While Mozuo put away Her Majesty the Queen's government order, he said seriously to Gawain:

"We are going to disobey the king's will!"

At the Queen's call.

The soldiers from the north gathered towards the White Castle, and the major royal regiments in the hinterland of the empire also headed north.

At the same time, the Royal Knights who were responsible for protecting the royal family in the foggy city also rushed to the north under the leadership of the old Duke. Even a large number of nobles in the foggy city followed the old Duke with their own private soldiers.

It can be said that with the actions of the southern part of Heather and the entry of the Duze Dynasty, most of Luolan's strength was invested.

Looking at the undisguised military mobilization of the Lollans on the military map.

Regardless of whether they were in the north or the south, the Heise people felt their scalps numb for a while.

But because Snow was supported by the Duze Dynasty. Therefore, they did not object to Snow's actions, and even mobilized the remaining available troops to gather at the border.

It's just that they didn't directly express their participation in the war. This move was just to contain the strength of the Douglas family.

On the border between the North and Heise.

The old Duke, who had brought a large number of troops and extraordinary people, briefly handed over to the northern officers for a while, and then rushed into the Chinese army camp with the wolf's head flag.

After the old Duke came in and looked around, he frowned at Gawain in the tent and asked:

"Where is the wolf's cub? Does he still want to hide it for this reason?!"

But Gawain, who was studying the defense plans of both sides with Genus, said without raising his head:

"Young master is not here."

"The little wolf cub isn't here?!"

The old Duke was stunned. The Duke of the North was not here for such a big thing?

"Where did he go?!"

This time Gawain finally raised his head and said:


The old Duke was immediately horrified and said:

"That wolf cub went to find my granddaughter?!"

Gawain and Genus both raised their heads and looked at the old Duke with confused expressions.

What does this mean? !


In a small town not far from the fog, Erdalan, who was kneeling on the ground, handed Mozo the Sacred Heart Lake water and elf biscuits and asked doubtfully:

"Lord Mozuo, although I haven't asked you all the way, why do we have to come to Fog City?!"

Is it for the queen? But didn’t the test at that time prove that the Queen was fine?

Mozo took the elf biscuit and took a bite, then looked at the briefing in his hand and said:

"Not only did a large number of nobles and the main army leave the Imperial Capital, but even the Royal Knights and the only Angel Duke also left the Fog Capital."

"What does this look like to you?"

"You mean to move the tiger away from the mountain? But isn't this a very normal military maneuver?"

Mozo put down the briefing in his hand, and then took out Her Majesty the Queen's government order from his arms. Looking at the emerald green text that turned into different shades, he said:

"Yes, it was a very reasonable military deployment. So I followed the order and went to the Northern Expedition very reasonably."

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It was also at this time that Erdalan saw the government order in Mozo's hand.

"The colors are different shades? Were they written in different time periods? And there's a big time gap between them!"

Mo Zuo nodded and said:

"Yes, normal people write words. Even if the order of the words in a paragraph is separated by a long time due to accidents, it should be the old at the front and the new at the back. In no way will it lead to this weird situation of mixing old and new. So this can only yes."

"Someone pieced together this government order using words written by Queen Lorraine before?!"

Erdalan told Mozo's guess, and Mozo nodded and said:

"Not only that, the forger even used unknown means to interfere with the scroll, so that all the words were written at the same time to the naked eye, so that Gawain and I didn't notice that it was pieced together at first. But regardless of that How clever are people's methods?"

"He was also helpless about the inconsistencies in the words he pieced together. So this made me realize something was wrong, and then I asked you for a leaf from the Double Sacred Tree."

"Conventional means can only prove that this is the Queen's handwriting, and even because conventional means can see that the Queen's spirituality remains on it, making people believe that this is what Her Majesty the Queen meant, but the leaves of the Double Sacred Tree can restore the essence. .”

"So all his careful planning was in vain."

Erdalan was not happy about this. She just stood up and knelt down next to Mozo. She then took Mozo's hand and said:

"Lord Mozo, in this case, is your move too risky? The other party can forge the Queen's government order and transfer Luolan's army and nobles. So at this moment, I am afraid that the entire Fog City and even Luolan are already on the other side. It’s under control!”

"In addition, the identity of the other party is still unknown. Lord Mozuo, your trip is too dangerous!"

Mozo shook his head and said:

"Your idea is not unreasonable, but we still have His Majesty to count on."

Not only did this not make Erdalan feel relieved, but it made him even more worried:

"What are you talking about? The other party can do this, but the queen of Luolan has not responded yet, which means that the queen is probably already under the control of the other party! We can't count on that queen!"

Mo Zuo shook his head and said:

"The other party will mobilize the troops directly under the royal family, as well as the old Duke, the leader of the royal party, and a large number of nobles, which means that the other party has not completely captured His Majesty. Otherwise, why would that mysterious existence spend so much effort?"

"But because of this, we are now isolated and helpless!"

“That’s why we’re able to take things by surprise.”

With such an answer, Erdalan didn't know what to respond to. She was worried about Mo Zuo's safety, but she couldn't refute Mo Zuo rationally, so she could only say instead:

"Then we can bring more help, so why are we alone?"

"Who should I take? Verdani is my blood pact knight. It is impossible for her to leave the North at this time. Audrey is too weak. Her luck may be useful, but Sequence One was suppressed silently. Stay here. It’s better not to count on that bit of luck.”

In fact, in addition to worrying about Audrey's safety, Mozzo was also worried that Audrey's luck would lead to other things. After all, looking back at the trip to the Holy Tree later, if it weren't for Audrey, Mozo would still have a good chance of hiding it.

"As for Gawain and the others, that's even more impossible. There are definitely more high-sequence people watching them than you and I thought. In this case, what choice do we have?"

"Those legions? Once they go south or stay put, Her Majesty's side will be really in danger."

Since the other party will transfer these high-sequence and troops away, it is impossible not to pay attention to the other party.

"And Heather's side really needs them to go there."

Mo Zuo very much suspected that the other party's plan was multi-faceted, and even this game was very likely to be a situation of multi-party cooperation.

So the Douglas family can't give up! Because that is probably what others expected from the beginning, and what the enemy wants must not be allowed to happen!

"So we can only come here at this time. Don't worry too much. The Fog City is still the Queen's Fog City. We still have helpers in the Fog City."

The other party went to great lengths to transfer the Queen's direct troops and extraordinary people, which showed that that person did not have enough control over Lorraine. At least he doesn't have enough control over the royal party.

And Fog City is the base camp of the Imperial Party!

"I know what you mean, but I still think this is too dangerous. I also admit that Gawain and the others have difficulty moving, but you can ask La for help!"

Erdalan is not a fool. She is very aware of Mozo's worries and concerns, but he can obviously rely on La and the elves with utmost trust!

Regarding Erdalan's advice, Mozo said seriously:

"This is not about elves. And who said that elves will not be noticed? So I don't want to involve them. If possible, I actually hope not to bring you. But if I don't bring you, If so, I guess La will come over."

With such a large investment from the other party, I am afraid that all the high-sequences and forces around Loland have corresponding monitors.

At least if Mo Zuo comes to operate it, he will definitely do this, because the bigger the plot, the more he has to care about the surrounding big forces.

What's more, the elves have been making such big moves recently. It would be foolish not to pay more attention to it.

Therefore, Mozo does not want these forces and high-sequence people to deviate from their original positions.

Their entrance may be a great help to themselves, but it may also be a fatal threat to the Queen. Before the situation becomes clear, Mozo is not prepared to break the other party's wishes.

Thinking of this, Mozuo rubbed his eyes a little sadly and smiled.

I really miss the days when everything was under control.

After Mozo said this, Erdalan could only smile helplessly and said:

"You left me speechless."

Immediately, Erdalan looked at Mozo seriously and said:

"But I hope you can promise me not to take risks. No, you will definitely not do this, so I hope you will not do anything you are not sure about!"

In response, Mozo smiled and rubbed Erdalan's long, silky hair and said:

"Of course, you have to believe that the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and me is not enough for me to fight for her."

For Mozo, Her Majesty Isabel is a very good friend and superior. Take risks for her that Mozo can do. But if he had to fight to the death, Mo Zuo would not do it.

Mo Zuoke not only lives for himself, he also has his own concerns and life.

Your Majesty is just your Majesty, Isabelle is not Hevais, nor is she La and Verdani.

The latter are the people that Mozo can desperately save.

Erdalan did not acknowledge this, but suddenly asked:

"So what am I to you?"


Mo Zuo was stunned by this sudden question.

But soon Erdalan smiled, rubbed Mozo's hair and said:

"You don't need to answer. I'm just trying to liven up the atmosphere."

As she spoke, Erdalan stopped her movements again, and took out the Sequence Six magic potion that Mozo had given her for safekeeping from behind.

After carefully confirming that there was no damage or deterioration, Erdalan held it up in both hands and handed it to Mozo:

"Although I am a Sequence Five and you are a Sequence Six, I shouldn't be able to help this matter much in terms of force, but I still hope that you can be promoted as soon as possible. So can you take the magic potion?"

From leaving the Forest of the Sacred Tree to arriving here, it seems like it didn't take long, but in fact a lot of time has passed.

And Mo Zuo, who has a pure calculus, can digest magic potions at a speed that is unmatched by ordinary people.

This is a shortcut, a shortcut that many people know, but can only avoid.

Because there are not many people who can hold high-sequence sealed objects or even divine objects like the Original Libra. Many people even dare not take a look at these deadly things.

After Mo Zuo made a rough estimate, he nodded and took the potion.

"I can feel that my spirituality is no longer rising and seems to have reached a certain bottleneck. You can try it!"

Whether the potion is digested completely depends on personal feelings. After all, there is no such funny and convenient thing in this world as an experience bar.

With that said, Mozo took a deep breath, tilted his head and drank the potion.

The six sequencers in the rule book path are alters. The potion recipe requires thirty grams of golden poplar resin, fifty grams of aster carbide, two ripe Morse fruits, a rib of an ancient Morse beast, and the crucial leaves of the Double Sacred Tree!

The promotion ceremony is to obtain a double sacred tree leaf.

The only problem in this ritual and potion formula is to obtain the leaves of the Double Sacred Tree. But for Mozo, this is, well, okay, this may also be a very fatal problem for Mozo.

Although it has been successfully passed, it does not affect that it is very fatal. After all, Mozuo almost turned into Mozuo-chan.

As before, there is just one more utility ability. It can be said that the rule book approach is the most outrageous and awkward of all approaches.

Because every promotion in other ways can bring a lot of practical abilities, but the rule book basically adds one more for every promotion.

But it doesn’t matter, the rule book path becomes more powerful as you go up!

Because that is the origin of the original rules for all things!

As for the ability of this alter, as the name suggests, it can alter reality!

For example, you find a bloody knife on the ground, and then the knife points to a dead person and a killer. But your erasure ability can not only erase the knife, but also change it to other things such as muskets, spears, hammers, etc.

In short, the ability to modify can modify a link in the critical chain of events!

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