Mozo was not anxious about this and just waited with his hands behind his back.

Although the Queen did not speak, the crisp sound she made by tapping the armrest conveyed a good message:

Our time is valuable, so don’t waste it!

After hearing the sound of the Queen tapping the armrest, the old man immediately lowered his head even more.

Immediately, he changed his posture from kneeling on one knee to prostrating himself, and after kowtowing, he suddenly said:

"Dear Your Majesties, please save our dynasty!"

Such a sentence made Mo Zuo and the Queen stunned.

What the Queen was thinking was, didn't the Victoria dynasty disappear as early as the age of the gods? How do you want me to save you? ? ?

Mozo's breathing almost stopped.

Could it be that something is really wrong with the world in the painting? !

Then something happened to Victoria? !

262 Angel, the Lord of Shadows

The biggest reason why the Victoria Dynasty is called the dynasty that is least like a dynasty is because as a dynasty, the territory controlled by the Victoria Dynasty is too small.

The dynasty was so small that it only had one city as its territory.

But even so, the Victoria Dynasty was still a dynasty.

Because Queen Victoria is here, so is the Lord of Painted Shadows.

Therefore, no matter how small the territory of the Victoria Dynasty was, it was still a dynasty.

The only reason for this was that Mozo met a girl in that small wilderness.

Mozo remembered that it was a medium-sized green field on a hillside.

Why was he there at that time?

Mozo didn’t remember much, except that he seemed to have stayed there for the purpose of painting a painting.

It was also because of this that he met Victoria, who was still a young girl.

It was very embarrassing to say that Mozo didn’t even remember exactly how they met at that time.

But Mozo always remembered everything after he met Victoria, and the first words she said to him:

"Have you been away from your hometown for a long time? You must really want to go home now, right?"

A girl wearing a white gauze skirt suddenly appeared next to the painter. The girl said this while looking at the extremely colorful paintings on the drawing board in front of the artist.

Such a sentence made the painter's heart tremble for a moment.

The painter stopped his movements, turned to the girl and smiled and asked:

"Why do you say that?"

The girl said to the painter and his painting more and more strangely:

"Because your painting looks so sad!"

The painter was stunned for a long time by the girl's natural answer, and then he managed a smile and said:

"Why do you say that? This painting is obviously perfect from the composition to the use of colors."

Before the painter could finish speaking, the girl shook her head and interrupted:

"I don't understand composition and coloring, but this painting is obviously full of homesickness and sadness! Look, there are no people in your painting, even the birds in the sky are alone."

"And we don't have people wearing these clothes or birds like this here. They must have come from far, far away. It must be that you are missing your hometown!"

Very unprofessional and even tough speech. But it was such a layman and familiar girl who could see through the painter's sadness hidden in the gorgeous colors.

What surprised the artist even more was that after the girl revealed his true intentions at the moment, she actually took out a few cubes of candy from her dress.

Without any explanation, he stuffed it into the palm of the painter's hand.

"Now, please eat some candy. I have never left my hometown, but when I was a child, when my parents went out for a long time and didn't come back, I would eat a piece of candy."

“If it tastes sweet in your mouth, it will also taste sweet in your heart!”

The painter looked at the sugar cube in his hand and fell into a brief silence. Then he put it away and looked at the girl and said:

"My name is Angel. What about you, a girl with a heart as beautiful as your face?"

The girl couldn't help but blush at the painter's straightforward praise, but she also continued:

"My name is Victoria!"

This was the first meeting between Ingres and Queen Victoria.

There were no earth-shattering events, no legendary deeds that would be passed down through the ages.

There is just a poor homeless traveler and a pure girl who is willing to warm the lonely heart of the traveler.

Mozo's memories didn't go much deeper than when he heard Her Majesty the Queen stand up and ask:

"I don't know exactly what happened to you, but the Victoria Dynasty ended in the age of the gods, right? In that case, why do you want us to save a dynasty that has long since been destroyed?"

"Or are you not completely submerged in history? Are you hiding in some unknown place? And now your hometown is about to suffer a disaster, so you have come to seek our help?"

Regarding the Queen's inference, the two survivors of the old era did not make any refutation. It was the old man who nodded and said:

"As you have deduced, although our dynasty has long been removed from history, we, the people who belong to the dynasty, have been hiding with the last gift from our dynasty until now."

"And now, our hometown is about to fall. Dear Your Majesties, we implore the great Loland Dynasty to lend a helping hand to us."

The Queen walked to Mozo's side, and after looking at each other, the Queen continued to ask:

"Tell me the details. What exactly happened to you that made you need to come to us for help."

After the old man coughed several times, he continued:

"It's the orcs. Those terrible orcs attacked our city. They want to plunder our treasures and destroy our city. We are powerless to resist these terrible beasts."

"So after we broke through, we rushed all the way to Luolan, in the hope of getting assistance from our two great majesties."


The Queen's voice rose slightly twice, because the orcs have been scattered throughout the world in the form of large and small tribes since the fall of the Monger Dynasty.

And because of the rejection and suppression by various countries, the power of the orcs is not only far less than before, but it has been a long time since we heard of what the orcs have done.

Now she actually heard the remnants of the old era telling her that orcs had attacked their city?

How long ago was the last time orcs attacked a human city?

It seems like it was six or seven hundred years ago, right?

"Yes, Your Majesty the Goddess, it was the orcs who attacked our city."

After confirming that they were indeed orcs, the Queen continued to ask:

"Why did the orcs attack you?"

The old man paused and said:

"Those beasts thought that our city contained those lost extraordinary properties, and they wanted to take them for themselves, so they attacked our city without any reason! But we are completely unaware of this!"

There are countless people in this world who are obsessed with the extraordinary characteristics that disappeared with the Victoria Dynasty, so if someone discovers a gathering place for the remnants of the Victoria Dynasty.

Then it is indeed very possible to attack the opponent without any reason.

But the Queen saw something more. She raised her head directly and said:

"You have to know that you are here for help, so I don't want you to hide anything."

After hearing these words, the old man's back was immediately soaked with sweat.

"I, I, I didn't mean to hide it, I just haven't figured out how to say it yet. In short, to reply to your majesties, we have identified that the weapons used by those beasts come from the Duze Dynasty!"

263 Is the world in the painting ruined?

The weapons used by the orcs actually come from the Duze Dynasty? !

Why did the King of Light get involved here again?

After hearing these words, Mozo and the Queen both remembered an important piece of information conveyed by the nobles of the old Seven Kingdoms - in addition to cooperating with Andal, the Lord of Light also had close contacts with the old remnants of the Monger Dynasty. dense.

However, at that time, both Mozo and the Queen agreed with the nobleman's guess - they should be planning to attack the Victory Holy See.

After all, the Monger dynasty was defeated by the victorious Holy See.

Whether the old remnants of the Mongol Dynasty want to regain their country or take revenge, they cannot bypass the Victorious Holy See.

As a result, it seems that the other party is not pointing to the Holy See of Victory?

The Queen thought for a moment and then said to the old man:

"Tell me everything you know."

The old man said with a wry smile:

"Returning to Your Majesty the Goddess, that's all I know. We are just remnants of the old era hiding in the shadows of the past to survive. All we know is that the other party is an orc and holds a weapon from the Duze Dynasty. .”

"As for how many orcs there are and how many high-sequences there are, we really have no idea. The only thing we can say is that there are a lot of them."

This answer made both the Queen and Mo Zuo frown slightly.

Mo Zuo glanced at the queen and asked the old man his doubts:

"Where are you hiding? From the Age of Gods to now, so many people who want to find the Victoria Dynasty have not been able to find any trace. Why did the orcs suddenly find you?"

The old man hesitated for a moment and then said:

"We are in the ruins of the royal city. During the great war in the Age of Gods, although the royal city was pulled into the abyss, the royal capital was not destroyed. It was even lucky enough to be preserved deep underground."

"This is why the ancestors of us remnants have been able to thrive in the underground ruins to this day. As for how the orcs found us, we still have no idea at all."

There are fragments of descriptions of that war in the ancient books and folklore of the major Holy Sees. There is also a corresponding description of what they said:

The sky was completely plunged into darkness under the cover of huge wings, and the earth was torn apart by the anger of the ancient ones, and the painters' eternal ideal hometown also fell into the abyss. It was the battlefield and cemetery of the gods.

All bystanders died because of their low status. The only thing people can know and see is the abyss that was restored and closed by unknown power.

The other party's words are undoubtedly reasonable based on the legend, but for 'latecomers' like the Queen, there is a fatal problem:

"You said you are hiding in the underground ruins of the Royal Capital of Victoria?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"But as far as I know, in order to search for those lost extraordinary characteristics, the latecomers dug at the ruins of the Royal Capital of Victoria and almost saw purgatory."

The extraordinary characteristics of almost an entire path naturally have a fatal attraction for extraordinary people.

Therefore, the exploration of the Victoria Dynasty has been extremely enthusiastic for quite some time. For this reason, many forces have vigorously excavated the ruins of the Royal Capital of Victoria.

But just as the Queen said, the ground veins were almost dug through and the real remains of the royal capital were not found.

In this case, it would be inconsistent with what they said.

But Mozo knew that this was the right thing to do. Because the abyss that swallowed up the capital of Victoria was not caused by the war.

Instead, he drew it directly on the earth with one stroke, and it was not an abyss. It was actually a space crack that he used to transfer the royal capital.

As for where the royal capital has been transferred, that is something Mo Zuo doesn’t know, because only if he doesn’t know is he truly safe!

The only thing Mo Zuo knew about it was that the royal capital should have been moved deep underground. But God knows exactly where it is underground.

But this still doesn't feel right.

Because the royal capital that was transferred away by Mo Zuo at that time, Mo Zuo remembered that it had long been an empty city!

All the people followed Victoria to take refuge in the painted world!

He moved the capital just to protect this ideal land in the eyes of painters.

Even if Victoria finally left the world in the painting with her people and moved back into the royal capital, then why are you two so down and out and can't even match the path?

The Victoria Dynasty was indeed not a big dynasty, but what Victoria brought into the world of the painting was all about the dynasty!

There is almost an entire artist path and a large number of extraordinary characteristics in the other three paths. It's okay if it doesn't make you rich, but why can't you two even match the path?

But what surprised Mo Zuo even more was that after hearing the Queen say that someone had once excavated the ruins of their royal capital so deeply, the old man was even more shocked and said:

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