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"Teacher, great, with your support, even if the Germans will regret it this time, we will definitely be able to defeat them and gain independence!"Nihelu was very excited, as if he had seen the hope of independence.

Gandi shook his head:"You must not underestimate the Germans. The Third Reich is the most powerful country in the world, even more powerful than the Empire on which the sun never sets. They have millions of elite troops on the Tianzhu Peninsula. In addition, there are two to three million servants. These armies have powerful combat capabilities and are far beyond what the Tianzhu army can contend with. Therefore, if we choose to resist violently, we may have to be prepared to pay extremely heavy losses. Ni

Helu nodded and his expression became serious.

"Teacher, please rest assured. No matter what, we will continue to fight. Tianzhu has nearly 400 million people and a large number of compatriots who support us. No matter how powerful the Germans are militarily, they cannot completely defeat us. What's more, it's still during the war between the Germans and the Orientals, so they are even less able to concentrate all their strength to deal with us. Even if Tianzhu breaks into chaos and holds back most of the Germanic people's strength, this will seriously affect the war between them and the Oriental people. Therefore, they finally have to fulfill their promise and support our independence. This is a high probability event!"Ni Helu seemed very confident. In other words, he overestimated the strength of the native people of Tianzhu.

"How much of the Tianzhu army can we control?" Gandy asked.

On the Tianzhu Peninsula, the Tianzhu indigenous army is undoubtedly the most promising force they can control, and it is also their main force against the Third Reich. If they can control these armies, this will give them a powerful Force.

Even if the combat effectiveness of Tianzhu's indigenous army is far inferior to that of the Third Reich's army, it cannot even be compared with the Third Reich's servant army. However, Tianzhu has a population of nearly 400 million. As long as they rise up and shout, the Tianzhu indigenous army will develop to Tens of millions of people, or even twenty million people, is an easy task.

Once such a huge army is established, even the Third Reich will definitely not be able to underestimate them. Perhaps, by then, the Third Reich will Accept the reality and recognize that Tianzhu has gained independence

"When the army was first formed, it was us and the Tianfang Sect Alliance who mobilized it. A large part of the army will be affected by our alliance with the Tianfang Sect. In fact, many soldiers and officers are simply our people."Ni Helu said.

Gandi nodded:"Under the current enemy, we and the Tianfang Sect Alliance must work together. Only in this way can we fight against the Third Reich. As for the conflict between us and the Tianfang Sect Alliance, we can wait until we defeat the Germans before resolving it."

"is teacher! Nihelu replied.

The biggest contradiction between the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance is that the former wants to establish a unified Tianzhu country so that it can unite all forces and make Tianzhu a powerful country. However, the latter They want to split Tianzhu and establish a country composed entirely of Tianfang Sect believers. This often causes conflicts between the National Congress Party and the Tianfang Sect Alliance.

But this time, if the Third Reich refuses to fulfill its promise, they will We have to join forces.

However, Ni Helu is not a kind person. He has already planned that if a fierce conflict, or even a war, breaks out with the Third Reich, then let the troops controlled by the Tianfang Sect Being at the front, or in other words, cheating the Tianfang Sect, will greatly weaken the strength of the Tianfang Sect Alliance. By then, after defeating the Germans and gaining independence, the Tianfang Sect Alliance will no longer have the strength to fight against them..Isn’t it the National Congress Party that has the final say in the whole of Tianzhu?

"You are solely responsible for what happens next. Lord Shiva will definitely bless us. This time, our Tianzhu will definitely gain independence!"Gandy's eyes were full of expectation.

He was already very old and in very poor health. He could feel that he didn't seem to have a few more years to live. His only hope was to see Tianzhu's true self. gain independence

"Teacher, please rest assured that we will be able to truly gain independence. This time, no one can stop us!"Nihelu also seemed very confident.

Unfortunately, they all seemed to have forgotten that under such circumstances, it is not that simple to gain independence. It is impossible without a lot of sacrifice and bloodshed.

Maybe soon the entire Tianzhu will be filled with murderous heads and rivers of blood.

Moreover, even if the natives of Tianzhu begin to awaken as a nation after being tamed by the Empire on which the sun never sets for hundreds of years, after the bloody massacres and bloody massacres of the Third Reich, Under the suppression, it is hard to say whether Tianzhu can really dare to risk his life and fight the Third Reich to the end. If he does not even have this courage, it is simply a delusion for Tianzhu to gain independence. In early August

1944 AD, Nihru, the leader of the Indian National Congress Party, and Jinnah, the head of the Tianfang Religious Alliance, had a secret meeting in a slum in Mumbai.

"Your Excellency, judging from the situation we have now, this time the damn Germans are not going to fulfill their promise and give us independence. They want to deceive us and enslave us. We absolutely cannot let their conspiracy succeed! Nihelu looked angry.

"So what are you going to do?"Jinnah couldn't help but frowned.

"We hope to directly use violent methods to overthrow the German colonial rule in Tianzhu. Only in this way can our nation truly gain independence. Ni Helu’s eyes were full of determination

"Violent way? Don’t you always advocate violence? Jinnah seemed unable to believe that Nihru would take such a decision.

"People change, and so do we. The Germans relied on their strong military strength to enslave us. If we did not resist, we would never have a chance. Therefore, only by taking up arms to resist can we let the Germans know that we Tianzhu people are not allowed to be enslaved by them! Niheru said

"However, the Third Reich was the world hegemon and the most powerful country in the world. Their military power is so powerful. If we resist them with violence, we will definitely be brutally suppressed by them. By then, I don’t know how many people will die at the hands of the Germans."Jinnah's eyes were full of worry. In his view, violent resistance was simply seeking death!

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