Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 341: The little lover of the female president (1)

   Chapter 341 The little lover of the female president (1)

Yu Chu teleported from the main **** space to the plane, opened her eyes slowly, and felt a hazy light and shadow in front of her eyes, and a faint cold wind blowing through her body, making her shrink slightly subconsciously, hugging her arms, opening her eyes and looking around. around.

She was lying in front of a window sill, the window was not closed, and the cool wind blew in from the outside, brushing the curtains and brushing her cheeks, she was not wearing a coat, only a thin short sleeve, which naturally felt cold. . At this time, it was still dark, and outside the window was a huge villa garden, and she was on the second floor, which looked like a balcony for viewing views of a villa.

  Yu Chu rubbed his arms, got up and closed the window to isolate the cold wind in the early morning, and then turned around and looked around.

  The villa in the early morning was quiet.

  The servants haven't even gotten up yet. She slowly walked back to the room from the viewing balcony. What caught her eye was a very luxurious bedroom with its own living room and study room. There was a large swimming pool outside, and the area of ​​the balcony could even hold parties. The decoration style is simple and generous, the living room is almost spotless, push the door open and walk into the bedroom, next to the soft big bed, there is a thick book on the bedside table, and a pair of low-degree glasses, the lenses are clear, quietly placed on the pages of the book .

Connected to the bedroom was a separate cloakroom. Yu Chu opened the door, and for a moment wondered what clothing store she had come to. There were rows of clothes, bags and shoes, with all kinds of styles. There was a tall mirror next to her. Go over and take a look.

   took another look.

The mirror reflected a beautiful and mature woman, looking to be in her twenties, wearing simple black trousers, with a slender waist that was not full of a grip, with athletic tight-fitting short-sleeved upwards, revealing a white belly button and an amputated waist. Outlining the **** chest line, the arc of the white tender and soft meat looks very impressive...

   Yu Chu was stunned.

   Then, subconsciously raised his hand to hold the tuck.

…Good weight!

The lines of this body are not imperfect, not only has the vest line, but also has two waist pockets in the back waist. It looks like a regular exercise, soft and full of health and beauty, with long soft hair hanging down around the waist, long legs Thin and well-proportioned, light and sexy.

   The proper Bai Fumei.

  Yu Chu turned around and became curious about the original owner's wish.

   With such a perfect body, the family looks quite rich, what would you wish for?

   She walked out of the cloakroom, threw herself on the bed, and received the plot.

   Facts have proved that every family has a scripture that is difficult to read, and the rich and powerful have always had incredible stories.

   Plus this plane is a novel plane, it is not surprising that the plot is more bloody.

  The original owner is in her early twenties this year. She came from a wealthy family and has a big family. Her parents are naturally busy with their work. She was sent to study abroad since she was a child, and she did not have much contact with her parents. However, she has a calm and sensible personality and has good grades. After returning to China after college, she began to take over the company's affairs, and she can handle everything large and small perfectly.

   She also bought the villa with her own money. She originally wanted to pick up her parents to live there, but her parents were used to living in the old house, so they didn't come.

   But they sent someone to live with her.

  The original owner had not seen her parents much in the more than ten years when she went abroad, and her parents had an old housekeeper who had been with them for a long time and had a deep relationship. The servants called her Zhang Ma, and the original owner also called her that way. Zhang's mother has a young and lovely daughter. She lived with her mother in the villa since she was a child, and often accompanied the original owner's parents. She is nearly four years younger than the original owner. She is still in the third year of high school, and has a lively and smart personality. The relationship with the original owner's parents is closer than that of her own daughter, and she recognized her adoptive father and adoptive mother a few years ago.

   If it’s just like this, even if we kiss again, it’s not a real daughter, and the original owner’s parents will naturally not be biased. But this little girl is young, but she has a lot of intentions. In addition, Zhang's mother is very ambitious, and she wants to make her daughter a real princess, so she stumbles openly and secretly. The original owner's parents trusted Ma Zhang very much, and even treated her as a family member and her daughter as a family member. Ma Zhang took advantage of this to gradually provoke the relationship between the original owner and her parents.

  The original owner is introverted and does not like to talk, which also gives the villain an opportunity. Originally, she had been abroad all year round and had little contact with her parents. After returning to China, she did not think much about it and managed the company wholeheartedly, but she was secretly told by Zhang Ma that she did not care about her parents. The original owner's parents didn't care about it at first, but it happened many times, and all kinds of things would be deliberately interpreted by Zhang's mother. That's right, I'm getting bored when I see her over time.

  Mother Zhang's daughter took the opportunity to act as Jie Yuhua. The little girl is young and sweet, and she is best at making witty words and pleasing people. For a while, she is more like a pampered little princess from a wealthy family than the original owner.

   The original owner didn't have any sense of crisis, and was even grateful. He was too busy to manage the company himself, so it would be nice to have a little sister to accompany his parents for him.

It's a pity that this little sister is too ambitious and wants everything. She went to high school in the urban area. The original owner's parents originally wanted to buy her a separate apartment, but the girl heard that the original owner bought a villa here, so she proposed to come. live together. The original owner thought that the family would welcome a lively little sister, and naturally she welcomed her very much, so she was sent.

   But things soon went wrong.

   This little girl often imitates, and robs things consciously or unintentionally.

At first, the original owner thought that the other party was a child, but after a long time, she realized that this girl is a scholar at all. When she sees what she has, she will try to get a copy of her own, learn her own clothes, her own Hairstyle and even drinks must be of the same brand as yourself. The original owner thought it was weird, but held back and said nothing.

   So being robbed has become the norm. Later, the original owner and the young president of another company had a blind date, and they had some good feelings, but the girl abruptly hooked up with each other in private, made ambiguous and provocative, and hooked up the blind date. After she was hooked away, she immediately refused to admit that she was interested in the president. She said that she already had someone she liked, and she dumped it neatly. Then, she appeared pitiful but actually triumphantly appeared in front of the original owner, annoyed that she hoped that the original owner would take care of the man better, Don't pester her and let the people she really like misunderstand her.

After this operation, the original owner finally felt that something was wrong and began to guard against the other party, but it was too late, the parents could not listen to anything she said, and the opening and closing were all about how good the other party was and how bad she was... The original owner would not The character of defending, ran away from home in a fit of anger, but made her parents even more disappointed in her, and more trust in Zhang's statement.

   A good home was left in tatters, and the original owner fled abroad, and an accident happened. She didn't know whether it was accidental or designed. Thinking of the vicious heart of Zhang's mother and her daughter, it seems that it is not surprising that it was designed.

   (end of this chapter)

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