There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 337 Mu Yun appears to be dead

A stranger?

The woman looked at them, a woman, an old man, but Zhang Han looked useful.


She actually agreed: I can provide you with work and exchange labor for food, but I told you in advance that this work is very dangerous and tiring.

What we are least afraid of is getting tired of hardship!

Chen Banxian answered for Zhang Han, his face full of enthusiasm: Come on, let's advance one day's wages, we are going to starve to death.

The woman asked them to go ahead and get into the ruins through the entrance where she came out before.

The girl who walked at the end covered the entrance of the hole, grabbed a handful of soil from one side and sprinkled it on.

Just wait for the sun to dry up, and there will be no trace of them left here.

It's amazing that you, a girl, can survive in such an environment.

Chen Banxian sighed as he moved under the dim ruins.

He looked around and saw that half of the building was in ruins and the air was not good.

Before the end of the world, there should have been a cluster of tall buildings, and nearby buildings collapsed onto this building to form such a natural hiding place.

In general. The girl pointed to her head: A lot of things are luck. I like to leave it to God.

Leave it to God?

Chen Banxian savored these words and felt an inexplicable touch in his heart.

Unfortunately, I didn't catch it.

But this trip has been worthwhile.

After many twists and turns, they met other people in this building!

It was a group of seven or eight people wearing pre-apocalyptic law enforcement uniforms, also walking through the ruins.

Their uniforms were in tatters and had been patched in many places, making them look extraordinarily different.

At this time, these people looked at them up and down with penetrating eyes.

Brother Liu, these three people are survivors who fled.

The woman spoke in time to resolve the embarrassment.

The man named Brother Liu nodded and said two words of warning:

In this building, you must abide by Daxia's laws and do not do anything illegal. The end is coming. Everyone must help each other and not go astray.

They deliberately looked at Zhang Han a few more times and said to the woman: Dahua, if you need anything, just call out and we will arrive as soon as possible.

Thank you, Brother Liu. The girl nodded and saw the corners of Chen Banxian's mouth raised unconsciously.

You can laugh if you want. You are an old man and I don't have the same experience as you.

How could a normal person come up with this name? Chen Banxian had a few words left to say after adjusting his emotions.

This is just a dog name.

Isn't my name very suitable for the occasion? the girl said casually: When I decided to change my name, I happened to see these two words in the newspaper, so I decided to change my name.

You are quite superstitious. Chen Banxian looked at Dahua with a strange look, but the other party didn't care, and the two started communicating casually.

Zhang Han looked back at the boss from time to time, and then at the girl.

If he remembered correctly, the boss seemed to be into this kind of superstitious stuff, right?

Now you, a professional person, actually say that another girl is superstitious, which is unreasonable.

This is not superstition. The girl shook her head seriously:

Every decision I made went with the flow of nature, so I am alive until now, while others were buried in the ruins by nature.

Her deep tone touched Chen Banxian again.

It was obviously just a simple conversation, but it made him perceive something again and again.

Still not caught.

He shook his head regretfully, maybe because he didn't have the chance.

After traveling through it, they finally arrived at a dilapidated room arranged by Dahua for them.

It's barely habitable, and it's safe to use something to hold up the door at night.

The only bad thing is that the air is slightly turbid and the ventilation efficiency in the ruins is too low.

You can only rely on the circulation between the gaps.

You can live here, and your job is to clean up the stone ruins from here and open a passage.

Dahua turned around and entered the other side: You guys wait for me here, I'll get you food.

When she returned to her residence, her sister hurriedly came over and asked curiously: How is it? I just said there is no danger.

It's okay. I'll get them some food. Dahua told her sister, Xiaohua, don't expose yourself and don't go to see them secretly. It's always right for us to be cautious.


Xiaohua nodded vigorously, her eyes wandering and she didn't know where she was looking.

Dahua didn't pay attention and took three bags of green liquid from a room full of experimental equipment.

What's this?

When he saw the liquid, Zhang Han couldn't help but ask.

This is food?

This is food. Dahua thoughtfully handed over the straw:

The new generation of chlorella cultivated by me can provide a person's daily needs through photosynthesis and reaction with the mysterious energy in nature, and can strengthen the body in a small amount to a certain extent.

It’s hard to tell that Dahua is still a scientific researcher.

Zhang Han was still hesitating, so Chen Banxian took a few sips and drank.

The taste is pretty good, with a slight fragrant smell, which should be the effect of spiritual energy.

Dahua saw him eating, nodded in agreement, turned and left.

I still have something to do. If you have any questions, you can come to me.

Boss, are we still wasting time?

Zhang Han couldn't help but ask in a low voice: How about restoring the Ninetowns network first?

He used a tentative tone, fearing that Chen Banxian would casually slap him to death.

Why are you in a hurry? Chen Banxian smiled brightly: You don't need to be anxious about this. I want to verify something here.

His gaze penetrated the ruins and accurately sensed everyone in the building.

There are more than 120 people living in this ruins, and Xiaohua is just one of them.

Looking further up, Chen Banxian looked at everything in his own mind, and a wisp of his soul floated out and out of the building.

Soon, a half-rotted corpse on the ground opened its eyes and got up unsteadily.

He closed his eyes and crossed his legs for a while, then a large amount of spiritual energy entered his body, and soon he flew up from the ground, staggering away into the distance.

Chen Banxian looked away, his face slightly pale.

Forcibly combining the two methods of creation and soul separation was a heavy burden on him.

Not to mention the separation of souls from corpses at this time, Miancheng...

Considering death!

Considering death!

Considering death!

A total of hundreds of elite troops drank strong drinks at the swearing-in ceremony. Mu Yun took the lead and led everyone out of the range of the Meteor Immortal Stone.

In Cotton City, tens of thousands of people shed tears, and the generals saluted with military salutes, which did not stop for a long time until their backs were no longer visible.

Jiang Aiguo, your team is hiding from the east.

Liang Ying, you hide from the west.

Xia Lei, I hope you can be a vanguard and try to attract the enemy's first wave of firepower!

After leaving Miancheng, the soldiers regained their energy, and Mu Yun began to allocate personnel.

There are hundreds of fourth realms, plus Mu Yun, there is no reason why he can't kill a demon king.

Lu Ping, you and Zhuang Xiaoan are on standby at any time. If necessary, you can take action independently and act according to the opportunity.

Mu Yun held a long knife with meteorite and metal entangled in his hand: Try to end the battle the moment you see the Black Spot King, without any delay.

If you don't take action, it will be a fatal thunder blow!

This is Daxia's consistent style, and it has been well inherited by Miancheng.

Don't be careless! Mu Yun warned again and again.

So many brothers have died. Don't worry, Leader Mu. Nothing will go wrong with us.

Xia Lei covered his chest: Before you are exposed, I will do everything in my power to distract the Black Spot King.

He silently swore that he would not hesitate even if it cost him his life.

Mu Yun nodded and the team moved quickly.

But they didn't know that in the territory of the Black Spot King's cave at this time, three Miancheng scouts were tied up and erected with crosses.

Tell me, you humans have frequently invaded my territory recently. What do you want to do?

The Black Spot King picked up his nails, which were a pair of soft hands that shone with phosphorescence.

It doesn't look like the palm of a demon king, but no one will underestimate the Black Spot King. With such hands, anyone who touches them will die.

Your Majesty, please forgive me. We really accidentally entered your territory by mistake.

The three scouts begged: We are just ordinary cultivators, we just want to go out to beat the autumn wind and find some spiritual herbs.

Yes, yes, we are all ordinary human beings. For the sake of everyone being on the same territory, please forgive us, Your Majesty.

That's what it sounds like.

The Black Spot King crossed his hands and said, It's a pity that I don't believe a word of it.

Come here, set up a fire and cook two legs to taste.

The words of the Black-spotted King made the expressions of the three people change drastically. They looked fierce and inwardly: King of the Black-spotted King, we humans and you have always been in harmony with each other. Don't go too far!

It's full of lies. The Black Spot King sneered: You people, after coming to my territory, involuntarily approach my palace. Do you really think I don't know your purpose?

He casually pointed at the pile of bones at the entrance of the cave: See, there are at least over fifty bones there, all of which were eaten by me just like you.

The expressions of the three scouts changed as they watched, and they suppressed their anger and unyielding deeply. They couldn't die yet, and there was still information that they had not brought out.

He pretended to be a villain again and begged.

Your Majesty, please spare your life. We have no purpose at all. We were really careless. Oh, Your Majesty, please believe us.

Unfortunately, the Black Spot King ignored them and ate them bit by bit with the monsters in front of the three of them.

The third realm of human beings. King Black Spot picked his teeth: The taste is still a bit bad, not as delicious as the priestly meat.

Throw these three skeletons out and hang them together with the other skeletons outside the cave to deter humans.

The demon king narrowed his eyes: Humans are trying to take action against me. Are they so afraid of me breaking through to the fifth realm?

It was very disdainful: You coward, you don't want to make progress. You want the development of this world to move forward at a faster pace, and I won't wait for you.

It estimates that it will not take long to enter the fifth realm naturally.

On the road to the fourth realm, the Black Spot King has reached the end and does not need to develop any more foundations.


Suddenly, a little demon ran in: According to the news from the wood demon, Miancheng Muyun and others are divided into three groups and are approaching us.

The little demon's face was filled with urgency: My lord, they want to kill you! The wood demons heard this clearly. They want to launch a sneak attack and kill you in an instant.

This is humankind. Those who only dare to play dirty tricks are really a bunch of cowards.

The Black Spot King laughed loudly: They also want to kill me? Let them do it!

Send the order, tell the Tiger King, Leopard King, Lion King, Eagle King, etc. to come to see me. I will set up a dragnet here to eat Mu Yun, a human genius.

It licked its lips: As soon as Mu Yun dies, we will immediately unite with other demon kings and take over Mian City!

Not only humans, but the demon clan are also very greedy for the Meteor Immortal Stone.

As long as Mu Yun, a key figure, dies, Miancheng's morale will inevitably plummet, and the chance that all the demon kings will attack Miancheng together will not be small.

The Black Spot King rubbed his fingers, his eyes dim in the darkness:

Mu Yun, Mu Yun, we couldn't do anything to you while you were hiding in the city. Now that you dare to leave the city, don't blame me for being rude.

It’s true that there is a way to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in!

Soon, the evil spirit here was astonishing, and all the great demons gathered in the Black Spot King's Cave to bring a big blow to Mu Yun and his party.

However, Mu Yun and the others did not know at this time that they were already under the surveillance of the Black Spot King.

Clean up the traces, don't stop interfering with the extraordinary ones, and don't be discovered by any monster.

Mu Yun was still giving orders. He was cautious enough. As long as he interfered with the extraordinary people's continuous release of extraordinary abilities, he could ensure that their whereabouts would not be exposed.

Don't worry, Leader Mu, you can rest assured that we are here with you!

The two Interfering Extraordinaries were laughing, and no one noticed the plant roots growing out of their bodies.

Far away from here, there is a banyan tree taking root on the ruins of the hospital.

There are many human heads hanging on the banyan tree, and each one is still vivid and flexible, with rosy and shiny skin.

At this time, some heads were floating in the wind and came to life.

Their consciousness and memory are being manipulated by the banyan tree.

If someone observes carefully, they will find that the heads on this banyan tree are all famous professors and experts near Cotton City.

For example, Gao Aixiu, who has a doctorate in psychology and sociology, or Li Baoguo, a well-known hypnosis master, are among them.

Their consciousness followed the roots, while controlling the two extraordinary beings responsible for interference, while continuously transmitting information to the Black Spot King.

Where are Mu Yun and his group? There are suspected weapons. You need to focus on his weapons. They are made of meteorite and may be fatal.

Mu Yun and his group kept approaching, and everyone was on guard. The further Mu Yun walked, the more solemn his expression became.

Wait a moment.

Suddenly, Mu Yun's voice reached the ears of the team members: Everyone stops moving forward. The team leaders are coming over for a meeting.

They stopped in a dense forest, where there was a huge bluestone.

The team leaders gathered together, and Zhuang Xiaoan asked him: What's going on, Boss Mu, did you find anything?

Something's wrong.

Mu Yun took a deep breath, feeling the moisture of the forest on the tip of his nose mixed with sobriety.

“We’ve been going a little too smoothly along the way.”

Boss Mu, are you making too much of a fuss?

Lu Ping retorted: Isn't this a good thing? God is helping us.

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