But why did he leave, and why did he change?


And on the other side of the city. After Al touched the top of his child's head when he returned home, he sent him to his mother Amanda's home.

They were not divorced yet, but after he lost his sense of family affection because of his promotion to Sequence Six, his wife Amanda chose to separate the family.

He did not stop her, even though he had not done anything illegal according to the law. He had the right to reject all the "illegal" actions of his wife.

But he didn't, because he just abandoned family ties and felt that he was the one at fault?

Or maybe Amanda is actually a poor person?

He couldn't explain the factors involved.

He just acquiesced to all of Amanda's actions and proposals.

Furthermore, he also felt that it would be a better choice for this child to grow up by his mother's side than following him.

He knew that his child was afraid of him. After all, how could a five-year-old child understand that a man who didn't love him at all could be his father?

Al, who still had most of his emotions, felt very painful about this.

Because he made a child sad and scared, and that was his own responsibility.

But he really couldn't give his child any love that should come from a father.

All he has for him is that I am his father, so I have the responsibility to take care of him.

Because today was his day off, he returned to his home after giving the child to his wife, who had been looking at him with red eyes.

After opening the door, he walked to the fireplace as before.

Here are photos of their family.

There was him, his parents, his aunts and uncles, and a picture of him, Amanda, and their new baby.

Just as he would come to this fireplace, he picked up the photo of him and his wife and children.

Looking at this photo, he tried hard to smile. Because this is what a normal father would do, right?

And when they just took this photo, he, who was not yet a member of the Sequential Six Wolf School, laughed from the bottom of his heart when he saw this photo.

But now, he can't smile. No matter how much he pretends, he can't smile from the bottom of his heart.

Through the reflection of the mirror frame, he saw a perfect but extremely ugly smiling face.

Obviously he would laugh. But why can't he smile in front of his family?

No, I know the reason, because I love my family too much, so all this has become a burden and abandoned by me.

So it's still my fault, isn't it?

But as a father and husband, why can’t I love my family the most?

Maybe my sequence is too low?

Maybe I should keep moving forward?

In this thought, Knight Al put down the photo of him and his wife and children.

Then it was time to start cleaning up the housework, cooking, washing, and finally resting as before.

But it wasn't long after I closed my eyes.

The El Knight opened his eyes alertly.

Then he quietly got out of bed and took out a spare revolver and a mithril dagger from under the pillow.

After getting the weapon, he jumped out of the window like an ape.

And he didn't make any noise during the process.

This is his seal ability - silence!

After carefully observing the dark room, he added the three abilities of exorcism, darkness and poison avoidance to the mithril dagger.

After doing this, he carefully took out the spare key and walked into the room through the side door.

At the same time, he still holds a small communication rune in his mouth. As soon as he confirms that it is not his illusion, he will immediately bite the rune to notify his companions to come for support.

But the moment he stepped into the house, the room that was dark just now suddenly became bright!

Such an incident caused Al to immediately jump to the corner and assume a defensive posture, and at the same time bite the rune immediately.

But he didn't bite anything!

The rune that was in your mouth just now is gone?

Before Al could take any further action, he heard a familiar voice:

"Knight Al, do you think everything today is wrong!?"


When Al raised his gun and looked warily, he was shocked to find that the uninvited guest sitting in the room was actually his immediate boss, the master demon hunter who received Mozo? !

"Master Mike? What are you talking about here?"

The master demon hunter had no response. He just asked repeatedly:

"Knight Al, do you think everything today is wrong?"

"I don't understand what you mean?"

Because he was a colleague and his superior, the El Knight did not take action immediately, but he did not put down his weapon either.

At this time, the master demon hunter said something to Al that made his pupils shrink:

"Do you feel that abandoning emotions is the wrong path?"

383 We are not monsters (3k)

Do I feel that abandoning emotions is the wrong path?

Within a moment of these words reaching Knight Al's mind, he felt an infinite sense of absurdity.

What could be wrong with this? Emotions are a burden to firm justice. Only by abandoning emotions can they ensure that they stick to the path of justice.

Otherwise, no one can guarantee that they will always use reason to overcome all weaknesses.

The El Knight, still holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other, immediately said to the Demon Hunter Master:

"I don't understand what you are talking about, but this is definitely not wrong! This has been proven countless times over countless years!"

Master Mike, who was opposite him, just nodded slightly, then leaned forward slightly towards him and looked at the Al Knight with his deep and unfamiliar eyes and said:

"Do you really think so?"

This sentence made Knight Al become more and more confused and wary:

"Are you really Master Mike?"

The other party ignored Knight Al's voice at all. He just continued to speak loudly:

"I know you've been confused about whether you made the right choice because you can no longer love your family."

This sentence caused the El Knight to fall into silence, and made him bow slightly in silence.

The master demon hunter knows that this is one of the starting moves of the Wolf School.

The other party was preparing to take action directly because of excessive suspicion.

But the Demon Hunter Master continued as if he had not heard anything:

"I also know that although your parents have always said they support your choice and have never blamed or dissatisfied you, do you know that they have been secretly looking at your photos and wiping tears in private?"

These words caused the El Knight's fighting posture to deform slightly.

Because he sadly discovered that he really couldn't feel uncomfortable from the perspective of a son. His wavering was just because as a bystander, he felt that this son was unqualified.

He knew that he failed in front of his parents, but this was not because of his thoughts as a son, but because of his knowledge as a knight.

The Demon Hunting Master, who is on the same path as the El Knight and is still a high-ranking one, immediately continued to use words that seemed to confuse people:

"We all think this is a necessary sacrifice, but is it really reasonable? Our goal is to create an utopia where everyone can live in peace."

“But aren’t our family and friends part of it?”

After a moment of silence, the El Knight continued:

"This is wrong, but this is an unavoidable sacrifice. The church and the government will provide maximum support to such house churches. At the same time, they will also be respected by all residents! Because someone has to sacrifice, and we cannot change this. We can only make amends elsewhere as much as possible."

The more I talk about it, the more stable the El Knight's fighting posture becomes.

The Demon Hunter Master raised his head and said:

"Very correct and very textbook answer."

"But Knight Al, have you ever thought that giving up emotions cannot bring us true justice?"

This sentence did not move Al Knight to any persistence, it just made Knight Al feel extremely ridiculous.

"False! Emotions are the flaws of human nature, and their existence will only hinder the implementation of justice and fairness!"

"This is something that has been proven countless times over countless years!"

Yes, this is the truth that the Just Diocese has demonstrated countless times with countless facts over countless years.

It cannot be shaken, which is why countless people choose the path of justice, a path that is too harsh for ordinary people.

But the Demon Hunter Master on the opposite side said this to the El Knight with a raised sneer:

"Since emotions are the flaws of human nature, why do the laws and justice we uphold affirm the value of emotions? Then why do we protect these mortals who are full of flaws? Obviously as long as they are the same as us, then there is no need for anyone Whoever is going to protect is going to execute it.”

These words were the words that really shook El Knight's heart.

The El Knight put down the weapon in his hand for the first time, and stood up blankly to look at the Demon Hunter Master opposite.

But a moment later, the El Knight came to his senses and fired five shots at the Demon Hunter Master, then pounced on him with his mithril dagger horizontally. The sword's edge points directly to the opponent's heart!

"This is a cult! You are definitely not Master Mike, who are you?!"

The bullets he fired made no move, but it didn't matter, he would pierce the opponent's heart in no time!

But just when Knight Al was about to stab the false master in the chest.

He woke up.

He woke up screaming from his bed.

After waking up, the El Knight looked at everything around him suspiciously and in shock.

Is it a dream? !

But why is this a dream?

Could it be that someone invaded my dream?

Are there any nightmares nearby?

In shock and uncertainty, the El Knight imposed three seals on himself: Judgment, Exorcism, and Concentration.

But every seal shows that this is just a dream.

After receiving such an answer, Knight Al lay down on his bed again unable to close his eyes.

Why did I have such a dream?

If not the work of a nightmare, then is it my own idea?

No, no, I have never accepted anything from cult doctrine.

So could this be caused by some other force?

Let me think about it, is it a Sequence 4 demon hunter who can invade other people's dreams? Or a more advanced Silver Knight?

No, this is even more impossible. This is our own way, and it is impossible for us to do such a thing to our own people.

There are no infighting or factions in the Church of Justice.

The Righteous Church is transparent.

Even if there is a sudden review against him, this will be announced in advance.

So this must be just a normal phenomenon caused by his confusion about the present.

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