Luo Chi was silent.

He even seemed to be frightened by the liquid that suddenly gushed out of his body, and the warm water dripped onto the stiffly curled fingers, and the whole hand shook.

Ming Weiting took that hand, sat in front of him, and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

"Huo Miao." Ming Weiting looked into his eyes, "I'm back, I'll keep coming back."

Ming Weiting slowly rubbed his hair and carefully wiped the water color: "I will come back in the future, can I watch you play the guitar? I still want to buy your paintings."

"I want to buy a lot of your paintings, and I want to watch your paintings." Ming Weiting said, "I will pay any price."

There was no blood on Luo Chi's face, wet tears dripped down his cheeks, and he felt paler and hypothermic than when he first woke up.

He couldn't understand what these liquids were, they had just been wiped off, but in a blink of an eye they overflowed more violently than before. When it rolled down, it was as hot as the magma was burning, but it didn't take long for it to freeze again as if it was an endless sea of ​​ice.

Luo Chi leaned against Ming Weiting's chest, his body was soft and cold, his chest heaving, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Ming Weiting tried his best to lighten his strength. He found that Luo Chi's condition was still not good, and his breathing became more and more rapid and intermittent. He frowned and raised his head: "Uncle Lu."

Ming Lu nodded and quickly went to call the doctor.

Ming Weiting took off the oxygen mask at the head of the bed, adjusted the flow rate, and sat sideways at the head of the bed.

He has been taking care of Luo Chi these days, so he is very skilled in doing it. He wrapped Luo Chi against his chest with one hand, and held the mask with the other hand, allowing Luo Chi to breathe the supplemental oxygen.

Luo Chi coughed under the oxygen mask.

The liquid gushing out of his eyes was too much and too urgent, no matter how much he tried to find the focus that could be lost, there were still only large hazy patches of color left in his field of vision.

The gears were stuck on the nerves in the brain, and a large piece of red rust spread out from the edges, and the chaotic and broken pictures were all twisted together. Those were just rusted gears, and he didn't know where he was.

Luo Chi refused to pass out, he was not reconciled.

He felt someone holding his hand, someone helping him to lie down, and someone sticking cold electrodes on him.

He didn't want to be in the hospital, he didn't want to get sick, he had something urgent.

Luo Chi struggled unconsciously, he frowned a little, and opened his eyes wide to find the outline of the shadow.

There was only a reddish fog in front of him.

He closed his eyes, trying to find a touch that his body was familiar with and used to, but he was holding his hand too much and couldn't tell the difference.

…and there are other ways.

There was another way, he remembered, he could have done it.

The tinnitus penetrated my mind without warning, the large noise before the TV completely broke down, the distorted and broken speakers mixed with the sound of electric current... Occasionally, there are words and phrases that have no beginning or end, but they don't even make sense, just remember It seems that because of that sentence, he can no longer listen to the voices outside.

But this is not the only word in the world.

Not only this sentence, he must have missed a lot of important voices because of this.

How can I hear it again? Is it to turn those gears back up?

He pushed the rusted gears, and the dull pain instantly engulfed his entire consciousness. This is not a problem, he is used to this kind of pain, he must have found the wrong gear, and there are other...

The sharp needle pierced into his skin, and the icy potion dripped into his blood vessels, returning from the deepest part of his involuntary exhaustion.

He knew it was a sedative.

He is very familiar with this feeling, and Ren Chenbai has often had people call him this kind of thing.

What is Ren Chenbai?

I don't know, it doesn't matter.

He finally did what he wanted to do, and the most inconspicuous gear in the corner was suddenly pushed and moved forward with a "click".

A very inconspicuous window was opened to a silent world.

The hearing in that ear was originally weaker than that of ordinary people, and no matter what it listened to, it seemed like there was a thick fog in the distance, but at least there was a sound coming in.

He seemed to actually hear a voice coming in, he heard someone calling him "Flame".

Luo Chi lay flat on the bed, following the voice, moving his head and neck with difficulty.

His body began to relax under the sedative, and the drowsiness came flooding in, so he guessed it took a long time.

But fortunately, the voice never stopped, so he always had enough reference to identify the direction.

Luo Chi felt that he should be right, he found the direction of the voice, and tried to trace the outline of Mr. Shadow in the red fog.

One last time, even if it's a self-deceiving hallucination, let him say that.

"Again, stay." Luo Chi said slowly, "Five minutes."

Luo Chi's voice was very soft. He opened his eyes and looked at Mr. Shadow he drew: "Okay?"

Ming Weiting settled down Luo Chi, who had fallen asleep.

He looked at the monitoring data of all the instruments, and asked about everything he didn't fully understand before returning to the bed and staying beside Luo Chi.

Luo Chi's right hand was loosely fixed by the bed with bandages, infused with fluids, and wearing an oxygen mask to assist breathing. His face seemed to be better than the state where there was no trace of blood just now.

"It's caused by intracranial hypertension... Mr. Luo should have had a headache since he woke up, but he couldn't tell."

The doctor whispered, "I've already taken dehydration medicine, it doesn't matter."

The doctor hesitated for a while, but added: "It's best to stay in the hospital for observation today."

Intracranial hypertension is the most common complication, and Luo Chi should not have appeared for the first time. It's just that his body is too weak, and his blood pressure has been low, so he has not shown too obvious.

Today's sudden attack is so severe, it should be the patient's own mood fluctuating violently. Timely medication has been taken to lower blood pressure and dehydration. As long as you can keep your mood stable in the future, there will be no danger.

Ming Weiting sat beside the bed, he carefully adjusted the mask for Luo Chi and thanked him.

The doctor hurriedly waved his hand, and then turned to Ming Lu, briefly explained Luo Chi's current physical condition, and explained some precautions for taking care of the patient.

Minglu wrote down what the other party said, sent the doctor out, and turned back to the bedside: "Sir."

Ming Weiting was brushing Luo Chi's forehead hair soaked in cold sweat, and when he heard this, he retracted his hand and raised his eyes.

"I didn't find it at all." Minglu remembered Ming Weiting's previous worries and felt a little guilty, "The situation at the time seemed..."

"It looks normal." Ming Weiting shook his head, "I didn't find it either."

Once Luo Chi remembered how to laugh, he would not expose his discomfort so easily. This is his fault, he taught it wrong, so he will take responsibility next, and will look at Luo Chi's situation more carefully.

Ming Weiting touched Luo Chi's forehead with the back of his hand, and he gently rubbed the sweaty short hair and tucked them behind Luo Chi's ears.

There is a very hideous scar behind Luo Chi's left ear.

The doctor said that the hearing affected by Luo Chi's disease is the right side. If only because of the disease, the hearing in the left ear should still have a very weak part.

The hearing problem on this side is psychogenic, and the function of the organ is still there. But to recover, I am afraid that it is much more difficult to solve than surgical treatment of this disease that can be solved as long as the technology is skilled enough.

As a result of the consultation, even if the hearing returns to normal after the operation, the patient will take several years to slowly walk out and hear the outside world again.

"Uncle Lu." Ming Weiting said, "He seems to be able to hear a little sound."

Ming Lu was slightly stunned: "When?"

"During the rescue. I was talking to him all the time, and he suddenly looked at me. I think he should not be able to see clearly at that time."

Ming Weiting said in a low voice, "He asked me to stay for another five minutes."

Ming Weiting didn't know how many "good" he said and how many "more than five minutes". He also didn't know if Luo Chi had heard or believed these answers.

But when he gave an answer, he did see a faint shadow of a smile slowly emerging from the depths of those eyes.

With that little satisfied smile, Luo Chi sank into a new sleep.

...It made him wonder why he had to keep those people awake with peace of mind.

"Yes." Minglu instantly understood what he meant, "Sir, I'll do it."

Ming Weiting lowered his eyes, Luo Chi's lips were pale and dry, so he dipped a cotton swab with water as the doctor said, and moistened them little by little.

After he did this, he raised his hand and touched Luo Chi's lips lightly, confirming that it had become moist and soft, and put the cotton swab and water aside.

Ming Lu left lightly, closed the door quietly, and walked quickly to the pier.

Luo Chi had a very long dream.

In the dream, he had no idea who he was or what he was going to do.

But these things don't seem to matter.

He was just walking slowly on a road, because part of his body seemed to have disappeared from walking for so long.

In fact, it would be nice if it just disappeared like this, but he always felt that he still seemed to have forgotten something.

He looked at the eye of the needle on his arm.

He doesn't like sedatives, it's a feeling that makes him resist almost instinctively nauseated. The strength was lost little by little, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't control my body, and I could only be forced to sink into the boundless chaos.

He was tired of walking, so he sat down and, from a perspective that didn't matter to him, watched a person being carried out of the car by another person with a blurred face.

The person who was picked up was briefly sober, struggling with all his strength to protect his car, but that strength was quickly eaten up by the cold potion. The person holding him looked satisfied and wanted to touch his head, but the body suddenly spasmed under the severe headache and vomited all over the person.

He casually filled these pictures into the gaps of the gears, and let the slowly turning gears grind them into powder, which was blown away by the wind.

He sat on the side of the road and watched a boy of six or seven rush into the alley panting.

He subconsciously reached out to stop him, the boy's shadow passed through his hand, rushed over and hugged his crying sister.

The boy dragged his sister to run, but found that he couldn't drag it, so he squatted down and tried to carry his sister on his back. At this time, a few dark shadows stretched out by the streetlights walked out of the corner.

The boy hid his cell phone and his sister behind his back and kept making calls. Until someone came to hold him down, sedated him hastily, picked him up and threw him in the car, and then went to pull the little girl.

The phone fell into the grass, and the light on the screen dimmed for a while.

He didn't know what these were, maybe he would be able to figure it out when his mind became clearer, but he was too tired to think, he just wanted to sleep.

So he decided to find himself another better bedtime story.

He wanted to go to Aunt Ren, but he didn't dare to go. He couldn't remember why he didn't dare to go. It seems that it is because the car is lost, it seems that it is because I have broken my promise, or I have not protected myself.

In him, something happened that will definitely make Aunt Ren sad.

So he can't go to see Aunt Ren, either he gets better or he never goes, he can sink in ice water forever.

So he turned around and went to Mr. Shadow.

He found himself more and more courageous and more and more imaginative. He even made up a full story for himself, and Mr. Shadow is back.

He was in the hotel bed, and although he had gotten used to the headaches that frequently came to him, it was still not so easy to get through each time it happened. Lying in his cold sweat and counting his heartbeats, he was surprised to see Mr. Shadow who suddenly came back.

He suddenly recovered.

My head doesn't hurt at all, and I don't feel any discomfort on my body. I can run ten kilometers with my guitar on my back.

He jumped up energetically, he was so happy, he couldn't help but be proud, the curvature of the corner of his mouth could not be hidden, and he asked the other party if his script was super valuable.

Mr. Shadow nodded with a smile, touched his hair, and took out another ferry ticket and handed it to him.

They boarded the ship together, and the cruise was as fun as he thought. They met a lot of interesting people on the boat. He painted them and attended their parties. He and Mr. Shadow enjoyed the sunrise together. The sun in the clouds was like a particularly delicious salted duck egg yolk.

When the fireworks were set off at night, the sea was full of brilliant light. He was happily lying on the side of the boat watching. He wanted to touch the lights to see if they were hot, so he jumped down after the lights.

He jumped down and found the light was warm and the sea held him tenderly.

He sank all the way down, the warm darkness enveloped him, and he stretched out comfortably, letting himself melt into the water little by little. He had a great time, thank you Mr. Shadow for the five minutes, he wanted to stay here, he's not going back.

Somewhere in his chest suddenly twitched violently, tears poured out, he didn't know what else he could be sad about, he looked at the absolute darkness and silence around him.

It suits him here, and it's fine if he stays here.

He thought about the people he had met, the road he had traveled, he wanted to find out why he was still sad, and he wanted to know why this ending was not good enough.

There was fog everywhere, fog that covered the sky.

He had been in this fog for a long time, always feeling relaxed.

He felt very relaxed, this kind of ease was never before. The cold and salty water can't see the end, and the extreme tiredness finally has a place to fall.

He thought that it was not fun here, and he would not come here in the future, but it seemed that there was still somewhere struggling in the extreme cold and unwilling to be reconciled.

He had such a good dream, he dreamed that he lived freely, that he was walking in the soft wind in the morning, and that the cold stars jumped into the sea in the middle of the night. He was looking at the sea in the hut sealed by time, he wanted to fulfill his contract, and he wanted to go to the sea to find that shadow.

He has met Aunt Ren, met Mr. Shadow, he has met such a good person

He had a headache and his eyes were bloodshot. This kind of pain has been going on for quite a long time, and every time it eats up his memory and logic, it only leaves a large blank for him. He has met such a good person.

When does a person look back on his life?

Luo Chi looked at the pictures that were no longer chaotic, and the countless memories seemed to shatter into countless sharp ice balls. They pierced his skin and got into his ears.

He heard countless voices counting his own sins that he didn't even know about. He didn't do these things, so he wouldn't admit it. He retorted one by one loudly, until the only thing that overflowed in his throat was the coldness. Salty sea water.

He didn't lose his sister, he didn't kill Aunt Ren.

He did not become an arrogant and domineering second-generation ancestor, and he fought for a reason. He didn't use his power to oppress others, nor did he do any dishonorable things. His songs are good, and he has come all the way to this point on his own merits.

Luo Chi was submerged in the sea of ​​ice, and he guessed that he had probably drowned in the sea, but it didn't matter, he could argue with these voices until he won them all.

His body is getting heavier and heavier, all the familiar ailments seem to have come back, and it becomes difficult to even open his mouth to speak... This affects his performance a little.

But it doesn't matter, he can use a little more strength.

"I didn't." Luo Chi brought out a series of choking coughs as soon as he opened his mouth, but he still gritted his teeth and said the rest, "I didn't, I did bad things."

Then he heard a voice in his ear.

He confirmed that he could hear a little sound again. It was small and vague, like it was across the sea, but he could hear it clearly.

That ear lost its hearing in the accusations and curses full of maliciousness. In fact, he once thought for a while when he was bored. If he could still hear it, what would he want to hear in the first sentence.

He won't be awake for a long time, and when he passes out and then wakes up, it's probably a blank blank... But he still seizes this time and tries his best to distinguish the voice and what the other person is saying.

He struggled to lift his eyelids a little, and in the pale red blurred vision, he saw Mr. Shadow.

Mr. Shadow took his hand and replied, um.

"One hundred and thirty-five, um." Mr. Shadow said, "Huo Miao, you still owe me one hundred and thirty-four paintings."

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