《"Plan Barbarossa" is the Third Reich's combat plan against the Woolly Bear Alliance. It aims to destroy the Woolly Bear Alliance in one fell swoop through this operation and win the war.

《"Plan Barbarossa" was divided into four phases.

In the first stage, a blitzkrieg attack was carried out on the Eastern Front of the Woolly Bear Alliance, and the three million elite troops deployed by the Woolly Bear Alliance on the front were eaten in one fell swoop. At the same time, in this battle, defeat the Air Force of the Furry Bear Alliance and seize the air superiority on the battlefield.

After that, it is a transition from offense to defense. Rely on fortifications and strong air support. Use defensive operations to consume the effective strength of the Woolly Bear Alliance. Especially the main force deployed by the Woolly Bear Alliance in depth defense.

If this stage of combat can be completed, then the Third Reich will be able to eliminate the most elite troops of the Woolly Bear Alliance through this stage of combat.

In the second stage, the Third Reich assembled its main forces and troops from numerous slave states to launch a second blitz against the Woolly Bear Alliance. Defeat the furry bear alliance's once again mobilized army and annihilate the main force of the furry bear alliance.

The third stage is to launch attacks on major cities in the Wooly Bear Alliance, such as Mosk, Ulyanovgrad and Kifu. After capturing these important cities, switch to defensive operations and eliminate as much of the effective forces of the Wooly Bear Alliance as possible during the defensive operations.

If the Third Reich Army could win the first three stages of the battle. Then, the main army of the Wooly Bear Alliance has been almost wiped out. Next, the Third Reich defeated the Furry Bear Alliance in one fell swoop, and there was no doubt that it would win the final victory.

In the fourth stage, the Third Reich launched an attack on the Ural line, as well as the Don River and the Caucasus line. Completely defeat the Furry Bear Alliance.

Once they win at this stage of the plan, the Woolly Bear Alliance will be completely finished.

By then, the Woolly Bear Alliance will probably no longer have the courage to continue resisting the Third Reich's attacks. The Third Reich will easily win the next battle.

After the war, the Furry Bear Alliance will be broken up into more than one nation. At the same time, many allies of the Third Reich will also each gain a piece of territory in the Eastern European plains and even Siberia.

The territory of the Woolly Bear Alliance will be cut into pieces. A divided and dismembered Union of Woolly Bears would no longer pose a threat to the Third Reich.

On the contrary, the Third Reich was able to gain huge benefits from the corpse of the Woolly Bear Alliance. These interests will make the Third Reich even more powerful. In order to achieve victory in the future war.

After getting rid of the Woolly Bear Alliance, the third one is the overlord of the entire Europe. Through the integration of the entire Europe, it will become the most powerful country in the world.

At that time, the Third Reich will have to deal with the Eagle Kingdom on the other side of the ocean, and finally solve the Eastern Empire and completely win the war.

"Your Excellency, this is very good. There's still some filling to be done though. But if this plan is implemented, it will be a high probability event that the Empire will defeat the Furry Bear Alliance and gain victory in the war!"Marshal Bromberg unabashedly expressed his optimism for this combat plan.

"Yes, Your Excellency. Through four stages of combat, the effective forces of the Wooly Bear Alliance will not be annihilated. At the same time, they are gradually encroaching on the territory of the Woolly Bear Alliance, constantly disintegrating their power, and thus defeating them!"Marshal Brauchic also said

"If everyone has no objections. Then, the battle against the Furry Bear Alliance will be based on the"Barbarossa" plan. Next, everyone will supplement and improve the entire combat plan. Get the Air Force and Navy on board. At the same time, secretly mobilize troops to prepare for the attack!" Hess ordered

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"The marshal and generals all replied.

They have realized that the Third Reich's attack on the Bear Alliance seems to be imminent.

"Your Excellency, when do you plan to launch an attack on the Furry Bear Alliance? Marshal Bromberg asked.

Hess thought for a while and then said:"Late September, right?" Not later than early October. In this case, after our first blitzkrieg was successful, the cold winter of the Woolly Bear League has arrived. By then, although our troops will not be suitable for launching a large-scale attack. However, there is still no problem in switching to comprehensive defense. And if the Furry Bear Alliance launches an attack, even if their soldiers are very resistant to freezing, many troops may still be unable to bear it. There are not enough supplies for cold protection and warmth. The non-combat attrition caused by the cold alone is enough to cost the Woolly Bear Alliance a heavy price! By September 1942, that is, within two years, we will destroy the Woolly Bear Alliance!" Hess said

"Yes, Your Excellency. In this case, we need to prepare cold protection materials in advance. Ensure that the Imperial Army will not experience large-scale non-combat attrition due to the cold winter. said Marshal William Keitel.

"Well, let the logistics department make relevant preparations. Oil, heating fuel, cold-weather clothing, antifreeze for tanks and firearms, etc., must be fully prepared. We need to let the Furry Bear Alliance know that it is not that they can adapt to the cold winter. Our troops can still fight in the cold winter. Moreover, they will perform better than the troops of the Furry Bear Alliance!" Hess said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"A group of marshals and generals responded one after another.

"As for the servant countries of various countries, wait until the war begins before they send out their troops to assist us. After the second stage begins, each slave country will need to invest a large number of troops."Hess said.

The Third Reich's military disadvantage has always been a shortcoming.

After the Third Reich defeated the main force of the Woolly Bear Alliance, it would need to invest a large number of slave country troops on the battlefield to undertake secondary combat tasks..Although the combat effectiveness of the armies of various slave countries is not strong, they can at least deal with the newly formed troops of the Woolly Bear Alliance. Relying on the troops of these slave countries, the strength advantage of the Woolly Bear Alliance will be offset. The Third Reich is in In this battle, we can win the war at the minimum cost.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"

"In addition, the oppressed ethnic groups within the Woolly Bear Alliance can also contact them and support them in establishing an independent country. They are already oppressed, and I think they will not reject the empire's goodwill."Hess said.

Hess clearly remembered that except for Da Mao, Er Mao and San Mao all hated the Mao Bear Alliance. Even within Da Mao, there were many people who were hostile to the Bolsheviks. These, They are all potential partners that the Third Reich can cooperate with._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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