This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 103 He wants to drink foot washing water, right? I agree.

Xu Nan's words shocked Lin Hongxiu's body.

She can tolerate the movie being trashed, but she still has a family. .

If this matter spreads, others will definitely laugh at her. She can ignore it, but her family can't.

The best way to avoid being laughed at is to completely resurrect this movie.

"Okay." Lin Hongxiu nodded heavily, "Just do as you say. Anyway, I won't suffer."

After letting go of her psychological burden, Lin Hongxiu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed and smiled slyly: "Didn't this film critic named Tao Heng want to drink foot washing water? Then I will fulfill his wish and make him suffer a lot."

Xu Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the key figure Lin Hongxiu was convinced. Although he had made complete preparations, the process could continue even if Lin Hongxiu disagreed.

But Lin Hongxiu agreed that things couldn't be better.

Soon, Xu Nan arranged everything, contacted the relevant media, and started the live broadcast.

This time, he didn't need to spend money to buy traffic. The live broadcast room had just opened, and a large number of viewers poured in.

"Don't be discouraged, Princess Red Sleeves. The quality of the movie is not bad. My friends and I were very happy to watch it."

"Ahhhhhh, I feel like I'm going to explode. I heard that Lin Hongxiu wanted to give film critic Tao Heng some foot-washing water. Is this true?"

"I also came here because of the foot-washing water. It's so funny. It's a source of joy this year."

"Really, when I heard that Lin Hongxiu was going to answer a question, I put down what I was doing and started the live broadcast. I just wanted to see if she would fulfill Tao Heng's wish."

"Everyone, please scroll through the barrage and let Lin Hongxiu fulfill Tao Heng's wish. Then things will become extremely happy."

"A happy person has a happy soul, and a happy person will be a master throughout his life."

The live broadcast has been rising steadily, and the popularity has exploded.

The footbath meme, because of its fun and weirdness, spread all over the Internet in the shortest possible time, attracting the attention of a large number of netizens.

That's what netizens are like, they will go wherever there is fun. They don't care if the movie is good or not, they just want to have fun.

At the interview site, Lin Hongxiu pursed her lips tightly and looked a little solemn.

It is common for her to be interviewed by reporters, but today's interview is different. She is also tasked with changing the film's reputation.

The pressure was huge and made her a little nervous.

The girl was wearing an off-white dress today. The hem was so long that it covered half of her thighs, highlighting her smooth and slender legs.

Her skin is very white, whiter than the long dress she is wearing, which is a bit dazzling at first glance. Her slender legs are as white and flawless as white jade, which is breathtaking.

The media began interviews and asked questions.

Xu Nan contacted this media specifically, and the questions were prepared in advance. They would never ask embarrassing or difficult questions.

"Miss Lin Hongxiu, people on the Internet are saying that this movie is a bad movie. Some people even accuse you of poor acting skills. What do you think?"

Lin Hongxiu had already prepared her answer and replied seriously: "I don't think the movie is a bad movie. Most people haven't even watched the movie. They just read some comments on the Internet and they all agree that it is a bad movie." It’s a bad movie and it’s not fair to the movie.”

"Everyone put in their best efforts to make this movie. The quality of the movie is not bad. It's just that there are many film critics who maliciously set the pace, which caused the movie's reputation to collapse and led to misunderstandings among netizens."

"Then I accuse you of poor acting skills."

Lin Hongxiu was silent for a moment and sighed: "I know that I have many shortcomings, and I also know that I am not able to keep up with the standards of the movie, so I appear to be a bit behind and drag down the movie, but I will work hard to improve in the future. I will try my best to provide acting skills that satisfy everyone."

The reporter asked again: "I noticed that many people on the Internet are insulting you and asking you to get out of the entertainment industry. What do you think?"

Xu Nan had already taught Lin Hongxiu how to answer this question.

She raised her head and faced the camera, her eyes extremely serious.

"I know that I have many shortcomings, and I also know that many people criticize me because of my family background."

"But I just want to give everyone a wonderful work. What's wrong with me? Is it also my fault that I was born into a wealthy family?"

"In order to perform this movie well, I got up at six o'clock every morning and worked hard to memorize my lines every day. I even hired an acting teacher to give me guidance on my performance."

"I often need to use a stuntman to act in this movie, and I do it myself every time. I have never used a body double. Once the director said that the scene was too dangerous and asked a body double to replace him. I refused because I felt that I couldn't. To deceive the audience.”

"I have worked very hard and people still scold me like this. I think it is unfair because I have done nothing wrong."

Seeing this, the direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room also started to change.

A spoiled girl who had never experienced hardship worked very hard to play a role in a movie, but because of a slight flaw, she was scolded so hard that she couldn't hold her head up.

This is so sad.

"I also think it's too much for netizens to criticize Lin Hongxiu like this. She didn't do anything wrong. It's not her fault that the movie was bad."

"It's just that she is just a new actress. Even if the movie is a little bad, we can't blame her entirely. This is unfair to her."

"I went to the cinema to watch "Captain China". It was indeed a bit shocking, but if you can accept the setting, it was actually quite enjoyable to watch. The lines in it were particularly touching to me."

"Yeah, the public opinion on the Internet is really weird. Many people are completely ignorant. It's obvious that they haven't watched the movie."

"Lin Hongxiu has such a good family background. She can do nothing, but she is scolded by so many people just because she likes to be a star. I think this is unfair to her."

The reporter didn't waste too much time. After asking a few simple questions, he quickly asked the most important question of the day.

"Have you read the film review written by film critic Tao Heng?"

A trace of anger flashed in Lin Hongxiu's beautiful eyes: "I watched it, and I think this film critic is really going too far. He is no longer evaluating the movie, he is just making a personal attack."

"He's a guy who can't even tell the difference between movies. What right does he have to talk to me?"

The reporter asked the question that netizens wanted to ask the most: "He said that if the movie box office exceeds 300 million, he will drink your footwashing water. What do you think? Will you meet his request?"

Lin Hongxiu waved her pink fist and said angrily: "Why not? Since he dares to say it, I dare to do it."

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