However, in most cases, this advantage of the elves does not apply to military purposes. Over the years, few lunatics have dared to break into the Forest of Holy Trees.

Therefore, portals are basically used by elves to travel.

And no matter where you go, there is no charge. Even the elves themselves have abandoned the 'currency system'!

Although the elves store gold and other precious metals, they do so in order to trade certain desired items with other races, and in most cases they just treat these precious metals as ordinary metals. Internally, general supplies are distributed according to need or taken at will, while special supplies at higher levels are distributed according to work. If you want to get something from someone else, you can barter.

If this system wants to operate perfectly, it is basically a fantasy for humans. After all, the Church of the Sea Goddess has proven that even if the true god is sitting above his head, the people below dare to mess around.

But for the elves, it has been a daily routine for countless years.

Love and take pride in labor, respect technology and talents, despise those who get something for nothing and those who cheat and cheat, etc. These are the three normal views of elves.

In addition to being extremely violent towards the outside world, elves are the most favored race of Mozo and even the original.

They are so good!

But Yuan Chu doesn't know why, but he seems to be very obsessed with dragons. His favorite is the elves, but his favorite is the dragon.

This is something that even Mo Zuo can't figure out. I can only say that Yuan Chu probably liked powerful creatures like dragons.

Dragons have fought since the Age of Gods and still have a considerable number of Sanks and powerful dragon species. This is undoubtedly the original and naked partiality.

However, the dragons did respond to the original preference. In that noble rebellion that made all creatures look sideways and tremble, the original creations either followed their Lord God and chose blasphemy, or they remained silent and avoided out of fear or greed. From the beginning to the end, only the dragons stayed by Yuanchu's side.

It was the dragons who finally put an end to the glory and splendor of the ancient gods.

Therefore, the dragons have always been at odds with other races. One is arrogance, and the other is hostility.

There is a blood feud between the two sides.

If it were a purely white scale, it would probably be a pleasure to fall into the hands of a dragon. After all, they all like to talk about the Lord and the Original.

In short, in the face of the powerful technology of the elves, Erdalan easily took Audrey to Rivendell.

It was a legendary city that stood at the foot of the Twin Sacred Trees, and it was also the glory that once belonged to the Sun King alone.

However, what many people misunderstand about the Double Holy Tree is that ignorant mortals always imagine the Double Holy Tree as two giant tower-like trees nestled together based on the name of the Double Holy Tree.

In fact, we can't blame them, because firstly, the name of the Double Holy Tree is too inductive, and secondly, the elves have many cultural symbols such as holy emblems and holy seals engraved with the Double Holy Tree, as well as those that were once issued to foreign races. Two sacred trees leaning against each other are engraved on the sun coins.

However, this is simply because it would be difficult to express the existence of the Sun King if depicted realistically. Therefore, when the elves created these logos, they depicted the Double Holy Trees as two giant trees nestled together, and then two more In the middle of the giant tree is the presence of the Sun King.

And it is said that the Sun King also said that this way, the essence of the twin holy trees can be better reflected. But in fact, it seems that Mozo just thinks that if this continues, many people who don't know the truth will be shocked when they know the truth.

In this way, under the guidance of many factors, the Double Sacred Tree is two giant trees nestled together, which has almost become common sense to many people in the outside world, and has also been written into textbooks and teaching materials.

In fact, according to the perception of many mortals, there is actually only one Double Holy Tree!

Audrey thought the same thing at first sight when she saw Rivendell and the Twin Sacred Trees.

After passing through the ancient and exquisite ancient portal that has been perfectly integrated with countless green plants. The first thing Audrey saw was a huge lake as calm as a mirror.

In the center of the lake is a tower-like giant tree rising from the ground!

Rivendell is hidden at the foot of the Holy Tree. This legendary city uses the huge root system of the Holy Tree and the ingenious construction techniques of the elves to perfectly embody the elven aesthetics without damaging the root system of the Holy Tree!

Rather than saying that Rivendell is a city built at the foot of the sacred tree, it would be better to say that she is a miracle growing in the sacred tree!

It was a kind of perfection and stunningness that transcended the limits of human language description.

However, after the short and huge surprise, Audrey became confused.

Didn’t you say the Double Holy Tree? !

Why is there only one? ? ?

Then Audrey woke up.

The two sacred trees are a tree in the middle of the lake and a tree in the reflection!

This is the real twin sacred tree!

Moreover, the holy tree reflected in the center of the lake is a pure holy tree, and there is no Rivendell there!

Before Audrey could continue to be surprised by this discovery, Erdalan said:

"Come on, human girl. Ra has made time just for you."

After saying that, he couldn't help but hold Audrey's hand and walk forward.

This made Audrey stunned and said:

"There is no road ahead!"

Erdalan and the accompanying elves burst into laughter, and immediately, under Audrey's surprised gaze, Erdalan stepped on the lake.

Then she stood firmly on it, and the other elves stood firmly like her, as if they were stepping on a mirror instead of a lake.

But Audrey could clearly see the green moss and swimming fish under the lake!

"Those who are not blessed will sink when they step on it, and they will perish if they drown. Those who are blessed with glory will step on it, and it will look like flat ground."

"Human girls, this was common sense to many humans in the past. I know that you short-lived species forget knowledge very quickly, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"Okay, don't hesitate anymore, come up, we have to go see La. La's time is precious!"

After saying this, Erdalan pulled Audrey onto the lake without any explanation.

What made Audrey feel slightly relieved was that she stood flat on the ground like the elves, instead of drowning below as described by common sense.

However, Audrey's peace of mind soon disappeared as she continued to move forward.

Because the elves may be used to it, but Audrey, who walked onto the lake for the first time, found that the water under her feet was too clear as she continued to go deeper into the center of the lake...

Not only was the lake so clear that it looked like she was standing on an altitude of tens or hundreds of meters, but what was even more terrible was that there were countless indescribable giant objects under the lake!

Audrey always thought that she did not have a phobia of the deep sea, but now she found that she was wrong.

Not only does she have it, but it's very serious!

If Erdalan hadn't been holding her, she would have been unable to walk the first time she saw a huge white snake with fins on its back swimming under her feet.

It’s not that Audrey is timid, it’s that all this is too challenging for normal people!

Fortunately, those giant creatures were just huge, but their appearance was still very aesthetically pleasing. Otherwise, it would have been the deep-sea monsters we saw last time in the Sea City that were pulled behind the ship by the large fleet.

Audrey felt that she would not be able to carry it now.

"Why are you walking slower and slower? Is it because you are tired? But why is it like this at the foot of the sacred tree? Ah, I remembered!"

Erdalan, who turned his head in confusion because Audrey was walking slower and slower, remembered.

"I remember my grandmother said that at her time, there were still occasional human sages or great people from other races who came over. When they passed the Sacred Heart Lake, they would develop a mental illness called deep water phobia."

"I originally thought that the grandmother was deceiving the children, because the sages who can be invited here, even humans and even orcs, are quite elegant and noble people. How can such people be afraid of the completely harmless Sacred Heart Lake? ?”

"But now it seems that grandma didn't lie to me. Sacred Heart Lake seems to be a bit of a challenge to your mental endurance."

As he said this, Erdalan grabbed Audrey and picked her up in response to her little exclamation:

"That's not possible. La is still waiting for you."

Audrey, who was held in Erdalan's arms again, seemed to have a complicated mood.

If she could, she hoped that the person holding her right now was not this elf but Mozo.

After being out for so long, Audrey really missed Mozo.

In Erdalan's arms, Audrey was quickly brought to La's palace.

The elf guards guarding the door seemed to have received the hint a long time ago. Even if they saw Erdalan coming with a human in his arms, they did not have the slightest intention to inquire about the exquisite door with the true scene of the holy tree behind them. Push away.

Here, Eldalan separated from the elves who had followed him all the way before, and only Eldalan and Audrey entered.

However, before entering the palace, Erdalan did not forget to say to a 'young' elf guarding the door:

"Grandma, I'll see you later!"

Looking at the grandmother who looked very similar to Erdalan but was almost 'younger' than herself, Audrey was stunned.

She knew that elves were immortals, but was it so outrageous? !

But before Audrey could continue to be surprised, her mind was taken away by a new character.

Not far after entering the door, Audrey was led by Erdalan to a pavilion standing in the garden.

It was also here that Audrey finally met the legendary La!

The other party's clothes were not as gorgeous as Audrey imagined. Although they were indeed exquisite clothes that could not be matched by the clothes of human nobles, they seemed to be very common among elves.

At least it doesn't quite fit Audrey's imagination of La.

After all, Ra was the big man who was elected by the high lords to lead the elves after the death of the Sun King.

In human perception, Ra has basically become the uncrowned king of the elves.

Many sages who have been to the Forest of Sacred Trees say that the elves have a unified and convincing name for La - the great La!

Therefore, Audrey naturally raised Ra's image to an infinite level, but when they first met, she found that the other person did not seem to be so 'out of the world'.

But even so, La still has what Audrey imagined, that is, her appearance and temperament are amazing even for a girl like her.

Perhaps just looking at the face, Audrey was not inferior to Bila, but the other person's temperament left Audrey far behind.

With this indescribable temperament bonus, Audrey's appearance was far inferior to hers.

Another point is, obviously everyone said that elves have a slender figure that is not known for their richness, but why are the figures of the elves she has come in contact with more and more exaggerated? ? ?

Audrey looked down at herself with a little inferiority complex. Her figure was not bad, but among the elves who had no defects, she was actually at the average level...

No wonder the human nobles always want to capture an elf.

Elegance, beauty, and nobility, how many male animals can withstand the combination of the three?

After sending Audrey to La's side, Erdalan knelt down on one knee apologetically and said:

"I'm sorry, dear La, I'm late!"

Looking at Erdalan in front of him, La shook his head and smiled:

"It's not too late, my dear little Eldaran. You always exaggerate my work, when in fact I don't have much to do. So I'm free!"

But Erdalan still said with shame:

"Please don't comfort me. My great-grandmother told me that during the prosperous period of His Majesty the Sun King's rule, she secretly lamented the difficulty of ruling a race, which made people mentally exhausted!"

Regarding these words, La's expression froze slightly. At this moment, she wanted to tell Eldaran that it was not difficult to lead the elves even during the period of the Sun King.

That bastard king said this just to explain that he was lifting people's skirts everywhere because he was too tired...

Also, from that time on, she was basically handling the internal government affairs of the elves!

Except for taking care of things at the beginning, she was always in charge of that bastard king! If you confront him about this, he will still yell that the job of a king is not to force yourself, but to let the right people appear in the right positions!

Obviously, in the eyes of the Bastard King, she is the unlucky person suitable for handling government affairs.

Otherwise, the high lords would not have elected her to lead everyone later.

Even that bastard king would just fall on his lap after a busy day and yell that what he wore today wasn't enough for him? !

Well, let's forget it while bossing her around and taking advantage of her, but he actually dared to criticize her for wearing something that didn't suit his liking!

After thinking of this, La's blood pressure rose instantly, but after she moved her body slightly, she felt that something was missing in her legs, and her eyes filled with loneliness and her heart fell silent.

Although he is a bastard, he is still her only king!

183 The Sun’s Choice (3k)

Neither Erdalan nor Audrey knew what kind of ups and downs this great La had experienced in his heart in just a few breaths.

No matter what, La always hid her true feelings in front of Audrey and Erdalan.

In front of the two girls, La was still so intellectual and gentle.

La did not answer Erdalan's question about the Sun King's diligence, but turned to look at Audrey.

It was a look full of scrutiny, which made Audrey shrink back.

Because she felt that in La's gaze, she seemed to be completely seen through by him, both mentally and physically.

Erdalan bowed slightly towards La at this time, then walked backwards and left here. Elves respect those who deserve respect.

This is not out of awe of power or power, but respect for the other person's ability or personality.

In the society of elves, if you want to reach a certain position, there is only one way, and that is to become a person who fits this position. There is no other way!

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