There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 322 The Tomb of Lihenjiang

Hey, it's okay.

Duan De was happy, and Chen Banxian was relieved after seeing that there was no problem with the other party, and slowly set foot here.

But his expression soon changed.

As soon as he stepped down, he found that the world in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, and the seemingly small tombstones and small earthen bags turned into huge mountains reaching the sky.

Duan De squatted pitifully in a corner: If I say I didn't mean it, would you believe it?

I believe you ghost!

Chen Banxian wanted to beat him to death. This guy had clearly discovered the strange situation and pretended to be nonchalant to lure him into the trap.

Don't worry, there is absolutely no danger to our lives with the imperial soldiers.

Duan De was patting his chest in assurance, and the two of them glanced around, not knowing what to do next.

The surrounding area was a dark and desolate world, with dry branches and no green plants, only mud and stones.

Hey, there are two new people here.

Youhu, a voice came out of nowhere. They saw a muddy yellow road ahead, and at the end there was a skinny man with messy hair and beard.

The man who looked like a beggar was holding a hatchet in his hand and was grinding it on the ground, making a sound of tearing, tearing~.

Something's wrong. Duan De wanted to hide behind Chen Banxian only to find that Chen Banxian had already hidden behind him.

Something's wrong! Chen Banxian grabbed his words and said, Look, this man's eyes are glowing green, he's so hungry that he's all skin and bones, and he's still sharpening his knife. He clearly regards us as food.

Old Duan, hurry up and get rid of him.

I'll deal with it! Duan De took out a fragment of a weapon from his arms, unleashed his final power and threw it at the thing.


This thing emits a terrifying light and washes away in a torrent of energy.

However, the beggar man's eyes shone brightly, he laughed loudly, discarded the hatchet, and took the initiative to hit the torrent of energy.

Is he looking for death?

No, no, he actually opened his mouth wide and ate up all the energy.

This made his stomach explode, but he conveniently covered the wound, held down his intestines and stomach, and recovered after a while.


He laughed: Is there any more, is there any? Hurry! Give me something to eat, I'm going to starve to death!

There is no aura in this place, and the beggar looks like a madman.

He picked up the hatchet again: Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly, I'm starving to death, I'm going to starve to death!

He was talking nonsense, unconscious, and opened his mouth to eat them.


The two of them ran away quickly. The beggar was still chasing him, but he stopped moving after him. He just kept roaring and hopping on the spot.

Why didn't he chase me?

The two of them had a bad premonition. If something went wrong, there must be a monster. The reason why this man didn't chase him was probably because there was a greater danger ahead.

Sure enough, they soon heard the sound of chewing.

Crack, bang, bang.

It's like chewing brittle bones, only chewing but no swallowing.

Ahead, a gray-haired old woman was waiting for them, holding a branch covered with tooth marks in her hand.

When she saw the two of them grinning, she saw that most of the teeth in their mouths were missing. Where were the brittle bones from chewing? It was her own teeth.


The two of them turned around and ran away without hesitation. Chen Banxian was cursing as he ran.

You guys like to be tortured when you have nothing to do, don't you? You told me this place is safe? Safety is a ghost!

So far, I haven't seen any treasures, only monsters that are going crazy with hunger one after another.

They can no longer be regarded as human beings. They don’t know where they came from, and they are all even more hungry than ghosts.

They kept running away and finally came to a slope.

It’s not that I can’t run anymore, it’s that I don’t dare to run anymore.

In front of them, something far more monster than the monster they had seen before stared at them, with a lot of saliva flowing from its mouth.

His skin is quite plump and not as dry as others, but it also shows from the side that this monster is stronger.

Duan De punched something similar to a button, and the monster opened its mouth and bit it, and started eating it.

Nah, the Great Holy Soldier is a snack? Duan De hurriedly grabbed Chen Banxian: Quickly sacrifice the Imperial Soldier, quick! Quick!

Chen Banxian hit the imperial jar immediately, and the next second, the monster pounced on it!


The two of them followed the imperial jar and flew upside down, and the monster was also shocked and dizzy.

They kept running away, and Duan De's face became increasingly pale.

While escaping, they saw a man in ancient costume suddenly appear on the ground with a ruddy complexion.

This man was also confused and should have entered here like them.

But he didn't notice that a monster with only half of its body suddenly emerged from the ground behind him, grabbed his waist and bit him.


The man screamed, and he hurriedly swatted the monster away, but to no avail. The monster clung to him, and in the end it became happier and happier as it ate and crawled into the man's stomach.

The man in ancient costume could scream at first, but soon he could only make a loud sound. It was obvious that something had been eaten.

He rolled all over the ground, which only delayed his death, and was eventually eaten alive.

This made the two of them feel numb, and they ran away without saying anything.

I know, this is no chance, this is a trap!

Duan De came to his senses: The monsters here take the initiative to expose this place to attract monks like us to satisfy their appetites.

This is not an opportunity I discovered by accident, this is an opportunity they deliberately released, damn it!

He regretted: I was too careless to fall for such a low-level deception.

Duan De also blamed Chen Banxian: It's all you. Why is your world so scary? It's really scary.

Chen Banxian wanted to knock him twice.

How about we directly resurrect the Jidao Imperial Soldiers and leave from here.

This place was too weird and dangerous, and Chen Banxian planned to give up and continue exploring.

It is difficult for them to determine what level of monster the next one will be. Maybe they were eaten after a meeting or even without meeting.

But by chance, at this time they discovered that the huge tombstone was glowing.

Waves of light washed away like water waves, constantly emitting vital energy.

At the same time, a wave of information spread along with it.

A new round of trials has begun, and those who pass it can leave here.

A new round of trials? Passers?

This trial information revealed that every time a certain number of people is reached, a trial will be started here.

For example, water light waves seem to have the effect of waking people up, and those hungry monsters regain their consciousness.

Start again? A monster shed away the filth and filth from its body and absorbed the huge energy in the light wave.

His body gradually recovered, but what was lacking in appearance was replenished.

Time and time again, every time I fail, how difficult it is, how difficult it is!

Some people even take the initiative to commit suicide because they don't want to live such a life anymore.

Chen Banxian and Duan De saw that the old woman who was chewing her teeth had now transformed into a young woman in her prime, with an unusually large chest and a mouth full of broken teeth that had grown back.

She was right beside them, making their hair stand on end.

When did you come? If the trial had started slower, they would have been eaten for sure.

You don't have to panic. The woman sighed: It was my fault that I almost killed you when my consciousness was chaotic. But now that I am conscious, at least I will not harm you until the trial is over.

Where is this place? What is the trial!

Seeing that it could talk, Chen Banxian immediately asked his question.

Here? This is the Mahayana Heaven. The woman Miaoli's voice was filled with endless loneliness.

Mahayana Heaven? Chen Banxian pondered these three words, while Miaoli continued:

A trial is a puzzle that needs to be solved within a specified time.

What if it can't be solved? Duan De asked again, but saw fear in Miaoli's eyes.

If you can't untie it, it will rob you of your emotions for the first time.

The second time, it takes away your energy.

The third time will take away your wisdom and you will become like a beast.

Apparently, she has gone through at least three trials.

How does the trial begin?

Chen Banxian asked again, and Miaoli smiled sadly: The trial has begun.

Go get it, go find it, find the puzzle.

These words made the two of them dumbfounded.

Problem-solving test?

If you don’t even come up with the questions, how will they solve them?

Forget it, we're here already. Duan De started to run towards the tomb: Even if we can't solve the problem, we still want to get some benefits.

He is still obsessed with the idea of ​​The Tomb of Lihen River.

However, he found that Chen Banxian was running faster than him and was constantly thinking about something in his hands.

It was the sixty-fourth hexagram. A stick fell out of it. Chen Banxian picked it up and saw that it was the Feng Sheng hexagram of the sixty-fourth hexagram.

Sheng, Yuanheng, use it to meet the adults, don't be embarrassed, it's good luck to conquer the south.

But where is the south and where is the north?

Chen Banxian was really at a loss for words, but when he saw the adults, he understood.

Let's go! Dig up the corpse!

He was faster than Duan De and pulled the latter forward.

They are safe during this time of trial.

Soon they arrived at the high mountain. It was not only them but also other monks who had this idea.

They kept digging deeper into the hill, reaching hundreds of meters deep.

Duan De stepped on it with his foot: Hiss, it's so hard.

This soil cannot be dug, let alone drilled. How perseverant are those who can dig hundreds of meters, and how terrifying are their cultivation levels?

Someone saw the two of them, but found out that they were just young monks from the fourth and fifth realms and laughed silently.

Two whimsical little guys, after the trial is over, the only fate is to be eaten.

It's a bit of luck to get here, but unfortunately, it's bad luck.

Um? Those two little guys took out the jars, what did they want to do?

But Duan De generously took out a piece of white paper with only a drop of ink on it.

This drop of ink was the emperor's authentic work, which triggered the resurgence of the emperor's pot. Chen Banxian raised the emperor's pot high and smashed it against the mountain!


The entire mountain cracked under their feet, and no matter how hard the defense was, it could not withstand the power of the Jida. This moment shocked everyone.

There was a loud noise in the sky, the big tomb opened, and the bottom was bottomless.

They couldn't see what was inside, but a senior monk had already jumped in.

And, there's more than one.

They pupated down, their eyes full of excitement.

Hope! Hope!

This is an unprecedented change. Many people have tried it thousands of times and turned this place upside down.

This time, the big tomb actually cracked.

None of them cared about Chen Banxian and Duan De, making the latter's vigilance useless. Their eyes were filled with eagerness for escape and freedom.

Even more cannibalistic.

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