As time went by, the last batch of guests today also arrived.

It was still the official who chanted the honorable names of the guests and shouted loudly:

"The owner of all wealth in the world and the only divine choice of His Majesty the Goddess of Wealth - the Iron Bank Saintess Lola Lisi has arrived!"

As the world's largest financial institution, the Iron Bank will naturally not miss such a big event as the rise of a dynasty.

What's more, in private, Lola Lisi and the others have a good relationship with Mo Zuo.

This way, you won’t miss today anymore.

The Laura Ritz that Mozo knew so well was still walking at the front with a smile, and behind Laura Ritz was still the puppet maid.

Mo Zuo has not yet been able to figure out the identity of this maid.

However, Her Majesty the Queen happened to be around today, so Mozo turned to her Majesty the Queen and whispered slightly:

"Your Majesty, can you tell who the maid is?"

After the queen nodded slightly, she looked seriously at the maid whom she remembered at first sight.

Immediately, the Queen also whispered to Mozo:

"She is not the real person here, this is a doll, a very high-level doll that can bring the gods to come. I bet that the person who made this doll is also the first sequence of the doll path, and it may even be a doll. The goddess herself did it.”

The Queen just said this sentence, but she didn't say much because many things were left unsaid. After all, the Queen and Mozo knew very well that the other party could definitely hear their conversation.

Since the other party has chosen to hide it, don't say it outright.

After receiving this sentence, Mo Zuo also nodded with understanding.

Laura Lisi walked up to the two of them and said with a soft smile:

"Originally, when His Majesty ascended to the throne, our Iron Bank should send a congratulatory gift, but fortunately, it is not too late to send it today."

Regarding the absolutely neutral Iron Bank, the Queen had no reason to be embarrassed. not to mention.

After the Queen glanced at the maid behind Laura Liz, she smiled softly:

"You are really joking. Gifts are just what you want. If you are willing to send them, it is already the best blessing to me. So why should I care about when it is sent?"

But after saying this, the Queen was a little concerned and glanced at the maid before looking at the Iron Bank's envoy.

She wasn't too concerned about the gift itself, but after seeing the maid, the Queen began to hope that the gift prepared by the Iron Bank for her would be a high-level god-trance doll.

But it's a pity that such a high-level god-adventure doll obviously cannot be easily taken out even from the Iron Bank.

The Queen saw at a glance the gift prepared for her by the Iron Bank - a medium-sized box.

It's obviously too big to hold a seance doll. It was even more so after opening it, but the Queen was a little surprised.

The other party actually gave me two pages?

"this is?"

Looking at the two notebooks with different handwriting lying quietly in the box that Laura Liz opened, the Queen looked a little confused.

But Mozo just glanced at it and started coughing again.

Those were the two manuscripts he sold to Laura Lisi, namely the manuscripts of the Sun King and the Storm King that were unearthed last week and were written just last week...

Laura Lisi said to Mo Zuo with a smile on her face:

"This is the autograph of the two ancient kings, the Sun King and the Storm King, and it was also a personal collection sold to us by Lord Mozo for the Iron Bank. I think Lord Mozo will like this gift very much!"

259 Victoria Dynasty

Mozo never thought that the things he used to collect wool would be returned to his head...

What is this today? Was his gift wasted?

With this weird idea, Mozo coughed twice and then said to the Queen with a smile:

"This is indeed my personal collection that I sold to the Iron Bank. I never expected that Her Majesty the Saint would still remember it and not mention it, and send it back today."

Don't wait for Mozo to finish. Laura Lisi smiled again:

"Why don't you remember it? When you took action, you said with great regret that this was your favorite collection! I will naturally take care of such an important thing."

Mozuo looked at Laura Lisi with even more surprise, I obviously never said this...

But forget it, this matter is just confusing.

Anyway, if you really want to calculate it, Mo Zuo still made a profit. The other party bought it with real money!

But if you really think so, it seems that the Iron Bank has made a profit?

After all, they saved a gift worthy of giving to the gods.

I have to say that Laura Ritz’s choice is really unique and very effective.

Not only did he save face, he also saved money and at the same time turned his head and choked Mo Zuo.

I’m just saying that you have such a big family property like Tiejinku, why do you keep thinking about me?

After realizing this, Mo Zuo couldn't help but think in his heart that if he had known this would happen, he would not have sold these two notebooks to Laura Ritz.

"Anyway, I'm really grateful that you still remember this."

With that said, Mozo accepted this subtle gift from his own hand.

Seeing that Mozo accepted this unique gift from the Saint of the Iron Bank, Isabel became even more happy and said to Laura Lisi and the others:

"You are the last guest today. In that case, please come with us."

Laura Lisi naturally nodded happily to the Queen's proposal.

You can also ask about how to cooperate in the future while you are on the road. Don’t ask for a definite answer, at least let’s get some information!

At this point, today's affairs should be considered to be over.

The transition of power is related to tomorrow.

But what surprised everyone was that Laura Lisi and the others were not the last guests today.

The first person to stand was Queen Isabelle. This was her country, and she was the sequence zero of the emperor's path.

So she was the first to know something was wrong.

The ones who stopped next were Laura Lisi and Mo Zuo. They were right next to the Queen, and they naturally saw the Queen stamping her feet.

The last ones to react were the officers and guards who should have been the first to react.

At the front of the queue formed by countless knights on horseback. The leader responsible for leading this group of knights immediately drew his sword and shouted at the two people who suddenly walked to the middle of the avenue:

"Who are you? This is the goddess's palace! If there is an accident, we must separate quickly! If not, don't blame Wu Wu!"

Today is the day when the two majesties welcome foreign guests, so the avenue out of the city was cleared early and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

The rest of the people who need to enter and exit the fog city enter and exit the city in other directions, and even the air transport in the direction of this city wall has stopped.

However, even though the venue was cleared, it was only the avenue into the city that was cleared, and both sides of the avenue were surrounded by people from the foggy city.

For these groups of people, there are naturally corresponding extraordinary beings in Fog City who are monitoring and observing them.

But what no one expected was that something like this would happen at the moment when all the missions had successfully entered - a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance suddenly walked to the avenue supporting an old man with a white beard. central.

At this time, everyone was preparing to leave, and the soldiers responsible for forming a human wall around them also dispersed to prepare for a way out.

Originally, for the two of them to enter the avenue at this time, it was at most a trivial matter to enter in advance. As long as the people behind them also followed suit and prepared to enter the city, no one would take it seriously.

But the problem is that the key is. Not only did the two of them break into the Central Avenue, which was about to open, first, but the middle-aged man responsible for supporting the old man suddenly took out a long stick from behind and slammed it on the ground.

The force was so great that not only did the surrounding soldiers and people feel a slight tremor under their feet, but a loud sound also erupted.

With this look, one can tell that these are not ordinary people who want to enter the city in advance, but are here to give eye drops to the nobles!

How does this make the knights endure? It was enough restraint not to overturn them directly.

But what was even more unacceptable to the knights was. The middle-aged man not only ignored their warnings. After punching the long metal stick on the ground, he gently twisted it.

It was raised several times, turning it from a long stick into a long pole.

Extraordinary items? !

After realizing this, the people around him all exclaimed and quickly dispersed, while the soldiers and knights directly surrounded him.

But they haven't taken action yet because the two majesties didn't say anything.

for this little episode. After stamping her feet, the Queen said to Mozo:

"Those are two extraordinary beings, but neither of them are of high sequence. Only the old man is a sequence five, and the other is a sequence seven. They shouldn't be assassins from hostile forces, but I can't guess what they are here to do."

At the same time, the people in front of the Queen and Mozo also moved their sights out of the way for them.

The knights surrounding the two people at the front also made way for the Queen and Mozo to see the two people directly.

After the Queen gave the two people a serious look, she planned to order them to be dispersed.

However, Mozuo raised his hand to stop the Queen and said loudly:

"Are you friends or enemies? Guests or wolves?"

This time, the old man who seemed to be about to fall down at any moment finally made a move.

He straightened up with great difficulty using his crutches, then bowed tremblingly to Mozo and the Queen:

"Greetings to your two noble majesties, please tell me that we are friends and we are definitely not wolves!"

"Since we are friends and guests, why not inform us in advance?"

Mozo looked at the two people more and more strangely. At that moment, his spiritual sense reminded him that he should intervene in this matter.

But Mo Zuo still can't understand why Lingjue issued such a reminder to him.

After coughing a few times, the old man reluctantly straightened his back and asked questions about Mo Zuo, the king.

He smiled bitterly and said:

"I'm really helpless. But please give me some time."

Mo Zuo immediately nodded in agreement.

The surrounding knights and soldiers also put away their weapons. However, they did not break up the siege.

The old man looked at Mo Zuo gratefully and carefully took out a pile of white silk cloth from his arms.

After uncovering it layer by layer, the old man looked at what was revealed and immediately raised his hand with great enthusiasm and vitality.

It was a flag, a broken flag stained with countless blood and gunpowder smoke, and it came from an ancient and long-dead dynasty.

"We are the last successors of the Victoria Dynasty! On behalf of the Victoria Dynasty, I would like to pay a visit to the newly born Lorraine Dynasty!"

After hearing the word Victoria Dynasty, Mozo instantly understood why his spiritual sense reminded him to intervene.

Because the Victoria Dynasty was his dynasty!

260 Secrets of the Past

After hearing the word "Victoria Dynasty", the rest of the people present fell into brief memories and then burst into an uproar.

In a supernatural world with gods, almost anyone with a little knowledge will have an understanding of all the gods that have appeared in this world, as well as their affiliated forces and races.

Therefore, even if the existence of a dynasty has been destroyed for countless years, there will still be countless people and things that remember and depict the past glory of the destroyed dynasty.

The Victoria Dynasty is also an extremely famous one among many dynasties, because the Victoria Dynasty is known as the dynasty that is least like a dynasty.

He also has a very special role in history - the birth of the Victoria Dynasty is used to mark the advancement of the Age of Gods from the late to the end, while his collapse is used to mark the end of the Age of Gods.

Because that was the passing of the last ancient god.

But a very interesting point is that although the fall of the Victoria dynasty is commonly used to mark the end of the age of the gods.

However, the god who protected the Victorian dynasty was not one of the ancient gods, at least not one of the ancient gods who launched a noble rebellion against the original.

The reason for this definition is that the last ancient god who rebelled against the original also fell into the world with the collapse of the Victoria Dynasty.

No one can say clearly how many gods were involved in that battle at that time.

But one thing is certain, at least three gods died because of this!

One is the last ancient god, the other is the dragon god responsible for hunting, and the last one is naturally the god who protects the Victoria Dynasty, which is the first and last sequence zero of the artist path - the painting shadow. host.

For most people, the fall of the Victorian dynasty is nothing more than a dispensable piece of history.

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