In the eastern waters of the Great Sea, on the aircraft carrier Reich, the flagship of the Third Reich Navy, Navy Commander Marshal Dönitz and Chief of Staff Marshal Albrecht had received telegrams from the battlecruiser formation and the 4th aircraft carrier formation.

The good results made Marshal Dönitz and Marshal Albrecht both have a smile on their faces.

"Your Excellency, Commander, we have killed four Amagi-class battlecruisers and four modified aircraft carriers of the Japanese. Although such a result is not huge. However, for the Japanese people, it was a heavy loss. This has further widened the strength comparison between us. If they want to defeat us, it will be even more difficult!"Marshal Albrecht said with a smile.

Once the Third Reich Navy wins this battle, he will undoubtedly be able to get what he wants and be promoted from Admiral to Reich Admiral. Therefore, the Third Reich Navy continues to move towards victory. Progress made him very happy.

Marshal Dönitz nodded:"We also killed four Japanese heavy cruisers. Overall, it was a huge weakening of the strength of the Oriental people. Next, it will be relatively easier for the Imperial Navy to defeat them. However, two of our battlecruisers were severely damaged, and both Leopold and Wallenstein had to withdraw from the battle and return to the mainland for repairs. Most of the remaining seven battlecruisers were injured. Our losses are actually not small."

"Your Excellency, Commander, this is already very good. At least none of our battleships were sunk."Marshal Albrecht said

"yes! This is very lucky. However, the strength of the Japanese cannot be underestimated. They also have up to 18 capital ships and 25 aircraft carriers. These warships can still pose a fatal threat to us. Therefore, we must find them and annihilate them. Only in this way can we completely win this naval battle."Marshal Dönitz had a serious look on his face.

The Third Reich Navy cannot take it lightly until it kills all the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet. Otherwise, it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. We speculate that the combined fleet is located in the waters west or south of the central part of the Great Sea of ​​Eclipse. Therefore, next we will focus on sending seaplanes to search that area of ​​​​the sea, find them all, and annihilate them!"Marshal Albrecht said

"Great, let’s do it. This time, we absolutely cannot let them go."Marshal Dönitz had a serious expression.

He was sneaked into the Tianzhu Ocean by the combined fleet before, and almost allowed the other party to successfully attack the army's transport fleet. This is undoubtedly a shame for the Imperial Navy. The same mistake, Chapter 1 Naturally, it is impossible for the three imperial navies to do it again. Next, they will use all their strength to encircle and suppress the Eastern Imperial Navy combined fleet, find them, and annihilate them.

At the same time, in the southwest waters of the Daishi Sea, a huge fleet is cruising on the sea.

Their identities can be recognized from the rising sun flags hoisted on the battleships that make up this fleet.

Yes, this fleet is the Eastern Empire Navy Combined Fleet.

However, at this moment, the commanders of this fleet are immersed in There was an atmosphere of grief, indignation and even panic.

The battlecruiser formation, the 1st heavy cruiser formation and the 6th aircraft carrier formation were attacked by the Third Reich Navy and the news came that the whole army was annihilated. This has a great impact on the entire combined fleet. It was undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow.

This naval battle had just begun, and they had already lost four battlecruisers, four heavy cruisers and four aircraft carriers. For a coalition that was not too strong in the first place As far as the fleet is concerned, it is a serious blow. Although it is not to the point of breaking the muscles and bones, it is already very uncomfortable for them.

"Your Excellency, Commander, our losses are heavy. The morale of the fleet also suffered an extremely heavy blow. What should we do next?" Lieutenant General Fukurun Shige asked.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku's brows were already tightly knitted together. The Third Reich's attack would be so fast and so sharp that the combined fleet would suffer a big loss from the very beginning.

With their current strength, it is already very difficult to defeat the Third Reich in this naval battle.

"Your Excellency, Commander, although we currently do not have the location of the main fleet of the Third Reich Navy. However, the positions of its battlecruiser formation and an aircraft carrier formation have been basically exposed. We can definitely take off carrier-based aircraft groups and launch attacks against them. If it can be killed, it will play a great role in narrowing the balance of strength between the two of us. General Nagumo Chudai suggested.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku nodded:"However, if we take off a carrier-based aircraft group to launch an attack, our position will most likely be exposed." As a result, it was hit even more fiercely by the Third Reich's carrier-based aircraft fleet."

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander. If it continues to be delayed, it will be even more detrimental to us. Once the Third Reich Navy discovers our location and launches an attack first, it will be even more detrimental to us."General Nagumo Chudai said.

Marshal Yamamoto Isoroku hesitated for a moment, then nodded:"Order the 1st Battleship Formation and the 2nd Battleship Formation to prepare for attack and prepare to kill the battlecruiser formation of the Third Reich. In addition, the 5th Aircraft Carrier Group, the 4th Aircraft Carrier Group and the 3rd Aircraft Carrier Group took off carrier-based aircraft to attack the aircraft carrier group that had been exposed by the Third Reich. This time, we will dispatch the main force to severely damage the Third Reich Navy!"

"Hi, Mr. Marshal!"Admiral Nagumo Chuichi replied.

Obviously, this time the Combined Fleet is serious about it.

The 1st Battleship Group and the 2nd Battleship Group are both the absolute main force of the Combined Fleet.

Among them, the 1st Battleship Group has four Yamato-class battleships. , the 2nd battleship formation is composed of 4 Kii-class battleships. These two classes of battleships are the most powerful battleships of the Toyo Empire Navy. In particular, the four Yamato-class battleships are called the most powerful in the world. Battleship.

Of course, you have to fight to know whether it is the most powerful battleship. Because the four N3-class battleships equipped by the Third Reich Navy are also not vegetarian. The 50 times caliber 457 mm main gun is equipped with It will not be worse than the 45 times caliber 460mm main gun of the Yamato-class battleships of the Eastern Empire, and maybe even stronger.

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