This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 143 How a bad movie company was created

Currently, in the field of streaming media, that is, the field of online broadcasting, competition is quite fierce.

Penguin video, kiwi video, oil depot video, moon video, storm video and so on.

These are just video playback platforms that have a certain market share and are worthy of the name.

Those video playback platforms that are not well-known but have certain users are more numerous.

With so many video platforms competing for the same market, you can imagine how fierce the competition is.

It is precisely because of the fierce competition that these film and television companies, which mainly produce content, have a prosperous life.

In order to obtain the copyrights of popular movies and TV series, these streaming media platforms offer generous prices.

Why did Xu Nan invite people from these video platforms together just to let them raise prices with each other.

This is a conspiracy.

In business negotiations, it's normal to use some tricks, and you don't have to worry about being seen through.

These people also know what Xu Nan is thinking, but "Captain China" is so popular and it's a seller's market, so they can't help but be fooled.

After listening to a round of quotations, Xu Nan found that although the prices offered by these people were different, they were generally within the same range, and there was no such thing as a super high price.

It seems that the competition among these video platforms is competition, but overall it remains at the same level, and there will not be the kind of thing where you lose your mind and buy cabbage as gold.

But what is going on with Moon Video?

The price offered is so high.

Penguin Video has always been known to be rich and powerful, so why is it not as good as Moon Video?

Xu Nan immediately calculated in his mind.

He definitely wants to release it early, because he can make more money by releasing it early.

Today is the tenth day of the release of "Captain China". From day one to now, the box office has not exceeded 40 million, and the cumulative box office has not reached 1 billion.

This was even after a celebration banquet was held and Tao Heng took a sip of water.

Box office growth remains slow.

Of course, the box office of this movie will definitely exceed one billion in the end, it’s just a matter of time.

However, the box office dropped so quickly, which fully illustrates a problem.

The film's box office potential has been squeezed to the max.

The box office trends of movies are divided into three types. The first type is that in the first week of online screening, it can collect almost one-third of the box office. After that, it slowly declines, but even the decline is relatively stable, and there will not be that kind of avalanche. The box office of most movies follows this trend.

The second type is that the box office was mediocre at the beginning, but later relied on word-of-mouth or other reasons to counterattack. The classic example is "Titanic". At the beginning, the box office was too low to watch, but later the box office became higher and higher, shocking a group of people. Human eyeballs.

The third type is that the box office in the first week or even the first few days accounts for half or even more than half of the total box office. The subsequent box office is very small and can basically be ignored.

This kind of movie is usually a fan movie, or one that has heavy marketing but average movie quality.

The movies Xu Nan makes are almost of this type. In his previous life, Shelter Film and Television had already given Lei to him, so he knew exactly what path he should take next.

Speaking of which, Asylum Pictures' first profitable movie didn't go to theaters at all. It took the video tape route and sold the copyright to Blockbuster before discovering this route.

At the beginning, Shelter Film and Television also followed the right path. They raised funds to shoot two serious blockbusters, worked hard to get them to theaters, and then rushed them all to the street. The losses were so bad that people doubted their life.

When preparing to shoot the third movie, they were frightened, and then they found a remake of an old movie to reduce the risk.

As it turned out, Spielberg also wanted to remake the movie, and the news spread like wildfire. Major tabloids reported on it, making the movie even more popular.

Blockbuster saw a business opportunity and decisively bought this trashy movie produced by Shelter Film and Television, and put it on the video rental market, leveraging Spielberg's fame to make a lot of money.

After watching Shelter Film and Television, I realized that money could still be made in this way, and then I embarked on a path of no return.

Not to mention, although this road is weird, it is quite profitable.

They surrendered and shot sharknadoes, deadly two-headed sharks, three-headed sharks, four-headed sharks, five-headed sharks, and even six-headed sharks, and seven-headed sharks are also being prepared.

People in the industry were stunned, and the audience was shocked by them.

Movies can actually be made like this! ! !

The most speechless thing is that after Titanic became a fire, they turned around and filmed Titanic 2 without Cameron's consent.

Cameron looked at it and said, Damn, you dare to make a sequel without my consent, you are looking for death, so he decisively filed a lawsuit in court.

But in the end, the lawsuit was lost because the movie was called Titanic II because the ship in it was called Titanic II, and it was not a sequel to the movie Titanic at all.

As for the audience's belief that it is a sequel to the movie and has nothing to do with them, how can you, Cameron, slander a good person?

And then they went on to do Titanic six six six.

That's really six.

Another time, Asylum Pictures saw that Warner's The Hobbit was so popular that they turned around and made The Age of the Hobbit .

Of course Warner is not convinced. They spent a lot of money to buy the rights to The Lord of the Rings. This is a private remake. Are they taking us seriously?

Coupled with the fact that he had been raped several times before, Warner had long been holding back his anger and decisively took Shelter Film and Television to court.

As a result, the lawyer of Shelter Film and Television produced evidence on the spot, saying that there really is a nation called the Hobbits on a small island in Indonesia. We are remaking their story, and we also obtained the consent of this nation. Strictly speaking It's just that you have infringed our copyright.

Warner lost the lawsuit spectacularly.

Having won several lawsuits, Shelter Pictures has nothing to worry about. As long as a blockbuster movie is released, they can turn around and make a copycat movie in a shorter time, and then release it before the blockbuster movie, thereby sacrificing their publicity and popularity.

There's no need to mention Atlantic Ocean, Dragonfly Man, Battleship America, Triassic World, One Hundred Million Years Before History, Lincoln vs. Vampires.

Later, if a blockbuster film didn't have the support of Shelter Pictures, it wouldn't be qualified to be called a blockbuster. It would be embarrassing to raise your head when you go out to meet people.

What a role model.

This is the role model.

Xu Nan is taking this road, but he plans to walk on two legs. He needs to shoot thunder movies and good movies. He needs to grasp with both hands and use both hands to be strong.

For movies produced by Shelter Film and Television, the box office revenue only accounts for a portion, while videotapes and online broadcast rights are the bulk.

There are still a few people who are willing to spend money to watch pornographic movies, and most people just regard it as a pastime.

In fact, the online broadcast rights of movies will be the biggest source of profit for Summit Films in the future.

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