There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 422 The human race wants to separate the land close to heaven

Chen Banxian thought that the misery of everyone in the Xu tribe might have something to do with their IQ.

He dragged the Fengdu City Gate underground and threw unwanted things out of the jar.

However, the further he walked, the stronger the smile on his lips became, and he couldn't hide it at all.


Finally he burst out laughing: These idiots are so good! How come there are so many good things!

In the jar, the armor of the Xu people is enough to withstand attacks from the sixth realm.

Their weapons are also of high quality, and their materials are probably no less than those of some low-level holy soldiers.

But that's not the main thing, the fake heavenly doll is in his hand.

It looks like an ordinary doll, but it contains the aura of heaven. If it were stuffed into Fengdu City...

He had stuffed it in, and the city gate suddenly became a world of its own. If he hadn't known the difference, he would have thought it was no different from the earth.

This is not the most important thing!

Chen Banxian entered it, and the suppression of his realm within the Fengdu City Gate was still there!

That is to say...

If he encounters a strong enemy in another world, as long as he is lured into the city gate, the opponent will be at his mercy?

Who is Chen Banxian afraid of in the same realm?

What a good thing! What a good thing!

The corners of Chen Banxian's mouth rose crazily, but soon, he encountered another ancient tribe team.

It’s time to give away treasures again!

This time the opponent is the Coldland clan, which seems to be the clan that got the Yin Qi Orb.

It's a pity that the other party is very wary and directly attacks his magical shadow.

However, Chen Banxian wrapped up Mingzu's manuscript and deceived him at all costs.

The era is weird!

The ancient people of the Cold Land shouted in horror...

There are now only fifteen ethnic groups left on Mount Everest.

Prophet Yinglang, I don't know how to solve it now?

The ancient tribe with golden horns on his head said calmly: There are fifteen tribes here. What should we do with the extra tribe?

Fifteen rounds per round.

The Hunyuan Ancient Clan member smiled lightly: Everyone wants to be one of the Bye Clan, wouldn't it be nice to lose one less treasure?

The ancient Hanyuan clan is famous for their fast-talking and fast-talking people.

The ancient Golden Horn tribesman glanced at them sideways and said, The people of your era must not have high IQs, otherwise your tribe might not be the ones who survive to this day.

Tsk. A member of the Hunyuan Ancient Clan sneered: Young man, which tribe do you think was the first to discover the world of Mirror Ruins?

These words immediately made the Golden Horn Ancient Clan members’ minds sink.

Could it be your clan?

Of course not. The ancient Hunyuan clan laughed.

Why are you asking this? The Golden Horn Ancient Clan was angry: Are you mentally ill?

The people from the Hunyuan Ancient Clan hurriedly waved their hands, looking like they needed a beating:

I just want to see the expressions of your Golden Horn clan change.

anger! The Golden Horn Ancient Clan wished they could have a battle with the Mixed Ape Ancient Clan right now, but unfortunately at this time Yinglang stood up and spoke:

We are no longer children, and we are still very competitive.

She glanced around: Since we are talking about the first clan of Jingxu, you might as well tell us about this clan. There must be many races that we still don't know about.

The one who talks the most will get a bye, how about that?

Isn’t this a huge bargain?

A piece of news in exchange for a treasure is simply a huge profit.

Many of the ancient tribes who had not left immediately pricked up their ears, but surprisingly, no one could answer.

Fifteen Ancient Clan, look at me, I see you don’t have anyone to talk to.

No one said anything?

Ying Lang smiled faintly: Then let me tell you, this first clan of Jingxu must have happened in a very long time ago, maybe it can be traced back to the beginning of the world.

However, even though our clan has collected information for a long time, we still can't determine who the first clan is and whether it is still there.

She was a little drooling when she said this.

The ancient clans were obviously dissatisfied, and someone whispered: The prophet of the Yinggou clan said this, and it seems that he wanted to get a bye in vain.

Of course Ying Lang knew that what she said was meaningless, so he said: I'm just making a start. Who gets a bye in the end depends on everyone's judgment.

It's true what the prophet said. The ancient Hunyuan clan smiled: We also have some information, it's not a secret. Legend has it that there are not many people in the first clan, maybe only single digits.

This is his supplementary information.

The Gusi clan also moved out slowly, scanning the heroes with cold eyes: We have learned that the First clan has always been there, hidden. In this era, maybe everyone can see it.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

As we all know, the older a race lives, the more epochs it has experienced, and the more backhands it has.

If the first clan is still alive, I'm afraid they may not be able to get any benefits.

Something's wrong.

At this time, an ancient tribe spoke: We are now competing for the highest shortcut. If the First Tribe is still there, they should not show up.


The ancient tribe glanced around: The first tribe, and even the previous tribes, are among all of us.

As soon as these words came out, all races were immediately frightened.

They scanned the surroundings vigilantly, feeling that each clan might be the oldest.

The ancient Shuiyi tribe then spoke: Actually, it's not just the first tribe. When we checked the information, let alone the top ten, even the top 100 races were unavailable. It seemed like someone deliberately erased this information. .”


This seems like a huge conspiracy!

But no one is sure, and no one can provide evidence. Maybe those ancient tribes have died in the long years?

After all, everything can be changed, let alone a small race?

Yinglang glanced around: Everyone, let's get back to the topic. If everyone is really being plotted, I hope we can unite and fight against the evil hand.

This remark aroused great agreement from everyone.

Many people even said: We are all born equal. What if the oldest tribe has a conspiracy? We have so many races, and our development is not necessarily weaker than theirs. We will kill them when the time comes!

Everyone nodded.

Just as everyone was continuing to discuss, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded.

All are created equal. If I hadn't been here, I probably would have thought you were a bunch of decent people.

Who is speaking?

Everyone looked down the mountain and saw a very fast light spreading towards this side.

Black hair, black eyes, yellow race.

The creatures of this era?

A hint of disgust flashed subconsciously in the eyes of the ancient tribesmen.

Although the earth belongs to them, this era does not belong to them. Those who see the true owner of the earth are naturally hostile.

As long as they are all killed, no one will mention their unfair means of occupying the magpie's nest.

But the opponent's explosive speed also surprised them. It was a shadow that was faster than light, and it was in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Next week mountain.

The speaker spoke slowly. He had an extraordinary appearance, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a figure that was seven feet away.

He glanced around: I heard that the ancient tribes were carving up my home earth, so I came here to take a look. It is indeed well-deserved.

At this moment, not to mention the ancient tribesmen who were unhappy, even Chen Banxian, who was watching the situation on Mount Everest with his mobile phone, was also a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know this compatriot, but if he stood up at this time, what else would it mean if he didn't risk his death?

Hey, another group of ancient tribes are coming ahead!

Before he could take a closer look, his jar was already thirsty and in desperate need of treasure!

On Mount Everest, the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan glanced at Zhou Shan with cold eyes and mocked: We have almost killed all of your clan, why does another one suddenly appear at this time?

Do you want to die quickly? Or do you have any plans?

Everyone's eyes were unkind, but Zhou Shan was neither humble nor arrogant, and he mocked everyone around him with cold eyes.

My body contains the oldest bloodline, the oldest inheritance of the human race in this era.

I should represent the human race and occupy the position of the ancient race!

He stated his purpose and actually wanted to get a share of the pie on Mount Everest.

What are you talking about? Are you kidding?

An ancient eliminated clan member who had not yet left spoke: You haven't gone through the previous rounds of treasure hunting, why should you participate in the division of ownership of this place near the sky?

Besides, you are just a small human being. What qualifications do you have to compete with our race here?

No ancient race can think highly of human beings. The real historical development of a new race is only five thousand years, let alone the history of Xuan Dao, which is not even fifty years.

Can't even count.

They never thought that humans would come here. It's just like you are bidding for real estate and suddenly an ant comes and says that they also want to participate. It's ridiculous.

I represent the human race, and I must have the confidence to come here.

Zhou Shan took out three treasures from his arms: One hundred and twenty tribes, I will take them out and you can divide them among yourself.

As soon as the three treasures were revealed, the ancient tribes were immediately shocked.

The treasures include a jade seal, a long sword, and a simple scroll of bamboo slips.

No one can tell what era it belongs to, but the aura above it is the Imperial Dao, vaguely dominating the Great Xia Dragon Aura.

One is Confucianism and Taoism, which vaguely dominate the world's culture.

One is the way of military affairs, which stirs up the general trend of the world.


Underground, Chen Banxian stood up suddenly just because he recognized those three things.

NCM! Notes of Confucius! The sword of Yue King Goujian!

That is his Chinese treasure! Now it was actually taken out by Zhou Shan and used as a standard for competition.

He has not found any of these things. It is said that they were lost at the beginning, and they are not authentic in the museums in Daxia.

However, I didn't expect that it would be in the hands of this person named Zhou Shan.

Although it is not at the level of a sacred object, it has miraculous effects in the current era. As the earth continues to develop in the future, it will definitely become a sacred object, or even exceed the standards of a sacred object.

Yinglang glanced over and understood: These three things are really good treasures. Are you sure you want to take them out?

What she meant was that Zhou Shan was really qualified to divide Mount Everest?


Zhou Shan's body was tall and straight: We, the human race, are the protagonists of this era. When we compete in the world, we have a place.

But there are only three pieces. How to divide them and who should they be given to?

Everyone looked unhappy. Suddenly, a man from the Fu Chong Ancient Clan opened his jaw and spit out a poisonous needle.

The moment the needle tip appeared, the Taoist charm filled the air, approaching Zhoushan.

However, Zhou Shan was really capable. He stretched out his white jade-colored fingers and clamped them firmly to hold the poisonous needle in front of him.

He sneered and threw the needle tip into the distance. As a result, the mountain range collapsed and was corroded.

For the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, what happened today will definitely be rewarded in the future.

Zhou Shan continued to look at Yinglang and the other ancient tribes: How?

Strength is always the standard for speaking.

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