PS: Sorry, the previous chapter was uploaded incorrectly and has been modified!

March 14, 1944 AD, three o'clock in the morning.

On the battleship Yamato, the flagship of the Combined Fleet of the Eastern Empire Navy, Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku had red eyes and drank cup after cup of strong coffee to drive away sleepiness.

The high-intensity fighting during the day had already made him very tired. However, tonight's actions are directly related to the fate of the Toyo Empire Navy and even the entire empire. Therefore, Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku could only stay awake and direct this operation.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, why don't you go and take a rest. I'll call you after I discover the Germans!" Lieutenant General Fukurun Shige suggested.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku shook his head:"No, this may be the last moment of my loyalty to the empire. A little sleep, no big deal. My old bones can still hold on."

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Fukudome Shige had no choice but to say nothing more.

He knew very well that if this operation could succeed, Yamamoto GoMarshal Six may still have a chance to survive. Of course, if the combined fleet suffered such heavy losses, someone needs to take responsibility. If not, Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku will become a scapegoat and be kicked off the altar. If this operation fails, Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku will undoubtedly die.

"Have you found anything?"Marshal Yamamoto Fifty-Six asked

"No news yet. However, if the Third Reich Navy is in that sea area. Even if they are prepared to take the opportunity to eliminate us, we should be able to find them quickly."Lieutenant General Fukudome Shige said.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku nodded.

He also believed that the Third Reich Navy would not give up this good opportunity to annihilate the Combined Fleet in one fell swoop. This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the Combined Fleet. Opportunity

"Come on, Germans, as long as you want to destroy us, you will find that we are not so easy to deal with. We will definitely break your teeth!"Marshal Isoroku Yamamoto said through gritted teeth.

However, the confidence on Marshal Isoroku Yamamoto's face soon disappeared, replaced by deep despair.

Because, as time passed little by little, they No news has been received.

According to the previously issued orders, if each destroyer formation encounters the Third Reich Navy, it will immediately send a telegram to report to the flagship. At that time, a large number of destroyers from the Combined Fleet will rush there and take advantage of the night. Launch lightning strikes, besiege the Third Reich Navy, use Type 93 torpedoes to severely damage the Third Reich Navy, and destroy the battleships and aircraft carriers of the Third Reich Navy, thereby achieving the goal of fighting with the Third Reich Navy in a lose-lose situation.

"idiot! How is this going? Why haven't there been any discoveries yet? Those damn Germans, where have they gone? Is it possible that, since they already have an absolute advantage, they still dare not engage in a final decisive battle with us?"Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku was very angry. His eyes were red now, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Your Majesty Marshal, maybe there will be news after a while. Lieutenant General Fu Liufan persuaded.

"There is no chance, there will never be another chance. It will be dawn in less than two hours. By then, not only will we be unable to severely damage the Third Reich Navy, but we will also be pursued by the Third Reich Navy's huge carrier-based aircraft fleet!"Marshal Isoroku Yamamoto was very frustrated, or very disappointed. The counterattack plan he had placed high hopes on had lost its effect. The

Third Reich Navy, despite having an absolute advantage, was actually different from the Combined Fleet. The decisive battle was completely beyond their expectations, and it was something they never expected!

Lieutenant General Fukuriya Shige was also silent. He naturally knew that if they could not find the main fleet of the Third Reich Navy, it would be very difficult for them. What will it mean? Once dawn, it goes without saying that the carrier- based aircraft of the Third Reich will inevitably launch a large-scale attack. By then, how can the combined fleet, which has lost all its aircraft carriers, be able to withstand it?

They have hundreds of destroyers equipped with 610mm torpedoes, and they can't hold it back! These 610mm torpedoes are indeed very powerful, but they can't deal with aircraft in the sky! As time goes by, the entire Toyo Empire Navy The United Fleet also seemed to be in despair.

They had finally regained their fighting spirit and planned to fight to the death with the Third Reich Navy. But they did not expect that it would be such a result in the end. Their careful preparations were of no use at all. Earth!

"Marshal, what should we do now? In less than an hour, daybreak will come."General Kogamine's eyes were dull and full of despair.

"There is no other way, prepare to escape! The Germans are so cunning that they don't even give us a chance! Under such circumstances, if we want to fight with them and lose both sides, there is no way we can do it. It seems that Amaterasu has really forgotten us! Our empire may be in danger this time."Marshal Yamamoto Fifty-Six was also completely in despair.

"Marshal, if we escape back to our homeland, is there any chance? Lieutenant General Ozawa Jisaburo asked.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku shook his head:"Without the help of the navy, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the Third Reich by relying solely on the army's horse dung." They will be defeated soon. It won't take long for the Third Reich to launch an attack on the empire's homeland, and even bomb it. By then, our shipyards will inevitably become a key target of the Third Reich. Under such circumstances, the warships in our shipyard will be destroyed without even having a chance to serve. We have lost our last chance."

General Kogamine and Lieutenant General Ozawa Jisaburo and others were silent.

Although this result is not what they want to see. However, this is the fact, and they cannot help but accept it!

"Order the fleet to turn around immediately and prepare to escape! If attacked and intercepted by the Germans, they can disperse and break out. Let as many warships and more soldiers as possible return to the homeland!"Marshal Yamamoto Fifty-Six ordered

"Hi, Mr. Marshal!"The generals of the Combined Fleet replied one after another.

Everyone knows that whether they can escape safely back to the Eastern Empire now depends on their own luck. This time, the Combined Fleet is completely finished, the Navy of the Eastern Empire is completely finished, and the Eastern Empire is also completely destroyed. It will be completely destroyed. All they can do is save their own lives.

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