This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 153 Do you want to be famous?

"Didn't you tell them that the star of our movie is Mimi?"

Xu Nan asked Liu Yangdao

Liu Yang smiled bitterly: "I told you, but their condition is that the pay must be increased, otherwise they will not want to participate in the movie even if Mimi stars."

Xu Nan immediately shook his head: "Then forget it and replace it with someone else."

Although I had a great time working with this group of actors before, they had no choice but to forget about it if they insisted on high pay.

The cost of a movie must be reduced. This kind of movie focuses on being weird and ridiculous, and it cannot cost as much money as those big productions.

If the cost is too high, we might as well make a blockbuster movie.

The production cost of two million is already very high. Shelter Pictures' "Sharknado" cost less than one million U.S. dollars, and it was filmed in the United States, where prices are extremely high.

He is not willing to give high salaries to even A-list stars like Mimi, let alone these young actors. Of course Xu Nan also understands them.

"Captain China", a movie with a box office of over 1 billion and the third highest-grossing film in film history, not only made him a major director in the industry, but also gave the actors who participated in the movie a jump in status.

Participating in a movie with a box office of over 1 billion, even if you are playing a minor role in it, is a great qualification.

These people played important roles in it, and their fame has greatly increased. They are no longer the unknown people they were before.

With their qualifications and fame, they are definitely qualified to be called stars and star in some big-budget and normal movies.

The salary will also definitely increase explosively.

At this time, it is normal for them to look down on the low-paying movies Xu Nan provided them.

No one is right or wrong in this kind of thing. It can only be said that both parties are not suitable for continued cooperation.

I can only give up.

It’s easy to get together and break up, and we’ll just work together again if we have the opportunity in the future. This is also the norm in the industry.

"In this case, when the film is almost ready, we can select the actors through interviews." Xu Nan said solemnly.

The core of this movie is Mimi and him. Except for the two of them, everyone else is a tool and can be replaced at any time.

Three-legged toads are hard to find, but there are plenty of two-legged toads.

There are tens of thousands of actors graduating in China every year, but most of them cannot find a crew to act in. The supply exceeds the demand, and there is no shortage of actors in the industry.

To put it bluntly, you can't afford to hire a migrant worker for two hundred yuan, but you can definitely find a good actor.

Moreover, the newcomers are obedient and have good attitudes, much better than the veteran actors.

With Xu Nan's current fame, these people would probably be willing to pay a small fortune to let newcomers and young actors star in his movies.

Of course, he would definitely not do such a tasteless thing, and he should still be given the remuneration he deserves.

Even if it is a small remuneration, it must be paid.

"Okay, Mr. Xu." Liu Yang nodded.

He doesn't think it's a big deal that the old actors don't cooperate. In this circle, resources are scarce, but there is absolutely no shortage of actors.

Once the news is released, the threshold will be broken.

Next, Xu Nan and Liu Yang discussed some company chores.

After the discussion, Xu Nan patted Liu Yang on the shoulder and said emotionally.

"Old Liu, do you still remember when the company's first movie failed and almost went bankrupt?"

Infected by Xu Nan's tone, Liu Yang couldn't help but feel a little moved: "Of course you remember, it's only been half a year."

"At that time, all the company employees left, and only the two of us were left."

"At that time, we couldn't even afford to rent an office space, so we had to find a rental house as an office space and work while sleeping."

Thinking back to the beginning, Liu Yang felt like he was in a dream.

In just half a year, Xu Nan turned Summit Films from a small company on the verge of bankruptcy into one of the largest companies in the industry, and also produced a movie with a box office of over 1 billion.

This is simply a legend, the kind that no movie dares to make.

If it weren't for the fact that he had witnessed it, he wouldn't have been able to believe that this happened in just six months.

"By the way, Mr. Xu." Liu Yang suddenly slapped his head: "Do you still remember Lao Zhang?"

"Who?" Xu Nan asked.

"That's the one who was the last employee to leave the company. All the employees in the company left at that time, and there were only three of us left. He persisted with us for almost half a month."

"But in the end, he still resigned. It was you, Mr. Xu, who went through the resignation procedures for him."

"Brother Zhang, I remembered." Xu Nan patted his head.

Half a year had passed, and his memory at that time was actually a bit blurry, but after Liu Yang said this, he did remember some things.

Liu Yang lamented: "I met him some time ago. He was working as an employee in a medium-sized film and television company, and his development was very average."

In fact, at that time, he also wanted to leave and had already started sending resumes to other companies.

Mainly because the situation of Summit Film and Television was very bad at that time. It was only one step away from bankruptcy, and everyone wanted to leave.

It was just that his reaction was a little slow, and he couldn't find a good next home, so he stayed reluctantly.

Unexpectedly, one thought can make a world of difference.

Looking back at the time when I was just an ordinary little person in the industry, I now look at myself as a director and a figure.

Liu Yang feels very lucky.

As for those who left at the beginning, their development was average.

Especially Lao Zhang, whose salary is much lower than him. He is yelled at and yelled at. When he reaches middle age, he has to bend down for the mortgage loan.

Unlike him, the house has been bought in full, and there is no need for a mortgage at all.

This is all Mr. Xu’s credit.

Xu Nan sighed: "Actually, I don't blame those people. After all, this is a real world and everyone has to live."

"The company was about to go bankrupt at that time. Everyone had their own families, so it was normal for them not to be able to advance or retreat with the company."

Liu Yang nodded in agreement: "Yes, everyone has to live and survive. You really can't blame them. It's great that you think so, Mr. Xu."

Xu Nan smiled and shook his head: "That's not the point."

“The point is, a person’s true character can only be seen in times of crisis.”

"Everyone else has left, but you, Liu Yang, are the only one left. I will always keep this feeling in my heart. You are also my most trusted employee in the company."

Liu Yang said modestly: "No, no, no, this is what I should do. Mr. Xu, you don't need to care."

He was a little ashamed and a little embarrassed.

In fact, he was planning to leave at that time, but he stayed because of some strange combination of circumstances.

Then Mr. Xu made a movie called "Peng Ping Porcelain", which was a box office hit, so there was no need for him to leave.

"No," Xu Nan's expression was serious: "The distance will tell the horse's power, and the passage of time will tell the heart. Liu Yang, you shared the adversity with me in the first place. I must repay this love."

"Let me ask you, do you want to be famous and become a well-known director?"

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