can she find her father by herself?

My mother doesn't have to be so tired, my brother doesn't have to carry such a heavy bucket, and I... don't have to marry someone who can tolerate her.

Chen Banxian paused for a moment.

You are the first person in this world who wants to learn divination from me.

He didn't look back: But are you ready?

What preparations? Aigwei clenched her fists: I can do it!

There's no rush yet. Chen Banxian shook his head.

In the past, on Earth, during times of peace, many people on the Internet said they wanted to learn fortune-telling from him.

Later, some of these people disappeared, and some were online but never came to him again.

Some simply say that the number of plum blossoms is too basic and they want to learn more advanced ones.

That night, Chen Banxian closed his eyes, and suddenly his ears moved and he heard the sound of the door opening.

Alone, Aigwei walked by the light of two moons to the mass grave two miles away.

She dared to light the torch and bit her lower lip. Although she was scared, she still jumped into the pit without hesitation.

The white bones mixed with fallen leaves, the smell of decay, dead branches and soil are far beyond what a girl can bear.

But Aigwei still used a torch to search and identify inside.

Tears fell drop by drop on her face, and she shouted:

Dad, dad, where are you?

She actually understood everything. The look in Chen Banxian's eyes and the sudden arrival at this place made her understand.

Among the bones, Aigwei suddenly dug up a dead bone.

The skeletal hand was clenched into a fist, which was broken and covered with the teeth marks of wild beasts.

Aigwei looked at the wound on Dry Bones' hand at night and carefully opened Dry Bones' fist.

Inside the fist is a metal pendant that has become rusty and makes it difficult to see its original appearance. It looks like a flower.

She cried Wow, crying heartbreakingly, clutching the pendant and the dead bones, hugging her skinny chest with ribs visible.

The girl cried for a long time, and even attracted wild beasts.

Chen Banxian sighed and drove away the beast silently.

The girl was tired of crying and fearful of the surrounding environment, so she walked home holding the pendant.

She also washed her clothes and hands with water outside the door, trying not to let her mother see her worry.

At dawn the next day, the girl brought Chen Banxian a bowl of porridge and cakes as usual. She didn't eat them either, and kept them specially for Chen Banxian.

Eat quickly, don't let my mother find out!

Chen Banxian still finished eating without refusing, and then she asked with a smile: Can you teach me divination today?

She hid it well and nothing seemed to happen.

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