After the elves defeated the merchant alliance, they did not forget to drive them all here.

However, the long-eared people who hate contact with lower races naturally disdain to go there in person, so the work of receiving and driving away the slaves is left to the cold, stiff, and inflexible demon dolls.

If Mozo were here, he would definitely recognize that these golems all refer to his Golden Army in appearance.

Apart from the performance gap, they are extremely close in appearance.

But for the slaves whose lives and futures are extremely bleak, it seems to make no difference whether the slave masters who come to drive them away are slave masters with whips, elves with longbows on their backs, or steel golems.

They have no future anyway.

Since there is no future, there is no need to care who is stepping on top of you.

Even if they are driven here, it is only because slave owners have been enslaved for generations and obedience has almost become their instinct.

These precious things, resistance, honor, and self-respect, have long been stripped away from them by slave masters.

Wait until most of the nearby slaves gathered in the square.

The three elves were escorted by the demons and walked up to the slaves.

They wore mithril light armor that was more like a work of art than a battle armor. In addition to the complicated and exquisite hollow carvings, there were more elven writings on it that recorded the glory of their lives. However, the three here seem to have quite a blank space because they are too young.

What is different from the elves that the public knows is that two of the three elves here are not carrying longbows. On the contrary, they are carrying "muskets" that seem completely incompatible with the identities of the elves.

In other words, it is a magic gun carefully crafted by the elf masters according to each elf.

After the first musket was born from the dwarf's furnace, the elves were pleasantly surprised to discover and accept this new toy that was far more malleable than the longbow.

Elves are not old-fashioned.

They have always been at the forefront of many races, and have been elegant beings that nobles in many countries strive to imitate in all aspects.

However, just like the choice of many human knights, although the magic guns of the elves are very powerful and malleable, they still cannot completely replace those ancient weapons with extremely mature extraordinary technology.

So one of the three elves is carrying a long bow. But on his waist is a revolver that can be snapped up by human nobles just because of its shape.

At the same time, the three of them also hung one or even several scimitars or short swords for close combat behind their backs.

The elves have a long life, which allows them with outstanding abilities to have enough time to learn every weapon and knowledge to strengthen themselves.

The leading female elf glanced around at the slaves present and suddenly showed a look of disgust.

Elves are extremely xenophobic and despise all lesser races.

It is worth mentioning that in the eyes of the elves, the dwarves have been jumping between lower races and equivalent races for many years.

However, the high lords believed that since they had conquered the human territory here, these slaves were of course their slaves.

This will be the private property of all elves, high lords and the Sun King!

So they felt they couldn't just leave it alone.

So the three young men were captured and sent to take over the slaves here.

After taking over the detailed list of slaves from the demon, the leading female elf glanced at it briefly and returned it to the demon without interest.

Then he stood on the high ground of the ruins and spoke loudly in the language of the Merchant Alliance to the slaves below:

"You lower races, listen to me! We have defeated your masters. So according to the ancient oath, you will become our slaves!"

The female elf's voice easily spread throughout the square.

But the slaves were unmoved. It meant nothing to them who the master was.

Anyway, they are all squeezed to death in exactly the same way.

"If any of you can't accept this and want to avenge your master, then yes, I am here! If you have such thoughts, then stand up and kill me! This way you can get Pardon! I can promise that you will not face any repercussions after winning. You will be safely sent to the territories of your kind."

Still no one responded in any way, because they had heard similar words countless times in the entertainment of nobles named Kayo.

That is meaningless as it has been proven countless times. They cannot win, or even win.

"If not, it means you accept us as your new masters!"

Why are you still saying these useless words?

He obviously just wanted to continue enslaving them.

After waiting for a long time, the female elf with unusually beautiful appearance did not wait for the slightest move from this group of slaves.

This made her and her companions hate these lower races even more. Are you not willing to even try to avenge your master and gain freedom?

There are obviously hundreds of thousands of slaves here. As long as they are willing to swarm them, the three of them will definitely be invincible. Even if they failed, they wouldn't be able to kill hundreds of thousands of slaves. This would be too wasteful.

Sure enough, humans are still the same inferior race as always.

The female elf continued to speak in a more contemptuous and disgusting voice:

"Well, since you low-level creatures don't have the courage, then in accordance with the ancient and sacred oath, I, Hathaway Windspeaker, declare in the name of the Holy King and the Twin Holy Trees that you will become the common people of our elven species. slave!"

After saying that, she clapped her hands and said:

"Now I will declare to you the content of your work!"

This sentence made the slaves below react slightly, because this is what they want to do.

"According to the ancient law, as slaves, you must obey our arrangements unconditionally. Anyone who violates it will be executed immediately regardless of the reason!"

"First of all, every slave must ensure that he completes at least forty hours of work per week. And it must be completed from Monday to Friday. As a slave, you are not allowed to default on working hours!"

"It is also not allowed to refuse the work tasks assigned by you!"

Hearing this, the slaves below became slightly commotion. They are wondering and doubting. Was he hallucinating, or was the elves' childhood different from theirs?

And why do slaves have to have working hours? Can slaves still be given time to rest? Isn’t it always the time when the overseers leave to have a little rest?

The female elves are even more disdainful. They are indeed an inferior race and cannot even accept this level of labor!

I really don't want to accept such inferior creatures as slaves. However, the Sacred Tree Law, which was born out of the Law of the Sun, is unquestionable.

So the female elf continued to say after a brief moment of disgust:

"As slave owners, we need to ensure your basic survival, so we allow you to rest on Saturdays and Sundays and we will also provide basic entertainment. Such as chess, cards and alcohol. You are only equipped with these things. ”

"At the same time, we will also ensure you the most basic eight hours of sleep and three basic meals every day. For example, we can ensure a warm dormitory and corresponding beds, etc. In addition, we will also ensure an appropriate amount of bread and dried meat. But don't Thinking about alcohol, slaves don’t deserve to drink during the work day!”

The slaves below were completely in a commotion. They all looked at Hathaway standing high up in disbelief and almost in horror.

At this moment, she was standing on the high ruins and was enveloped by the brilliance of the sun.

It's so dazzling that it makes you want to kneel down!

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This is not a joke, but the mother, whose life has almost come to an end at this moment, is extremely excited and wants to kneel down to worship her child who once had no future.

But what surprised the slaves even more was what happened next.

The female angel, no, it was the female elf, after saying this, she stepped on the graves of the evil ones, stood under the radiance of the sun and said loudly to them:

"But the bodies of you lower races are really indescribably inferior. So."

Hathaway, who was standing on the ruins, clapped her hands again, and the next moment thousands of demon dolls came up carrying huge boxes.

After Banglong was put down, they all opened the lid of the sealed box.

Inside are countless round iron boxes.

This caused another commotion among the slaves who had never seen these things before.

But soon some slaves recognized that this was something that the noble overseers had eaten. It seemed to be called canned food?

They seemed to realize something and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The corners of the female elf Hathaway's lips raised more and more as she said:

"It seems you know what this is. Yes, it is a can invented by you humans. I have to say that this is indeed an invention that even the high lords are surprised by. Although I don't know why you always like to stuff it with pig food. .And we found these from your former master’s warehouse.”

"Although my etiquette tells me that ladies should not say such vulgar words, I still regret to tell you that these tasteless things will be your staple food for the next few days. Oh, you too It’s only worthy of eating something like pig food.”

Is this really meant for them?

Can the food that noble men only eat be really given to these slaves?

After receiving the clear answer, many of the slaves knelt down in excitement. He began to pay homage to the gods all over the sky.

The female elf said disdainfully:

"Kneel down? Are you still praying to your gods at this time?"

What she meant to say was why didn't you pray to your gods to protect you earlier? Now you are slaves under the light of the twin sacred trees. Your gods will leave you alone.

But after hearing these words, the slaves were so shocked that they changed the object of their prayers:

"Praise the Holy Tree! Praise the Sun King!"

The square was instantly filled with the praises of the Holy Tree and the Sun King.

This surprised the elves. They actually knew how to pray to the Holy Tree and the Sun King.

Suddenly, the three elves, including Hathaway, felt that lower creatures were not completely hopeless.

So Hathaway said in a slightly gentle tone:

"Well, it seems that you know a little bit about good and bad. But don't expect to get rid of your slave status by relying on this kind of ungrateful praise. However, even if you don't have piety, you can still give a compliment."

"So I will tell you the good news generously! The elders plan to conduct a comprehensive medical treatment for you to extend your service life. Although it is impossible for us, the nobles, to diagnose and treat your body personally, but with your poor quality For the body. A simple miracle is enough."

The few words Hathaway said casually made all the slaves who were praising the king and the holy tree just now froze in place.

Hathaway raised her eyebrows and said:

"Huh? Are you dissatisfied? That's really a pity. Low-level slaves only deserve this treatment."

Soon, a man who looked like an old man but was actually only in his thirties raised his hand tremblingly and said:

"Dear Sir, does it mean that those of us who have only a few days to live can still live for a few more years?"

Hearing this, Hathaway immediately put her hands on her hips and said with a sarcastic smile:

"How many more years to live? Hahaha, how is that possible!"

This made quite a few people hang their heads in despair, but it was enough. It was enough to be able to see those vicious monsters go to hell before they died, and to be able to see their compatriots be saved. It was enough, extremely enough.

So at this moment, they just looked at the young people beside them with a hint of reluctance and love.

But what they didn't expect was that the elf angel actually smiled and said:

"With your inferior body, our miracle will definitely allow you to live another thirty or forty years! Don't use your backward and incompetent knowledge and technology to speculate on our greatness and advancement!"

"Don't even think that you can get rid of your slavery in a few months by so-called death!"

"However, one thing you may be happy about is that even our technology cannot restore your battered and inferior bodies to their normal service life. Fortunately, you can still get rid of your poor slave status. ! Don’t worry, we won’t even enslave the dead. Because..."

Before Hathaway could finish the next words proudly, he was annoyed to hear the slaves below hugging each other and cheering crazily.

This made her very angry. She understood the desire of lower creatures to escape from their slave status, but she couldn't stand this group of lower creatures jumping around like this in front of her.

So after a moment of anger, she stamped her feet and shouted:

"Be quiet, you lowly creatures!"

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of slaves fell silent, and then they all looked at Hathaway the Redeemer expectantly.

Seeing that these people knew how to listen to their master, the furious Hathaway managed to suppress her anger a little.

But she still wants to punish them:

"The elders originally planned to diagnose and treat you in batches, but now I think it's okay and arrange for them to go to the medical area immediately! I want them to go to work immediately!"

The demon puppets immediately moved upon hearing the sound. This was originally a small punishment for Hathaway, but it caused a new round of cheers from the slaves.

Haha, you have to go to work after such a short rest. This must be unacceptable to the lazy lower races!

But why are they still cheering? !

Hathaway or most of the elves actually don't understand the Merchant Alliance language very well, because the elves, like other forces, look down on the Merchant Alliance.

The elves specialize in studying more human languages, which are basically Duze language, Loran language and Hesse language.

So in many cases they don't understand what these lower creatures are cheering for.

Therefore, Hathaway could only look at the cheering slaves with increasing annoyance.

Then he urged the golems even more angrily to take them to the medical area immediately.

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