"You, forget it, how do you feel about your partner now?"

Mozo nodded and looked at the starry sky outside the window and said:

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I don't know whether I feel better or anxious now. But at least I know what I want to do."

"I still hope from the bottom of my heart that I'm wrong, but at least it won't affect what I want to do."

As he spoke, Mo Zuo looked at Chun Tian Ping with a very subtle look.

The other party also immediately asked:

"What are you looking at me doing?"

Mozo immediately frowned and asked:

"Partner, have you ever participated in the battle between the Bitter Cold Land and the Monger Dynasty?"

The pure white scale is not Mozo's patent. If someone has obtained it before, it is definitely possible to use it to accomplish some incredible things.

But it is a pity that Chun Tian Ping directly denied it:

"This is my first time here."

"Is that so? Are you really sure that someone didn't use you and then make a wish to forget this history?"

"Well, isn't it impossible? Maybe you would like to take a look? Anyway, you have a lot of stuff in your stomach!"

Mozo immediately nodded and used a secret ancient magic in exchange.

But the answer is still no.

In other words, excluding the fact that the other party paid a staggering price, Chun Tian Ping had absolutely no involvement in this matter.

After regretfully putting down the pure white scale, Mo Zuo also planned to go to bed.

He will contact the rebels early tomorrow morning and give them the garrison information he has obtained.

After that, it was time to calmly wait for the arrival of the Victory Festival.


In the Hebron Palace where Marquis Bill and the others were attacking each other.

The study and bedroom that were supposed to belong to Grand Duke Hebron had never been used by Grand Duke Hebron.

Because everything here belongs to Queen Hazel Carol.

The Duchy of Hebron was indeed promised independence by Carol himself.

But how could Carroll hand over the richest land in Hazel's territory?

The so-called independence is nothing more than a face-saving project.

At first, Carroll was worried that the successor Duke Hebron would be as creepy as that man.

But fortunately, she was overthinking everything. If a family could have a figure like Aragorn Isildur, it would have used up all their luck.

The succeeding Dukes of Hebron are really all just a bunch of pigs who only want to enjoy themselves.

But that's okay, the more pig Hebron is led by Hazel, the more 'orthodox' they become.

After sending away the Duke of Hebron, whose name Carol had almost forgotten, Carol returned to his exclusive study.

Her attendant told her that Bill had found a lot of useful stuff.

Although Carroll intuitively felt that Marquis Bill would take the opportunity to suppress his hostile faction. But this must only be done if the other party really finds the rebels.

The nobles under Carroll are bad, but they are indeed very capable and know how to measure.

Because if you want to drag a behemoth like Hazel forward, you not only need profits, you also need talents!

Therefore, Carroll is also preparing to participate in government affairs remotely.

But when she came to the study, she saw Sanchez sitting in her seat.

After raising his eyebrows slightly.

Carroll knelt down on one knee very obediently and said:

"Good morning, dear God Sanchez!"

Sanchez also put down the book in his hand, clasped his hands and smiled:

"Good morning, pathetic parricide. Oh, maybe I should say, terrible king-slayer?"

Carol lowered his head deeply.

332 Sanchez’s ambition!

Seeing her like this, Sanchez continued to smile and said:

"Although it is unlikely, I have really thought that you have no idea what you did. After all, given your status, this is an unimaginable felony and blasphemy."

"Now it seems that I did think too much."

Carroll did not respond to Sanchez's words, but lowered his head lower.

Prophets don't need evidence, they know everything naturally.

There is no point in arguing, rebutting, etc. When the other party said it, everything was finalized. The only difference was the result.

And this result is only unknown to Carroll.

Because Sanchez must know what He wants. It's just that he doesn't know what Carol he wants, but it doesn't matter much, after all, Carol has no room to refuse.

Sanchez walked up to Carroll and said in amazement:

"I understand your mood and thoughts of wanting to ascend to the throne, but what I can't understand is is a mere throne really worth it? After all, you committed a serious crime of assassinating the king!"

"Compared to others, the throne is definitely worth it, but what you committed is really beyond my comprehension."

These words made Carol seem to have other thoughts. She raised her head slightly and was about to speak.

Sanchez interrupted her with a smile:

"You don't have to say it. I don't need to know your reason, whether it's because you're stupid or for something else. In short, it's not necessary."

Given Carroll's status at the time, Sanchez didn't think it would be difficult for her to assassinate the king. After all, who would guard against a ‘little sister’?

It's just that Carol was able to stab the queen so thoroughly, which surprised Sanchez.

Sanchez intuitively felt that there were definitely many things hidden here.

But he didn't plan to go any further. This is not what he came here for.

There is no need to get involved in other troubles.

The reason why Sanchez spoke in such a unnecessary way was to vent his little curiosity. It was also a metaphor that Carroll knew there was a problem here, but he didn't want to go any further.

As expected, Carroll immediately lowered his head and said:

"I see."

Sanchez then smiled and continued to sit back in the position that once only belonged to Carroll and said:

"I came here to negotiate a deal with you, and the price of the deal is my confidentiality. Don't bear grudges against me, after all, these are the conveniences of the prophet. And if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for choosing this path."

After a moment of silence, Carroll continued to speak:

"I see."

"very good."

"How many orcs do you have?"

After hearing this somewhat unexpected question, Carol couldn't help but look up at Sanchez.

But soon she suppressed her gaze again and said instead:

"I don't know the exact number either. I'm sorry, dear God Sanchez."

"Oh, what a surprise, isn't this your main source of income Hazel?"

"Yes, but I'm just making general inquiries."

"Yes, after all, you are a very busy queen! Do you know the approximate number?"

"About three million. And if it were the entire diocese, I estimate there would be about ten million orcs."

After hearing this amount, Sanchez straightened his body slightly in surprise.

"Not to mention the ten million in the entire Victory Parish, there are three million orcs in Hazel alone? Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Even during the Monger Dynasty, three million orcs were not a small number. In today's era when the major orc tribes are declining one after another, this is simply an astronomical number!

But Carroll said with certainty:

"It's not wrong, and this is just my conservative estimate. The real number should be more. After all, if we don't guarantee their quantity, it will be difficult for our business to be stable."

"What a ridiculous yet true truth!"

This answer is so absurd and yet so true.

"Since you already have a sufficient number of orcs, why do you always go to trouble the orcs? Don't tell me that you are really under the will of the goddess."

"Because we need new blood, and we also need to ensure that the surrounding orc forces do not exceed expectations."

"Ah, you have been cultivating at a designated location and you still have to harvest them regularly? It really fits my stereotype of you."

Carroll looked up at Sanchez and asked:

"What we do is not too strange, but why do you, a noble being like you, want to interfere with this?"

Sanchez put his hands together and said:

"Originally I thought you didn't have many orcs to give me, but I didn't expect there to be so many, so I don't want more. Three million orcs, I want one million!"

"As for the reason, I don't need to tell you the reason. What do you think?"

"If you agree, our deal will be concluded. If you don't agree, I won't embarrass you, but I think Goddess Shengli won't think so."

Carol frowned very much after saying this. One million orcs, a number that even she would have trouble deciding upon.

"You can think more, I'm very patient!"

Carol is one of the top leaders of Victory Faith. Even if the goddess Victory is falling, Sanchez does not want to make the relationship too rigid.

What's more, for his demands, it was in the best interest for Carol to remain in place and undamaged.

As for why Sanchez asked for such a large number of orcs, it was because Sanchez placed his hope of completing the ritual on the treasure trove of orcs.

Sanchez still doesn't know exactly what King Monger put inside, but Sanchez believes that the thing mentioned in his first prophecy must be in the orc's treasure house!

After all, he had already roughly explored the Victory Holy See, but found nothing.

So Sanchez is sure that his hope should be in the treasure house left by King Mengge to the orcs!

Therefore, there are as many as one million tribesmen, whether it is used for transactions or negotiations, it is quite important no matter how you look at it.

As for why not just go grab the group of orcs that are no longer in existence.

This is another thought of Sanchez.

The reputation of the prophets is already too bad. Sanchez, who finally tricked and killed his main god, wanted to change his reputation from the bottom of his heart.

But Sanchez didn't want the king's weakness, so Sanchez focused on the orcs who needed help most at the moment.

Today's orcs can indeed be bullied by everyone, but Sanchez feels that the orcs have great business opportunities and potential!

333 The Eve of Victory Festival

And the most important thing is that everything is controllable now!

It is true that there is a risk of offending Sheng Sheng, but in today's world structure, if Sanchez wants to develop enough believers as his anchor, it is impossible for him not to offend the other established gods.

Therefore, Sanchez set his sights on the orcs.

Anyway, he has to offend other gods, so why not choose an orc who is currently in a state of depravity and who is paying attention to Victory.

If everything goes well, he will not only be able to rely on King Meng's treasure house to become a true god, but he will also be able to harvest the orcs, a race with great potential, as his vassal.

Furthermore, the extremely difficult requirement of getting back what the world had lost and thus changing the structure of the world made Sanchez uneasy about placing all his hopes on King Monger's treasure house.

If the things inside are not up to par, it doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as the things in the treasure house meet the premise of getting back the things lost in this world.

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