There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 435 There is still time before the Kunlun Banquet

Chapter 435 There is still time before the Kunlun Banquet...

What's not simple?

Die Yunfei's eyes moved: Is there some conspiracy?

It's not a conspiracy. Chen Banxian's eyes flickered. Che Xiaobei looked very similar to someone he knew.

He was born as a sailor ten thousand years ago in the Atlantean era, exactly like Che Xiaobei.

Although their stature and skin color are different, their facial features and expressions are almost the same.

Is there such a big coincidence between people from ten thousand years ago and people ten thousand years from now?

Two races, two eras, why is this happening?

To paraphrase Zhetian World, it is a similar flower theory, but it is obviously not the case here.

He noticed the unique soul breath.

Why don't you say anything anymore? Brother Xian, please go on.

Die Yunfei was anxious, but Chen Banxian stopped talking about this topic.

He was worried that something had been born and might notice it, so he chose to remain silent.

I have to attend my daughter's mecha exhibition tomorrow, so I'm going back to catch up on my sleep.

He quickly disappeared from here, leaving only Die Yunfei alone in the yard Crack, bang...

There are still twenty-four days until the Kunlun Banquet...

Today is the day when the dark technology armor Chen Jin participated in the research and development was released.

When I woke up early in the morning, there was actually the sound of gongs and drums outside the window. The companies involved in the research and development made the noise very loud. There were advertising teams all over Baihu City wearing festive clothes and beating gongs and drums.

An advertising team composed of old people, women and children passed outside his house, making it difficult for him to fall asleep.


A crisp voice came from the door. Chen Banxian opened the door and found that it was not a real person, but a virtual intelligence controlled by Chen Jin calling him.

The opening is coming soon. If you don't come, you won't have a chance.

It's coming, it's coming, what are you urging me for? Chen Banxian rubbed his eyes and washed his face absentmindedly, wiping away some of the aura he had attracted on his own throughout the night.

He is already clean and clean, and washing his face is just a habit.

Go downstairs, reach out, stop the car, all in one go.

Brother, where are you going?

The driver was an ordinary man with a bald head. Perhaps because he had just gone to work in the morning, he had not endured the torture of the day and seemed very talkative.

Go to the Darktech Armor Expo.

Dark Technology Armor Exhibition? After hearing the dead silence, his eyes suddenly lit up: You mean the one beating gongs and drums outside?

Is there anything else? Chen Banxian was suddenly shocked. The involution was like this?

Of course not. The driver said happily while controlling the steering wheel: It's just that I was a little surprised that someone took a taxi directly there.

The bald middle-aged man explained: The ticket price for the online press conference has reached 3,000 black coins per ticket, and it is still rising. Poor people like us can only watch it online.

He was a little eager: Brother, have you bought the ticket? How much did it cost?

It seemed that there was a little more information about the Dark Technology Armor Conference around him, and he seemed to have experienced it himself.

I don't have a ticket. Chen Banxian had no idea that that thing was actually worth three thousand black coins. You know, the black coins in Baihu City were different from before.

One black coin was worth the face value of one hundred yuan, and three thousand black coins was a full three hundred thousand.

Three hundred thousand just for a press conference, which is shocking to say.

Hey, what are you doing there? The driver's interest suddenly dropped, but Chen Banxian added leisurely.

I have someone inside.


His expression suddenly changed, and his expressions were extremely rich, including surprise, jealousy, and disdain, but most of all, he was envious.

Chen Banxian asked him: Why do you all want to attend this press conference?

Don't you want to participate? the driver asked him back: Mecha! That's a mecha. People of our generation can only realize their wishes in novels. Why do you think you want to participate?

It was the words of the bald middle-aged man that made Chen Banxian suddenly wake up.

It turns out that he and the driver are of the same generation?

Are you already that old? He felt that time passed so quickly, as if he was no longer young in the blink of an eye.

Yeah, that's the wish of our generation.

He looked out the window, seeing high-rise buildings, aerial floats, space trains, etc., everything seemed like a dream.

These are scenes that only exist in science fiction novels, but they have been realized in just twenty or thirty years.

Even mechas have been built, and the technology of the earth is really rising in a straight line.


The driver slowly stopped the car in the standard area, looking at the huge square building of the press conference and it was difficult to take his eyes away.

The times are so good, he said with emotion: Brother, you must help me try out what it feels like to drive a mecha, and how different it is from virtual reality games.


Chen Banxian patted his shoulder and walked towards the venue.

Hello, please show me your qualification certificate.

The security guard of the exhibition is actually a transcendent, or a high-level transcendent of the fourth realm, which is enough to prove the importance the organizer attaches to this exhibition.

There was even a fifth-level transcendent sitting behind a makeshift canopy to act as a deterrent.

Chen Banxian did not have a qualification certificate. He saw that most of the people in front of him could get in quickly by scanning their vital signs.

But he felt that Xiao Jinzi should have greeted him in advance and lined up to enter.

At this time, Chen Jin and Ai Gewei were still reading the speech and making final adjustments to the dark technology armor.

Not only them, other scientific researchers are also debugging to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Chen Jin seemed to remember something and asked Aigwei: Do you think my godfather won't be able to come in? Why don't I go say hello to the organizer first?

Aren't we the organizers? Aigwei said nonchalantly: It's not like you don't know his authority. Where can you go in Baihu City?

In fact, after the technological interoperability of the Nine Cities, not to mention Baihu City, there are probably very few places that cannot be entered in the other eight cities.

At this time, when the queue at the entrance of the exhibition reached Chen Banxian, the instrument gave out a pleasant prompt.

Dear special guests, welcome to the press conference.

The fifth-level transcendent next to the instrument sat up slightly confused.

Special guest, is this young man so distinguished?

But who is the special guest? He had never heard of any special guest's personal experience.

He didn't know, but at this time, the organizer also received the news.

It's about to start, and the organizers are holding a final meeting to make final checks and corrections for this press conference.

The meeting was attended by executives from Anyang Technology, as well as some official personnel from Baihu City.

Suddenly, an intelligent holographic figure automatically appeared next to the chairman.

The chairman was slightly stunned. Why did the smart assistant pop up automatically? He wasn't even notified in advance.

Is there a bug?

The projection bowed slightly, and the personified tone was vivid: Chairman Li Yang, Xiao An must remind you that a big shot just entered the venue.

Is this why you interrupted my meeting? Li Yang frowned: What kind of big shot has such great authority and directly notifies me, a little guy, as soon as he enters the room?

Li Yang glanced at the meeting: Since we have almost said what we need to say, let's leave now. Xiao Gao, please help me find out what the background of that big shot is.

The press conference was held here in an open-air building, similar to the former stadium and playground.

It used to be a school, but now the school is on vacation and the site happens to be vacant.

The huge playground is filled with various instruments, and a large number of people are queuing up to try them out.

These are all technological equipment used to add icing on the cake at the same time. The real finale has not yet arrived, but you can already see the outline of a dozen meters high covered by a huge red curtain.

He looked around curiously. This was the first time he had such close contact with Baihu City's high technology.

Look, this is the latest generation of robotic arms. It is said to be able to help people lift a weight of 5,500 kilograms.

The new generation of anti-gravity technology uses micro clean nuclear reactions as the energy core, which is sufficient for normal use for more than three hundred years.

Chen Banxian looked at it and saw that it looked like the arm of the Winter Soldier in the anime, with a battery-sized reactor mounted on the biceps.

You can't feel the slightest radiation, it is indeed clean energy.

Looking at the other side, there is a card as big as a palm.

Damn it, what an artifact! Adjustable mimetic environment device.

With it, you can survive even in magma like the cold winter months or in outer space.

Chen Banxian looked sideways, how could that small card have such a powerful effect?

However, at this time there was another huge banging sound from the right.

He followed and saw something that looked like a toy sword.

Home-style medical cabin! It's out, it's finally out, and you don't have to wait in line when you get sick!

Home-use type, this thing can be mass-produced!

Some people are even reading the long instructions placed next to them.

Trauma, internal injury, genetics, deformity, proliferation, virus...

There are so many types, cancer can also be treated, but congenital heart disease only requires a certain amount of energy?

They were overjoyed, but soon there was a louder noise from the other side.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is so high!

A group of people gathered around a constantly rotating spherical object: Such a small thing can actually extract spiritual energy. If you have it, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort?

Chen Banxian leaned over and felt that the concentration of spiritual energy had increased by at least two to three times, enough to save a person two or three times of training time.

Don't underestimate the two or three times. It originally took you thirty years to reach the golden elixir stage, but now it only takes ten years, and there are still twenty years left to make a mess.

Isn't this tempting?

Next, Chen Banxian was dazzled by the dazzling array of kitchen stoves that could be used for 500 years, electric lamps that theoretically lasted forever, machines that could automatically synthesize nutritious food, and temperature-controlled clothes.

Next to each item is the name of the inventor, many of whom were still students.

Just when Chen Banxian wanted to look again, suddenly a neat row of men in black suits approached him behind him.

Chairman Li Yang walked at the front. As soon as he arrived, he kowtowed three times with Bang! Bang! Bang!


It was so sudden that Chen Banxian was not even prepared. He hurriedly checked whether his ability to open his eyes and blind him had expired, and it turned out that this ability was still there.

I saw Chairman Li Yang lying on the ground with tears streaming down his face:

Thank you sir for bringing prosperity to our Baihu City today!

He was unable to kneel for a long time, which aroused the astonishment of the people in the exhibition around him.

Isn't that Li Yang, the chairman of Anyang Technology? He is the organizer of this conference.

What the hell? Li Yang knelt down and kowtowed to a young man?

Gua! Shocking big melon, quickly make sure my pedestrian recorder is on.

Back to more than ten minutes ago, the secretary had already compiled a small amount of information about the special guests.

Why is it said to be a small amount? Because most of them have the words insufficient authority.

There is only one name: Chen Banxian.

Sex: Male.

The address, preferences, etc. are unknown, but some of the deeds are still thrilling to watch.

For example, the bloody history of District 14, such as the major disaster in the fourth realm, etc...

But Li Yang still recognized who this person was.

If we say who was the first to start the technological revolution in the Nine Cities, it was definitely Baihu City.

But when asked again, which district in Baihu City started the revolution, few people could answer.

He, Li Yang, happens to be able to do it, so he is Baihu City, North 14th District.

He experienced that turmoil firsthand, and he was still young when that crowded period began.

His father was one of the innocent victims at that time.

But Li Yang never resented that man, but respected him very much.


Li Yang ran back to the car and saw a statue enshrined in the back seat.

The person on the statue is very similar to him, and it is clearly his father, who was killed and sacrificed in the turmoil.

Li Yang tremblingly lit three sticks of incense, and said hurriedly: Dad, he is here, the benefactor is here.

What kind of benefactor is here? A ghost monk walked out of the statue, and it was Li Yang's father. He frowned and said: How can you be so frizzy? You are now the chairman of a large group. Be calm and measured.”

Li Shuo taught in a gurgling voice, and then asked casually: Who is here?

It's him, Chen Banxian! Li Yang said excitedly.


Ghost cultivator Li Shuo instantly appeared in the car and grabbed his son's collar: Who are you talking about!

Chen Banxian, Chen Enren! He is in this exhibition. Li Yang repeated, and the next second he bumped into the car door.


He groaned in pain. It turned out that Li Shuo was too impatient and pulled Li Yang through the car door and ran into the exhibition.

It turned out that he was a ghost cultivator who traveled through Chengmen and forgot that Li Yang was still alive.

Sorry son, dad forgot that you are not dead yet.

Li Shuo opened the car door and hurriedly pulled Li Yang in.

If you don't say anything else, kowtow quickly when you find someone, do you hear me? He is the savior of our family, and even more so the savior of Baihu City!

This was the scene at this time.

Chen Banxian looked at Li Yang and saw a ghost cultivator with a soul body. Li Shuo was also kowtowing.

It landed on the grass, causing the soil to fly.

My benefactor! Li Shuo went through such a hard time looking for you!

Get up, get up. Chen Banxian hurriedly went to help him. This gift was too big. He felt that it would be on the news again tomorrow.

Ever since he brought Baihu City to Donghuang, he felt that he had never been so smooth and could become famous without moving.

He said helplessly: There are so many people here, it's shameless for you to kneel down like this, but we still want to be ashamed, get up quickly...

Suddenly his tone stopped.

Strange, why are you so close to death?

He helped Li Shuo up, and only when he saw the top of his head did he realize that Li Shuo's lifespan was not normal.

Humans have a lifespan, and ghosts also have a lifespan. Humans will die of old age when their lives are over, and ghosts will be gone when their lives are over.

People may turn into ghosts after death, and ghosts may turn into ghosts after death.

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