This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 105 No one really goes to the movies because of the foot-washing water, right?

The live broadcast ended quickly. Not long after, Xu Nan posted the edited video online. At the same time, he spent a marketing fee to spread the video to every corner of the Internet.

In fact, by this time, he no longer needed to spend money on marketing.

The meme about foot washing water has spread all over the Internet and has become a super hot topic.

Netizens are all fun-loving people, and no one wants to miss such a fun thing.

On the Internet, the number of topics about the Chinese captain, foot-washing water, and betting has skyrocketed.

A large number of netizens who did not take it too seriously to watch the excitement began to encourage others to watch the movie "Captain China".

"Everyone, go watch this movie. As soon as the box office exceeds 300 million, some people will drink foot water."

"The movie "Captain China" is the best movie I have seen in recent years. The rhythm is tight, the acting is superb, the story is touching, and the story is so exciting that you can't believe it. You must not miss it."

“If you don’t know what movie to watch, you definitely can’t miss Captain China, because you can see people drinking foot-washing water.”

"There's nothing to do anyway, so why not watch the movie "Captain China". As long as the box office reaches 300 million, you can see the famous scene of drinking footwash right away."

A trend has begun to set off on the Internet. Countless people are helping to recommend the movie Captain China. After seeing the relevant news, some people felt even more itchy and decided to buy tickets to watch "Captain China". movie.

Without the suppression of the navy, those who thought "Captain China" was good-looking took the initiative to jump out.

How ruthless the navy's suppression was before, now these positive comments have exploded fiercely.

"Actually, this movie is not bad. Many people on the Internet said this movie is rubbish, but I went to the theater and watched it again. It is not as bad as everyone said. The story has a good rhythm and the lines are very touching."

"Lin Hongxiu's acting is a bit awkward, but don't you think this movie is very happy? Anyway, I had a lot of fun watching it, especially when I saw Lin Hongxiu killing people, I felt inexplicably aroused."

"This movie is very good. I took my friend to watch it with me. No matter how exciting other movies are, we both have no feelings for each other, but this movie made us chat for a long time. Many plots in it made us laugh. People can’t stop laughing.”

"Others say this movie is terrible, but I think it's a good movie. At least I find it interesting."

On the Internet, the number of posts that helped "Captain China" exceed 300 million at the box office began to skyrocket.

Many self-media editors, either for the sake of popularity or because they find this matter interesting, share this matter with others, causing the popularity of this matter to skyrocket.

At the same time, the box office of the movie "Captain China" began to surge against the trend.

""Our Thirty Days" is a movie about youthful love and extremely healing."

"If you don't know what movie to watch, then go watch "30 Days of Our Lives". It's a sure-fire choice."

"A movie that is 10,000 times better than "Captain China", "Our 30 Days" is something you can't miss."

"I would like to recommend a super good movie to everyone. I cried all over after watching it. The name of this movie is "Our Thirty Days"."

Looking at these drafts, Liu Dongdong nodded with satisfaction.

The publicity team I contacted is very good. The titles of these press releases are very good. After clicking on them, people will have the urge to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

Of course, the most important thing is that the movie "Captain China" is now crotch-shaped, otherwise, the promotion will be meaningless.

There is a hit movie in the same period, which is a disaster for other movies, because the hit movie will absorb all the box office of this period.

But if this hit movie fails, it could be a golden opportunity for other movies.

The movie "Our 30 Days" encountered such a good opportunity. The movie "Captain China" in the same period has been stretched, and its box office continues to fall. The remaining people who want to watch the movie can only choose "Our 30 Days" .

Suddenly, Liu Dongdong saw a Weibo post.

"Brothers, please go watch this video. Lin Hongxiu washes her feet on the spot. As long as the box office exceeds 300 million, Tao Heng, a film critic, can drink the foot-washing water."

Out of curiosity, Liu Dongdong clicked on the video.

The video was very short, just over a minute. Lin Hongxiu answered a few questions, then took off her shoes and soaked her feet. It didn't take long in total, and she finished it quickly.

But there are tens of thousands of comments below, and they are still increasing rapidly.

"Hahahahaha, I laughed, there is such a fun thing."

"Everyone, go to the movies. As long as the box office exceeds 300 million, you will have fun watching it."

"I didn't want to watch it at first, but I can't help it this time. For no other reason than to see if the beautiful girl's foot-washing water tastes good."

"It's not like anyone would really choose to watch a bad movie just for the footbath of a beautiful girl. Anyway, I went to watch it."

Seeing these comments about being extremely happy and not taking it too seriously to watch the excitement, Liu Dongdong suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Something doesn't seem right.

In the room, Tao Heng looked at the overwhelming comments on the Internet and couldn't help but sigh.

These idiotic netizens just like to watch me drink foot washing water, right?

That is foot-washing water. Even if it is the foot-washing water of a beautiful girl, it is still foot-washing water.

Some people actually messaged him privately, asking if they could replace his and Lin Hongxiu's foot-washing water, and some were even willing to pay for this opportunity.

How could there be such perverted people in this world?

What makes Tao Heng most desperate is that he still wants to do it even though he knows it is a very perverted thing.

Because he has already signed the contract.

For the sinful money, he could only choose to bow his head.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rings.

Tao Heng went over and picked up the phone.

It was Xu Nan's call, informing him to be ready for an interview.

Lin Hongxiu had already prepared foot-washing water, but it was not enough for her to perform a one-man show by herself. If she wanted this matter to become more popular, he was also indispensable as the protagonist.

So he was going to be interviewed to respond to what Lin Hongxiu had said before, and by the way, he was going to make this matter even more popular.

If the box office of the movie exceeds 300 million, then he will drink the water to wash his feet and let this matter reach its climax completely.

But he really doesn't want to drink the foot-washing water, because he hasn't perverted to that level yet.

But the film reviews have been sent out, the contract has been signed, and the deposit has been collected.

The only hope now is that the box office of "Captain China" will not exceed 300 million, so that he will not have to drink Lin Hongxiu's foot washing water.

The box office of the movie should not exceed 300 million. It is impossible for netizens to be so boring nowadays.

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