Mozo's confession made Kurt feel relieved. He patted Mozo on the shoulder and said:

"That's great. If you weren't a partner of an organization, I really don't know how I would continue to get along with you."

Then he said with a "you know" expression:

"After all, you are a duke, and a duke with real power."

There is really a huge gap between the powerful Duke and his little second son, an earl. Moreover, Mozo was still a poor man who needed his help.

But it would be no problem if everyone is from Wuxiang Courtyard. They have matching identities and can speak to each other equally.

Mo Zuo shook his head funnyly and said:

"It would be too false to say that identity has no impact in this world. However, Kurt Wynn, I can responsibly say that we are friends, and this has nothing to do with identity!"

After all, if you really want to judge by status, even if you become a Green Angel, you still don't have the qualifications to raise your head in front of me.

But Mozo doesn't care about the restrictions of status gap. Friends are friends.

Such words made Kurt scratch his head as he didn't know how to respond, and then he simply changed the subject and said:

"Since I have no hope here, what on earth are you going to do?"

After getting down to business, Mozo said to Kurt without thinking:

"I have roughly guessed who my opponent is and what happened to Wudu. However, I still need to make final confirmation."

Kurt glanced at Mozo and asked doubtfully:

"How do you confirm?"

Mozo turned around and looked in the direction next to the palace and said:

"Royal Cemetery!"

The answer that exceeded his imagination made Kurt's eyes widen and he said:


"Royal Cemetery!"

Mozo turned around and repeated his words seriously.

This made Kurt couldn't help but say:

"No, do you really know what you are talking about? What can be confirmed in the royal cemetery where there is nothing there but the royal knights are guarding it tightly?"

As the name suggests, the royal cemetery contains the burials of the royal family and people authorized by the royal family.

These people are all great people, so the royal cemetery is not only placed next to the palace, but there are also a large number of royal knights stationed there.

Kurt even heard from his elder brother that the royal cemetery was always guarded by demigods!

But the most important thing is that Kurt doesn't think there can be any information in the cemetery.

Is it possible that Mozuo wants to dig the royal tomb? ? ?

Mozo said directly as if he knew what Kurt was thinking:

"Yes, I am going to dig a person's tomb, but don't worry, it's not a big deal. Because if my intelligence is not wrong, it is an empty tomb. I will not desecrate the deceased."

After hearing this, Kurt couldn't help but hesitated for a long time between what he wanted to say but didn't know what to say, and then he said helplessly:

"Okay, you are the Grand Duke, you decide, but how are you going to get in? Although the Royal Knights have basically gone north. But the defense over there has not relaxed."

Mo Zuo nodded and smiled:

"Of course I can do this!"


After nightfall, Kurt looked at the manhole cover that was lifted in front of him and couldn't help but said with a strange expression:

"Is this your approach?"

Erdalan jumped down first to ensure safety, while Mozo looked down to confirm that Erdalan was fine and said to Kurt:

"Yes. The sewer system of Fog City extends in all directions, and the most important thing is that it is full of secret passages from various periods. And I just know a secret passage that is safe and secret enough to go directly to the royal underground cemetery!"

Cromwell, the master of house copying, found many secret things from many nobles.

After saying that, Mozo jumped down.

After Kurt waved his hand, he also jumped down. However, he was immediately hit on the head by Erdalan with a long bow and quickly came back to cover the manhole cover.

Under the leadership of Mozo, Korte was led by Erdalan as a coolie driver who continued to break through the wall.

However, even though it is said to be a cool labor, it actually does not waste much effort. Because many walls are just a layer of masonry, but the location is secretive and tricky.

After Kurt broke open the last wall, he suddenly discovered that there was an exquisite and somewhat familiar stone sculpture standing opposite him.

Before Kurt could take a closer look, he was pushed out by Erdalan with a long bow.

Mozo, who came out last, also looked at the stone statue in front of him and the huge sarcophagus behind the stone statue and said in surprise:

"He actually became the rightful owner as soon as he arrived."

Kurt finally recognized who was engraved on the stone statue and said in a voiceless voice:

"Emperor Gesai?!"

Mozo nodded and said:

"Yes, this is the third emperor of Loland, Emperor Gesai. It is said that he heard a secret from his father, and he hid the secret in his tomb."

230 You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder (4k)

When Mozzo was Cromwell, he was naturally curious about the royal tragedy of the previous generation. Although there was no big gain in the end, it was not that he did nothing.

The tomb of Emperor Gesai the Great was one of the clues he found.

The three of them walked through the aisles of the underground tombs and stood in front of the statue of Emperor Gesai. Although people in this world also like to build huge mausoleums as their resting place or even their resurrection place.

But more of them are like the current mausoleum group, which is a large space dug out on both sides of a long underground corridor as a place for coffins to be parked.

After Mozo glanced at the statue of Emperor Gesai, he said to Erdalan:

"Eldaran, please push the sarcophagus away."

Erdalan immediately started to push the sarcophagus, which was impossible for ordinary people to push.

This made Kurt a little unsure whether he should be discouraged.

Since he is also a subject of Luo Lan, isn't it a bit strange that his late emperor's coffin was opened in front of his eyes?

Although Mozo said it was an empty tomb, he always felt it was strange.

But soon, Kurt gave up on this plan. This was definitely not because he saw the elf scimitar on Erdalan's waist, and the pain in his head just now from Erdalan's long bow. This is just because he found that the tomb seemed to be really empty.

Right, that is it!

After Kurt coughed, he also stepped forward and pushed up the sarcophagus on the other side.

Although this is the emperor's coffin, it does not have any extraordinary means or mechanisms, because it is unnecessary. After all, the emperor's coffin has been destroyed, which means that the empire is probably gone.

In this way, there is no need to do any protective measures for an ordinary sarcophagus. I definitely can’t stand it anyway. At most, like some nobles, they would require sophisticated embalming methods for their corpses.

But even the latter are pitiful. In this extraordinary world where souls and reincarnations really exist, there is really no reason to care about corpses, especially corpses without extraordinary properties.

Soon, the huge sarcophagus was completely pushed away.

The scene inside the empty coffin was revealed.

However, if you look carefully, you can see some traces of silk fabric in the coffin.

Mo Zuo understood after taking one look. That was a little trick of Emperor Gesai - making people think that he was not lying in it because it was a cenotaph.

Then he used this to cover up the strange appearance of why there were no corpses in his tomb.

However, it was so long ago that the clothes in the tomb were weathered and turned into dregs.

Kurt looked at the empty coffin and couldn't help but said:

"Although this is indeed an empty tomb, don't you have the clues you mentioned?"

After Mozo smiled, he jumped into the sarcophagus and lay down without any hesitation.

"It is said that Emperor Gesai swore to his father that only the deceased would know this secret. But since he will leave this secret, it means that this is not only a vow, but also a reminder!"

There are countless ways to turn living people into dead people who can speak in the supernatural world.

But if you really follow this line of thinking, you will have gone astray deliberately set by Emperor Gesai.

What Emperor Gesai really means is to observe the world like the dead!

Emperor Gesai is different from many people in this world. He likes to use mortal thinking and methods to hide things. This also made Mozo pay a lot of attention to him when he was investigating the royal family tragedy.

Because Mozo once suspected that Emperor Gesai was a time traveler like himself, but unfortunately, in the end Mozo discovered that this was just the same wishful thinking as Kurt...

But it was also because of this that Mozo learned the secret of Emperor Gesai!

After all, Mozo made great efforts to prove whether Emperor Gesai was a time traveler or not.

After lying down, Mozo carefully observed everything around him, and then he saw the emperor's secret very intuitively on the coffin wall - it was a kind of text carved with tricky angles and techniques.

If they weren't lying in a coffin, they would just look at it and think it was just some meaningless decorative patterns.

In this world full of extraordinary things, it is indeed easy for extraordinary people who are accustomed to extraordinary perspectives to ignore such things. As for mortals, they would not dare to dig the emperor's tomb, let alone lie in the sarcophagus.

The text above is also very simple and straightforward - he is still alive, my uncle, the founder of Loran, the real Andal Emperor!

The secret of Emperor Gesai was just that, and all Mozo wanted was this sentence. Because he wants to prove that Emperor Andal did not die unexpectedly! Once this is confirmed, everything is settled.

But what surprised Mozo was that behind the blank space of Emperor Gesai, someone actually erased a real decorative pattern and then wrote a paragraph in the same way.

There is only a short sentence on it: For latecomers who pursue the truth like me, you are right, but I am wrong, but please believe me!

Is there anyone else who is also pursuing the existence of Emperor Andal? !

Mozo raised his hand and touched the words on it, trying to use the book to figure out who had carved this text.

But it is a pity that the other party should have written this text a long time ago. With Mozo's current ability, his spirituality cannot last back to that moment.

But Mo Zuo felt that this passage looked a bit familiar. It seemed that he had seen this person's handwriting somewhere.

After a while, Mozo had a guess—Emperor Sisi! The queen's uncle!

After Mozo straightened up from the sarcophagus, he leaned on the sarcophagus and thought about the meaning of Emperor Sisi's words.

After thinking for a while, Mozuo was unable to determine what Emperor Sisi was doing back then due to lack of information.

But no matter what Emperor Sisi did, this did not prevent Mozo from making the next plan.

Because his plan has nothing to do with Emperor Sisi.

Thinking of this, Mozo raised his head and said to Kurt:

"How many soldiers do you have available now?"

When Kurt heard this, he was sweating profusely and said:

"What do you want to do? You are a duke. You should know better than me. In today's fog, let alone a second son like me, even the heads of the truly powerful nobles have little power. Big The troops and real combat power are all heading north!"

Although Mozzo didn't really count on Kurt, the second son of the earl family.

But the other party's words still made Mo Zuo helpless.

Kurt also quickly pushed Mozo and said:

"Hey, brother, you haven't said what you want to do yet! I'm still confused!"

Mo Zuo stopped pretending and said:

"Emperor Gesai left a passage in it. He said that Emperor Andal was not dead, he was still alive."

Kurt was not an idiot. As soon as Mozo said this, he suddenly understood and said with great horror:

"You said that the actual controller of Fog City now is not Her Majesty the Queen, but Emperor Andal?!"

Before Mozo could nod, Kurt said even more horribly:

"Then you plan to force the palace. No, do you want to launch the third Fog City Shock?!"

Do you, the Wolf family, like to mess with Fog City and the Emperor so much?

Mozo smiled and said:

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