In late October 1941, the temperature had begun to drop.

On the plains of Eastern Europe, it feels like a cold winter is about to begin. The soldiers of the Third Reich and many servant armies have begun to put on thick winter clothes and prepare for the winter.

A large amount of winter supplies have been transported to the front line.

The Third Reich and its many slave states were very well prepared in this regard.

On the contrary, the defenders of the Furry Bear Alliance in Mosk City were not prepared for this. Most of the soldiers of the Woolly Bear Alliance were still wearing very thin clothes, hiding among the ruins and dilapidated fortifications, fighting against the Iron Alliance troops.

At the same time, the battle in Mosk City has entered its final moments.

The current battlefields are mainly concentrated in the Kremlin and surrounding areas. Most of the other areas in the city have fallen under the control of the Iron Alliance troops.

Moreover, the Wooly Bear Alliance army in the city has suffered heavy losses. The several million defenders have been almost wiped out, and now there are only less than 200,000 defeated soldiers left to survive.

The various materials in the city are almost exhausted. Not only is the supply of food no longer available, but there is also a serious shortage of weapons and ammunition. Each soldier could only receive two fist-sized potatoes and a piece of dark bread every day. As for their favorite meat and vodka, that has been discontinued long ago.

"boom! boom! boom!"

The Artillery of the Iron Alliance began to fire violently, and the shells hit the positions of the Furry Bear Alliance defenders one after another. The dilapidated positions could not withstand these shells at all.

The soldiers of the Furry Bear Alliance could only curl up, Hiding inside, praying that the cannonballs would not fall on their heads.

Otherwise, they would only die.

The faces of these soldiers of the Furry Bear Alliance were filled with numbness, and they were no longer as brave and active as before.

After a long hard battle, they were completely numb. They were like walking zombies.

"Woo! Woo!"

The dive bombers in the sky began to drop bombs, accurately dropping bombs on the positions of the Woolly Bear Alliance.

In the explosion of heavy aerial bombs, large areas of the positions were destroyed. The soldiers of the Furry Bear Alliance hiding inside were even more shocked. There were heavy casualties.

Immediately, the armored forces of the Third Reich led a large number of infantry and began to attack. The soldiers of the Bear Alliance on the position seemed to have come to life again, picking up their weapons and fighting the enemy. But , their strength was so weak that their resistance was of little use, and they were quickly wiped out by the troops of the Third Reich.

Facing the ferocious force of the Iron Alliance army, the Bear Alliance army could not withstand it at all. I couldn't stand it any longer.

Large areas of positions fell into the hands of the Iron Alliance, and the positions of the Woolly Bear Army were getting fewer and fewer.

A large number of troops were annihilated, and Mao's defenders in the city could no longer hold on.

Mosk, the Furry Bear Alliance Within the Ministry of Health, General Zhukov and General Vatutin seemed to have had a premonition that the last moment was coming.

"Comrade Zhukov, the enemy has launched the final general offensive. Our troops are retreating steadily. I'm afraid, the enemy will be here soon! General Vatutin said.

General Zhukov nodded:"The soldiers have tried their best. There is no way around it." Our enemy is too powerful. It is considered very good to be able to persist until now."

"Yes, Comrade Zhukov. But what is regrettable is that we will eventually lose this battle! After this battle, our country may not be able to be saved."Admiral Vatutin's face was filled with regret.

"We have also tried our best. What happens next has nothing to do with us."General Zhukov also seemed to be disappointed.

General Vatutin nodded and said nothing more.

Then, General Vatutin said goodbye and left, returning to his office.

A few minutes later, a gunshot rang out in Vatutin There was a sound in the admiral's office.

When Admiral Vatutin's guards rushed in, they found that Admiral Vatutin had fallen into a pool of blood.

In his hand, he also held a small pistol.Obviously

, Admiral Vatutin chose to end his life. He shot himself through the temple with a pistol

"Comrade Chief of Staff, Comrade General Vatutin committed suicide."An officer reported to General Zhukov

"I know, collect his bones and bury him!"General Zhukov ordered

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff!"The officer immediately went to make arrangements.

Soon, General Vatutin was hastily buried in a park not far from the Mosk Garrison Headquarters. Perhaps it was too hasty and there was no time for a tombstone or the like. Prepare.

After General Vatutin committed suicide, General Zhukov also chose to commit suicide to end his life that night. At this moment, the defenders of the Furry Bear Alliance in Mosk City were pushed to the extreme.

Large areas of their positions were lost. , the casualties were also very heavy. Under such circumstances, they could not persist at all. General Zhukov and General Vatutin committed suicide one after another, leaving the defenders in the city without a leader and in chaos. This caused the city to be in chaos.

The defenders were even more unable to withstand the attack of the Iron Alliance.

Troops continued to surrender to the Third Reich, and it was obvious that they no longer had the courage to continue fighting.

On October 25, Mosk The garrison headquarters was captured by the Third Reich Army. The defenders of the Bear Alliance guarding here were wiped out.

Then, the army began to attack the Kremlin.

Although the Kremlin at this moment had long been bombed into ruins, There are still many soldiers of the Woolly Bear Alliance who choose to fight here.

Even if the battle reaches this point, everyone already knows that Joseph has escaped from Mosk and is no longer here. However, there are still many The fanatics, or diehards, refused to give up and still chose to fight here without retreating.

This also made it necessary for the Third Reich to seize this place by force.

Although most of the urban areas of Mosk are now It fell into the hands of the Iron Alliance. However, as long as the resistance of the Bear Alliance defenders is not crushed, it means that the battle is not over yet. The Third Reich Army and numerous servant armies will still continue to fight.

That day In the evening, after a fierce battle, the troops of the Third Reich finally occupied the entire Kremlin. The

Iron Cross flag of the Third Reich was flying over the Kremlin, and the entire Moscow had fallen into the hands of the Third Reich._Feilu reminder You: Three Things to Do in Reading - Favorites, Recommendations,

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