This Body is Cheap

Chapter 9: The gods and Buddhas in the sky have failed Shu Xiaobai's prayers

After a day of hard work.

Shu Xiaobai's defensive magic was not developed successfully.

Instead, escape magic was successfully developed.

Wind magic, the breath of the wind.

Adjust its own weight through the wind element, so as to achieve the acceleration effect.

Through the test, Shu Xiaobai felt that his speed had at least doubled.

Consuming mana and reducing physical consumption is definitely not a loss, and it can even be said to be a blood gain.

And this magic also greatly increased Shu Xiaobai's survival rate.

The most important thing is that this breath of wind magic consumes little magic power, and it is easy to release and silent.

It's very likely that the other party didn't even know that he had released this magical skill.

As long as it's not the kind of enemy with three layers inside and three layers outside.

As long as it's not the kind of enemy who can stick him on the wall with a slap.

Shu Xiaobai felt that it should be no problem for him to escape.

Shu Xiaobai added all the 30 basic attributes rewarded by side quests to agility.

This caused Shu Xiaobai's agility attribute to be as high as 55, which is close to the endurance attribute.

In addition to worrying about whether the quality of life after marriage will be affected because it is too fast.

The agility attribute also highlights the excellent quality.

As for fighting and so on, professional things are left to professional people.

Shu Xiaobai has always adhered to this concept.

I am a non-combat logistician myself.

As a logistician, Shu Xiaobai never adds his attributes to his strength.

At present, the six elements of elemental magic have completed the development of fire and wind elements.

Shu Xiaobai plans to develop light magic next.

Many alien beasts in this world are light-phobic.

This is also the reason why most alien beast sieges happen at night.

If there is light magic, then most alien beasts can be effectively expelled.

Originally, Shu Xiaobai thought that light magic should not be easy to develop.

But it turns out that low-level magic is still very easy to develop.

Because Shu Xiaobai's request was too simple, just enough light, the kind of light that blinded the eyes.

So the first holy light magic, the halo is completed.

Six elements of magic: 3/6.

Shu Xiaobai still didn't stop.

The target of the next strategy is dark magic.

However, until the next day, the idea of ​​dark magic was not clear.

knock knock --

The knock on the door interrupted Shu Xiaobai's research.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

The commander of the special forces pushed the door and came in.

Seeing Shu Xiaobai in front of the instrument, there are a lot of books.

"Boy, are you still doing biological research?"

"My little interest." Shu Xiaobai replied casually.

He didn't go out for the past two days, and he didn't even know about the battle outside the city.

"Are you going to take me on a mission?" Shu Xiaobai asked.

"Yes, are you ready?"

"If I say no at this time, are you willing to let me go?"

"In my plan, you are an indispensable member." said the commander of the special forces team.

"I've never been taken seriously by others." Shu Xiaobai didn't know whether he should be happy or not.

Anyway, he is panicking in his heart now.

Although I was prepared, I felt that I had life-saving skills before.

But when things came to an end, he was still panicking.

"Do you feel that you are valued, so you want to work harder to prove yourself?"

"I'm even more panicked." Shu Xiaobai made no secret of his inner emotions at the moment.

"Don't worry, if something happens, you won't be the first to be abandoned."

Hearing the words of the commander of the special forces team, Shu Xiaobai suddenly had the urge to turn around and run away.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"We found the female beast queen of this group of beasts outside the city."

"and then?"

"These large and small beasts outside the city all have a common mother, the queen of the beasts. Our mission this time is to kill the queen of the beasts."

Shu Xiaobai's heart had never been beating so violently this time.

"We... are we going out of the city?"

"Yes, but don't worry, we are going out in an aircraft."

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"After the aircraft reaches the vicinity of Taiwu Mountain, it can't go further, because there are flying beasts in that area. At that time, we will walk into the queen's lair, and you need to carry the red crystal for us."

Shu Xiaobai frowned, he didn't know what Hongjing was at all.

"Red crystal is a purer energy crystal of blue crystal. Of course, radiation is more deadly than blue crystal. Even if we do lead wrapping and isolation, it is still difficult to isolate radiation. Even if there is no lead isolation, the radiation of red crystal can be Let the electronic equipment fail, but we have to use red crystals in this operation, so we can only take the way of carrying it manually."

Shu Xiaobai's cheeks were twitching slightly, and his expression was very unnatural.

This is because he has been terrified to the extreme.

Anyway, it's cowardice, it's just fear.

"I can be exempted from aquamarine radiation, but that doesn't mean I won't be killed by red crystal radiation." Shu Xiaobai looked at the commander of the special forces in horror.

"I have investigated you. You have a holy physique. I guess it is probably because of your special physique that you are not affected by radiation. I think that since you can be exempted from aquamarine radiation, you can also be exempted from red crystal radiation with a high probability."

"It's all your own guess. If you guess wrong, then I'm dead."

"I know, so it's hard for you this time." The commander of the special team patted Shu Xiaobai on the shoulder.

"I want a salary increase!" Shu Xiaobai gritted his teeth and looked at the captain of the special forces team.

"Okay, if you can come back alive this time, I'll give you a raise."

"Even if I wasn't killed by the red crystal radiation, I might have died under the mouths of those alien beasts. You should know that I don't have any fighting power."

"Rest assured, as a core member of our operation, you are more important than the safety of any of our team members, so we will ensure your safety before completing the mission."

"What about after completing the mission?"

"It's almost time, we should go."

"Wait a minute... Speak clearly."

The commander of the special forces was walking in front, probably because he was impatient with Shu Xiaobai's said lightly: "If you say one more word, I will take you off the aircraft later. Drop it."

I have to say, this sentence is very useful.

Shu Xiaobai really shut up.

Followed the commander of the special forces to the base of the special forces and boarded the aircraft.

This is a huge disc, and it feels the same as the kind of UFO that Shu Xiaobai remembered on Earth in the 1970s and 1980s.

The only thing Shu Xiaobai can do at this moment is to pray, pray that the aircraft is broken.

On the aircraft, Shu Xiaobai and everyone in the special team got to know each other.

Shu Xiaobai also hoped that in the end, who would give him a slap in the face, and then he could take advantage of the problem, and it was best to fight.

Even if it is beaten, it is better to go and die.

Unfortunately, the six members of the Special Forces team, no matter how arrogant they were, just nodded lightly to Shu Xiaobai.

There were no malicious words against each other, no insults or disdain.

Shu Xiaobai was disappointed and prayed again that the aircraft would break down.

Shu Xiaobai's wish did not come true until the aircraft took off.

Shu Xiaobai felt that all the gods and Buddhas in the sky had failed him.

The second time I prayed in my life, the first time was the year of the college entrance examination.

But this was definitely the most pious time in his life.

But this time, the gods and Buddha did not save him.

After flying for an hour, the aircraft suddenly vibrated.

"Everyone has parachutes on their backs, we're in trouble."

Shu Xiaobai's heart trembled, Lord Buddha, Jade Emperor Jesus, please don't joke with me at this time, thank you.

"Xiao Bai, you don't need to carry a parachute, I'll take you."

"Uh...Thank you, I know I haven't skydived before."

"You carry the red crystal on your back."

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