There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 498 Despicable, using tricks to fight in groups

All around! That's all around...

I saw ten pairs of eyes appearing around the night sky where the heavy rain had long been dispersed.

The eyes were glowing, reflecting the huge silhouette and face behind them.

It seems that the Buddha has come to the world, and these are actually ten Dharma images!

Originally, the Qingrong clan guardians were already large enough, but in front of these ten majestic Dharma images, they were like babies.

The huge contrast makes people misunderstand. Chen Banxian is at the ninth level, while the Qingrong Shou clan member is at the eighth level.

Is this the end?

Chen Banxian touched his fingertips, and for a moment, the original ten statues shook, and another identical existence emerged from his body.

Digital secret!


Everyone subconsciously cursed and their eyelids shook violently, but this was just the beginning.

The Dharma images continued to grow taller and expanded, eventually completely covering the sky.

This is not the limit of the size of the Dharma, this is the limit of Xiaoshi Town.

Due to changes in time and space, they were unable to leave Xiaoshi Town and could only wait passively.

Hmph, vulnerable!

The defender suppressed the fear in his heart and was not afraid. In his opinion, the aura of these dharma images was not strong, and he was confident that he could not break through the defense.

You will know later whether you are vulnerable or not.

There was no emotion in Chen Banxian's tone, I call this move: beating the old master to death with random punches!

Hit me!

After typing, the twenty Dharma ministers stretched out their huge fists and smashed down hard!

Boom! Boom!

Xiaoshi Town, which had already been destroyed beyond recognition, became even more miserable at this time. The ground was hollowed out, and the defenders continued to beat underground.

But he is still in the ninth level after all, and he is not a vegetarian. He resists the siege and fights back. His fists are indestructible and he can always penetrate Chen Banxian's appearance.

But the Dharma image was too huge, and he didn't even care if he was hit with ten or eight punches.

If the defender was from another avenue besides the physical avenue, Chen Banxian might be in trouble and expose his trump card, but this kind of avenue that is beaten...

Sorry, he doesn't have much else, he just has many Dharma images.

As he waved his arms, he continued to inspire other avenues, and a Dharma Prime Minister joined the battlefield.

Twenty, thirty or forty statues, plus the number secrets, dazzled all the people from the future.

I was beaten unjustly. Zhang Hu allowed himself to see better and quietly asked the system.

Check the database. Is there any information about this person?

Sorry, no information found.


Zhang Hu felt that this was completely inappropriate. How could such a powerful person leave no information in history?

This makes people unable to think of any resistance.

The entire town of Xiaoshi Town is still intact except for this hilltop, while other places have been driven underground after reaching safety.

This depth is still increasing, and the defenders who were occasionally able to fight back can no longer offer any resistance at this moment, just because their hands and feet are restricted by the Dharma Aspects, and other Dharma Appearances are beating him crazily.

Insert the eyes, tease the vagina, pick out the crotch, kill for a thousand years, pierce the ears, they do everything.

It could roar at first, but soon the roar turned into a roar, and then into a scream.


The sky-high underground water had just been pumped out and quickly condensed into ice, adding to the body of the Ice Dharma.

Earth, stone, and gravel are also absorbed by the earth's laws, not to mention ores, metals, crystal oil, etc.

The magma is coming out!

Bai Haoyan looked down the mountain, and the smell of sulfur had already hit his nose, reaching the underground lecture floor.

However, the magma spewed out for a long time, and only a red statue was glowing, which became more and more terrifying.

The tremors in Xiaoshi Town continued for a moment, and the magma was followed by a violent explosion. They saw red light coming out of the ground.

Chen Banxian drank wine gently, as if he was not the one who made the move.

Between the eyebrows, a black and white eye opened, its pupils saw through all the fog.

Thousands of meters underground, there was nothing. As for the Shou tribesman, he had long since stopped screaming and was beaten to a pulp. Chen Banxian was quickly absorbing the Taoist essence from his body.

On a certain level, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique is very helpful in improving combat power.

Unfortunately, the understanding of Tao can only be achieved slowly and no shortcuts can be taken.

If you want to go far in the future, you can't be careless and lay a weak foundation indiscriminately.

Finally, when the shaking subsided, Little Rock Town became Meteorite Town.

Because there is only one deep pit here.

There's nothing. Chen Banxian looked down, where is the treasure? No hint at all.

Not to mention scraping three feet, he scraped three hundred thousand feet and found nothing.

The ground below was so hard that it was difficult for him to drill down, and there was obviously no possibility of anything else going down further.

Damn it, boss, were you just a member of the Qingrong Shou clan who was searching for treasures and picking them up?

Hearing Chen Banxian's muttering, Bai Haoyan could not express his shock in his own words. No wonder he dared to confront the higher-ups in the organization across time and space.

This kind of strength can touch anyone.

It's a pity that there is nothing. He was very melancholy and drank wine at the table to soothe his sorrows.

Bai Haoyan's eyelids twitched in distress. He couldn't bear to drink the wine himself. He only opened his mouth to taste it every time.

In other people's mouths, he poured it in big mouthfuls.

If it weren't for the incomprehensible changes in the town, I would have doubted whether the treasure existed.

Chen Banxian did not answer his words, Maybe wait until the heavy fog comes to see if there is any improvement.

He looked outside Xiaoshi Town. There was such a big movement in the town, everything was shattered and ceased to exist, but the outside of the town was not affected at all.

The fragile wildflowers swayed with the wind. It was a cage, but also like a time travel machine.

His heart moved slightly, and he remembered something, only to forget it in the end.

At this time, a group of people came from outside Xiaoshi Town in Baihu City.

There were more than a dozen of them, and the two conservative monks who had escaped earlier, Kua Chengfeng and Uctor, were among them.

We can't wait any longer. A monk with excessive combat power has already entered, and it is very likely that it will cause important obstacles to our plan.

Uctor's tone was stern: I suspect that the futuristic people have already entered it early. We have seen that there are futuristic people who are already at eight points in time.

Uctor, you have to know that if the information is wrong, we will pay a heavy price after losing the trust from above.

A monk looked at this ordinary little stone town: We gave up other tasks and wasted time here in advance. If it is not what you said, the price will be very serious.

Among these people, Lan Qingfeng and his wife were also present.

However, they were slightly below the person speaking.

Boy, if I, Uctor, am lying in any way, I am willing to be sent to explore the universe.

Exploring the universe is a very cruel punishment. It is difficult to return to the earth for the rest of your life, and you can only keep moving forward in the infinite universe.

Establishing signal base stations on the stars and constantly sending back exploration information, in addition to loneliness and silence, we face various disasters in the universe all day long.

With the development of science and technology, instead of having a thorough understanding of the universe, human beings' understanding of the universe has become increasingly shallow.

There is wind in the universe, and the monks who have transcended the tribulation will be separated from their flesh and bones if they are blown.

There is a great abyss in the universe, which is more terrifying than a black hole if you fall into it.

Unknown life forms, unknown stars, etc. Uctor's words are enough to prove his determination.

Then go in.

The boy troop reached back and held out a special golden weapon.

The weapon took on the shape of a seal, spinning in his palm.

He walked in front, Everyone is connected to each other with ropes to ensure that they will not be separated when the fog rises. These eight time points change frequently. If you are not careful, you will be permanently lost and encounter unpredictable disasters.

Lan Qingfeng.

The boy leader said without looking back: Tell me about the information we have collected in the past few days, so that everyone can know more about this town.


Lan Qingfeng cleared his throat: According to our investigation, there are three legends in Xiaoshi Town that may correspond to our purpose.

Legend 1: When the ancient gods fall, Nomaya will rise.

Legend 2: There is an allusion to the name of Xiaoshi Town. It is said that a long time ago there was a magical stone that could make people become immortals, hence the name.

Legend 3: This is what people around Xiaoshi Town say. If you are about to die, you may be able to find a way to survive by entering Xiaoshi Town, but normal people must not enter Xiaoshi Town. This place is here day after day, year after year. It’s the same year after year, and no one who goes in ever comes out again.”

After saying that, everyone couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

In the world of Zhetian, there is one biggest secret, which is becoming an immortal.

In order to become an immortal, this is the ultimate goal of all monks.

Throughout the ages, many talented and talented people have fallen on the road and passed away with hatred.

Even the ancient emperor, who was the only one in heaven and earth, was not immune. He chose to kill himself and huddled in the forbidden area of ​​​​life.

Therefore, any legend about becoming an immortal will be explored carefully. There is actually a legend about becoming an immortal in Xiaoshi Town?

Legend three, they know, is the secret of time and space transformation.

But what is Legend 1?

What is Nomaya?

After thinking about it, Lan Qingfeng's wife said: Tianzun is a figure from the mythical era. There are nine of them. When Tianzun falls, maybe we can check it at this time point.

As they spoke, they had entered Little Rock Town, and everything seemed normal.

However, everyone understands that these people are just characters similar to NPCs. Even if they are killed now, they will be resurrected tomorrow and will still exist.

Isn't there any news left? How can we get this treasure?

One of the team members looked left and right, his spiritual thoughts sweeping over the surroundings, and he couldn't see any difference.

No, the extraordinary person who originally obtained this treasure is no longer on earth, and we have not received any news.

The boy team told the helpless truth: In fact, the higher-ups don't think much of us at all, so except for me, all the important people are not here.

Perhaps Nomaya in Myth 1 is the stone that can turn people into immortals in Myth 2, and it needs to be sacrificed by an Izun?

Another monk made a surprising statement and made a bold hypothesis.

Don't think about it, it's basically impossible. At Tianzun's level, you can't tell that there really is Nomaya. People have already discovered it.

His companions attacked him mercilessly, What's more, everything you can think of can be thought of by everyone. The most indispensable thing is people.

Lan Qingfeng walked on the street and looked around, wondering if that person was coming.

The person he was talking about was Chen Banxian, who was digging hard in a deep pit.

I don't believe it, there really is nothing!

The few people tied up around Chen Banxiansen dared not speak out in anger, and did not say a word.

Just now Bai Haoyan suddenly remembered three fairy tales and told him them, and then he got to work eagerly.

Moreover, he has reasons.

You see, it is said in the myth that when the Goddess falls, Nomaya will rise. Let's not focus on the illusory place of the Goddess, but focus on the word rising.

Rising is a process from bottom to top, so we only need to dig down, and we will definitely gain something!

It seems... there is some truth to it.

Bai Haoyan nodded thoughtfully: This idea seems absurd, but it seems to be reasonable.

And more and more!

Chen Banxian swung his shovel very fast: In mythology, the stone can make people become immortals. Let's look further ahead, put aside the word immortality and put it on the stone.

Since it's a stone, it must be in the soil, on the ground. Maybe I'll dig it out as I dig.

That makes sense!

Everyone gave a thumbs up, feeling that what Chen Banxian said seemed true.

A tricky thought that has never appeared seems to be the key to solving the puzzle.

Huh... you also think it makes sense, right?

he asked the others, wiping sweat from his brow.

One hundred thousand meters underground, the soil is surprisingly hard and sultry.

I think... Zhang Hu was honest, Can we really find treasures by being clever?


The shovel was thrust hard in front of him, less than a few tenths of a millimeter away from his head, and a few strands of hair fell.

What did you say?

Zhang Hu's expression was serious: I think you are right, senior, and this guess is probably true!

If you think I'm right, deduct 1.

Chen Banxian was very satisfied, holding the shovel and staring at everyone eagerly.

Forced by his lust, Zhang Hu was the first to do a 1 on the ground with his toes.

The rest of the people followed suit. Now I am the fish and he is the knife, satisfying his little hobby without any shame.

But then, Chen Banxian loosened the ropes that tied everyone's hands and feet, and then gave each person a shovel.

Since you think what I said is right, let's dig together.

Everyone:? ? ?

They couldn't believe their ears, but Chen Banxian's expression didn't look like he was faking it.

No, why are you so crazy and causing trouble for us?


Chen Banxian's face was stern, he pulled out his whip and waved it hard on the ground!


Everyone felt a chill running down their spines and had no choice but to bite the bullet and start digging deeper.

You don't have to dig. Chen Banxian handed the whip to Bai Haoyan: Just watch for me. If any of them dares to slack off, I'll whip him immediately.

Isn't this bad? Bai Haoyan looked complicated for a moment. As a well-educated man, he would never slap someone.

Why is it bad? Look at those two conservatives, don't you want to avenge yourself? Chen Banxian had an innocent smile on his lips.

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